Blade's Awakening (Wild Kings MC Book 5)

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Blade's Awakening (Wild Kings MC Book 5) Page 3

by Erin Osborne

  I settle back in the chair again, trying to relax and not let my nerves take hold. It’s one thing to hear a heartbeat, but I’m guessing my entire world is about to change when I can actually see the baby on a screen.

  “You’ll be able to see the baby move and everything,” Keira tells me.


  “Yeah. If they’re sucking their thumb, moving an arm or leg, you see it all. It’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

  Yeah, that didn’t help my nerves from ratcheting up just that much more. It was real when I found out that I was going to be a dad. Hearing the heartbeat just now, made it just much more real. Now, we’re going to be seeing our child and I’m sure that it’s going to really hit home the fact that in about three months’ time we’re going to be parents. That doesn’t leave me much time to make sure that Keira is back home where she belongs.

  It only takes a few minutes before there’s another knock on the door. This time, a woman enters behind this huge machine. I’m not sure exactly what this thing is supposed to do, but it looks weird to me. Keira’s already been through this though, so I’ll just follow her lead. Not my usual thing, but this is all new for me. I really have no choice right now.

  “How are you guys today?” the woman asks, staring at me and ignoring my girl.

  “I’m doing fine,” Keira answers, the attitude in her voice clear.

  “Um…what?” the woman asks.

  “I said, I’m doing fine. Now, do your job and quit staring at him. I think you might have some drool hanging there. Fuck!”

  I sit there and don’t say a word. Without coming right out and saying anything, Keira just claimed me. If she didn’t care about me at all, she wouldn’t be bothered by someone else looking at me. I mean, she was ignoring the patient, but still. Keira just let me know more than she wanted to and it’s going to hit her in just a few seconds.

  “Um…I don’t know why I just said that,” she starts. “Sorry Blade.”

  “It’s all good kitten. You just let me know all I needed to know.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, you just let me know all I need to know. You’ll be home where you belong before too long.” Is my only response before the woman starts talking to Keira.

  “Since you’ve had this done before, you know what to expect. I’m going to put the gel on your stomach now.”

  I watch the woman do her thing and hold Keira’s hand in mine. There’s not a thing going near her that I’m not going to watch. This is my woman and my baby and I’ll do what I have to in order to protect them until the day I die. History will not repeat itself for my child. I will not treat my child the way I was treated and Keira will never know what it’s like to feel my hands on her in anything other than pleasure.

  “Watch the screen Blade,” Keira’s soft voice breaks me from my thoughts.

  Hearing the heartbeat, I pull my phone from my pocket so that I can record it. Keira doesn’t say anything, she just watches me with a soft smile on her face. I guess I’m just proving to her that I will be there for the long road and I’m not going anywhere. Not just for the baby, for her.

  If I didn’t want to be with her, Rage wouldn’t be starting to build a house for us. I wouldn’t be making plans to bring her home permanently. And I sure wouldn’t be sitting here with her in a place I thought I’d never be in a million years.

  “Alright mom and dad, are you ready to see your baby?” the woman asks us before hitting a few buttons on the machine.

  Keira looks at me and we both nod our heads. The screen goes from black to a fuzziness that is starting to take some sort of shape. Everything remains black and grey, and I’m not sure what I’m looking at, but I’m guessing I’ll find out soon.

  “Have you been told that you’re having one baby?” the woman asks, looking directly at the screen.

  “Yeah. I haven’t ever been told anything else,” Keira responds, looking at me quickly.

  “Let me get Dr. Sanchez really quick,” the woman says, pressing a button on the wall.

  A few minutes later the Doctor returns to the room and talks quietly with the woman controlling the ultrasound machine. She’s pointing something out on the screen and moving the wand around on my girl’s stomach.

  “Keira, it looks like you are having twins,” Dr. Sanchez says, turning around to face us.

  “Wh-what do you mean?” Keira asks, almost speechless.

  “It looks like the second baby has been hiding behind the baby we’ve already seen. Until today.”

  “Is that even possible?” Keira asks.

  “It is, and it happens more than you think. Instead of making an appointment for a month from today, I’d like to see you in a few weeks. I’ll let them know at reception,” Dr. Sanchez says before leaving the room.

  I’m sitting in the chair next to Keira and I’m speechless. I was used to the idea of having one baby with my girl, now I have to wrap my head around the fact that we’re about to have two babies. But, it’s not about me right now, it’s about my girl and our children that she’s carrying. Instead of worrying about what I’m thinking or feeling right now, I need to be concerned with what’s going through her mind.

  “Kitten, you okay?” I ask, as the woman at the machine keeps doing her thing.

  “I’m okay. I’m shocked, but I’m okay,” she says. “Can you tell us the sex of either baby?”

  “We can try. Let’s see if they’ll cooperate.”

  As she moves the wand around on my girl’s stomach, we can see different angles of the babies. Other than being able to tell what the head and arms are, I can’t figure out what we’re supposed to be looking at.

  “Alright guys, baby A looks to be a boy,” she says, moving the wand around further to try to get a look at the other baby. “And, baby B looks like a little girl.”

  One of each, we’re having a boy and a girl. I can already guarantee that my daughter will not be happy when she hits her late thirties and wants to start dating. Between her brother, my club brothers, and me she will have to go through a lot. There won’t be anyone good enough for my baby girl. No one.

  “Blade, are you okay?” Keira asks.

  “I’m doin’ good, kitten. How are you feelin’ about this?” I ask, pulling her hand to my mouth and kissing it.

  “I don’t know how to feel. I was prepared for one baby, not two. But, we’ll adapt and there’s still time to prepare for two babies,” she tells me.

  “Okay mom and dad, let me get you some pictures printed off and you’ll be ready to leave,” the woman tells us.

  Hitting a button, I hear the machine starting to print our pictures. Hopefully she prints enough for me to take back to Clifton Falls with me. At least until I can convince Keira to move back home.

  “What do you want to do now?” I ask her.

  “I’m hungry, actually. There’s still time to go before I have to be to work. Can we go through a drive through or something so I can take a short nap?”

  “Sounds good to me kitten,” I tell her, accepting the pictures the woman hands us.

  After thanking her, we head out so that Keira can make her next appointment. Asking for two appointment cards, she hands me one that I put in my wallet. There’s no way I’m missing another appointment. So, I’ll have to talk to Grim when I get back.

  Chapter Two


  Blade has been here for a few days. It’s been nice having him around, taking care of me. I’m still not over the shock of learning that we’re having twins, but it will be okay.

  I could tell the thoughts running through Blade’s head as soon as we found out we’re having a boy and a girl. My poor daughter is going to be so protected that it’s going to drive her up a wall. It’s a good thing her mama won’t let them get too bad. Hell, I’ll even help her get away every now and then. Blade won’t like it, but he’ll get over it.

  He’s stuck to his word and been at Vixen every night while I’v
e been at work. There’s a corner table that he’s chosen to sit at and watch me while I work. Honestly, I haven’t seen him really even pay attention to the strippers as they dance. His gaze is always on me.

  Slim and a few of the Phantom Bastards have been in more since Blade has been spending time at the club. It’s nice to see them on a more regular basis. I know that Maddie is Slim’s daughter and that he misses her and the kids like crazy. We’ve had several talks about it. He’s such a good guy and I hope that eventually he finds his happy ever after. He deserves it.

  Waking up, I go through my morning routine while Blade is still asleep. This gives me a chance to think about the last few days and decide what I’m going to do. Blade’s made it extremely clear that he wants me to come home to Clifton Falls. Technically I don’t have a home, this is just a temporary stop along the way I guess. Obviously, I won’t go far because of the babies, but I know Benton Falls isn’t my home.

  Blade hasn’t touched me sexually in the days that he’s been here. The only thing he’s done is hold me at night when we go to bed. I’m so sexually frustrated that it’s not funny, but I’m not going to make the first move. If Blade wanted me, he’d make sure I knew it.

  My phone ringing breaks me out of my thoughts as I pick it up to see that Melody is calling me. “Hello.”

  “Hey babe,” she responds. “How are things with you and Blade?”

  “Okay I guess.”

  “What do you mean?” she asks, the confusion clear in her voice.

  “Well, we found out some news at my appointment. That’s not what I’m talking about though. I’m talking about the fact that the man hasn’t touched me since he’s been here. We go to bed and he wraps his arms around me, then falls asleep. There’s no sex. At all,” I tell her, getting out the ingredients I need to make breakfast.

  “So why don’t you start it babe? I’m sure he’s just trying to respect you. Not push you into something that he’s not sure you want right now.”

  “I’m not starting anything. If he wanted me, he’d make sure I knew it. He always did before. Blade’s the only one I’ve been with since just before you were kidnapped and he’s the only one I want now.”

  Before Melody gets a chance to respond, my cell phone is taken from me and I can hear the beep of it being hung up. I don’t even have to turn around to know that Blade is behind me. His smell and heat meet my back just before he starts kissing my neck.

  “Don’t ever think I don’t want you, kitten,” he says. “You want somethin’ from me, take it.”

  Turning around, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his mouth down to meet mine. He wants me to take what I want, then I’m going to do just that. I move to his neck while running my hands up and under his shirt, bringing it up his body so I can kiss my way down to what I really want.

  Blade lifts his arms up so I can remove his shirt easier, tossing it to the floor behind me. Continuing to kiss his neck, I slide my hands in the sweats that he slept in last night. I can hear the groans coming from Blade as I slowly make my way from his neck, down his chest and abs to his cock.

  “Kitten, never said you had to do that,” Blade says, just before I take him in my mouth.

  Without answering, I take as much of Blade in my mouth as I can. Using my tongue, I swirl it around the entire shaft while continuing to bob up and down. The entire time I stare up at him, watching the look of pure pleasure on his face. He’s got his head slightly tilted back and his eyes are closed. I can hear his low moans which is just turning me on more.

  “Kitten, stop,” Blade says, bending slightly to pull me up. “Feels too good and I’m not goin’ to last much longer.”

  Blade picks me up and before I can wrap my legs around his waist, he sets me down on the island behind me. I try to stay in a sitting position, but he uses one hand to gently push me back so I’m laying down. Reaching up under my dress, Blade slides my thong down my legs until he can fling it behind his back. Standing up, he bends over me and grabs my hair so that he can tilt my head where he wants it to go before kissing me in a way that he knows I love. Just as I’m about to break the kiss so I can catch my breath, Blade moves to my neck.

  I moan out as he nips and kisses his way down my neck to my chest. Without skipping a beat, I can feel the straps of my dress being lowered down my arms, baring my upper body to Blade. My back arches up off the island as he takes one nipple in his mouth. Ever since I became pregnant, I am so sensitive that he can almost make me cum just from playing with my tits. And it doesn’t take long either.

  “More Blade!” I moan out, arching up as far as my stomach will let me.

  Blade doesn’t disappoint. He moves from one side over to the other one. I don’t know if it’s because I’m already so close, but this side seems more sensitive. Before I can stop, or warn Blade, an orgasm rips through me.

  “Blade!” I scream out.

  Before I come down all the way, I feel Blade insert a finger in me. Curling his finger in a way that ensures he hits all the right spots, I feel my body responding the way it always does to him. From the very first time we were together, Blade knew my body better than I did. I enjoy sex but no one else has ever gotten the response that he has. Blade makes it more about me and less about himself than anyone I have ever known. Just like I know that he’s holding back and not giving me everything that he usually does with other women.

  “Kitten, you ready for me?” he asks, stepping in even closer to me.

  “Mmhmmm,” I murmur.

  After pumping his finger in and out a few more times, I feel the head of his cock lining up. Even though Blade won’t slam into me the way that he has in the past, he doesn’t stop until he’s buried inside. My back arches and there’s no stopping it if I wanted to. I love feeling Blade inside me, making sure that we both reach our release in ways that are fun and new to me. It’s never the same thing with him.

  “I need more,” I tell him, lifting my hips to meet him.

  “I don’t want to hurt you or the baby, Kitten.”

  “You won’t. Please, I need more,” I moan out.

  Blade pauses for just a second before giving into me and giving me what I really want. He moves faster and harder until I can feel my release curling through my body. I know that he’s getting closer too since I can feel his legs starting to shake and his movements becoming erratic.

  “Give. It. Up. Kitten!” Blade pants out between thrusts.

  Leaning down, Blade takes one nipple in his mouth and bites down just hard enough for my release to tear through me. Two more pumps of his hips and I can feel Blade still and know that he’s found his release too.

  Usually he would lean down on me and hold me while we both came down. I know he won’t this time though. He will hold me, but he won’t put any weight on me. So, he rubs his hands up and down my sides while our breathing begins to slow. I run my hands up and down his back, pulling him as close as he’ll get.

  “Kitten, you know that I have to leave today, yeah?” he asks, helping me sit up.

  “I know. I don’t like it, but I know you have to get back to your life,” I tell him honestly, while my heart breaks in pieces.

  “Kitten, you know I want you to come home with me. I’ve already talked to Rage about buildin’ our home close to Melody and Glock’s. I want us together, you my old lady, and us raisin’ our babies together,” Blade tells me, kissing my forehead.

  “I don’t know, Blade. That’s a big step up from just wanting to have a little fun. We can’t do that just because there’s children involved now. That won’t be good for anyone. Especially them,” I tell him, knowing first-hand what parents fighting all the time does to a child.

  “Kitten, we’ll work on it. I’ll keep comin’ down to see you and you can make trips up to see me. I know I want a decision made soon though. I don’t want our twins livin’ in two different houses,” Blade tells me.

  I don’t want our children raised in two different houses, in two different towns, eithe
r. My parents couldn’t make their relationship work and I remember the toll it took on my sister and I to go from one home to the other with two different sets of everything from rules to the people we were surrounded by. My kids deserved better than that, but that’s not a reason to get back together.

  “We’ll see what happens, Blade,” I tell him, leaning up to give him a kiss good bye.

  “Bye kitten. I’ll call you as soon as I make it to the clubhouse,” he tells me before grabbing his bag and making his way out to his bike.

  I stand on the porch watching him leave. After he’s long gone and I can barely hear the rumble of his bike, I’m still rooted to the same spot. So much has to be decided and I have to be the one to make those decisions. Can I truly risk my heart and give Blade the chance he says he wants?


  My head was spinning on the drive home. Instead of it being a calm and relaxing ride, I couldn’t stop the thoughts of Keira and my kids from flitting through my mind. Was I really ready to be a dad to not only one child but two? How was I going to handle having a daughter? Am I good enough to teach my son what it takes to be a man? Will my girl move back where she belongs with the people that truly love and care about her? If I push too hard, will she pull a runner and disappear with my kids? Will she give me a chance to prove to her that I’m ready to be a one-woman man?

  The few days that I just spent with her were amazing. No, I didn’t push the sex issue because I want this done at her pace. If she doesn’t want me to touch her, then I’m not going to. That theory was good in my mind until I heard her talking on the phone thinking I didn’t want her at all. My kitten is the only woman I’m going to want today, tomorrow, and when we’re old and gray. Keira knows when to challenge me, when to leave her sass behind, how to give me as good as she gets, and isn’t afraid to try anything. She speaks her mind and doesn’t let me bullshit her. I also know when it comes down to it, unless I do one of her few deal breakers, she’ll have my back no matter what.

  With all the thoughts running through my mind, I’m back at the clubhouse before I know it. I back my bike into its normal spot and take a minute to just sit there. It’s good to be home, but my girl needs to be here with me. My kids need to be here no matter if they’re in her stomach or born. I’m tired of missing out on things.


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