Blade's Awakening (Wild Kings MC Book 5)

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Blade's Awakening (Wild Kings MC Book 5) Page 6

by Erin Osborne

  “I’d like to keep her name intact. Then, she can shorten it to CJ when she gets older or somethin’.”

  “It’s perfect. Can I ask you what happened to your sister?” I ask hesitantly.

  “You can ask me anythin’ you want to kitten. My sister was my entire world when we were little. From the second my parents brought her home, I was by her side. Watchin’ over her because I knew my parents weren’t goin’ to. You see, they had an issue or two with drugs and the only thing they cared about was gettin’ their next fix,” Blade starts. “One night, Cory was just under a year old, a guy they owed money to came stormin’ in the house. He raped my mother while my dad watched. Then, when he was done, he opened fire. Cory was hit in the chest and there was nothin’ I could do to save her. My dad was hit in the arm and I was grazed by a bullet in the leg. My mom was also killed. Anyway, when the cops got there, they didn’t even try to find out what was goin’ on and simply arrested my dad. I was in so much pain over losin’ Cory that I didn’t do anythin’ to help my dad.”

  I sit in stunned silence for a few minutes, soaking in Blade’s tragic story. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”

  “It was a long time ago,” Blade responds. “I deal with it every day. But, you’re the first person I’ve ever told that story to.”

  “I’m honored that you chose me to tell.”

  Blade and I talk for the rest of the ride back to my house. Before we hang up, I tell him that he might as well tell Melody our news since I have no clue when I’m going to be able to talk to her again. Once I park, I tell him that I better get off of the phone in case Boy Scout didn’t get everything out. He tells me to call him as soon as I can and he’ll drop whatever he’s doing to talk to me. Hanging up, I sit there for a few minutes and think about the situation I’m currently in. How did my life get to this point? What am I going to do now? Will I survive whatever is going to happen with Jason?

  Chapter Four


  I’m sitting in the clubhouse, wondering if today is a day that I’ll be able to hear from Keira. It’s been a few days since she called that first time when she was driving home and I can’t stop the thoughts running through my mind about what he’s making her do, if she’s okay, if our babies are okay, and everything else. None of it’s good and I need to be there but I know it’s just going to cause problems for her.

  “Blade, you okay?” Melody asks, pulling me out of my head.

  “No, I’m really not. But, my girl will get through this and we’ll figure out how to help her. I do need to talk to you though.”

  “Okay. What’s up?” Melody asks, sitting on the stool next to me.

  “Since Keira doesn’t know when she’ll be able to talk to you, she wanted me to tell you our news. You’re gonna flip out, so I need you to promise me that you won’t try to call her or contact her any way.”

  “You’re scaring me right now, but I promise, I won’t contact her. I’ll wait until she can talk to me.”

  “Well, we’re not havin’ just one baby. We’re havin’ twins. A boy and a girl,” I tell her, bracing myself for the screaming and shrieking that I know is about to happen.

  “Oh my!” Melody screams, pulling the attention of everyone in the main room of the clubhouse. “Are you fucking serious right now?”

  “I’m dead serious,” I tell her, pulling out the ultrasound picture I have in my wallet. You can see the wear and tear on it from me handling it so much.

  “I can’t believe this. But, I guess you can tell her our news when you talk to her again. Glock and I are having another baby,” Melody gushes, staring down at the picture I handed her.

  “Congrats! I know she’d want to be here for you like she was before. The same way I know it’s killin’ you not to be there for her right now.”

  “You can say that again. But, we need to let this thing with Jason play out. So, do you have any names or anything picked out?”

  “We do. Kenyon Alexander for our son and Cory Jaqueline for our daughter,” I tell her, not going into detail about Cory’s name. That’s personal and just between the two of us until Cory is old enough to know where her name comes from.

  “Those are so cute! I can’t believe you guys are having twins! I have to go tell Glock,” she rushes out.

  “Just don’t tell anyone else. She said you could know and I know that she was includin’ Glock in that. Only because you can’t keep your mouth shut,” I tell her, smiling to let her know I’m teasing her.

  “Oh shut it! I can keep my mouth shut. But, I’m going to tell my man.”

  I tell Melody bye and motion for Summer to hand me a beer. There’s nothing I have to do and I don’t plan on going anywhere, so I might as well have a drink or two. Then I might take a nap to forget things for a little bit and see if Tank wants to work out later this afternoon. He told me when they all found out what was going on that he spent a ton of time in the gym when Maddie was taken. Yesterday I spent most of the day there, I’m sore as hell but it took my mind off shit for a little bit.

  Drinking down my beer, I motion for another one. I slam that one and get up to make my way to my room. Just as I’m about to unlock my door, my phone starts ringing and I rush to pull it out of my pocket. I never know when my girl’s going to call so I need to keep my phone close at all times. I’m not missing a single call from Keira if I can help it. The only thing that would make me miss one is if I’m in church and don’t have my phone on me. Glen knows to keep an ear out for it when I’m there, but he also knows not to interrupt or answer it. Unless she calls back-to-back. Then I know it’s an emergency and he better answer the fucker. So, I put mine on the table, instead of in the box with the rest of the guys’ phones.

  I look down and see Tank’s name flashing across my screen. Not wanting to talk to anyone right now, I just silence the call and figure I’ll call him back when I wake up.


  For the last few hours, I’ve tried so hard to take a nap and just forget that this dumb motherfucker is taking my girl away from me. Nothing will make me forget that though. This asshole truly doesn’t know who he’s fucking with right now. I’m not going to wait around for long, with my thumb up my ass to come up with a plan to get my kitten back.

  Knowing that I’m obviously not going to go to sleep, I sit up and call Tank back. I’m not sure what he wants, but I’m hoping he’s going to be heading to the gym so that I can exhaust myself.

  “’Lo,” He answers.

  “What’s up, brother?”

  “Was gonna see if you were headin’ to the gym today? I know I spent a shit ton of time there when Maddie was taken. I’m guessin’ you’re goin’ to be the same way.”

  “Yeah. I was gonna try and crash for a bit. That’s why I didn’t answer earlier. It didn’t work out that way though,” I tell Tank honestly.

  “It never does. The only thing that’s gonna happen is you have the what if’s runnin’ through your mind and they don’t stop until your girl comes home. So, let’s go blow off some steam and try to get you exhausted so you can manage to get a little bit of sleep.”

  Before hanging up, Tank tells me he’ll be over in about ten minutes. We always use the gym at the clubhouse so we don’t have to deal with any bullshit. And we don’t have to leave to get a good workout in.

  I get up and make my way in my bathroom. There’s no point in taking a shower right now, but I need to get changed into my shorts and a tee shirt until I get in the gym. I’m not walking around here unless I’m fully dressed. Not with all the club girls walking around, thinking they’re going to get their claws in the single men. I’m not single. My girl just isn’t here right now.

  The only thing that would’ve made this situation with Keira worse would be if she had left here. Hell, she didn’t even have to give me a heads up about what was going on. But, she wanted Slim to make sure I knew it wasn’t her saying the words she spewed to me. That was one of the hardest phone calls I’ve ever had in my li
fe. Another man telling me that my girl was in trouble and we had to come up with a plan before we just went in and took her back. He was right though. My girl and unborn babies are the most important things in my world and we need to protect them. I just fucking hate waiting and leaving her to deal with the bullshit that dead man walking is putting her through.

  Walking out into the main room, I see most of my brothers sitting around. Some are already drinking, some are sitting around talking, there’s a few playing pool, and one or two are with club girls. Typical for a slow afternoon at our businesses. The scene just doesn’t interest me anymore. I want my kitten back and with me.

  “Blade, come sit for a minute,” Glock calls out to me.

  “Goin’ to workout with Tank. We’ll catch up later,” I tell him, continuing on to the gym.

  “Melody told me your news, brother,” Glock tells me, catching up to me quickly. “I can’t begin to guess what you’re goin’ through right now. You need anythin’, call me.”

  “Thanks. I’m good. Just want my family safe and whole. I want my girl here and we need to come up with somethin’ like yesterday. If not, I might decide to go on my own. I can’t stand this shit.”

  “Grim’s been talkin’ to Slim constantly. You don’t know all the details and we’re keepin’ it that way for a reason. All you need to know right now is that Keira’s still at Vixen and she’s okay. Phantom Bastards are posted all over the club the days she works. Slim’s been workin’ on his end since that’s where she is.”

  “It’s not me though!” I yell, getting closer to Glock. “I should be the one there, keepin’ an eye on her, protectin’ her anyway I can, and makin’ sure our babies are doin’ okay.”

  “You are protectin’ her by bein’ here and not doin’ somethin’ stupid, Blade,” Glock tells me. “You don’t think we’ve all been where you’re at right now? Try goin’ through it for years and years.”

  “I know. I just feel so helpless while she’s out there havin’ whatever he’s doin’ to her. You didn’t hear her on the phone the last time we talked, Glock. She’s gettin’ scared which means he’s spiralin’ out of control sooner than we thought he would. He’s gettin’ desperate,” I tell him, thinking back to the last time we talked.

  Keira was trying to sound normal and act like she wasn’t scared. I could hear the fear in her voice though. Even talking about the babies wasn’t helping take the fear out of her voice. That’s one topic that’s guaranteed to get her excited and rambling on and on. Instead, she was hesitant to even talk about the babies. It was like she wanted to avoid talking about them at all costs. Maybe it was because he’s telling her she has to give them up. I don’t know, but I know I never want to hear her sound so small and weak again in my life.

  “Blade, you here man?” Tank asks, standing next to Glock.

  “Yeah. Sorry.”

  “Nothin’ to be sorry about. We’ve been there. Let’s hit the gym and get some of that pent up rage out,” Tank says, leading the way inside.

  Tank always puts the music on. It’s usually something hard to get our blood pumping. Today is no different. I hear the beginning cords of Failure by Breaking Benjamin blare out of the speakers. This is exactly what I feel these days. I haven’t protected what’s mine. Again. First with Cory and now with Keira. I would say that it’s telling me that I shouldn’t have anyone else in my life, but I’m a selfish bastard and I’m not letting her go. I’m not letting my kids go.

  I spot Tank while he starts lifting and he can see the rage that is threatening to explode. It’s getting worse and worse with every passing day. Yeah, Glock said that Slim’s working on it and keeping an eye on her. But, it’s not me doing it. I need to be there. Grim won’t let me anywhere near there though and I can’t say that I blame him.

  “Blade, we’re not liftin’ today. Today, we’re gettin’ in the ring. Come on,” Tank tells me, leading the way and starting to wrap tape around his hands.

  I follow suit and wrap my hands up before stepping in the ring. Tank is known for his underground fighting in the past and I know I stand no chance against the man. But, we’re just going to spar. I hope.

  “Don’t look so relieved princess,” Tank says. “We’re not sparrin’. You need to get some of that rage out and I’m gonna help you do that. I won’t go full out, but I’m not takin’ it easy on you either.”

  “Fuck!” I say. “Alright, let’s get this show on the road before a bunch of brothers get word and come watch me get my ass handed to me,” I tell Tank, taking my fighting stance.

  It seems like I no sooner get set and I have to duck a right hook. Tank doesn’t let up and I’m soon finding my rhythm. We dance around the ring and I try to land as many hits as I can, but Tank is a fast fucker and he lands almost every hit he throws.

  Within minutes, I see a few guys come in the gym and I know it’s only a matter of time before everyone else is in here watching. They never pass up the opportunity to watch a few brothers throwing down. Too bad my focus is on that and not Tank. He lands a hit and I can feel my eyebrow split open. This just makes my rage flow and I start throwing punches for all I’m worth.

  Hollers and bets are being placed as Tank and I go punch for punch in the ring. It’s the same any time there’s someone in there. Although it’s been a while since any of us had to get any pent-up aggression and rage out. I never thought I would be in here doing this, but Keira changed my life and I want my kitten back. There will be no rest for me until she’s in my arms again.


  It’s been days since I’ve been out of Jason’s house. Well, other than going to Vixen to work. Jason won’t let me go to the store, he won’t let me go sit on the porch, or anything else. The only thing I can do is clean and make sure there’s dinner on the table for him. He lets me eat, but I have to serve him first and whatever is left over is what I get. Honestly, I’m surprised that he lets me go to work at all. But then again, he takes any money that I earn.

  “Bitch, what time do you have to be to work?” Jason asks, his latest blonde bimbo draped all over him.

  “I’m going to get ready now. I have to be there in an hour,” I tell him, continuing to scrub the counters in the kitchen.

  “I won’t be in tonight. Any tips you get you can leave on the counter for when I get home. Not sure when that will be and it really doesn’t matter. You better be here, cleaning this pigsty,” he tells me, before slamming the back door.

  I make my way into the bathroom and start the shower. Jason told me I was going to be sharing his bed, but I guess plans changed. Now, he parades a string of women in front of me. I’m not sure what he’s hoping to accomplish by doing that. I don’t care about anyone he’s with. The only thing it means is that he’s not coming to me for sex and that’s fine by me.

  Stepping under the relaxing spray of the shower, I let myself think of Blade. I miss him, and everyone else, so much. He’s missing so much of the pregnancy because I shut him out and now he’s going to miss out on the rest of it. Looking down, I see my stomach that has expanded so much since the last time I saw him. I’m huge now and don’t have much longer to go.

  My doctor told me yesterday that everything looked good and that I would more than likely go into labor early. As it is now, I only have about a month and a half left. I put my hand where our children are resting and feel a kick that makes me laugh.

  The first time Blade felt one of the babies move, he lost his ability to do anything. He sat there and stared at my stomach, resting his hand there for what felt like hours. Hell, he didn’t even want to let me up to go to the bathroom until I told him my bladder was going to explode if he didn’t move. Remembering this puts a smile on my face as I get out of the shower and finish getting ready to go to work. Tonight, I need to talk to Slim and let him know that Jason’s taking all my money when I get it.


  Pulling into work, I can see Slim, Killer, and Wood’s bikes parked in the back parking lot. They’ve been here al
most every night I work since everything happened with Jason. I think the main reason is to make sure what’s really going on so they can report back to Blade. He’s got to be going crazy, but I can’t think of that right now. I need to focus on getting out of this alive and protecting our children.

  “Slim,” I say, knocking on his office door. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  “Come on in sweetheart,” comes Slim’s booming voice from behind closed doors. “How are things goin’ today?”

  “They’re okay. He paraded another skank in front of me this morning. But, at least that means he’s not touching me.”

  “He better not touch you! Now, I know you didn’t just come in here to shoot the shit.”

  “Well, I was wondering if you could start holding my pay. At least a portion of it,” I ask, hesitantly.

  “What’s goin’ on sweetheart?”

  “He’s taking all my money. I have to hand over my tips and everything to him.”

  “He’s what?” Slim yells, scaring the shit out of me.

  “I have to hand all of my money over to him. When I get home, it either goes in his hand or I have to leave it on the counter for whenever he decides to grace me with his presence.”

  “And how does he expect you to live? To buy what you need for the babies?”

  “He doesn’t care about the babies because he says they aren’t staying with me. Blade has to take them as soon as they can leave the hospital or he’s going to kill them,” I tell him, finally letting go of the strength I’ve been trying to display and breaking down.

  Slim comes around his desk and wraps his arms around me. He lets me get everything out and get myself back under control before he starts talking again.

  “Sweetheart, I’ll keep a portion of your money in the safe. It’ll be put in an envelope with your name on it. How are you gonna get it though so that he doesn’t know?”

  “I’m just going to leave it there so that Blade can use it for the babies. I know he’s got his own money, but I want my money to be used for them too. Is there any way that one of the guys can meet me at my doctor’s appointment in a few days? Make it look like they’re there with someone?”


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