Dark Fantasy: A Hotwife Novel

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Dark Fantasy: A Hotwife Novel Page 9

by Lexi Archer

  “You know what,” I said. “I don’t think I’m going to.”

  “Come on dude,” Michael said. “Don’t pull this shit.”

  “Or what?” I asked.

  “Dude, you’re going to get yourself in a shitload of trouble,” he said.

  I paused and put a hand to my chin as though I was reconsidering. I was feeling lightheaded. Shit, I almost felt like I really was knocking over a drug dealer in broad daylight in a mall parking lot! I’d never done anything like this in my life, but it felt good. Damn good. Talk about a rush! I could only imagine the sort of fantasy rush Megan was going to get in a little while when we started part two of our little role-play.

  “Maybe you should’ve thought of that before you got into drug dealing,” I said.

  “Dude,” Michael said. “Give me the money or else.”

  I turned on my car and he jumped back at the sound of the engine. I had to bite back a laugh. This felt amazing.

  “We’re in the middle of a parking lot,” I said. “What are you going to do about it?”

  "Honey, what are you doing?" Megan asked.

  "I'm knocking over the nice drug dealer and stealing some of his stuff baby," I said. "Exactly what it looks like."

  "But that's dangerous! What if he?"

  I was really getting into the role now. I turned and grinned at her "What if he what? It's not like he can track us down and have his way with you or something!"

  I winked at that and her eyes went wide. Yeah, that was maybe a little preview of what was to come. Let her think about that on the ride home.

  “Are you fucking serious?” Michael said, following me as I pulled away. “Come on man. You're going to be in deep shit.”

  I put my car into reverse and started to back out. Michael looked at my car and made a move as though he was going to stand behind it, but then he thought better of it. I’ll admit I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw him give up. I didn't want him to actually get hurt because he got a little too into the role.

  I backed the Lexus the rest of the way out and blew a kiss to Michael as I peeled away. I couldn’t help but laugh as I looked at him standing there staring after me in the rearview mirror. That had been fun!

  "So what's next?" Megan asked.

  "What's next is you're going to put on that outfit we got and we're going to have some fun!"

  9: Interrupted

  Brad stared in fascination as I brought the joint to my lips and sucked. I imagine he was imagining it was his cock my lips were wrapped around instead of that joint.

  I pulled the joint away from my lips and blew out, the smoke filling the room with its musty smell. I passed it to Brad and he put it to his lips. Meanwhile I basked in a feeling that I hadn't enjoyed in so damn long. Well, if you don't count last Friday in Michael's office, of course. And already I was starting to feel the effects of the pot.


  Brad finished and passed it back to me. I brought the joint to my lips again and inhaled. No sign of coughing even though it’d been a few years since I'd partaken on the regular. I suppose that was a good sign. I pulled the joint away from my lips and blew out.

  I held it up in front of me to examine more closely as I blew out smoke. I looked over to Brad and grinned. Leaned forward slightly causing the lingerie to fall forward. That wasn't lost on him as his eyes went down to my tits.

  Good. If it was getting that reaction from him then I could only imagine the reaction it would get from Michael when the time came! I wondered when he was going to show up, but Brad wasn't telling me anything. No, he was sticking with the act so I figured I'd play right along.

  “So how did you find that guy anyways?” I asked.

  “Would you believe online?” Brad replied.

  I did my best to get my eyes to widen in shock as I took another drag. Damn. It really was hard playing along with this. I wondered how I was going to hold up when Michael was actually here. I hoped I didn't devolve into a fit of giggles because the reality was more ridiculous than what I'd always imagined.

  “You got drugs online? That was risky.”

  “Yeah? Turned out it was more risky for the guy doing the dealing than it was for me, didn't it?”

  I took another hit before passing it back to Brad. The burn was still there, but not as bad as the first time around last Friday. It really had been way too long since I'd done this. I couldn't wait until they'd legalized this stuff everywhere so we could just have fun. I still wasn’t feeling anything that could be described as “high” yet, but I was feeling warm. Hot. Whether that was the pot or the situation was anyone's guess.

  I leaned back on the couch throwing my hands to either side and opening my legs slightly giving Brad a nice view which he took a moment to appreciate. I felt another forbidden rush as I saw him looking down at the spot where my skimpy lingerie connected with my pussy. I started subtly grinding my thighs together. I wanted Brad to know I was definitely getting in the mood.

  "I know. Watching you standing up to that guy like that was fucking hot.”

  I sat up and started crawling across the long couch towards Brad. The front of my lingerie fell open exposing the tops of my tits. Brad licked his lips as he stared at me slinking my way across the couch like the world’s sexiest cat with my eyes fixed on him.

  I pretty much leapt on top of my husband, my breasts pressing against his shirt and setting my body on fire where my nipples rubbed against him. I could smell his cologne as I leaned down to suck on his neck. I closed my eyes and let out a soft moan against my husband as I started grinding my pussy against the bulge in his shorts.

  I moved up from his neck and flicked my tongue out to lick Brad's ear. Meanwhile he was pretty busy himself. He reached down and moved one hand inside the top of my lingerie and felt my tits. He sent electric fire coursing through my body as his fingers and palm ran over my engorged pink nipples. Another quiet moan escaped my lips as his hand made contact with my tits.

  Brad leaned in to kiss me, his hand still attached to my tits as I continued grinding my pussy against his cock. God this felt amazing. Brad smelled amazing. He tasted amazing as his mouth opened to mine. If Michael didn't hurry up and get his ass over here then he was going to miss out on the fun, damn it! I knew I should stop, I knew I was getting carried away, but I couldn't help myself.

  “Oh God Megan.”

  My hand started roaming down and I let out a delighted moan as it clasped around Brad's cock and started rubbing up and down the length of his shaft. He seemed more than happy to oblige me, pressing his cock up into my waiting hand.

  “Oh fuck Megan!” he groaned as I expertly worked at the button and zipper on his pants. A moment later his pants were popping open.

  I started kissing my way down his neck. Down his shirt. Down towards his delicious cock that I had to feel up close and personal. Even if Michael was due at any moment I wanted to make sure I gave Brad something to think about while I was having my fun! I licked my lips as I kissed down. Down. Moving towards that hard shaft. Fuck!

  I looked up and locked eyes with him as I reached the spot where his cockhead was pressing up from between the zipper on his jeans. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as I wrapped my lips around his dick through his boxers that were already stained from the precum leaking out. My tongue and saliva mixed with that wetness to soak the front of his boxers thoroughly. I pulled away from his cock and waited for his eyes to come back down, to lock with my own again. I grinned as I traced a finger up and down his cock.

  “You’ve been a very bad boy today honey,” I said.

  “I have,” he replied.

  “Thinking of you humiliating that guy, ripping him off, is so sexy,” I said.

  “How sexy?” he asked.

  I raised an eyebrow and smiled at him. “This sexy.”

  Brad groaned as I pulled the head of his cock out of his boxers and wrapped my lips around it. I luxuriated in the taste of his cock even as I found myself wondering if Mi
chael's would taste the same as I moved lower. Lower. I pulled at his boxer shorts and jeans as I moved my mouth down and I had to concentrate on breathing as his cockhead, precum and all, hit the back of my throat.

  I was about to pull up and go back down when I thought I heard something. I looked up to Brad to see if he'd heard anything, but his eyes were closed and he was off in that special world guys go to when a girl has her mouth wrapped around their cock. No, he was completely oblivious to the world around him. So I pulled away from his cock and he let out a groan of frustration.

  “Did you hear that?” I asked.

  Brad looked down, confused, when an unmistakable knock came again, this time louder. There was no mistaking that sound now. The knock came again, this time so loud that I worried the door might rattle off of its hinges. And at the same time excitement ran through my body. I could only think of one reason why someone would be knocking like that. I could only think of one person who would be pounding on the door to get into our house like that.

  It was time. That had to be Michael. There was no doubt in my mind.

  “Are you going to go check?” I asked.

  Brad hesitated as he stared down at me with my lips hovering just over his cock. Yeah, I had a pretty good idea exactly what he was thinking. But in the end he sighed, shook his head with a wry smile directed at me, and stood to make his way up the stairs, kicking off his pants along the way.

  10: Dark Desires

  I raced up the stairs and didn’t even bother looking through the keyhole to see who was out there. I threw the door open and I was immediately brought up short by what I saw there.

  Holy shit.

  Michael stood there in sunglasses wearing a nicely tailored suit. He grinned when he saw me standing there, and the grin got even wider when he looked down and saw me standing there in my boxers with my cock obviously tenting out.

  "Getting the party started early?" he asked.

  "Something like that," I said. I was a little disappointed that the festivities had been interrupted when they were starting to get really good, but at the same time I was relieved. If things had gone much longer like that then I would've blown a load and then this whole thing would've been a lot less interesting.

  "Everything going to plan so far?" he asked.

  "Yup. As planned. You ready for your big scene?"

  Michael grinned. "Fuck yeah! You sure you want to go through with this?"

  There was no doubt in my mind now. We'd gone this far. I'd done this much of the act. I'd thrown this whole thing together for my wife and there was no way I was backing out now!

  "I'm ready," I said.

  “So you think you can rip me off asshole?” Michael said, leaning forward so his voice would project into the house but not be audible to anyone else in the neighborhood. He stepped inside and slammed the door behind him causing pictures to rattle in their frames.

  I grinned. This was going to be fun.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I shouted, also trying to make myself heard all the way down in the basement. I hoped Megan would pick up on it and make her way up here. Then the real fun could begin. I heard something from the top of the basement stairs and saw a flash of movement. Michael saw it too.

  “Brad, what’s going on up… Oh my God!”

  In a flash Michael moved forward and his hand flashed out but stopped short of actually hitting me. I looked down and was surprised to see his fist planted firmly in my gut. He looked at me and winked, and I winked right back before I doubled over and fell to the ground on my knees. His hands grasped my hair and my neck was yanked back as he stared down at me. That smile was back, but there was nothing pleasant about it this time. He was completely in the role now, and all I could do was go along for the ride.

  “You know it’s funny,” Michael said. "I thought you were a tough guy, but you don’t look too tough to me.”

  He leaned down until his face was mere inches from my own. “Are you a tough guy?”

  I shook my head no. Or at least I tried to shake my head from side to side. It didn’t work out as well as I’d hoped as his hand in my hair kept me from moving my head too much. Even if he wasn't exactly gripping me that tightly I still didn't want to accidentally rip my hair out on my own.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

  “I’m sorry man,” I said. “I can even pay you.”

  Michael shook his head and that smile was even broader now. “I’m afraid we’re beyond the point of payment. You decided to rip me off, and I can’t have people ripping me off. Even if it is some pasty white suburban pencil dick such as yourself.”

  "Leave him alone!" Megan shouted. A little over the top, maybe, but I could forgive her given the circumstances. She was probably so turned on she was having trouble thinking anyways.

  Michael suddenly seemed far more interested in Megan then he was in me. I heard him let out a low chuckle as his eyes moved up and down over her body in that amazing négligée she’d been wearing just for this occasion. There was a hunger in his eyes that wasn’t there a moment before. A desire. I looked down and nearly gasped as I saw something massive stirring in his pants.


  Michael twisted his hand and with a yell I turned to keep from having my hair ripped out at the scalp. He turned until I could get a good look at Megan standing there, her chest heaving and her body looking amazing in her lingerie, with a look of worry on her face. Not terror, just mild worry. Okay, so maybe she decided not to overact. And there was something else. Lust. Pure lust. Yeah, that definitely wasn't an act! Time for me to get back into it as well, I suppose.

  “Megan! Call the cops!”

  I bit back a scream as his grip tightened again and pinpricks of pain went shooting through my head at each spot where a hair made contact with my scalp. Fuck did that hurt! I glanced up at him but he was completely gone. He was lost in the role and he wasn't looking at me anymore. As I looked between him and my wife I saw something pass between them and decided I could endure a little bit of pain in the name of that hot moment.

  “Well, well, well,” Michael said. “I was just going to rough you up a little, but I think we just found a much more interesting way for you to repay your debt.”

  “Megan! Cops!”

  Megan glanced down the stairs but didn’t move. She turned to face him again, her breathing coming in hard and heavy gasps. Yeah, she was getting off on this. Getting off on the whole alpha male shtick as she lived the fantasy of stranger invading our house!

  Michael crooked a finger and beckoned for her to come over to him. Immediately she obeyed. Staring down between his legs as though in a trance, her mouth hanging open slightly, she moved forward until she was standing between him and me. She looked down at me on my knees on the ground and I saw a quick smile cross her face.

  Michael reached out and brushed a strand of hair away from my gorgeous wife’s face. She didn’t even flinch back at his touch. Instead she craned her neck to allow more of her face to be cupped by his massive hand.

  “What’s your name baby?” he asked.


  “Nice to meet you Megan. I’m Michael.”

  Michael moved his hand down so it was running along my wife’s neck, and then down further so his finger was trailing along the top edge of her tits. I almost wondered if she was going to go on instinct and slap his hand away but no, she was already too far gone in the fantasy. Too far gone in the feeling of his hands on her body. Fuck, I was getting one hell of a painful hard on watching him feeling up my wife like that! No, rather than slap his hand away she took in a deep breath and pressed her tits out towards him.

  “Do you know why I’m here tonight Megan?” Michael asked.

  She shook her head no and bit her lip, looking up at him with her arms and hands clasped behind her back looking hot as hell. Of course she knew exactly why he was here tonight. She was a big part of the reason why he was here tonight, but that would ruin the moment if sh
e said anything.

  "I’m here because hubby here decided it would be a good idea to rip me off.”

  Megan glanced down at me again and then back up to Michael. His hand disappeared down inside the sheer material of her négligée, and I could clearly see the outline of his massive hand as it cupped one of my wife’s bare tits. I started to struggle again, but his other hand was more than enough to hold me in place as he squeezed and twisted again nearly causing me to scream out in pain. Of course at the same time I wanted to scream out in pleasure. Damn! He was just feeling her up right in front of me! I couldn't believe it!

  He looked down at me and smiled. “None of that my friend.”

  Yeah, I was definitely less concerned with what he was doing to me and more concerned with what he was doing to Megan. More specifically I was focused on the way Megan was reacting. As his ebony hand cupped her breast that until recently had been mine and mine alone, she actually opened her mouth and let out a small gasp as he continued kneading her tit.

  Yeah, watching that sight my dick was painfully straining against my pants. I couldn't believe this was finally happening. I felt lightheaded. I felt like I was going to lose consciousness. I'd dreamed about this for so long but never dreamed it would happen, and now here we were. Here it was happening right in front of me. I felt like I was in very real danger of blowing my load right here watching them.

  Sure the scenario wasn't exactly my cup of tea, but it was definitely turning Megan on from the way she was breathing heavily. From the way the nipple that wasn't covered by Michael's hand was straining out. And at the end of the day another man had his hands on my wife's tits so could I really complain all that much?

  No. I wasn't going to complain at all.

  “What are you going to do to my husband?” Megan gasped out as his hand moved in between her cleavage and over to her other tit.

  He chuckled again, a deep bass rumble, and pulled his hand out. “It’s not what I’m going to do to your husband baby. I think it’s what I’m going to do to you.”


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