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The Engagement Charade

Page 4

by Karen Kirst

  Circumventing him, she set her lamp down, spread a quilt on the bank and lowered herself to the ground, using the tree trunk as a support for her back. Her head fell against the trunk, and a deep, shuddering sigh escaped her. Alexander returned to his spot and resumed his seat.

  “Did something happen?” Bewilderment tightened his voice.

  “I informed my in-laws of my decision to move.” Staring straight ahead, she spoke in a monotone. “They didn’t take it well.”

  Dismay flooded him. “You’re leaving Gatlinburg?”

  She turned her head, her brown eyes appearing coal black. Her ponytail had long since lost its starch. The ribbon was close to coming undone and tendrils of hair had escaped to tease her ears and cheeks. She looked young and vulnerable...and alone, like him.

  “No. I don’t have the resources to return to Kentucky. Even if I did, there’s no one left there to return to.”

  Her words eased the tension in his body. “That’s a relief.” When she regarded him quizzically, he rushed to add, “I won’t have the tedious task of searching for someone to replace you.”

  “I wouldn’t want to inconvenience you,” she muttered.

  He winced. “Where are your new accommodations?”

  “I’ll be staying with a widow named June Trentham. She lives near the church.”

  “That will save you some time.”


  Her gaze dropping to the quilt beneath her, she traced patterns with her fingertips. She seemed troubled.

  Since leaving Texas, Alexander had determined not to get involved with anyone’s problems. He’d learned in the worst possible way that doing so led to disaster. Up to this point, he’d stuck to that decision. The wisest course of action would be to gather his things and bid her good-night. Ellie Jameson was a grown woman capable of seeing to her own affairs.

  But what true gentleman would leave her in this isolated spot?

  “Why are you here, Ellie?” he said at last.

  “The river is peaceful, don’t you agree? It’s a good place to come when you have troubles weighing on your mind.”

  “It’s not safe for you to be wandering these mountains alone.”

  She paused in her efforts to tighten her hair ribbon. “What do you think I’ve been doing every night?”

  “Until yesterday, I had no idea where you lived. Which begs the question—why don’t you make use of one of those horses I saw on your property?”

  “The Jamesons don’t approve of my working. I suppose denying me a horse was their way of trying to dissuade me.”

  Alexander shot to his feet and began to pace along the water’s edge. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d been angry on someone else’s behalf. Granted, the situation smacked of bullying, something he hadn’t ever been able to abide.

  “You aren’t leaving that cove simply to save yourself travel time, are you?”

  “No.” She lowered her hands wearily to her lap. “My relationship with my husband’s family has never been easy. Things got worse after his death. Gladys and Nadine blame me for Nolan’s accident.”

  “I thought you said you weren’t there.”

  “I wasn’t. They accused me of rushing him to complete our cabin. They think he was in too much of a hurry to take proper precautions.”

  He admitted that he’d judged Ellie for her lack of obvious grief. She hadn’t fit his idea of a grieving widow. Truth was, he didn’t know much of anything about her or her circumstances.

  “Your husband’s death was a tragedy. Blaming you for what happened is ridiculous and small-minded.”

  “They made up their minds about me a long time ago, I’m afraid.”

  Knowing Ellie’s personality, things must’ve gotten untenable for her to decide to leave.

  “I’m assuming you had an argument tonight. Are you comfortable that things have calmed down enough to return?”

  “They kicked me out.” She lifted a shoulder. “I can’t go back.”

  The familiar burning sensation spread through his midsection. “What were you planning to do? Pass the night on the riverbank?” His outrage at her in-laws sharpened his tone.

  She jutted her chin. “It’s still technically summer. The temperatures are pleasant. I have my grandmother’s quilt to protect my clothes from grass stains. And it’s quiet. Why shouldn’t I stay here?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “I thought you were a reasonable person.”

  “I don’t have another choice, all right?”

  At the telltale wobble in her voice, concern leaped to life. “Let’s go. I’m taking you to Mrs. Trentham’s.”

  “She’s not expecting me until tomorrow.”

  “Does she strike you as an unsympathetic person?”

  “No, she seems all that is kind.”

  He grabbed his pail and rod—yet another failed fishing attempt—and held out his free hand to her. “Then she’ll understand, as I do, that you cannot possibly sleep in the elements exposed to any manner of danger.”

  Ellie’s uplifted gaze, stamped with uncertainty, switched from his outstretched hand to his face .

  He wiggled his fingers. “Come. We’ll stop by the café and saddle a horse for you.”

  “Why are you involving yourself in my troubles? You’ve gone out of your way to distance yourself from everyone.”

  Her fatigue must be why she was speaking plainly. Unhappy with the development, he adopted a stern stare and his haughty employer voice. “As my employee and the reason the Plum is once again packed with customers, you are my responsibility. I can’t have you in the kitchen if you’re overtired. You’d be a danger to yourself and others.”

  Her mouth pursed. Reluctantly, she clasped his hand and allowed him to assist her to her feet. As they walked through the silent countryside, Alexander took comfort in the fact this was a singular event, a onetime kindness. He would settle the widow in her new home and tomorrow everything would return to the way it was before.

  Chapter Four

  Ellie could tell by the sun’s slant that she’d overslept. Although reluctant to leave the soft bed, the prospect of Alexander’s ire prodded her out of it. He’d gone out of his way to be a gentleman last evening, and this is how she repaid him? She rushed through her morning routine, only to discover the one outfit she’d left the cove with was missing.

  She padded through the quiet house and found her hostess seated at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and her Bible open before her. Her coronet braids neat as a pin and not a single wrinkle in her sprigged cotton dress, June radiated cheerfulness that Ellie found refreshing.

  Her smile was bright as she marked her place with a handmade bookmark. “Good morning, dear. How did you sleep?”

  “A little too well, I’m afraid.” The mantel clock had confirmed her fears. It was past nine o’clock. “I haven’t slept this late since I was a child.”

  “You needed rest.”

  Fiddling with her housecoat belt, Ellie shook her head. “Not at the expense of my job. Mr. Copeland will not be pleased. And poor Flo’s had to prepare everything on her own. I’ll have to make it up to her somehow, but first I need to find my clothes. Have you seen them? The wardrobe was empty. I looked under the bed to see if they’d fallen—”

  June went to the stove and uncovered a plate crowded with biscuits, sausage and eggs. “I spot-cleaned them for you. They’re hanging in the pantry.” She indicated the empty seat across from her own. “As for Mr. Copeland, it was his idea to let you sleep for as long as you wanted.”

  Ellie’s jaw went slack. Such thoughtfulness coming from a man who made it his mission to remain indifferent to everyone and everything around him?

  “That doesn’t sound like him.”

  “Heard it with my own ears.” She wi
nked. “He was very concerned about you. Does he know about the baby?”

  “No.” At least, she hoped he didn’t. Sinking into the chair, she picked up a fork. “I’m not ready to tell him.”

  Shooting a significant look to Ellie’s midsection, she quipped, “Before long you won’t have a choice.”

  Absently rubbing the slight thickness in her middle, she tried to imagine how such a conversation would go. She tried to picture Alexander’s lean, handsome features wreathed in happiness, his mouth curved in genuine delight. Unable to manage it, she tucked into her breakfast, more ravenous than she’d realized.

  June refused to let her clean the dishes. After expressing her thanks, she quickly dressed and left for the café. The September morning was pleasantly warm. About half of the trees sprinkled throughout the fields and mountainsides were displaying their fiery autumn colors. The rest remained stubbornly green. Robins chirped and squirrels sprang from branch to branch as she passed by. Near the church, a group of white-tailed deer emerged from the forest, graceful creatures that delighted Ellie no matter how many times she encountered them.

  Her steps were light the remainder of the way. For the first time in a very long while, she felt refreshed, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from her shoulders. Fragile hope trickled through her. Sure, she was apprehensive about the birth, as well as the prospect of being solely responsible for her child’s well-being, but she trusted God to provide. He’d sustained her through a troubled marriage and blessed her with employment and now a nice, comfortable place to live. He’d give her the strength to deal with the future.

  Unsurprisingly, Alexander was closeted in his office when she arrived. Ellie watched his door like a hawk waiting to pounce. By two o’clock, her patience had evaporated. A plate of food in one hand, she read the paper he’d attached to the smooth wood surface.

  “Do not disturb.”

  She scowled. He was wrong if he thought a flimsy piece of paper would prevent her from her goal.

  He took his time answering the door. When his towering form filled the doorway, his closed-off features inches from hers, a quiver of awareness vibrated in her middle. His eyes were so very blue, the inner ring made more vivid by the darker, outer one. When they were locked onto her like this, she felt slightly dazed by their beauty. His black locks were like rich silk against his pale skin. His mouth fit his carved features, but it was also full and soft-looking, too.

  The faint scent of soap that clung to his clothes wafted to her, mingling with that of the sliced beef and cabbage on his plate. She switched to breathing through her mouth. Being sick all over her boss’s polished shoes was a humiliation she couldn’t afford.

  “Ellie.” His expression was one of long suffering. “Did you not see my sign?”

  “I saw it. You have excellent handwriting.” Lifting the plate, she said, “It’s long past noon. You missed your lunch.”

  His lips compressed. “This may come as a surprise to you, but I am able to see to my own needs.”

  “And I’m not?” she quipped.

  “I’m not sure to what you’re referring.”

  “You informed my hostess not to disturb me this morning, did you not? Without consulting me.”

  His gaze searched her features with disconcerting intensity. Then he stationed himself behind his desk. Ellie took that as an invitation and, stepping inside, closed the door. When she’d placed his meal between a thick sheaf of papers and his pen holder, he said, “You didn’t enjoy the extra sleep?”

  “I didn’t say that.” A rueful laugh escaped. Without waiting for his permission, she sat in one of the chairs, tugging her apron down to cover a stain on her gray skirt. “I feel more refreshed today than I have since arriving in Tennessee. For that, I thank you.”

  He hesitated, staring at her and then the food. Apparently accepting she wasn’t going anywhere, he sank into the leather chair and started eating without saying grace. She didn’t recall seeing him at church. Was he not a believer? Or had his walk with Christ suffered due to whatever trouble had befallen him?

  Since she likely wouldn’t get an answer to those questions, she didn’t bother posing them.

  “Flo said the crowd was sparse this morning.”

  The café did the most business during the dinner hour. Lunch was brisk, as well, with bachelors making up the majority.

  “I’ll have to take your word for it.”

  His ongoing disinterest in his own business flummoxed Ellie. He must have wealth independent of this venture, which meant the Plum’s success or failure wouldn’t impact his livelihood. The same couldn’t be said for his employees.

  “Have you owned other restaurants?”


  Perhaps it was his inexperience guiding his inattentiveness? But that didn’t make sense. Alexander struck her as a shrewd man.

  “What did you do before this then?”

  He was silent for several long beats. A muscle ticked in his square jaw. His focus on his plate, he said quietly, “I owned a ranch in Texas.”

  “Texas? You don’t fit the image I have of a rancher.”

  Alexander’s gaze collided with hers. “I left that life behind a long time ago.”

  The pain he couldn’t quite hide—emotional this time, not physical—underscored her conviction that he needed a friend.

  “Do you have family there? Friends?”

  His throat working, he laid his fork down. “I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but I’d rather not discuss my past.”

  She noticed he’d only eaten half the food. Standing, she said, “I didn’t mean to disrupt your meal. It’s just that...”

  He arched a brow. “Just what?”

  “Well, I—”

  His full attention made her self-conscious of her shabby clothing and her unsophisticated hairstyle. She suddenly yearned to be admired by this man, which was wholly impossible and not thoughts an expectant widow should be thinking!

  Balancing his elbows on the surface, he steepled his hands. “You may as well speak your mind,” he drawled. “You usually do, eventually.”

  “Pardon my bluntness, but you seem very alone. I think you could use a friend. Yet you do nothing to encourage friendships.”

  His gaze promptly lowered, thick lashes resting against the hollows beneath his eyes. “It’s the way I prefer to live my life. Less chance of complications.”

  “The loneliness doesn’t bother you?”

  “A small price to pay for peace.”

  His expression didn’t share the conviction of his words. He didn’t seem peaceful in the slightest.

  “I know what it is to be lonely,” she admitted. “It wasn’t by choice. Living with my grandparents, I led a full life. We were involved in our church and were friends with most of the neighbors. I didn’t stop to wonder why the Jamesons weren’t part of our circle.” She brushed her fingers over the faded lace edging on the apron that had once belonged to her grandmother. “I was young and naïve. After my grandmother’s passing, I was overwhelmed by everything that needed to be done. The funeral service. The sale of the farm—I wanted to stay but I couldn’t work it by myself. Howard’s offer to buy it seemed like an answer to prayer. His property abutted ours. I’d still be close, you know? And then Nolan future went from being scary and uncertain to being assured.”

  Lost in memories that stirred sadness and regret, she belatedly registered Alexander’s piercing regard. His thoughts were impossible to decipher.

  “The Jamesons restricted your social interactions?”

  The inquiry surprised her. It wasn’t his habit to pry. “They did. I resisted at first, but it only angered Nolan and made life uncomfortable. So I adjusted.”

  “You shouldn’t have had to.” He pushed the food around on his plate.

p; “I was compelled to cut off my friendships. No one is requiring you to.” She made an encompassing gesture. “I’m discovering that Gatlinburg is home to plenty of caring folks, but they won’t force themselves on you. You have to invite their company.”

  His fork clinked against the plate, and he gave up the pretense of eating. “I’m not sure what gave you the impression that I’m discontent with my current lifestyle. I don’t need anyone, Ellie.”

  The resignation with which he spoke, combined with the hint of sadness in his eyes, prompted her response. Why wouldn’t he admit the truth? “You need Flo and Sally. You need me. You need customers.”

  His gaze became hooded. “You mistake my meaning.”


  He stood to his feet like a king expecting immediate obedience. “I believe we’re done here.”

  Ellie smoothed her apron. “You’ve been more than kind to me. I simply wanted to offer you...” She swept her hair behind her shoulder and made a dismissive gesture. Why would a man like him value her friendship? “I wanted to express my gratitude for everything you’ve done.”

  His chest rose and fell in an exaggerated breath. “I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary.”

  “Still, your thoughtfulness means a lot, especially after the past four years.” She clamped her lips shut. He didn’t wish to hear any more about her disappointments. “I’ll, ah, go get started on that rhubarb pie for tonight.”

  Alexander didn’t attempt to stop her. Her mood dampened, she left him to his solitude.

  * * *

  Raised voices coming from the dining room startled Alexander, and his pencil skidded across the page, marring the sketch of a black bear and her cubs. Irritated, he left his office and walked through the short hallway, pausing on the threshold. The tables were full of customers enjoying their evening meal, an unheard-of phenomenon before Ellie. At the moment, they were focused on three people in the corner near the fireplace.


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