Dark Fantasy: A Hotwife Novel

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Dark Fantasy: A Hotwife Novel Page 8

by Lexi Archer

  Well, there was nothing for it. I just had to move forward and hope our friendship was strong enough that he wouldn't report me to HR if it turned out he didn't like the indecent proposal I was about to make. Not that I thought he wouldn't like the indecent proposal I was about to make, far from it based on his behavior towards my wife last Friday, but still. You never knew.

  "You're not getting fired," I said. "But it is related to something from last Friday night."

  Michael locked eyes with me. "Is it about Megan?"

  I took a bite of my steak. I needed something to do. Something to distract me from what I was about to say. I still couldn't believe I was about to do this. Only finally I swallowed and I had nothing else to distract me.

  "Maybe," I said.

  Once again Michael reacted as though he thought he was about to get in trouble. He held up his hands. "Look man. She seemed like she was into it. From the way the two of you were acting I figured you'd be into it too. I'm sorry if I got the wrong read on the situation, but I didn't…"

  I shook my head and laughed again. I held up a hand to stop him. It took him a moment of rambling on before he finally seemed to realize that I wasn't launching myself across the table at him. He blinked and looked at my outstretched hand.

  "Seriously Michael," I said. "Can you just give me a moment to talk?"

  He shut up, for a miracle. And once again I found myself having trouble actually saying anything. Actually bringing this up. It was kind of funny to see him freaking out like this, but at the same time I could only imagine how pissed off he would be in a matter of moments if it turned out he didn't take what I was about to say very well.

  "Fine," he said. "I'm all ears…"

  I took a deep breath. I let it out in a massive sigh. Damn. It really was difficult to get this out. I really was having trouble saying it. I was starting to have a little bit more of an understanding for how awkward Megan had felt about revealing this fantasy to me. Now that I was in the moment, now that it was down to crunch time, I was feeling just as awkward about it.

  Still, if I wanted this fantasy fulfilled, if I wanted to actually see my wife with another man, then there was nothing for it but to forge ahead.

  "So I have a fantasy…" I said.

  The transformation was almost immediate. Michael's eyes went wide, and then he let out a whoop that momentarily defeated the purpose of coming to a quiet corner of the usually sedate restaurant and grinned. He looked at me and shook his head, starting to chuckle. It looked like he was about to say something, but I held up a hand to stop him. I didn't want him to start talking again. To interrupt me while I was in the middle of working up the nerve to actually get this out.

  "Just let me finish," I said. "I've had a fantasy where I enjoy showing off my wife. I enjoy watching other men watching her," I said. "It's kind of a fucked up fantasy, I know, but it's something that I made peace with a long time ago."

  "I knew it!" Michael said. "So what does this mean? Is this like an indecent proposal sort of situation? Because if you're into that then I'm all about it!"

  I stopped. I thought about where I was about to go with this. About what I was about to actually say to him. It was ridiculous. It went against everything that I felt. It just seemed so ridiculously over-the-top, but at the same time it was my wife's fantasy. I figured that I might as well do my best to deliver the experience that she seemed to want, even if it did feel fucking awkward trying to deliver that experience.

  "There's more though," I said. "You see, it turns out Megan has a specific fantasy. A fantasy that she's a little embarrassed about…"

  Michael leaned back, moving one arm over his chair. He had a huge grin on his face. "Say no more man. You'd be surprised how many pretty white girls have a taste for the dark meat. Man, college was so wonderful for that. I was positively drowning…"

  I held up my hand again to stop him. Though I have to admit that I was a little relieved that he was reacting this way. That he seemed to be aware of the fantasy, even if he wasn't aware of just how deep it ran it with my wife.

  "There's a little more to it than that," I said.

  He stopped, though that smile was still on his face. I was sure he was imagining all of the things he would love to do to my wife. Hell, I was imagining all of the things that I would love to see him doing to my wife! That was the other distracting thing about this. The entire time I was talking with him here, the entire time I was conflicted about revealing my wife's entire depraved fantasy, I was also thinking about the depraved fantasy. I was thinking about it being fulfilled. I was thinking about him on top of her slamming his cock inside her over and over again, and let me tell you it was just as distracting as any of the misgivings I might have had about revealing the depths of its depravity to him in the first place!

  "So what is it?" he asked.

  "Well, she has this fantasy about a thug, for lack of a better way to put it…"

  I stopped. I watched his face for a reaction. I figured if he was going to get truly pissed off then this would be the point when it happened. He looked at me for a second, he blinked, and then it happened. He looked so fucking pissed off. It took me aback. He'd always been so easy-going. He'd always been so friendly. It was weird to see pure anger on his face like that.

  "Are you kidding me man!" he hissed.

  At least he had the good grace to not make a scene in the restaurant. This wasn't the kind of restaurant where making a scene was a good thing. Not that making a scene in any restaurant was a good thing, but it definitely was something to be avoided in one of the nicer steak joints in town. It's not like this was a Denny's or something. I was going to have a hard time continuing to schmooze properly at work if I got kicked out of this place and banned.

  "I'm sorry Michael, I…"

  "It's all the same! You think that just because I'm black I'd be comfortable with role-playing a thug? A stereotype? Is that what you really think of me? Is that what Megan thinks of me?"

  I held up my hands defensively. "No! That couldn't be farther from the truth! You're one of my best friends and I would never…"

  I stopped. Because once more Michael's face transformed. It was almost instantaneous. He went from pissed off to grinning at me again. And suddenly I realized that I'd been had. He was just having some fun with me.

  "I'm just fucking with you man," he said. "Trust me, this isn't the first time I've heard something like this. Though I wouldn't have expected it from Megan."

  I blinked. "So you'd be okay with that?"

  He laughed and shook his head. It was a deep laugh. It was definitely a sharp contrast to how angry he'd looked just moments ago.

  "Are you kidding man! For a chance to fuck your wife? For a chance to get inside that? Damn. That's pretty tame! You had me thinking that she wanted us to reenact a Klan rally or something from the way you were going on! Sure, I can put on a tough guy act for her. I'm all about it."

  I breathed a sigh of relief. Sure I could've done without the playacting, but at the same time I figured he was owed at least that considering how ridiculously over-the-top the fantasy was in the first place.

  I collapsed back in my chair, relieved that he was taking this so well.

  He leaned forward, suddenly looking very serious. "So the question is, are you sure you're okay with this? Because it's different when you actually see your wife with another man. It's different when you actually fulfill the fantasy."

  I blinked. "Have you actually done this before?"

  He smiled again. "Let's just say that you're not the only man who's had this fantasy, and I've been the guest player at least once before. I've learned that not everyone reacts as well to the reality as to the fantasy when they're just jerking off thinking about how hot it would be to see their girl with another guy."

  I let out a long sigh. "Damn. I had no idea!"

  Michael shook his head. "What can I say? It seems like everybody who wants somebody to fuck their wife is obsessed with a big black cock! I
suppose that's one stereotype I should be happy to take advantage of, right?"

  I grinned and shook my head. "To be perfectly honest that's something I've been thinking about a lot lately."

  Michael grinned. "What? My big black cock? I'm all about fucking your wife man, but no dicks touching!"

  I shook my head. "No, nothing like that. I'm just into watching you with my wife."

  "I figured," he said.

  "I've just been thinking about how I'm more into watching my wife with other men. I could give a shit about whether or not you're black, but it seems like it's the holy grail for most guys who have this fantasy!"

  Michael shrugged. "I don't know why, but if it's getting me laid then I'm not going to complain too much."

  "So are you going to tell me about your other adventure?" I asked.

  I was suddenly curious. Like I said, it wasn't exactly a huge fantasy of mine that the guy had to be black, but if he'd been in this situation before then I was curious. Most of the stuff I saw online, most of the stories I read, the captioned pictures that I saw, and especially the videos that were out there, were so obviously fake that it made it difficult to get off to them. They were always so over-the-top that it didn't do anything for me. There was no romance to them, as fucked up as that sounded.

  Michael shook his head. "It's nobody you know," he said. "Just a few college experiences that were pretty damn fun for a little while. Nothing more."

  "Well if this goes well you're going to have to tell me all about that sometime!" I said. "I had no idea this was so common."

  "I don't know how common it is man," Michael said. "I just think I attract a certain type, as evidenced by your wife and what happened last Friday night!"

  I shook my head and took a pull from my beer. I wondered what it would be like to have people approaching you for something like that. I'd always thought of it from my side of things. I'd never stopped to consider how that might feel for the guy who was being asked to be the third.

  "So how are we going to do this?" Michael asked.

  I thought about that for a moment. I had an idea that had been forming in my head. A crazy idea. An idea that could potentially get us in trouble if we got caught acting out the fantasy, but once again I didn't think he was going to complain too much if the end result was getting with my wife.

  "I had a couple of ideas, if you're interested in hearing them. Feel free to pop in any time with suggestions, too," I said. "It sounds like you have more practical experience with this than I do. So far I'm entirely theoretical when it comes to working this stuff out."

  "Sure thing man," Michael said. "So what are your ideas?"

  And so I started spinning out the fantasy scenario I'd come up with based on what Megan had told me. Based on all the points she'd covered when she told me her ideal fantasy scenario. As I spun it out Michael started to smile. Then he quickly went from a smile to a downright grin.

  I have to admit I was pretty damn relieved. When I'd first sat down for this meeting I'd been afraid he might be offended. At the very least I'd been afraid that it might turn out he wasn't as interested in my wife as it seemed like he was based on what had happened last Friday. Only now we were in a situation where not only was he on board, but apparently he'd done this sort of thing at least once before. He had experience with this, and he was definitely interested in getting with Megan! Can you say jackpot?

  Yeah, this lunch meeting had gone far better than I ever could have imagined. And the best part was I could expense the whole thing and say we were talking about work. In a way I suppose we were talking about work since we'd talked about the party last Friday. Yeah, everything seemed to be working out just fine.

  I couldn't wait to actually launch into this. When I was finally done spinning out my plan Michael was shaking his head and chuckling.

  "This actually sounds like some fun! How many guys get a chance to pretend like they're beating up their own boss? And get to fuck their boss's smoking hot wife? I'm living the dream!

  I grinned. He wasn't the only one!

  "I figure we can start next Friday? How does that sound?

  "Fine by me man," Michael said. He reached a hand across the table and we shook. It was the weirdest fucking handshake, the weirdest fucking deal, I'd ever made over a "business lunch," but it was also the hottest deal I'd ever made.

  I couldn't fucking wait until Friday!

  8: In Motion


  I wiped the sweat from my palms onto my khaki pants, and not for the first time as I looked around the mall parking lot once more trying to make sure there weren’t any cops around. But no, no Crown Vics or Dodge Chargers to be seen.

  Hell, the last thing I saw that resembled a cop was a mall cop going by on one of those ridiculous Segway things. The guy was so fat that he looked like he could’ve used a little exercise riding around the mall on a bike or walking around, but whatever. As long as they weren’t around my car we were fine.

  "I thought you said we were going shopping?" Megan said. She sounded a little annoyed. I wondered if that was because she was annoyed, or because it had been a couple of days since our tryst in the changing room, a couple of days since I'd agreed to try and make the fantasy with Michael happen, and I hadn't updated her at all.

  I was deliberately keeping her in the dark. I figured it was a risky move, but I hoped it would pay off in the end. I hoped that part of the reason why she was so irritated now was because she was simmering and waiting to find out what I had in store for her.

  Well she was about to find out, though I was nervous as hell. This part of the plan was out in the open. Out where we could get caught by some overzealous cop driving by. Sure it's not like weed was a big deal anymore, but at the same time all it took was one donut-chomper or mall security getting a little too nosey and I could potentially be in trouble. We could all be in trouble.

  "Just wait for it honey," I said.

  I was so nervous that I nearly pissed myself when I heard a tap on my window. Shit! It was the cops! I was going to get called in, they’d know exactly what I was doing out here in the parking lot, and then it would all be over. My career gone, a jail sentence certain.

  I turned and looked out the window and blinked. I smiled. Of course it wasn't the cops. I really needed to get it under control. Maybe being around a high-strung wife was doing this to me.

  It was Michael, of course, right on time and looking very different wearing a hoodie that looked ridiculously out of place considering just how warm it was outside. Definitely different from the suit I usually saw him in. Okay, so it wasn’t exactly summer yet, but it was still warm enough that the baggy clothes stood out.

  It was also the perfect outfit for the scenario we'd worked out between the two of us. I cracked the window on the Lexus and reminded myself that I was supposed to act like I didn't know him.

  "Is that Michael? What's he doing here?" Megan asked.

  I waved a hand to shush her and turned back to Michael who was looking around nervously. No doubt he was thinking some of the same things that had been running through my head.

  “Can I help you?”

  Michael glanced around again and then started with his line. “”Are you Brad?”

  “Yeah, that’s me.” I said.

  “You got the money?”

  I looked at him and lowered my eyebrows. This wasn't the first time I’d done this sort of thing, but this seemed ridiculous even based on what I remembered from pulling off deals like this back in the day. I grinned. Michael was doing it perfectly. Playing it way over the top.

  "What's going on here?" Megan asked.

  Michael leaned down and peered into the window. He looked at Megan and then back to me and smiled.

  "You got a pretty girl there," he said. "Maybe we could think of an alternate payment?"

  Megan gasped and a smile finally spread across her face. It seemed that she finally realized what was going on here. And then she looked slightly afraid, as thoug
h she was worried I was actually going to give her up to some random guy I was buying drugs off of in a mall parking lot. As if.

  “No way,” I said. “Just go ahead and show me the goods.”

  “Whatever man,” Michael muttered. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small plastic bag, just enough for me to see it.

  I made a show of examining the goods, but it was just for show since we'd agreed on all of this ahead of time. It could have been a bag full of catnip for all I know and I wouldn’t have any idea until I got home and went to roll it and Mr. Whiskers started going crazy. Actually it'd probably be better if it was catnip since we couldn't get arrested for role-playing a scenario where we were buying Mr. Whiskers' drug of choice.

  "I can't believe you're doing this," Megan said. She definitely didn't sound as annoyed as she'd been moments ago. Good.

  I turned and looked at her. Took in the complete package which was really something. Those long tanned legs, thighs and a delicious ass encased in a skintight pair of jean shorts that looked like they were painted on. Her tits were pressing out proudly in that tight shirt, and they looked amazing. I'd been hoping she'd dress to the nines for the mall, and she hadn't disappointed. Then again anything she wore always looked amazing, but even more so today. A good thing, too, considering I couldn't exactly tell her why I wanted her dressing sexy for our trip to the mall.

  That would've given up the game early.

  “Okay, toss it in the car,” I said. I rolled the window down just enough to allow Michael to pass the bag through the window. It plopped down into my lap and I grinned.

  Michael smiled an ingratiating smile. "Now for the payment?”

  I looked down at the bag in my lap. I looked over to my wife and back out to Michael who was starting to look nervous again. He really was hamming it up! Well, time for me to ham it up just a little bit as well.


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