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The Blade of Silence (Fang Mu Eastern Crimes Series Book 3)

Page 32

by Mi Lei

  "He came by." She nodded, her eyes flooding with tears. "A few days ago, he brought a little girl to the hospital. They'd done terrible things to her."

  "I see." He felt the embers of hope rekindle deep within his heart. It looked like the boy was making progress.

  "But he was injured." Yang Min's voice was heavy with concern. "I don't know exactly what he was up to. Should I ask him to pay you a visit?"

  "That won't work. I'm only allowed family visits at the moment," Xing Zhisen told her with a frown. He had hoped that Fang Mu wouldn't risk his own safety. Then again, he was the only person he could trust with this investigation, his only hope. Maybe it was the news of Fang Mu's injuries, maybe it was something else, but a growing sense of unease began clawing at his guts.

  "In the coming days, look for an opportunity to bury our daughter," Xing Zhisen slowly told his wife. "It has been so long. You should put our Xing Na to rest."

  "Huh?" For a moment Yang Min was confused. Then, her eyes suddenly widened. "Wait! What do you mean? You'll be out of here, you hear me? Don't you give up now!"

  "No, that's not what I meant at all..." he hastily replied.

  "Keep it together!" Yang Min forcefully commanded. "I am not burying Xing Na alone. We brought her into this world together and we're going to send her off together as well. And you're going to be fine."

  "All right, all right, all right. Don't worry about me." Xing Zhisen did his best to calm her. Inside, however, the unease had grown almost unbearable.

  Then it hit him. He knew who those new inmates were.



  The Waters Below

  On the 27th, in the afternoon, the corpse of an adult male was found in Changhong City, Hongyuan District, Machine Tool Plant Housing, Building 1, Unit 2, Apartment 303. The initial report was made by a Mr. Jiao, the resident of neighboring Apartment 302. Mr. Jiao had become aware of a strong odor coming from the residence of the deceased. When he had knocked on the door, he discovered that the apartment was not locked. He entered and noticed that the odor was much stronger inside. At this point, Mr. Jiao returned to his residence and called the police. Once officers arrived at the scene, they discovered an adult, male corpse in the bathroom of Apartment 303, lying in the bathtub. Mr. Jiao identified the body as that of Jing Xu, the resident of Apartment 303.

  A preliminary assessment of the scene revealed that the inside of Apartment 303 was in a state of extreme disorder. A careful search was conducted, but no viable fingerprints or other trace evidence could be recovered from inside the residence. It is assumed that unknown parties had made a deliberate effort to remove and destroy all evidence at the scene.

  Identity and Condition of the Deceased: Jing Xu, 29-year-old, unmarried, 5'6" in height. The deceased had been employed as a security guard at the Bay City Hotel. Dark red livor mortis was present on the right lumbar region, the right buttocks, the right lateral thigh and the left medial thigh. Extensive hemorrhaging and contusions were found on the body; rigor mortis had partially passed. The face was purplish in color. Conjunctival injection was present in both eyes. Both corneas were cloudy. Multiple old lacerations were found on the scalp, but there was no damage to the skull and no detectable traces of intracranial bleeding. The hyoid and thyroid cartilage were found intact. A clothesline was recovered from around the neck of the body. Significant subcutaneous hemorrhaging was detected in the neck area. A bloody, foam-like liquid was found in the trachea and blood clots were detected in both lungs. Bleeding had also occurred on the surfaces of the heart and lungs. The seventh and eighth right ribs were fractured. A chylous fluid was found in the esophagus. Approximately 80 grams of matter were retrieved from the stomach, primarily composed of Chinese bellflower (Examiner's Note: likely taken as medicine for the bruised lungs) and chylous fluid. The bladder was empty. The penis had been removed. The surface of the wound was uneven and covered in old scar tissue. Subcutaneous hemorrhaging was detected on the right wrist. The third, fourth and fifth fingers of the right hand had been severed. Toothpicks were found in the cartilage of each severed finger.

  Analysis - Cause of death: Death occurred as the result of ligature strangulation by means of the clothesline found around the neck.

  Causes of Injuries: The old injuries to the scalp are consistent with injuries caused by a blunt object; the fractured seventh and eighth ribs are consistent with injuries caused by a blunt object. The injuries to the neck are consistent with injuries caused by strangulation. The subcutaneous injuries on the right wrist can be characterized as defensive injuries. The third, fourth and fifth fingers of the right hand were severed with a sharp, bladed instrument.

  Time of Death: Based on the autopsy's findings of fixed livor mortis, receding rigor mortis and the clouding of the corneas, it can be determined that death occurred at least 24 hours prior to the first examination of the body. The Chinese bellflower and chylous fluid found in the stomach indicate that the deceased last ate approximately two hours prior to death.

  Pre-mortem Condition: The multiple old injures and fractures indicate that the victim was subjected to a severe beating approximately 72 hours prior to death. The amputation of the fingers occurred within 24 hours of death. The blood spatter in the bathtub and on the walls of the bathroom indicated that the amputation occurred in the bathroom of Apartment 303.

  Crime Scene: Home of the deceased, Hongyuan District, Machine Tool Plant Housing, Building 1, Unit 2, Apartment 303.

  Perpetrator(s) – Number, Special Characteristics and Relationship to Victim: Number is unknown. The brutality of the crime suggests that at least one perpetrator was male and had some form of prior relationship to the victim.

  Motive: The investigation revealed that the deceased led a deviant lifestyle and had been convicted of numerous prior offenses. This, in addition to the beating he received prior to the murder and the fact that his fingers were removed and toothpicks inserted into his hand, suggests that revenge was likely the motive for the crime.

  After the case was reported to the Municipal Bureau, the police were quickly able to establish a list of suspects and begin their investigation. The prime suspects were Zheng Lin, Deputy Captain of the Changhong City Municipal Public Security Bureau's Criminal Investigation (Suspended) and two members of his team: Feng Ruohai (Suspended) and Zhan Hong (Suspended). However, it was determined that all three had an alibi for the time of the crime and they were eliminated as suspects.

  After the police obtained the victim's phone records it was discovered that Fang Mu of the Department of Criminal Psychology had attempted to contact the deceased on the day of the murder. Further investigation revealed that Fang Mu's contact with Jing Xu was linked to an ongoing investigation. He had been accompanied by Xiao Wang, another member of the team assigned to the case. Both were eliminated as suspects.

  A subsequent report by a member of the public revealed that the deceased had been assaulted at the Lihua Bar days prior to his death. The investigators were able to identify the attackers as Xu Hexi (Male, 26 years, Unemployed, Previously served a prison sentence of two years and six months on aggravated assault charges), Cheng Yanbo (Female, 22 years, escort at the Morning Glory Club, Xu Hexi's girlfriend), as well as a number of Xu Hexi's male acquaintances. The investigation brought to light that an altercation had occurred between the deceased and Cheng Yanbo at the Morning Glory Club. This discovery reinforced the investigators' suspicions against Xu Hexi.

  It had been a while now since Fang Mu had last seen Zheng Lin. Still, it hardly seemed enough time for the captain to have changed as much as he had. Zheng Lin was standing in one of the Bureau's many corridors. His face was drawn and his entire body had grown haggard. The captain's trademark leather jacket, which had once fit him so snugly, now hung loosely from his shoulders.

  Zheng Lin was staring at Fang Mu. There was a predatory glint in his bloodshot eyes. When he spoke, his voice was like ice. "Hello."

  "What are you doing here?" Fang Mu stoppe
d, keeping his distance.

  "In for questioning," came Zheng Lin's tight-lipped response as he motioned toward Interrogation Room 2. "Young Hai's in there."

  "Ah." Fang Mu lowered his head and tried to quickly walk around him.

  "Why are you a person of interest?" Zheng Lin defiantly stepped in his path. "You called him, didn't you?"

  "It had nothing to do with you." Fang Mu raised his head to look Zheng Lin dead in the eye. "Don't forget, you're a person of interest, too."

  Zheng Lin chuckled. "I wish I'd done it; cut his fingers, then the toothpicks. I'd have enjoyed that."

  Fang Mu lowered his eyes again, a bitter smile on his lips. "You've gone fuckin' insane."

  Zheng Lin burst into cold laughter and slapped Fang Mu on the shoulder. The captain's strange behavior drew a curious glance from every other officer in earshot.

  Suddenly, Zheng Lin's laughter came to a screeching halt and his fingers dug into Fang Mu's shoulder. "What were they looking for?" He narrowed his eyes. His voice bit like a blade. "Cut his fingers, then the toothpicks. They forced him to talk. You were looking for it, too, yes?"

  Fang Mu had expected nothing less. The criminal investigations people might mistake the murder of Jing Xu for a revenge killing, but not someone like Zheng Lin. He had considered telling Zheng Lin the truth, but given the captain's current state, that didn't seem like such a stellar idea. Saving Old Xin was already an uphill struggle; he couldn't afford to send Zheng Lin completely over the edge by telling him that the recordings were out there somewhere.

  "I have no idea." Fang Mu removed the captain's hand, turned and walked away. He only made it a few steps when the bathroom door was thrown open and Little Zhan emerged. His hands were still dripping wet.

  Little Zhan shot Zheng Lin a quick look and then placed himself squarely in Fang Mu's path.

  Zheng Lin spoke up from behind. His voice had lost all its cold cruelty, suddenly sounding more like he was on the verge of despair. "In '95, Old Xing and I caught a bunch of drug dealers at the Yang Bar. When I entered the scene, they knocked me down. They had three Type 56 Assault Rifles and two shotguns. I was on the ground, in the middle of a hail of bullets. I was sure I would die." He stopped to stare at the wall. When he continued, he was mumbling and his eyes had glazed over, head lowering in thought. "Old Xing dragged me to safety. His vest was riddled with bullets… My life belongs to Old Xing." He abruptly raised his head and voice. "No matter what, I will not rest until I have saved Old Xing!"

  For a few seconds, Fang Mu remained silent. Then quietly, he told him, "Right now, you should be thinking about keeping yourself safe."

  "Fang Mu!" Zheng Lin roared, the cold returning to his eyes. "Don't push me! I would do anything for Old Xing!"

  "I know." Fang Mu stood his ground. "That's why I cannot trust you!"

  Jing Xu's murder had caught Fang Mu completely off-guard. It had been only him and Jing Xu in that room; how had his enemies known that he was about to betray them? They were obviously one step ahead of him. And he didn't even know who the enemy was.

  When he had first laid eyes on Jing Xu's tortured corpse, his mind had immediately jumped to Zheng Lin. It was like he had said: He would do anything for Old Xing. But Fang Mu had quickly discarded the idea. Zheng Lin had lost all perspective, but he would never stoop that low. And that Zheng Lin knew nothing about the tapes just confirmed it.

  Then there was Xu Hexi and his gang. They were certainly vicious, but they would never have the guts to actually kill someone. Jing Xu's killer was a professional; there was no doubt in Fang Mu's mind about that part. Somehow, someone had learned that Jing Xu was about to sell those tapes. That someone almost certainly also knew that Fang Mu was snooping around. Chances were, they were watching him. Maybe, he would be next.

  The three men stood in the corridor, staring at each other in silence. The tension between them was almost palpable. Suddenly, one of the doors opened and the chief stuck his head out. He was about to say something when he noticed their stony glares. He looked at them for a second, then asked, "And what is going on here?"

  Fang Mu turned away from Zheng Lin and asked, "Do you need me?"

  "In fact, I do." Bian Ping signaled Fang Mu over. "Someone called the Department looking for you."

  "What?" Fang Mu was confused, but approached. "Who?"

  "No idea; she just left her number." Bian Ping handed him a note. "Also, why can't I reach your phone?"

  Fang Mu took out his cell phone. It was out of power.

  "Call her from my office," Bian Ping said, pointing to the phone on his desk.

  Fang Mu stepped into the office and grabbed the phone and dialed.

  A young woman answered the phone. When Fang Mu identified himself, she sounded flustered. "Uhm…I am a surgical nurse at the Suijing City Number Two People's Hospital. You…You left this thing with us."

  "Oh?" Fang Mu had no idea what she might be talking about. After Lu Dachun had beaten him, he'd been stripped and then kicked to the curb. A friendly truck driver had picked him up and dropped him off at the hospital. He had arrived there with nothing but his underwear. "What is it?"

  "There was something stuck in your left leg… A memory card."

  The silent, dangerous type never seemed to have any trouble attracting the attention of young women.

  Ever since his sudden departure, Surgical Nurse Ding Yan hadn't stopped thinking about that stoic, brooding patient. So, when procedure had called for her to throw the memory card out with medical waste, Ding Yan had instead pocketed it. She'd then used the medical records system to track down the patient: A young police officer.

  An injured policeman, a beautiful nurse, a chance encounter…and a small keepsake. She knew this was the stuff movies were made of.

  But Ding Yan's beautiful illusions were soon shattered. When he arrived, the policeman almost ripped the card from her hands. He never even noticed her freshly manicured and painted fingernails. Nurse Ding was about to feel seriously offended when she realized that he had frozen in front of her. He seemed in a daze, staring down at the memory card in his hand.

  "What's wrong?" she asked. "It's yours, isn't it?"

  It was not. It wouldn't have even fit Fang Mu's phone.

  It was Lu Haitao's card.

  Fang Mu saw himself back in front of the ancestral hall. It had seemed so random then: Lu Haitao grabbing his leg, digging into his flesh. To the mob it had been a clear sign that Lu Haitao had gone insane.

  But in truth it had been an ingenious last-ditch maneuver.

  Lu Haitao must have found a way to palm his phone's memory card before their phones had been completely destroyed. Then, with no other options left, he had ripped Fang Mu's leg open and pushed the card in.

  The only question remaining was what had Lu Haitao been so desperate to protect?

  Slowly, Fang Mu returned to the present. Searching for something, he looked left, then right, then around.

  "What is it?" Nurse Ding gently asked.

  "Do you know where I can find a computer?" he inquired, his voice distant.

  Nurse Ding hesitated, and then said, "I have a small netbook. I don't know..."

  "Great." He needed just one more thing. "Does it have a card reader?"

  "There's probably one in the nurse's office. Give me a minute."

  She left his side. Her heart was pounding. She was coming to the aid of the gallant hero. This really was just like a movie.

  A pop-up in the notification area advised Fang Mu: Your devices are ready to use. Device driver software installed successfully.

  Fang Mu could have sworn that he had been waiting for hours. Hastily, he opened the link to the memory card. One by one he checked the files and folders it contained. Pictures. There it was; Fang Mu's hands were trembling.

  There were 11 files in the folder. The first few were all of Lu Haitao's visit to Suijing City; a mall, streets, restaurants. Seeing Lu Haitao's excited face, remembering his last desperate stare—it nearly
broke Fang Mu's heart.

  The eighth picture was the photo of Lu Lu Fang Mu had sent him. The ninth and tenth pictures were the strange images he had sent Fang Mu on the mountain. Fang Mu zoomed in as close as he could, but he still couldn't make out what Lu Haitao had been trying to capture.

  It left one—the eleventh.

  His heart raced as he moved the mouse over the icon and double-clicked. The breath caught in his throat.

  Nurse Ding watched her policeman stare at the screen. He hadn't moved a muscle. Finally, she could no longer contain her curiosity. But before she had the chance to sneak a peek, Fang Mu slammed the netbook shut, unplugged the card reader and removed the memory card.

  Nurse Ding yelped as he spun around.

  "Did you look at the contents of this card?" he asked, stressing every syllable.

  "No, no." She dismissed the notion with a firm wave of her hand.

  Despite her assurances, Fang Mu kept his gaze locked on her. It didn't look like she was lying. "You must not mention any of this to anyone. Just pretend you never met me at all, all right?"

  Even though he sounded almost friendly now, his words couldn't have been more terrible. As the color drained from her face, she asked, "We…we cannot see each other again?"

  "Trust me; it's better if you don't know me." Fang Mu shot her a fleeting smile. As it faded, he solemnly said, "Thank you."

  For some people, every hello just meant another goodbye. Like comets shooting through the night sky, they shine with dazzling light, only to burn to nothing. The best they can hope for is that they don't leave too much destruction in their wake.

  Nurse Ding watched her mysterious policeman disappear down the hospital corridor. In the depths of her chest, her young heart was already healing. She put her hands in her pockets and shrugged.

  There was always young Dr. Zhang from pediatrics…


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