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Blade's Awakening (Wild Kings MC Book 5)

Page 10

by Erin Osborne

  “I’ll be right back, kitten. I’m gonna let the guys know what’s goin’ on and they can make arrangements before we get back to the clubhouse.”

  “What arrangements?” my girl asks, her eyelids already beginning to droop again.

  “We’re not stayin’ in a room with Shy. I want you all to myself. And I want to make sure that there’s goin’ to be guys watchin’ out around the clock. Jason seems to know more than we’re givin’ him credit for and until we know how, we have to stay ahead of him.”

  There’s no response from Keira as she’s already fallen asleep. I hate that I’m gonna have to wake her up when we leave, but she’s the one that wanted to go back to the clubhouse tonight. Walking into the waiting room, I see that most of the guys and Shy are still sitting here waiting to see what’s going on. So, I motion for Slim to follow me so we can talk about what I want done at his clubhouse.

  “Everythin’ good man?” Slim immediately asks.

  “I don’t know. Her blood pressure is high I guess. They wanted to keep her overnight but she wanted to go back to the clubhouse. She’s on complete bedrest for now and can’t do anythin’ other than go to the bathroom. And I kind of see her point with not knowin’ what that Jason fuck is goin’ to do next. You got an extra room available?”

  “Yeah, we can make sure one is ready. Anythin’ else?”

  “Yeah. Any way we can get round the clock surveillance or somethin’ to make sure that fuckwad doesn’t show his face?”

  “Already done. Had that in place when we knew she was comin’ back there.”

  “Okay. I’m just waitin’ for her to be discharged and then we’re headin’ back there. I’ll probably make her somethin’ to eat and then she’ll crash for however long she can sleep. I know she ain’t sleepin’ for shit these days.”

  “Shy already planned on makin’ her somethin’ to eat when we got back. She didn’t have dinner or anythin’.”

  “If she could still do that, I’d appreciate it.”

  “Anythin’ man. We’re gonna head out then and I’ll see you when we get there. I’ll find out who’s stayin’ from your club and make sure there’s room for them too. I think Crash and Trojan planned on stayin’ with Darcy. She wanted to be here but they wouldn’t let her after the way she got upset seein’ your girl almost pass out.”

  “I’ll talk to her when we get back there. How’s that workin’ out with Wood bein’ there?” I ask, trying to lighten the mood even a fraction.

  “It’s been entertainin’ so far. Let’s just say that as soon as they got there, Darcy got an eyeful of more than the guys wanted her to see with Wood and Boy Scout.”

  “Fuck! I bet they loved that one.”

  I can just imagine what Crash and Trojan did. Pretty soon Wood is gonna get a beat down and he’s innocent in this. Darcy keeps saying that she’s a clutz and I can believe it. If there’s something bad that can happen to someone, it happens to her without fail. Wood just happens to be the poor victim that’s around whenever catastrophe strikes.

  “Anyway, we’re gonna get out of your way. We’ll see you when you bring your girl back,” Slim says, turning to round everyone in the waiting room up to head out.

  “Alright,” I respond, heading back to Keira. It doesn’t matter if she’s still sleeping or not. I need to be with my girl.


  Finally, we can leave the hospital. Keira is tired as hell and wants to go get in bed. She doesn’t even want to eat, but she’s going to. Feeding the babies is more important and won’t take that long. Especially if Shy already made dinner for her. It’s going to be a fight but I’ll make sure she eats.

  “You ready to go back to the clubhouse kitten?” I ask, helping her off the stretcher.

  “Yeah. I want to climb in bed and pass out. I’m so tired I feel like I could sleep for two weeks and it still wouldn’t be enough.”

  “I know you want to sleep kitten, but we need to get you fed before you can pass out. Shy was goin’ back and makin’ you dinner,” I tell her, gearing up for a fight.

  “Okay. I know I gotta eat for the babies even though it’s the last thing I want to do.”

  “Good girl,” I tell her, taking her hand in mine. “Let’s get out of here and back to the clubhouse.”

  The short drive back to Slim’s allows Keira to get a cat nap in. I’m hoping it’s enough so that she can keep her eyes open for a few minutes. Everyone is going to want to check on her and make sure she’s truly okay before they let her disappear into the room that we’ll be staying in for now. Pulling out my phone, I send a quick text to Slim asking him to have Shy get her a plate ready so she can sit right down and eat. There was no way she was going to eat the hospital food the nurses were trying to get her to eat and I had to promise them I would make her as soon as we walked through the door.

  I look over and take in my entire world sitting by my side. Keira is leaning against the door and her eyes are closed. Based on the even breathing, I know she’s sleeping right now. That just gives me a minute to take in all the beauty my girl has. It’s not about her looks, it’s about who she is as a person and I’m a lucky son-of-a-bitch to get to be the one that calls her mine.

  Pulling in to the clubhouse lot, I see Grim, Glock, and Slim waiting outside for us. Glock was going to stay back in Clifton Falls, but Melody wanted to know her girl was okay and a phone call from me wasn’t going to be good enough. She wanted to hear it from her man and so he had no choice in coming down here. Not like he wouldn’t have any way. I just think he wanted to stay close to his girl and son. Especially considering that I think Mel is going to have another baby but hasn’t said anything to anyone yet.

  “You need help?” Glock asks, as I get out of the truck.

  “Nope. I’ve got her.”

  Glock walks over to us anyway and I know he’s going to stick close by until he leaves. I’ve already told Grim that there’s no way in hell I’m leaving without my girl. So, if she has to stay here for the time being, then I’m here. He’s not happy with my decision, but he does understand it and isn’t going to stand in my way.

  “Shy got her plate all ready and it’s in the microwave still to keep warm. I’ll run in ahead of you and let her know to get it out and find her somethin’ to drink. She got any meds she has to take?”

  “Not right now. That may all change tomorrow though. I’m not sure what’s goin’ to happen yet. Other than we have to be at the doctor’s office first thing in the mornin’.”

  “Okay. One of the prospects has a room ready for you two and Shy already moved her stuff into it. There’s a bathroom in the room with a tub so she can relax if she wants to.”

  “I’m pretty sure that all she’s goin’ to want to do is eat and then go to bed. I know all I want to do is lock her away and hold her in my arms. It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve gotten to hold her.”

  “I hear ya. I’m stayin’ for a few days to make sure she’s okay. Not likin’ bein’ away from my girl and son, but she’s adamant that I keep an eye on her girl for a little bit. It’s either I stay or she comes here. Not puttin’ her in danger of whatever is goin’ on.”

  “I’m sorry man. I wish I could take the threat away and bring Keira home. It’s gotta be on her terms though. I’m not forcin’ her to come back with me or be with me.”

  “You won’t have to. Anyone can see the love she has for you. She’s just independent and doesn’t know how to stay that way and be with you. Plus, I think she’s got shit in her past, like we all do, that is holdin’ her back. She’ll be home before you know it,” Glock says, running inside while I go to get my girl out.

  Knocking on the window of the passenger door, I get Keira awake enough to lean away from the door so I can open it without her falling out. I help her down and she doesn’t fight me putting my arm around her to help her inside. Hell, if anything she leans in closer to me and I can’t fight the smile forming on my face.

  “Shy already got your plate ready
. So, we’re gonna sit in the main room while you eat so everyone can make sure you’re okay. Then we’ll go to whatever room they put us in, kitten. Glock said they made sure it was one with a tub if you wanted to relax in a hot bath before layin’ down.”

  “No. I just want to eat and go to bed. You can visit and hang out.”

  “Not happenin’. I’ll be in bed with you, holdin’ you in my arms. Been too long, kitten.”

  Keira gives a slight nod of her head while Slim holds the door open for us. I know she wants to say something to him, but she just thanks him and continues on her way. My girl is never quiet so I’m hoping she’s just tired as fuck and nothing more is running through that head of hers.

  I lead her in and see that Glock put her at a table that isn’t right in the center of things, but it isn’t in the corner either. That way people that want to see my girl can and not feel like she’s closing off from everyone. Hell, he’s already sitting there waiting for us to make our way over to him. Unfortunately, Darcy gets away from Crash and Trojan and stops us before we can get too far.

  “Are you feeling okay?” she asks Keira.

  “I’m feeling better hun. Thank you.”

  “I was so scared for you and those babies. The guys wouldn’t let me come to the hospital though because I was flipping out a little bit,” she tells my girl, trying to get a smile to appear on her face.

  “I’m better. My blood pressure is just elevated a little bit so I have to go on bedrest and go back to the doctor tomorrow morning. We’ll go from there.”

  “Well, you eat and I’ll be here if you need anything at all,” Darcy tells her, being pulled back by Trojan.

  Everyone else waits until Keira is sitting down and has finished most of her food. For someone that wasn’t hungry she sure did demolish the food Shy made for her. I think maybe her exhaustion is just overruling everything else right now and she honestly didn’t think she would eat the way she just did.

  “Babe?” Keira asks, looking at me.

  “Yeah kitten?”

  “Can we go to the room now please? I can’t eat anymore and I just want to collapse. Besides, I’m supposed to be on bedrest and not sitting at the table right now.”

  “We can do that,” I tell her, helping her up from the table and letting Wood lead us to the room they chose for us.

  He tells me that we’re right between him and Killer. Slim is across the hall and Grim and Glock are going to be staying just a few doors down. It reassures me to know that everyone Keira likes and everyone I trust are so close to us in case something happens. I’m not just talking about with this fuckwad Jason either. If something happens to Keira or the babies, then they’re all right there. They’ll hear us yelling and come running in.

  Wood leaves us and I get Keira settled in the bed after giving her one of my shirts to change in to. She tried fighting me on it, but I want her in something of mine. I need to be as close to her as I possibly can right now. Before I climb in to bed with her, I make sure I have crackers, a bottle of water, and the remote for the tv right on the stand by the bed. That way, I can just grab whatever she needs and not leave her side. Am I going a bit overboard on not wanting to leave her? Probably. But, I’ve been kept away from her for too long and I’m not letting her out of my sight any time soon. Not with the asshole running around and none of us knowing what he has planned.

  Chapter Seven


  It’s been almost two weeks since I was in the hospital. I’m going crazy because I’m being kept on bedrest until it’s time to have the babies. Blade is driving me crazy, in a purely good and loving way. He won’t let anyone visit with me for too long, only certain people are allowed in, and he’s got me eating every time my eyes pop open. Today, I’ve about had it though. I’m ready to get out of this room and I’m going to no matter what Blade says.

  “I need to talk to Dr. Sanchez please,” I say when a receptionist answers the phone.

  “Give me just a minute and I’ll see if she’s available.”

  When I’m on hold still, Blade comes walking into the room. I don’t even care. I need to get out of this bed and room. A person can only stare at the same four walls for so long before they end up going insane.

  “Keira, what can I do for you?” Dr. Sanchez asks, coming on the line.

  “Can I please go out in the main room and sit? I won’t do anything other than walk from the room to there. I’ll stay sitting and if anything happens to stress me out, I’ll come back to the room.”

  “I don’t see why not. Your blood pressure was still elevated when we last saw you, but it wasn’t quite as bad as it has been. Now, are you feeling any contractions or anything like that?” she asks.

  “No. Well, I don’t think so. I mean my back has been bothering me a lot so I’m not sure.”

  “Okay. Tomorrow when you come in, I might send you over to the maternity ward and have them hook you up to the monitor. If we can catch your labor early, I’ll admit you right then so we can make you comfortable and monitor everything closely.”

  “Sounds good. Thank you Dr. Sanchez,” I tell her, hanging up.

  Blade is standing there staring at me and I know he wants to know what the doctor just told me. So, I quickly relay what was said and Blade stares at me for a full minute. He doesn’t say a word, he just stares at me. At least until I can’t take it anymore.

  “What’s the matter babe?” I ask, standing up.

  “Why didn’t you tell me your back was botherin’ you? I would’ve rubbed it or somethin’ to see if it helped.”

  “You’ve already done so much and I didn’t want to bother you anymore than I already have.”

  “You carryin’ my babies? You my girl?” Blade asks me, coming into my personal space to help me up.

  “I am your girl and I am carrying your babies. But, that doesn’t mean I want you to do everything for me.”

  “It’s my job though. I’m your man and I need to take care of you and our kids. It’s what I want to do. You just need to let me do it,” Blade tells me, pulling me in for a kiss.

  “Now, let’s get in the main room so I can sit down and relax,” I tell him, grabbing a blanket to put on my legs.

  Blade and I walk out to the main room and he leads me over to one of the couches. Glock is sitting nearby and I see him walk over to where I’m going to be sitting. Slim, Wood, and Killer also make their way over to us. Wood and Killer bring over chairs to sit across from us and we all just shoot the shit. Shy also sits with us for a while until the club girls start tossing dirty looks her way.

  “Well, Keira, I’ll catch up with you in a little while. Maybe when you’re back in your room. I’m gonna go find something to clean.”

  While Shy walks away, I watch Slim watching her. He wants to say something to her about not sitting with us, but he doesn’t. I don’t know why he’s holding back and not saying anything to her about staying with us. Slim wants Shy as much as she wants him but neither one of them will admit it. One day they will and I can’t wait to see the fireworks that explode when they come together.

  “How you doin’ kitten?” Blade asks, leaning in to me.

  “I’m doing okay. I’m having fun sitting here and talking with everyone.”

  “You let me know if you get too tired, yeah?”

  “I will,” I answer.

  Before anything else can be said, there’s a horrible shaking coming from outside and the sound of an explosion. Blade covers me as much as he can while the rest of the guys surround us. Slim is on the phone and I can hear him telling more guys to run outside and help cover the fence. From what little I can hear, I’m guessing that someone used explosives to breach the fence surrounding the clubhouse and yard.

  Just as Blade goes to tell me something, I feel extreme pain in my stomach and back before a gush of something runs down my legs. Blade looks at my face and I know he sees the panic overtaking my features. He’s yelling something and I can’t hear him because I’m so focused
on the pain and worry that I’m going into labor before it’s time. This is not how it’s supposed to happen.

  “Kitten, are you okay? What’s goin’ on?” Blade is asking me, getting right in my face.

  “My water just broke. I’m going into labor and we should probably head to the hospital now,” I say as calm as I possibly can.

  “What are you talkin’ about?” Blade asks. “How are we supposed to go anywhere right now?”

  “What’s goin’ on?” Slim asks, coming closer to us.

  “I’m in labor. My water broke right after the explosion,” I explain, becoming a little more panicked.

  “We’ll figure out how to get you guys out of here.” Slim responds, calling Grim and the rest of the guys over.

  I can vaguely hear him telling them what’s going on and how we’re gonna get out of here. I’m just trying to concentrate on my breathing and everything else right now and let the men do what they do. I feel as safe as I can be right now and I know they’re not going to let anything happen to me or these babies.

  Just as Blade goes to tell me what’s going on, a contraction hits and I lose my breath. I double over in pain and grab onto Blade’s arm so I don’t hit the ground. Blade bends down with me and makes me look in his eyes. He holds my gaze and doesn’t let me look away from him during the entire contraction. Grim, Wood, Killer, and Joker surround me and don’t let anyone else see what’s going on. The less people that know what’s going on, the better off it’s going to be.

  “Kitten, we’re goin’ to get you out of here. Slim has a back way that only a few people know about and we’re takin’ that out of here. You ready?”

  The only thing I can do is nod. So, Slim gets in front of us, pulling Shy with him. Joker gets on the other side of me, and Wood and Killer get behind us. We all make our way behind Slim while he leads us to our way out. The only thing that registers in my brain is whether or not there’s going to be a car waiting for us and how it’s getting there. My reasoning for this is because I’m not moving from panic to fear that something is going to happen to us before we can make it to the hospital, even though it’s not far from the clubhouse.


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