Blade's Awakening (Wild Kings MC Book 5)

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Blade's Awakening (Wild Kings MC Book 5) Page 7

by Erin Osborne

  “Yeah, why?”

  “There’s a nursery set that I want the babies to have. I’ve taken pictures of it and I want someone to give them to Blade. It’s the only thing I want for our children.”

  “I’ll have Killer meet you there with Shy.”

  “Thank you, for everything,” I say, before heading out the door to start my shift.

  Shy is behind the bar with me again and I can’t wait to get busy working. It might not be as easy to move around now, but I still make decent money in tips. And with Shy working with me, we make even more. Wood is stationed in my section of the bar again so I know tonight is gonna be a fun night. He’s always making me laugh.

  “Hey honey!” he says in greeting.

  “Hey Wood. How’s everything tonight?”

  “Goin’ good. I got a surprise for you,” he says, a Cheshire cat grin taking up residence on his face.

  “What’s that?” I ask, intrigued.

  “I’m gonna video chat Blade and leave my phone on the counter so he can see you. And you can talk to him.”

  “Are you sure? I mean, I don’t think Jason’s coming in, but I don’t want anything to happen to any of you.”

  “I got this,” Wood says, before hitting some buttons on his phone.

  Within a matter of seconds I can hear Blade’s voice ringing through the speaker of the phone. He sounds in pain and I can’t wait to see him. But, I’m scared as fuck too. I don’t want Jason to learn of my betrayal any more than when I called Blade from the burner phone.

  “Got someone here you might want to see,” Wood says, before setting his phone up on the bar facing me.

  “Kitten, is that you?” Blade asks, and I can hear some emotion in his voice.

  “Yeah. Hey babe!” I say, my fear of talking to him forgotten. “What happened to you?” I gasp.

  “I got in the ring with Tank, kitten. I’m okay. It looks worse than what it is,” he tells me. “I want to see you, see our babies.”

  I back up and pull my shirt tighter around my stomach so Blade can see. A grin breaks out on his face and I know he wants to make a smartass comment about how big I’ve gotten in what seems like overnight. He knows better than to say a word though.

  “They’re gettin’ big in there, kitten. How much longer now?” Blade asks.

  “About a month and a half. I probably won’t last that long though.”

  “What do you mean kitten?” he asks, the concern evident in his voice.

  “If women carry multiples, they usually tend to go in to labor early babe. There won’t be anything wrong with them. I promise. I wish you could be here with me. With us,” I tell him honestly.

  “I know kitten. I wish I were there too. This is such bullshit that I have to miss out on the pregnancy and delivery of our children,” Blade says, barely holding onto his rage.

  “And then I have to miss out on their lives until I can get away from him.”

  “We’ll get you away from him, I promise. Now, what’s this that I hear Slim is puttin’ money up in the safe for you? Tell me it’s not what I think it is kitten.”

  “He’s taking my money. All of it. I don’t get anything I make, including my tips.”

  “What the fuck!” Blade yells out.

  “It’s okay. I’ve got a way around it for now. Now, I’m going to have pictures delivered to you of the nursery set I want.”

  “Okay kitten. I’ll make sure I get it and get it all set up.”

  “Where are you gonna set it up? In your room in the clubhouse?” I ask, confused.

  “No. I’m rentin’ a small place for now. It’s big enough for the babies and us. At least until Rage gets our house done. Then we’ll move it in there.”

  “You got Rage building us a house?” I ask, the tears filling my eyes.

  “I do. Not how I wanted you to find out, but we really don’t have a choice at this point. It’s close to Glock and Melody so you can be close to your girl. I knew that’s what you’d want, so I made sure that Rage knew.”

  “You were pretty confident that I’d come back to you, weren’t you?” I ask, bringing a little bit of sass back into my voice.

  “Yep. Now, we have a plan in place for when you go into labor kitten. Shy is goin’ to be there for you. We know that none of the guys are goin’ to be able to be there for you. Not that I would let them in the room. So, Shy is takin’ on the role of bein’ in there. She’ll keep her phone on her and have me on speed dial so I can get constant updates and pictures. If she can, she’s goin’ to video chat so I can feel like I’m there.”

  Looking to the opposite end of the bar, I see Shy looking at me. It’s not too loud in here yet, so I’m sure she heard Blade telling me that she’s going in with me. Shy sends me a smile and nods her head. Out of all the girls at Vixen, she is the one that I’ve gotten the closest to. So, if Blade can’t be with me, then I’m glad she can be.

  “So, I want to know something about you Blade. I think I should since we’re having children together,” I say, a smile on my face.

  “What’s that kitten?”

  “I want to know what your real name is. I need it for the paperwork after all.”

  “My real name is Michael Branch,” Blade says.

  “Well, my name is Keira Case,” I tell him, knowing it’s only fair to share.

  “I know we’re doin’ this all ass backwards. Aren’t we kitten? Blade asks.

  “Yeah, I guess we are.”

  “I don’t care though. I know we never intended this to be more than somethin’ casual and a bit of fun, but I’m dead serious when I say I want you by my side as my old lady,” Blade tells me. “I want you to come home, kitten.”

  “I would be there already if I could. But, I need to sort this situation out with Jason before I can even think about coming there Blade. You know this,” I tell him, tears filling my eyes once again.

  “I know. We’ll get everythin’ figured out. The sooner the better because I don’t want to miss anythin’ else,” Blade says. “But, I’m gonna let you get back to work. Call me when you feel safe enough to do so. And don’t ever call me when you’re in his house. We don’t know what he has there as far as surveillance or bugs.”

  “Okay babe. I’ll call you as soon as I can.”

  After hanging up, I make myself busy with making sure I have enough of everything before we get hit with the evening rush. Wood stays in my section, sipping his beer and watching the people coming and going. I know without a doubt he’s looking for Jason. The guys are just waiting for him to make an appearance and give them a reason to beat his ass. They haven’t said that, but I’m not stupid. I know what they’re doing.

  Within the hour, the club is starting to pick up and it’s getting busier than normal. In some ways I’m glad because it doesn’t give me a chance to think about my current situation. On the other hand, if Jason walks in he’ll expect me to bring in a shit ton of tips. That’s just not going to happen.

  So, hopefully he stays gone and occupied with whatever skank he’s with. Knowing my luck though, he’ll be in at some point. When he does make a pit stop in, he always looks at the tip jar to see how much is in there. That’s my concern right now. I don’t need him to see a ton of tips, the jar is almost overflowing already, and then see me bring hardly any home to him.

  “Keira, I’m gonna empty the tip jar,” Shy tells me. “I’m taking it in to Slim to count and separate. I’ll be right back.”

  I don’t know if she was reading my mind or what. Shy is going to be my savior through this whole thing, I can already tell this. Seeing a customer trying to get my attention, I just nod at her and go about my work. Wood and Killer are sitting in their bar stools, watching and waiting. I can already tell that they’re going to be ready to jump into action at any given second. Which is probably a good thing as I see Jason making his way towards the bar.

  “Bitch, get the fuck over here!” he yells over the pounding music and other customers.

at the two men standing guard, I gently shake my head so they don’t make a move. I acknowledge the waiting customers and make my way to Jason at the end of the bar closest to Slim’s office.

  “What do you want Jason?” I ask, the contempt clear in my voice.

  “You better watch yourself, you won’t be surrounded by biker trash forever,” he starts off. “Give me money. I know you’ve been making money already and you need to hand it over.”

  “I honestly haven’t made any money yet. We’re just starting to get busy,” I say, looking at the crowd surrounding the bar.

  “Don’t fucking lie to me. I need your fucking money and you’re going to give it to me. Now!” he yells, getting in my face and grabbing my arm.

  “I think you heard the lady tell you she didn’t have any money. Now, I suggest you get out of my club and don’t make another appearance. Ever!” Slim says, coming to stand behind me. “And if you ever think about layin’ a hand on her again, I’ll find out and you will pay.”

  “Fuck off biker trash! This is between her and me. No one asked for your fucking opinion.”

  Wood and Killer suddenly appear behind Jason and I can feel him tense up. Unfortunately, my arm is still in his grasp and it makes him tighten his hold on me. I wince as the pain gets worse and the three bikers close further in on him. This is the last thing I need to be in the middle of right now.

  “Shy!” Slim yells, “Get Keira back behind the bar and trade ends with her. I don’t want this pussy to be able to get close to her again. Not that he’ll be steppin’ foot back in here.”

  Shy comes over and waits until Jason releases my arm. Then she leads me over to her section of the bar and pours me a soda. She knows that I’ve been mainly just drinking water while I’m here, but tells me to drink the soda. Playboy, who I didn’t even know was here, sets me down a bag of food from a restaurant and takes up residence in front of me.

  “Take a minute to eat sweetheart. These guys will wait so you can calm down and feed my brother’s babies,” Playboy says. “Shy, let her eat and watch the bar. If you need help, let me know and I’ll jump back there to help.”

  “Okay Playboy,” Shy answers before turning to me. “Take all the time you need hun. I’m not going anywhere and the guys will wait for their drinks.”

  I see Slim, Wood, and Killer still dealing with Jason. He’s trying to fight and argue his way out of having to leave the club. Jason is definitely used to getting his way and he’s not going to like this. I know for a fact that I’ll be paying for this whenever I leave the club. There won’t be any waiting for me to get back to his house. He’ll make sure that I pay before I we make it back there.

  “Bitch, I’ll see you in a few hours. You know you’re gonna pay already, so be prepared.”

  “You’re not gonna touch a hair on her fuckin’ head cocksucker!” Killer yells out, his voice raising above everyone in the club’s.

  “You won’t be there to protect her forever biker trash,” Jason yells out. “She’ll be in my house before the night is over.”

  “I don’t have to send her to your house. If you want, I can get the cops involved in this shi,.” Slim says.

  “She’ll be back in my house before sunrise tomorrow,” Jason threatens “One way or another, she’ll be back with me. Or, your entire club will be fucked.”

  “You think you scare us?” Wood asks, dragging Jason towards the back door. “You want to threaten one of ours and tell her that she can’t even keep her babies because you have plans for her. What, are you gonna sell her to the highest bidder?”

  “How the fuck do you know that?” Jason asks, his face becoming fire engine red.

  I stop eating, the fork half way to my mouth. Everything that I’ve eaten is threatening to come back up. Rushing past Shy and around the bar, I move as fast as possible to the back so I can use the employee bathroom.

  As soon as I get in the stall, I barely make the toilet as the entire contents of my stomach comes up. Soon, someone is holding a wet cloth to the back of my neck and is rubbing circles on my back. Meanwhile, the only thought running through my head is that Jason is going to sell me to the highest bidder. That’s why he won’t touch me and is taking all of my money. I’m not going to need it when I’m a slave of some sort.

  “It’s going to be okay honey,” I hear Shy’s sweet voice say.

  “No, it’s not. The only reason I’m still here is because I’m pregnant. Now that I know the truth, there’s nothing stopping him from making me go into labor early and then moving me from here until whenever this sale is,” I say, crying uncontrollably.

  Before Shy can say anything else, there’s a knock on the door. It’s one of the guys if the pounding is anything to go by. I don’t want to see anyone right now and I tell Shy that. She tells me not to worry and that she’ll get rid of whoever it is.

  Unfortunately, no one is going to tell Slim what he can and can’t do. I hear Shy telling him that I’m okay and I want to be left alone for right now. They’re arguing back and forth but I can’t hear what the conversation is, until I hear Blade’s name mentioned. Then I perk right up to hear what’s being said.

  “Slim, where’s Blade?” I ask, wanting him by my side more than ever.

  “He’s on the phone sweetheart. He needs to hear your voice and know that you’re okay. Can I please come in with my phone?” he asks.

  “Just you,” I tell him, using the washcloth to wipe up my face.

  Within seconds, Slim is entering the bathroom followed by Shy. She’s pissed as hell that he’s in here right now if the glare she’s sending his way is anything to go by. I try to tell her it’s okay without using any words, but I’m not sure she gets my meaning.

  “Kitten! Kitten!” I hear Blade’s voice say through the phone Slim’s holding. “Someone tell me what’s goin’ on.”

  “I’m right here babe,” I tell him, taking Slim’s phone from his outstretched hands.

  “Kitten, nothin’ is goin’ to happen to you. I promise you that. I’m not lettin’ any motherfucker get their hands on you,” he tells me, the promise evident in his voice.

  “Blade, you can’t come here and get me. We need to play this smart for Kenyon and Cory. They’re the most important ones in this situation,” I tell Blade, trying to get him to listen to reason.

  “And the only way I’m goin’ to make sure that they’re okay is to have you by my side. You need to be away from that dumb fucker. He’s right, Slim and the guys aren’t goin’ to be with you every second of every day,” Blade tells me, ratcheting my nervousness and fright up a few more notches.

  “I’ll do what I have to do in order to protect the babies,” I tell Blade, meaning every word. I’ll die to protect our children.

  “I know you will, kitten. But we need to know you’re safe too. They can’t survive without you right now and we already know Jason doesn’t give two fucks about them.”

  “I know he doesn’t. But, now that he knows that I know, I’m worried about him taking off with me or something like that so no one can find me.”

  “It won’t come to that. We’re gonna be on the phone and comin’ up with a plan. If I have to be there tonight to make sure you don’t go anywhere I’ll be there,” Blade tells me, trying to get me to calm down.

  “Son, I know you want to be here with your woman, but we need to play this carefully. He knows we know too much now and we need to tread lightly. We’ll keep an eye on Keira and I’ll move her into the clubhouse if I have to,” Slim tells Blade and me.

  “Can you move her in there tonight?” Blade asks. “I don’t want her goin’ anywhere near that house so he gets a chance to snatch her. Get her whatever she needs and I’ll get the money back to you.”

  “Blade, I got my own money. Well, a little bit,” I tell him, the attitude starting to come back again.

  “I know you do, kitten. But, I want to do this for you. Please, let me do this.”

  “We’ll see. Now, I’m gonna get back to work so S
hy can get a break. I’ll talk to you later babe,” I tell Blade.

  “Kitten, be careful and stay aware of your surroundings,” Blade tells me as I walk out of the bathroom.

  Slim is still on the phone with him, and I’m sure they’re coming up with a game plan for when I get out of work. For now, I’m going to act like nothing is wrong and go back to doing my job. There’s really nothing I can do about anything right now anyway.

  Chapter Five


  Hanging up with Keira is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I want to keep her on the phone so I know for a fact that she’s okay. When Slim called and told me what they found out, I lost my shit. The main room of the clubhouse is destroyed now. While I feel bad I made a mess, the only thing I can think about is my kitten, Kenyon, and Cory.

  “Blade, if you want in on the meetin’ to figure out what we’re gonna do about your girl, I suggest you calm the fuck down,” Grim tells me, coming in my room.

  “I’m sorry, brother. You’ve been there and know what I’m goin’ through. It’s not an excuse and I’m not gonna be anywhere other than in that meetin’,” I tell Grim, knowing I have to get my shit together

  “Then let’s go. We need to get Slim on the phone and come up with a game plan.”

  “The quicker the better. I need my family back with me. Nothin’ can happen to them Grim. I mean it. I won’t know what to do if somethin’ happens.”

  “I know Blade. We’ll get them back, no matter what we have to do. Now, let’s get to church so we can figure this shit out.”


  We’ve been in church for close to two hours now, with Slim’s club on the phone the entire time. Guys in both clubs are on computers finding anything out about Jason they can, anyone he associates with, and members of any club his belongs to. They’re leaving no stone unturned to find out who could possibly be behind wanting to sell my girl. Jason certainly isn’t fucking smart enough to come up with this plan himself.


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