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Loving Eden

Page 3

by T. A. Foster

  “Speaking of here.” I took in the vacant room, filled with candlelight. “What is this place?”

  A smile spread across his lips. “This is our new home.”

  “We’re not staying at the Palm?” I thought it was possible I was drunk off our lovemaking. I was prepared for cozy motel living. Grey had never mentioned anything about a cottage.

  “You don’t like it? You’re pissed?” His grin vanished. “I shouldn’t have tried to make it a surprise.”

  “No, no, that’s not it.” I reached forward, brushing my lips against his. I could kiss him all night. I pulled back to read his expression. “I’m just surprised. That’s all. Tell me about it.”

  “It kind of fell into my lap last minute. I heard through one of Mac’s friends that it was up for lease.”

  “Really? That’s amazing.” I sat up, straining to see into the kitchen.

  “It’s only two bedrooms, one bathroom, but I thought for now it would be fine. Better than trying to live in a motel room. I didn’t feel good about you moving down here for that.”

  I turned his chin toward me. “I would live anywhere with you. I didn’t need a beach cottage, but it’s amazing.” I chewed on my lip, worried about my next question. “Can we afford it?” I wasn’t sure about Padre real estate, but back home, anything oceanfront cost a fortune. The only income I had would be from what business I could bring into the Palm.

  “I bartered some work for a lower rate. The guy who owns the place has five other units. As long as I keep those in good shape, I only owe three hundred a month here.”

  My jaw must have dropped. “Three hundred? That’s all?” That was cheaper than my part of the rent in Chapel Hill with Taylor.

  He nodded. “So, I thought we could swing that for a few months and then…” His words trailed off.

  I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t put a timetable on how long our cohabitation would last. I took a deep breath. After the greeting we just shared, I knew I didn’t have anything to worry about. I wasn’t going to let myself worry.

  I closed my eyes, listening to the waves on the shore and Grey’s heart pounding against my chest. This was worth a two-day drive. This was worth uprooting my life. Some time during the night, I drifted to sleep, wrapped in Grey’s arms while the surf pounded on the beach outside.

  “Oh, God.” I rolled to the side, stretching my legs in the opposite direction of my hands. My body had taken a beating from the trip. I rubbed my back, careful not to press into the rug burn I knew would be there.

  “Good morning, darlin’.” Grey appeared with two cups of coffee and sat on the floor next to me.

  He must have had a stash of blankets somewhere in the cottage, because there was a white quilt draped over half my naked body. I rubbed my eyes before reaching for the coffee.

  “Good morning.” I sat up, careful to keep the quilt tucked under my arms.

  “I thought I’d drive the truck over this morning and start unloading.” He leaned forward to kiss me on my cheek. “You didn’t tell me you were bringing that much stuff.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “You told me to pack what I couldn’t live without.”

  “I guess it was good I got the beach house.”

  I laughed. “Yes, I think it was fate.” I hadn’t even made it off the floor last night. I wanted to explore the rest of the house. I pushed myself off the floor, without spilling my coffee. “Do you want to give me the tour?”

  He grinned. “Right this way.”

  The living space for the cottage was all on one level. The living room looked out onto the beach. The kitchen window faced the road, and there was a hallway off the living room. There was a bedroom on each end of the hall with a full bathroom in the middle. It wasn’t much, but it was ours.

  Grey had moved his clothes into the smaller closet and his tools were stored in the bedroom that bordered the street.

  “I thought we should have the oceanfront room, and we could use the other one as an office, storage, guest room space.” He waited for my approval.

  “I think it’s perfect.” I beamed.

  Every morning I was going to wake up in this room, with this view. I leaned on the windowsill. The deck wrapped around to this side of the house. A door from the bedroom led to the deck, which was oddly placed, but I thought added some quirky charm.

  “You said you brought your bedroom set, right?” Grey asked from behind me.

  I nodded. There were all kinds of things in that truck. Suddenly, I was glad I packed so much for the kitchen. We were going to need it.

  “Ok, I’ll go grab your bag, since I didn’t give you that chance last night, and then I’ll start unloading.”

  “But, you can’t carry mattresses and my desk by yourself.” Don’t get me wrong, Grey was strong, but that was too much even for those beautiful muscles.

  “Darlin’, I’ve got it all taken care of.” He kissed me before he strolled out of the room. “Be back in a few minutes.”

  I watched as he jogged down the stairs and cut through the same path in the dunes I had used last night. Grey seemed genuinely excited to see me, and not just for the hot sex. I was secretly worried that once I showed up, he would retreat into his hermit shell, build up his defensive walls, and decide moving in together was a god-awful idea. After last night, that seemed absurd.

  Five minutes later, Grey appeared with my overnight bag. “Here you go.”

  I placed the bag under the window, and unzipped it in search of my cosmetics bag. I was looking forward to a shower with my own soap and shampoo.

  “I’m going to take a shower, and then I can help you unload everything.” I gathered my things and walked into the bathroom.

  “Take your time. I’m sure you’re tired. I can get the stuff in the house. Oh, I put some towels under the sink.” He winked then darted down the hall.

  The shower sputtered, and the pipes started to howl when I turned on the hot water. I guess all houses have their special sounds. I lathered my hair with shampoo and coated my legs with shaving cream before running a razor over each one.

  Today was moving day, but I still wanted to feel like a girly-girl. I turned off the water and wrapped myself in a towel. I stifled a giggle. These looked a lot like the ones Grey ordered for the Palm.

  Feeling more like myself than I had in three days, I walked out onto the driveway balcony, amazed at the size of the truck I had driven. I knew it was big, but when I saw it take up the entire driveway and stick out into the street, I realized it was a monster.

  “Carolina!” I heard Pick’s voice yell from somewhere in the truck.


  I raced down the stairs. Connor and Pick each had a box in hand, and they were making a stack next to the stairs.

  “Hold on, girl. Let me put this down so I can hug your neck.” Pick placed the cardboard box on top of another one then wrapped me in a hug.

  “Don’t squish her, man.” Connor tapped me on the shoulder, before his arms circled my waist. “Glad you’re here.”

  “Me too.” I looked around for Marin. She had to be here too. “Where’s Marin?”

  Pick laughed. “Oh, don’t worry. She’ll be here in a second.”

  Connor jabbed his friend in the ribs. “Does she know?”

  My eyes darted between the pair. “Know what?” Everyone was full of secrets these days.

  “I’ll let Marin tell you when she gets here.” Pick turned to walk up the truck’s ramp. “Connor, get over here and help me with the desk.”

  I placed my hands on my hips. I wasn’t getting anything out of these two. I waited for them to pass before I reached for a box.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?” Grey jumped in front of me, wrestling the box from my hands.

  “I’m unloading the truck.”

  “No, the boys and I have a handle on this. Why don’t you start unpacking?”

  I looked at him. Part of me was relieved not to carry heavy boxes of books or dishes up to
the second story living space, but the other part of me was worried I had just entered the land of traditional sexism.

  “I can handle carrying boxes, Grey.” I turned to find another one.

  “I know you can handle it. That’s not what I meant.” He sighed. “Look, I have no idea what to do with everything in the boxes. I just thought it would go faster if we unload the truck and you unload the boxes. But, if you insist on lugging the damn boxes up the stairs, have it your way.”

  He walked down the ramp, two boxes in his arms, and started up the flight of stairs that led to the kitchen.

  I swallowed hard. Day one and I had already put my foot in my mouth. I clutched the box in my arms and followed him up the steps.

  Boxes were strewn around the living room and on top of the kitchen counter. Pick and Connor walked from the hallway.

  “We put the desk in that front room.” Pick smiled.

  “Thank you.” I felt like a complete idiot.

  Grey brushed past me and followed them out the door. I turned to the boxes and started opening. I pushed the flaps to the side and unwrapped a stack of bowls. My happy mood was soured. That was until Marin showed up.

  “Knock knock.”

  I squealed when I saw her auburn head peek around the side of the door.

  “You’re here!” I jumped toward her.

  “No, you’re here.” She hugged me and I laughed.

  “I guess I am.” I waved my hand across the room. “All of my stuff and I made it in the middle of the night.”

  “This is awesome. I can’t believe Grey got this place for you. Right beside the Palm? It’s perfect for you two.”

  “It is perfect.” I had already fallen in love with the little blue cottage. “I’d offer you something to drink, but I have no idea where the glasses are yet and I don’t even think we have drinks.” I opened the refrigerator. It was bare.

  Marin ran her fingers through her hair. “Oh, I’m fine. I just had to come see you before work today.” She rested her palm across her chest.

  “I’m glad you did. It might be a couple of days before I’m done with all the boxes.”

  She shifted her hand to her shoulder and then I saw it. The rock sparkled and glistened in my tiny kitchen.

  “Oh my God. Marin! Is that what I think it is?”

  She nodded and let out a high-pitched squeal. “I’m getting married!” She hopped in place.

  “Congratulations.” I reached for her hand. “Let me see this up close.”

  She eagerly extended her hand so I could examine the ring.

  “It was Pick’s grandmother’s ring. He asked his mom if he could have it.” Marin’s eyes were glowing almost as much as the cluster of diamonds.

  “Oh, I’m so happy for you.” I hugged her again, not quite sure what to do in this situation. Marin was my first friend to get engaged. “Have you set a date?”

  “I was waiting for you to get here so Pick and I could announce it together. Do you know how hard it’s been not to tell you on the phone?”

  I shook my head. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

  “You know my mom is going crazy about it. She wants to plan the whole thing, but I want her to be the mother-of-the-bride, not the wedding planner. She won’t listen though.”

  I giggled, remembering the storage unit full of wedding decorations Marin’s mother kept for her clients. Marin didn’t seem like a paper dove kind of bride.

  “Ok, so tell me the date.”

  I figured they had a nice spring date on the calendar when Padre wouldn’t be blistering hot and they could have another eight months to get plans underway.

  “It’s going to be the end of October.”

  “As in next month, October?” Maybe she meant a year from now.

  “Yes!” She started hopping again.

  Just then, the door flew open and the guys staggered in with the mattress.

  “Babe, I’m headed to work,” she called to Pick as he shuffled past her.

  “All right, call me later.” He huffed as they turned the corner for the bedroom.

  “Eden, let me know if you need help getting settled. I’ve got to get to work.” She twisted the watch on her wrist.

  “Congratulations, again.” I watched as she practically skipped out the door.

  Grey kicked on the door with three boxes stacked in his arms. I rushed over to let him in.

  “I just heard Marin and Pick’s news.” I slid my hands in my back pockets.

  “Oh yeah?” He crouched low to put the boxes on the floor.

  “Yeah.” I smiled. The misunderstanding in the moving truck seemed stupid and insignificant.

  “What do you think about that?” He stood, his arms crossed. I wasn’t sure he wasn’t still annoyed with me.

  “I think it’s great news. I can’t believe the wedding is next month.” I didn’t have a chance to get all the details from Marin, like how Pick proposed, where they were going to live, or were both families supportive. I didn’t want to wonder about whether she was pregnant. It did seem kind of rushed.

  “She couldn’t wait to tell you. Made all of us keep it a secret until you got here.” He took a step closer and my heart rate sped up. “Found my phone.” He held it up, and moved even closer.

  “That’s good. Where was it?”

  “In the maintenance cart inside the storage closet. I forgot I had put it there when I was checking rooms.” His eyes followed his fingers as they tangled through my hair, sweeping along my collarbone.

  Pick and Connor were in the other room, but all I could think about was getting Grey’s lips on mine.

  “I’m sorry if I overreacted in the truck.” I edged toward him, my chin tilted up, my eyelashes fluttering more than usual.

  “Don’t they say moving is one of the most stressful life events?” He caught the small of my back with his palm and placed enough pressure so that I was firmly pressed against his body.

  If he didn’t kiss me now, I thought I might die on this kitchen floor. My chest tightened with heavy breaths, ready to feel the warmth of his mouth, his tongue. Taste his breath on my lips. Why were there other people in the house?

  My arms snaked around his neck, tugging him closer to me. “Yes, that’s what I’ve heard. Tons of stress.”

  He grinned, and I felt my knees quiver. He could drive me crazy with only a smile.

  “I think I know a few ways to help you with all of the stress.” His eyes dipped between my breasts. I pushed against him, begging him to make a move. To hell with the guys in the other room.

  “We only have a dresser left and we’re done,” Connor called from the hall.

  Grey kissed me on the cheek. “Let me help them with that, and then we can work on the stress relief.”

  I refrained from letting out the full-fledged groan that was building in the back of my throat. He got me all worked up on purpose, I thought. I tried to focus on the stack of bowls I had begun to unpack.

  Somewhere in one of these boxes was a set of glasses. I at least needed one tall glass of ice water to cool down everything he started.

  I threw myself on the bed, utterly exhausted. I didn’t know which was more tiring: driving or unpacking. I looked around our bedroom. There was a bed, two bedside tables, and a long dresser with a mirror attached to the back. Somewhere in one of the boxes was a pair of lamps. The room couldn’t hold much more.

  All the things that we couldn’t find a home for ended up in the spare room. I’d eventually sort through everything in there.

  We still needed living room furniture. I had brought a kitchen table and chairs, with the idea that I could cram it into the corner of the motel room in case I needed a place for my computer. With each passing minute, I was more and more thankful for the beach cottage. Half of my stuff wouldn’t have fit in Palm Palace room twenty-four.

  Grey strolled into the room, and then dropped onto the bed beside me.

  “I think it’s official.”

�s that?” I asked, rolling toward him.

  “We are officially living together.” He grinned as he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me on top of him.

  I pretended to squirm. I hadn’t forgotten his earlier promise for some much needed stress relief.

  His fingers worked their way under my shirt and grazed my skin. I giggled as his hands went straight for the clasp on my bra.

  “Finally, I have you all to myself.” He rolled me on to my back, pinning my hands over my head. He had moved from playful to serious in a matter of seconds.

  “I think you could have had me a lot sooner than now,” I teased. I arched my back off the bed as he unbuttoned my shirt and pulled the sleeves and straps off my arms, leaving my breasts exposed.

  “Isn’t this worth the wait?” His mouth descended on the sensitive flesh around my breast until his tongue lashed and swirled around my nipple. He nipped at it before moving to the other side.

  I moaned, trying to keep my breath steady under his delicious torture. His hands moved to the waist of my shorts, but before I could help him with the button, I felt the heat of his breath slide along my stomach, his mouth stopping at the button.

  I watched with amazement as he shimmied the shorts off my hips.

  “You have on pink,” he growled.

  I nodded, knowing this was his favorite pair I wore during spring break. I wanted every day with Grey to be like that week. Mind-blowing and body-shattering sex every day. I rocked my hips forward unable to control how I reacted to him. He traced the edge of the panties, and I felt my breath quicken despite my inner scolding.

  His head dipped between my legs, and I felt his teeth tugging on the lace. I arched toward him, needing to feel this, wanting to feel everything he could give me.

  “You are so damn sexy.”

  He growled before his tongue began to move, slow at first and then faster. Dipping and swirling, bringing heat with every movement. My hips quickened their pace until my head was thrashing from side to side and I didn’t know which way was the end of the bed. I grasped our new comforter, trying to hold on to something, trying to center myself before exploding into a million pieces of ecstasy. One hand pried the lace to the side so his tongue could play while the other pinched and squeezed my nipple, creating a sensation that ran through the center of my body, back and forth with intense pulses. Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more, he stripped the panties from my legs, giving him deeper access with his tongue. I pressed forcefully against him, wanting him to know how much I loved this, how good he was making me feel. My body bowed off the bed when I felt his fingers mimic the same movements as his tongue. The pressure was building so quickly, I couldn’t control it anymore. I had to surrender.


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