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Dark Fantasy: A Hotwife Novel

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by Lexi Archer

  Sure I might flirt, sure I might tweak my husband's jealousy center in the name of a night of hot sex with my man, but it was always tweaking my man's jealousy in the name of a hot night of hot sex with him. Not a night of hot sex with another man. It was something to fantasize about, it was fun to play with fire, but I was also aware that playing with fire could very quickly result in burning everything down around you.

  And the last thing I wanted to do was see my relationship with my husband burned down around me. So I'd always played it safe.

  Still, allowing Michael to push me over to a secluded corner of the office, not that there were too many secluded corners of this office with everybody out here for the party, was innocent enough. I saw a few eyes locking on us. I saw few women staring at me with open jealousy, something that I was used to getting from other women, but otherwise there was no comment. And why should there be any comment? He was one of my husband's closest associates after all. Not to mention it looked like Brad was going to be busy for a little while with whoever that old asshole was. Probably one of the guys who was being slowly pushed out of the department and was fighting it every step of the way if the grimace on my husband's face when he saw the guy was any indication.

  I almost felt sorry for hubby, but at the same time it offered me a little bit of alone time with this Michael guy so I guess on balance I wasn't too sorry.

  Michael guided me into a room near the front away from prying eyes with only a couple of people. I suddenly felt a little awkward sitting next to him. I suddenly felt a flush rising. I was wishing the couple schmoozing on the other side of the room would get lost. It looked like we were in a reception area near the front of their office, and most of the party was back in the cubicle farm. I could also see the dark hall leading back to where Brad's office was from here, but there was nobody down there.

  "So…" I said.

  "So you're a very beautiful woman," Michael said. "I'd seen your pictures before, but they definitely don't do you justice!"

  My breath caught. I couldn't believe he'd actually just said that! And at the same time it sent a chill running through my body. It thrilled me. Holy shit did that make me hot!

  Still, it was completely inappropriate. Fucking hot, but completely inappropriate. I had a role to play here. Of course I wasn't sure if that role I was playing was because I was a married woman who was thinking about my wedding vows, or if it was because I was a married woman who was thinking of the people right across from us in the reception room who were chatting with each other and seemingly engrossed in their conversation, but if I knew anything about your typical office they were listening to what was passing between me and Michael just as intently as they were listening to their own conversation.

  At any normal office gossip between the new young boss's hot young wife and the boss's hot young favored guy would be enough to draw everyone's attention. In this office where the tensions were already running high, where people already weren't exactly happy with what my husband was doing and looking for any excuse to knock him down a couple of pegs, well it was natural to assume there were ears and eyes everywhere.

  And so I played the good married woman. Not necessarily because I wanted to, mind you, but because it was expected of me. It was all part of the game. Besides, it was also kind of hot. Being bad wasn't any fun if you didn't resist just a little and put up at least a token effort at being good, right?

  "You really shouldn't say that sort of thing Michael," I said.

  Michael looked me up and down and then he glanced over to the people at the other end of the room. He smiled and then shrugged as if to say "why not?" Only he didn't say anything else. Not out loud. Yeah, this was a guy who knew how the game was played as well as my husband did. At least it seemed like he knew how the game was played.


  "Maybe you're right," he said. And then he shifted tracks once more. "Have you ever seen the management offices since the remodel?"

  "Remodel?" I asked. "What are you…"

  Once again things were moving too fast for me to react though. He stood, smiled down at me, and held out a hand. A hand that I took in a daze. It was moving too fast. I took it without thinking, and then he was pulling me up. Leading me away from the reception area, and, more importantly he was leading me away from the potential gossips. Down that dark office corridor that had been completely abandoned for the party.

  Once we were down the dark corridor I abandoned all pretense. I figured I knew exactly why he was taking me back here, after all. Already I was weak in the knees thinking about where this might be going. I was definitely soaking through my thong! Still, propriety first and how turned on I was after that had been taken care of.

  "Are those people back there going to talk?"

  "I don't think they were paying attention to us at all," Michael said. "That was Arnold's secretary Cindy and one of the new guys who's working in IT. They don't want the big guy to know that his favorite secretary, the one he likes to play grab ass with, is having a little bit of a passionate affair with the hot new guy. It would break his black old heart, and it would break the hot new guy's career if you catch my drift."

  "Damn," I said. "Do you have dirt like that on everybody here?"

  Michael shrugged and grinned again. "What can I say? There's a reason why I'm your husband's favorite guy here!"

  He led me to an office that was mostly dark. He flipped a light on and I found myself in a well appointed room with a nice-looking desk and, more importantly, there was a big leather couch along the wall next to the door. It was situated so that nobody would be able to see who was sitting on that couch without opening the door and looking in, and Michael was making sure there wasn't any worry of that happening by closing the door. I heard a click. I was locked in here with him.

  Only rather than worrying me that just sent another thrill running through me. This was so bad. This was so wrong. And it was so fucking hot. Of course I also felt just a tad guilty. My husband got off on watching me flirting with other guys. He got off on watching other guys watching me. On putting me out on display for other men to enjoy. We'd never actually gotten as far as getting up close and personal with another man though.

  Of course if I was ever going to get up close and personal with another guy then it would probably be with somebody that my husband trusted implicitly, like Michael. It was almost enough to make me think that the two of them had planned this between them, but that was impossible. Brad wouldn't pull something like that without letting me know about it first.

  At least I didn't think he would.

  Michael sat down next to me, the leather creaking and groaning under his muscular bulk. He was uncomfortably close. I was frustratingly aware of just how close he was, just how good he looked in that button down shirt. And I found myself wondering what he would look like under that shirt. I found myself wondering what those muscles would look like. If he was just as toned underneath as it seemed like he would be. Something told me this was a guy who kept in damn good shape!

  "I've had my eye on you for a while now Megan," Michael said.

  Arousal flooded my system and my pussy. His hand was moving closer, but that wasn't what was doing it. No, there was just something about the caress of his voice washing over my body, the heat of his body so close to mine, the promise in those words, that was making me melt right in front of this stud. God damn! I never thought when I came into this work party that it'd be a party like this, but now that it was actually happening I was so fucking hot. So fucking turned on! And he was able to do that with just a couple of words!

  "How could you have your eyes on me for a while?" I asked. "You only just met me for the first time tonight."

  "That's true, but your husband has those pictures on his desk. The stuff running back to your very first date," he said.

  He was moving even closer. His face was inches from my own. His deep voice was washing over me. His delicious dark skin was so close to mine and all it would take
was a sneeze and we'd be brushing together. All it would take is one of us leaning forward and bridging that gap and then we'd be touching in the most delicious way. In a most forbidden way, I might add.

  "That's a really sweet story your husband's desk pictures are telling Megan," he said. "A picture of your first date together back in high school. Prom. Hanging out in college, going to the beach on spring break. I was always particularly a fan of those beach pictures…"

  I blushed as I realized exactly what he was talking about. As I realized exactly which pictures Brad was keeping on his desk. I would have a conversation with him about that, but I knew there wasn't a chance that it would stop him. No, there was a reason he had pictures of me in college wearing a bikini on his desk. And that reason was sitting right in front of me. That reason was leaning in close. That reason had me soaking wet down between my legs, in very real danger of messing up the leather on his couch. Not that I figured he would mind too terribly much. No, he'd probably enjoy getting his couch messed up in the name of keeping me ridiculously turned on.

  Yeah, the reason why my husband had those pictures was obvious enough. He wanted other men at the office looking at me. He wanted other men at the office seeing what he had, and what they couldn't have. What he might possibly share, but none of the men at the office had any idea about that.

  No, that picture was out there because he wanted men to look at me, and from the way Michael was talking it seemed like it had worked. In this instance at least. He'd certainly caught Michael's attention. From the way Michael was leaning in, from the way he was looking at me, from the way he licked his lips as his eyes ran up and down my body causing my nipples to strain and harden under that gaze, it seemed like Brad had pulled in exactly what he was looking for with that picture. Holy fuck!

  "And what makes you think that makes it okay for you to pull me back here to this office all alone?"

  To my disappointment Michael shrugged and pulled away. Pulled that body heat away from mine. Pulled that delicious dark skin away. The smell that was him. That towering muscular masculinity that promised so much and yet hadn't delivered yet. Yeah, I wanted to cry out in frustration as he pulled away, but I didn't.

  No, I just tried to control my breathing. I tried to will my nipples to go down. They had to be pointing out. I wasn't wearing a bra in this dress, and from the way he was looking at me it was pretty goddamn obvious that he'd noticed. And that was just adding to the feedback loop of arousal, just making it even worse. Or even better, depending on how you looked at it.

  "A girl like you shows off like that for a reason," he said. "A guy like your husband, big alpha male type who has to be in control of everything, only shows off a woman as hot as you for a reason. Something tells me I'm doing exactly what the big boss wants by taking you back here and having a little bit of fun with his lady."

  Then he was leaning in close to me once more. He was so damn close. That delicious smell was back. That heat was back. That muscular body was back. "So you tell me, would your husband be upset if he saw us like this right now?"

  I licked my lips. My eyes ran up and down his body and even as they did so a thrill ran up and down my own body. God damn he was so hot. He was so incredibly hot! It wasn't fair for a man to look that good. To be this perceptive. To be this goddamn seductive! I hadn't felt a desire to let another man get into my pants since, well, since one of those first dates with my husband Michael had alluded to. Chronicled in one of those pictures he kept at his desk as a reminder of when we first started dating as school sweethearts so long ago.

  I locked eyes with Michael. I could tell him no. I could tell him to fuck off. I could make it absolutely clear that I was a happily married woman and I wasn't going to stray on my husband no matter what.

  Only we both knew that wasn't the case. He had me pegged, and I wanted him to have me pegged if you catch my meaning. He was so hot, so delicious, and I couldn't deny how I was feeling. Besides, I figured we were just doing a little bit of harmless flirting. We were just having a little bit of fun. It's not like we were actually going to fuck on this leather couch. No, Brad would be looking for me soon enough and I would have an excuse to get away and fuck his brains out. Rock his world while I talked about how naughty I'd been with one of his coworkers.

  I licked my lips and his eyes went wide. I leaned forward so my lips were mere millimeters from his and I was gratified to see his breathing start to pick up. Good. If this asshole thought he was the one that was doing the seducing then he had another thing coming. Girls like me didn't get seduced by guys like this, no matter how close he'd actually come. No, I was the one who did the seducing, and it was time to take back control of the situation.

  "I think my husband would like it very much," I whispered. My breath brushing against his lips.

  Much to my surprise, and a little bit to my annoyance, Michael pulled away as soon as I said that. Not what I was expecting at all, and it resulted in an embarrassing little situation where I was leaning forward and he was pulling up and I had to reach out to catch myself and my hands smacked against the leather as he was standing and looking down at me. As he was grinning, no doubt knowing exactly what it was I'd been leaning in for.

  I looked up at him and the incredulity must've been painted plain on my face because he shook his head and laughed. And he walked over to the other side of the office. To the massive windows running behind his desk. To my surprise he reached down and pushed one of them open just a little bit.

  "Those things actually open?"

  Michael shrugged. "I guess they do that on the lower levels. Not when you start to get higher up though. One of the perks of still being low enough on the totem pole I guess."

  I cocked an eyebrow, suddenly suspicious. "Why are you opening that window?" I asked.

  Michael reached into his shirt pocket and my wide eyes grew even wider as he pulled out what was unmistakably a joint. He grinned in the darkness, his pearly white teeth a sharp contrast to his dark skin. I cocked an eyebrow as I looked at that. That was ballsy, keeping that right there in his shirt pocket where anybody could potentially see its outline. That was a good way to get fired in a mostly conservative place like this.

  Especially when there were already people who were looking for any reason to fire Michael. Any reason to fire my husband. So he got points for being ballsy, but at the same time it wasn't exactly the smartest move in the world.

  He held it out towards me, shook it in the air. "I can see that look on your face, and I know exactly what you're thinking. What are those old fuckers going to do? Pat me down?"

  I laughed and shook my head. "I suppose you have a point there," I said.

  "Exactly," he said. He held it up again, inspecting it, and then he looked to me and grinned. "So do you partake?"

  I grinned. He grinned back. This looked like the start of a very interesting and very fun evening. It definitely wasn't anything like what I'd expected when he brought me back here!

  3: Searching

  "Oh yeah," I said, trying to sound disinterested and not doing a very good job of it as I glanced around the room. "I can totally understand."

  "I'm glad to hear you say that you understand," Arnold said. "If you can understand where I'm coming from, then you can completely understand why it's vital to the continued success of this department for us to continue doing things the way we've always done them."

  Yeah, there was a fat chance of something like that happening. That would happen when pigs flew. There was a reason why the executive team sent me down here personally to clean up this place, and a good portion of why I'd been sent down here was precisely because of Arnold insisting on doing things the way they always had.

  Of course right now I didn't care about any of that crap. No, right now there were far more pressing things on my mind than listening to Arnold going on once more about how integral he was to the continued success of this place. Especially considering he was a big part of the reason why the place was under new
management in the first place. Sometimes people just got so old, so set in their ways, that it was hard for them to realize they were the problem and not the solution.

  No, I was far more engrossed in surreptitiously looking around the room for any sign of my wife. For any sign of her and Michael. I hadn't seen them since I got pulled away by Arnold in the first place, and it was driving me nuts. I was seriously starting to wonder where the hell they'd disappeared to. Sure I was distracted by Arnold here, I was trying to keep up with the conversation and not doing a very good job of it, but even that distraction couldn't account for my wife's absence.

  I would've seen her by now. I'd looked through the place at least three times even with the distraction of Arnold standing right in front of me, and let me tell you this fat toad bloviating was a hell of a lot less interesting than having my wife standing in front of me in the little black number she'd been wearing when we first came in here.

  Where the hell had they gotten off to? It was driving me wild. I was positively throbbing as I thought about what they could potentially be getting up to. I'd seen the way he looked at her, I saw the way she looked at him. Damn. This definitely wasn't the kind of state that I wanted to be in while I was trying to concentrate on deflecting Arnold and more of his stupid whining about losing his petty position of power as the head of this department.


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