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Loving Eden

Page 12

by T. A. Foster

  She hugged me through a sniffle. “When I get through this, I’m giving you the award for best bridesmaid.”

  “I don’t need that. I only want you and Pick to get married. Courthouse, beach, church, Jamaica. I don’t care—as long as you are happy and get to wear that awesome dress.”

  “How was the shower?” Grey lifted his head from the computer long enough to see I was in the house.

  “Umm… it was interesting. A little overwhelming.” I slumped into an open kitchen chair.

  His brow furrowed and he typed rapidly on the keyboard.

  “What are you working on?”

  “Legal research for the Palm. Thought I should read up on what’s involved for someone to contest a will.”

  “Doesn’t sound very fun.” I was hoping we could watch a movie in bed and pretend we weren’t in the middle of a legal storm.

  “No, it’s not, but I need to know what I’m up against before I even start trying to hire an attorney.” He scribbled something on a notepad.

  This didn’t sound like good news. I wanted Grey to keep the Palm if that’s what he wanted, but it was hard to believe it was worth ruining his financial future. There had to be another way. I just hadn’t figured out what that was yet.

  “Don’t you know anyone you could ask for advice before you have to hire someone?” I tried to think about my circle of friends. No one was in law school.

  “I’d rather not get my friends involved. This is going to be brutal.”

  I didn’t like the way he said that. Maybe we could talk about something else.

  “I can’t believe the wedding is next weekend.” I waited for Grey to tear himself away from the screen.

  “Mmm-hmm.” No luck.

  “I think I’ll get naked and crawl in bed.”

  “Ok.” He never looked up.

  “Or maybe I’ll just pick out a couch for us.” I arched my eyebrows.

  I wondered if I laid myself across the kitchen table if he’d notice that. I walked to the bedroom with a furniture catalog in my hand, thinking this lawsuit might as well be a hot blonde.

  The only reason I knew Mason was back in town was because Taylor called to tell me how incredible the good-bye sex had been. I didn’t need to know that.

  I hadn’t seen him near the Palm. I kept my eyes peeled for his convertible. I assumed since he filed the lawsuit he was done trying to finesse his way into our lives. He had a one-track business mind now. I was out of ideas. Grey seemed determined to file a counter suit. The last thing I wanted was our lives embroiled in endless months of legal battles.

  Today was a good day though. Grey was on his way to see the orthopedic specialist to get the ok to have his brace removed. My fingers had been crossed since I woke up this morning. No brace meant he was going to have full mobility, and I couldn’t wait to have him to myself again. It had been way too long.

  I had three final bridesmaid responsibilities: tonight’s bachelorette party, the rehearsal dinner, and the wedding. Tomorrow night was Marin and Pick’s rehearsal dinner. Afterward, her parents were throwing a party at their beach house. The wedding was at five Saturday night. We’d have all day to get ready and help Marin with her nerves.

  It seemed, as long as she was around Pick, she was completely fine. Remove him from the equation and she became an instant wreck. I was certain after the wedding she would be fine. They needed the honeymoon they had planned.

  October on the island was still warm, but not sweltering like the summer. Even if it was rushed, Marin had chosen the perfect time of year to get married.

  The bachelorette party was going to be small: Mindy, Tara, the bride, and me. There was no way we’d let the wedding overwhelm Marin tonight. She needed a night of fun before the real insanity started.

  I closed the office and made my way to the beach cottage. I had thirty minutes to get ready before I met the girls for drinks.

  My phone rang.


  “Guess who is one brace-less man?” Grey sounded happy.

  “That is the best news! Congratulations. Now I have a dance partner for the wedding.” I almost squealed.

  “That’s right. Walking, dancing…anything you want, baby. So, what do you say we try your naked movie idea tonight?”

  My heart sank. “Aww, I can’t. Remember, tonight’s Marin’s bachelorette party. I’m on my way to get dressed now. How far away are you?” I was not above being a few minutes late.

  “At least forty minutes.”

  My lips pouted. “Rain check?” This was the last thing I wanted to take a rain check on.

  “Sure. I think we could wait another day, although if you drink any tequila tonight I wouldn’t be opposed to you waking me up.”

  My stomach flipped. Tequila was the devil. “It’s not going to be margaritas for me, but I have no problem waking you up.” I giggled. I was tempted to call Marin and tell her I’d be an hour late, but I couldn’t do that. I was best bridesmaid.

  “I’ll see you later, darlin’.”

  I hung up and tucked my phone in my back pocket.

  My steps to the top of the landing weren’t as light as before he called.

  “I still can’t believe you are getting married, Marin. You’re going to be a married cougar.” Tara laughed at her friend.

  “I’m not that much older than him.” Marin giggled. She was happy and relaxed tonight. It was good to see her having fun.

  As far as bachelorette parties go, this one was tame. Mindy had brought a veil for Marin to wear, and Tara made us wear tags shaped like penises that said bridesmaid. Overall, I thought they did a good job of keeping the embarrassing bride harassment to a minimal.

  We were at our third bar when I got a text from Grey. I read the text out loud.

  Going out with Connor and Pick. Guys night for the groom. Call you later.

  “Oh good,” Marin gushed. I was worried Pick wasn’t going to have any way to celebrate. Connor didn’t really step up on this one.”

  “Those boys are so sweet.” Tara might have had a few glasses of champagne. I couldn’t keep track of those two. My eyes were on Marin for the night. I didn’t want her getting sick before her rehearsal dinner.

  I texted a quick response.

  Hope you’re still up when I get home.

  Marin laughed. “What’s that look all about? Your cheeks totally turned red, Eden. Are you sexting?”

  I almost spit out my champagne. “You cannot ask me that.” Although, I think I just answered her question.

  Mindy, who was always the quietest one in the group, piped in. “I’m so glad you and Grey ended up together. He was no good with Laura.”

  Ugh, the dreaded L-word. “Thanks.” I didn’t know how to respond to that.

  “Yeah, Laura was so involved in her own stuff. She never had time for Grey. It was never going to work between them.” Tara threw in her two cents.

  “Ok, good to know.” I was desperately trying to think how we could turn the conversation to the wedding and away from Grey’s ex.

  “Is she going to be at the wedding?” Mindy asked Marin.

  My head swiveled toward her. I had only seen Laura once. I hadn’t been particularly rational on our first encounter. I had doused Grey with a drink and stormed out of Pete’s. Not my proudest moment.

  “I was going to tell you, Eden, but my mom added everyone in Connor’s family. Laura too.” She shrank on her bar stool. “I’m sorry. I don’t want it to be awkward for you.”

  I shook my head. I couldn’t make an issue out of this. She was the past. I was Grey’s present. “Of course she would be invited. It’s no big deal.” I reached for my drink.

  “You sure?” Marin didn’t look convinced.

  It wasn’t as if she could un-invite her two days before the wedding. “Of course. I’m over that whole situation. Grey and I are living together now. I don’t have anything to worry about.” I added the last sentence as if that would move all my doubts from the bucket of insecu
rity into the bucket of confidence.

  “Ok, good. I don’t want it to be awkward for you.” She smiled meekly.

  “Marin, it’s going to be your wedding day. The last person I’m going to think about is Laura.”

  I noticed she shifted on her stool again. I was not supposed to upset the bride. What kind of bridesmaid was I?

  “So, there’s one more guest I have to tell you about.”

  Mindy and Tara looked confused.

  “Ok…who else is there?” I asked. I couldn’t imagine anyone other than Laura causing a problem.

  Marin sucked in a big breath, and took a sip of champagne before spilling the secret. “My mom invited Mason and he’s bringing a date.”

  “You’re kidding.” I stared at a spot on her veil. It kept my eyes from bulging out of my head.

  “No, I’m not. He’s doing some kind of deal with my dad, and she said she had to invite him. They are some kind of business partners now. I’m sorry. Again.”

  The vision of dancing in Grey’s arms under a moonlit Texas night at the reception fizzled. All the romance would be washed away the instant he set eyes on Mason. So much for that.

  “Marin, don’t worry about it. All I care about is you and Pick. Let’s have a toast.” I raised my half-empty glass, and squashed the anxious feelings her guest list had stirred. This was supposed to be a bachelorette party. Not my pity-party.

  Tara and Mindy picked up their glasses from the bar. “To the bride.”

  “Yes, to the bride.” I took a sip of the champagne, glad it was cold, and smiled brightly. I had been thrown more curveballs since I moved to South Padre than I could count. What were two more?

  Marin beamed and finished the rest of her bubbly. “Ok, next bar!”

  I didn’t know how many places she planned to go to tonight, but I didn’t complain. I was along for the ride no matter when it stopped.

  Grey must have slipped into bed long after I fell asleep. I tried every trick I knew to stay awake. Sitting straight up on my pillows, leaving both lamps on, blasting the TV while trying to read a book, but I fell asleep anyway.

  He needed a guys’ night. He had either been cooped up in the house with leg recovery, or busy trying to play catch up at work. He had to be exhausted. One night of fun with the boys and beer was well-deserved medicine. I didn’t mind that we were still waiting to rip each other’s clothes off.

  I smiled at the note he left for me on his pillow.

  See you tonight, pretty girl.



  I folded the paper and tucked it in the drawer of my nightstand. It rested on top of the one he left me the night I moved to South Padre. I liked the growing collection I had stashed there. I walked to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and took a quick shower.

  Tonight was the rehearsal dinner, but I had to put in almost a full day in the office. We had two snowbird couples checking in today, and I had messages to return from others interested in rooms. Going forward, every single reservation was life or death as far as I was concerned. The rooms needed to be immaculate. I had purchased a handful of the specialty coffee pots for those rooms. It wasn’t much, but it was at least one amenity we could offer. I was still working on getting quotes to have the buildings wrapped for wifi.

  The day moved along quickly. The two couples checked in right after lunch. I tried to be flexible with check-in and check-out times. None of that crazy you-can’t-be-here-until-four o’clock crap. It was something different we could do that the big chain hotels couldn’t.

  I checked on the guests one last time before closing down the office at five. I was happy the two couples had gathered at the pool for early cocktail hour. They looked like they were having a good time.

  Grey was going to meet me at the house, and then we’d be on our way to the rehearsal dinner.

  His maroon truck was in the driveway. He didn’t usually beat me home. I noticed our outside trash bins were crammed with plastic and cardboard. I jogged up the stairs.

  I couldn’t believe it. In the center of our living room was a couch. A real couch.

  “You like it?” Grey smiled slyly.

  “How did you know this was the one?” I walked toward it in slow motion, and rested my hand on the back.

  “Because you tagged the page and circled it five times in that catalog.”

  I looked at him. “I can’t believe you got it. It was more of a wish list couch. I never thought we could actually buy it.” I ran my fingers over the armrests. It was beautiful. It was perfect. It was in our living room.

  “So I did ok? We don’t have to return it?” One of his eyebrows cocked higher than the other.

  I shook my head. “There is no way we’re returning this.”

  It might have taken almost two months, but we had living room furniture.

  “How did you get it delivered without me noticing it?” I asked.

  Grey chuckled. “Remember when I called and asked you to see what tools I had in the storage closet for inventory?”

  I laughed. “Yes, that did seem weird and it took me forever to log all of them.”

  He winked. “That’s when the truck arrived, unloaded the couch, and took off.”

  Grey smiled at me as I took in the piece of furniture. He stepped closer and brushed the hair away from my neck.

  “I think we need to try it out.” His lips trailed below my ear to my collarbone.

  My head rocked back. My skin was already on fire. The blood in my veins thickened with heavy pulses.

  The last thing I wanted to do was stop him. “Rehearsal dinner,” I managed to whisper. He was slowly unbuttoning my shirt. His eyes locked on mine like a hungry tiger.

  “We can be late.” He shoved the shirt off my arms, and I gasped.

  “But-but I’m a bridesmaid.” My eyes closed involuntarily as he slid the straps of my bra down my shoulders.

  Grey let me know he was done with talking. His mouth descended on mine, and his lips moved with a fever I had never felt. Every part of my body burned for him—my tongue, my fingertips, my core. He had me out of my jeans before I realized it. His hands skimming along my thighs, guiding my panties to the floor. I sighed as he kissed along my legs.

  I stripped the T-shirt over his head, and rushed to find his belt buckle and the zipper on his jeans. He carefully stepped out of the jeans, and kicked them to the center of the floor. We were getting ready to wreck this gorgeous new couch, and I couldn’t be more ok with it.

  Grey’s eyes were fixed on mine, hinting at all the things he wanted to do to me. Just thinking about it made my breath hitch. How long had it been since we had been together? The anticipation and the longing for him made it feel almost like the first time. I was aching in every part of my body for him.

  His hands slid along the curves of my hips, his fingers digging into the flesh on the tops of my thighs. He spun me so my back was to the couch. I sat on the brand new cushions before lying all the way back, tugging on Grey to follow.

  The rush his hungry stare gave me shot adrenaline spiraling through my limbs. I wanted to drag him against me, but I realized he was being extra careful with his leg. I shifted to give him more room on the couch.

  “Are you ok?” I was worried.

  “Baby, there’s nothing more ok than this,” he growled in my ear, nipping along my jawline.

  My back arched off the couch as I felt his fingers sweep between my legs, then circle over my stomach and back to the sweet spot again. He continued the motion until I was whimpering under his touch. As soon as his fingers curled deep inside, my head rocked to the side and I let out a moan.

  His teeth toyed with the lace on my bra until he had moved the fabric away from what he really wanted. His tongue lashed against the nipple until it formed a hard point against his mouth.

  “You are sexy and beautiful.” His warm breath blew over my breast, his head rising to catch my look.

  “Grey, I-I…” There was so much I wanted to tell him. Like
how I loved every ounce of his stubborn body, and how I couldn’t imagine ever being in anyone else’s arms but his, and how in this moment our world was completely perfect.

  He didn’t seem distracted by my lack of a sentence. Instead, he positioned himself between my legs and slowly rocked his hips until our rhythms matched and he was pushing deep inside me. I grabbed at his neck, begging him to kiss me. With each kiss, our tongues blazed with fire and our hips quickened until it felt like I completely possessed him and he completely possessed me.

  “I missed you,” I whispered in his ear.

  “Me too.” He smiled, slowing things down. I felt the building pressure in my core as he claimed me with one controlled move after another.

  My hands slid along his back, his chest, loving the warmth of his skin and the feel of his muscles flexing under my touch. He gently bit on my lower lip before drawing back and forcefully reconnecting us. My hips lifted off the couch. It was as if he was sending heated bliss through my core every time he moved inside me.

  “Oh my God. That. Do that again.” I clutched his shoulders as he delivered another wave of pure pleasure through my body.

  “Like that?” He smiled wickedly, but I could tell he was struggling to steady his breath. He could feel it too. The electricity that charged between us. The threads that wound around us until we couldn’t tell where one of us stopped and the other began. It was like electric magic that ignited the second we touched.

  I nodded, but we were both already lost in each other. Our bodies colliding, lingering long enough to catch a breath, and then twisting together with primal hunger. Skin sliding against skin, hands roaming and caressing, craving each other like we were desperate for air. The moans in the back of my throat grew louder until I was screaming his name and holding on to any part of him I could grab, afraid I might shatter as the passion ripped through my body. I felt his muscles tense, and then he collapsed in a heap against me.

  I shifted so Grey could rest his head on my chest. Our bodies rose with heavy breaths. His body pressing with relaxed weight into mine.


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