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Blade's Awakening (Wild Kings MC Book 5)

Page 17

by Erin Osborne

  “I can’t thank you all enough for bein’ here, showin’ my girl your support,” I tell everyone before they start heading out.

  “We’re not just here for her,” Slim tells me. “We’re here for you too. It’s time you learn that son. No matter what you need, you are family too.”

  I don’t even know what to say to that. I knew it was like that with my club, but not Slim’s. Keira is closer to them than I am. She’s the one that spent time with them, they helped her when she left, she worked for them, and they were the ones that rescued her. To have Slim tell me that they’re here to support me too means the world to me. It’s honestly kind of humbling.

  “Well, I’m going to see if I can get them to rush me into my girl,” I tell everyone, making my excuses to leave.

  Walking up to the nurse’s station, I get their attention and tell them that I want to be taken back to recovery now. It’s probably been more than enough time for Keira to be settled in. Honestly, I can’t wait any longer to lay on eyes on her again. It’s been too long since I’ve seen her and I need to make sure that she’s okay. Well, as okay as she’s going to be until she heals. It’s going to be a long road and I’m going to be there to make it as easy as possible on her.

  After a few minutes, a nurse tells me that she can take me back now. The entire time I can feel her undressing me with her eyes. More than likely, it’s just the patch she’s after. It’s what they always want. I don’t care though. Keira is my world and I’m not going to be like some men I know and have her at home while I use the club girls and anyone else that wants me.

  “I can see you eye fuckin’ me. I’m tellin’ you now that I’m on my way to see my wife. I’m not interested in some quick lay because you want a patch. Lay the fuck off or I’ll make sure you won’t be workin’ until my girl goes home. That understood?”

  “Y-yes,” she stammers and looks straight forward as we continue down the hallway. “She’s right in here.”

  I don’t wait to see what she’s doing, my focus is solely on my wife and being with her. Our twins are in good hands. Hell, they’re probably almost here now. The guys coming down with them were told to take them directly to the clubhouse and stay there until visiting hours tomorrow. I’m glad that I got the rest of the night alone with Keira. Even if she doesn’t wake up to know I’m here.

  As soon as I pull the curtain hiding Keira, I almost wish I could disappear. She looks so tiny laying in the hospital bed. She’s got an IV going in her good arm while her other arm is covered in a soft cast for now. I’m sure it’s so they can remove the pin in her thumb when it’s time. One of her legs is elevated and an air cast is on it. I didn’t even know that she had a sprained ankle or foot. They have the blankets up around her and the only thing you can really see is her battered and bruised face.

  If I could take away the pain and recovery time my girl is going to have to go through, I would in a heartbeat. It’s going to be hard on her and I’m going to be by her side the entire time. Although, I’m going to say now that the hardest part is going to be what she can’t do with Kenyon and Cory. I know she still wanted to breast feed them and she’s not going to do that. Not only has she been gone for almost a week and a half, now she’s going to be on pain medicine and she won’t be able to hold them to do it. She’s going to get frustrated at how little she can do with the twins for the time being.

  As I sit here by my wife’s head and hold her one good hand, I think about everything that could’ve happened to her. In a way, I’m grateful that more didn’t happen. But, I’m filled with a murderous rage at what was done to her. I’ll have to think about that later though. I know that Slim has guys out looking for anyone that can be of assistance in finding anyone involved in what just happened. I’m just waiting to hear what’s going on and if they managed to find anyone.

  Wood and Killer took down some license plate numbers and Fox is running them through all of his programs. We got an update just before Keira came out of surgery and he had managed to get the names and addresses of at least two or three of the guys. Since most of the guys were here, they were going to send a few out later on to see if they could capture the men and bring them in for questioning.

  Honestly, I’m torn as to what to do. On one hand, I want to be there and get my hands on the men that helped torture my wife. On the other hand, I need to stay with my girl and make sure she’s okay. Not just physically but mentally too. Especially once the twins get here. If I know my wife, and I do, she’s going to want them here with us. It’s not that she doesn’t trust anyone else with them, she’ll just want to make sure that no one can get their hands on them. Jason is even closer now and she’ll be worried and panicked more than ever.

  Pulling my phone out, I see that I have a text message from Slim. It’s short and to the point. Playboy, Fox, and Boy Scout managed to get their hands on two of the men and have them in holding at the clubhouse. This just makes my confusion even worse. Knowing that they are captured and waiting for us to get our hands on them has me itching to get to them now.

  Me: I don’t know what to do. Be there to get my hands on them. Or stay where I’m needed with my wife.

  Slim: You let me know what you want to do. We can always start the questioning with Tank here and then make sure we leave some for you.

  Me: Let me see what Keira is like when she finally wakes up.

  Slim doesn’t respond. He knows that I’m torn and it’s going to depend on where she’s at mentally and emotionally before I make my decision. Maybe with the twins and her girls here, I can get away for a few hours to do what I have to do.


  The last week and a half has been absolute torture. I can’t help but blame myself for my best friend being captured by her psychotic ex-boyfriend and having God knows what done to her. The absolute worst possible thoughts keep running through my head on a loop and I’m hoping anything that happens to her is not as bad as I’m imagining them to be.

  Glock has tried consoling me and it hasn’t worked. Anthony has tried to keep my mind occupied and I can’t focus on anything at all. Hell, the house looks like shit because I can’t even focus long enough to clean it up. My boys have tried to do the housework for me, but nothing measures up to my standards.

  As much as I can, I’m with Kenyon and Cory. They are my remaining link to my best friend and sister. Blade is going out of his mind and I would rather take care of the twins so that he can concentrate on bringing Keira home. If he’d let them out of his sight when he’s not out searching for his wife or working out with Tank, I’d bring them to our house. Knowing he won’t let me, I haven’t even brought the idea up to him.

  Today is the day that we get to go down to Benton Falls. I’m so excited that I get to see Keira, but I don’t want to see all of the damage done to her. It’s only going to make my guilt reach higher and higher. I don’t know how much higher it can go but it’s about to happen as soon as tomorrow morning comes.

  Tonight we’ve been told that we’re going to the Phantom Bastards clubhouse and that’s where we are to stay. It will be nice to get all the kids settled in after the long drive even if I want nothing more than to get to the hospital and see Keira. However, Kenyon and Cory are still having a hard time and it’s important that I be there for them.

  Skylar and Bailey have let me have them most of the time knowing how close I am to Keira and how guilty I feel. If only I had gone to get the medicine for Anthony myself, Keira would still be with her family. Glock has helped me as much as I let him. It’s not much, but in a way I feel how Keira felt when she took on the role of Anthony’s caregiver. She wasn’t at fault when I was kidnapped, but I am for her being taken.

  “Angel, you with me?” Glock asks as we pull into the clubhouse parking lot.


  “Still blamin’ yourself and tryin’ to keep Kenyon and Cory to yourself to make up for it?” he asks me.

  “It is my fault babe. If I had just sucked it up and put Anthon
y in the car to go myself, she’d still be with her children. It’s not like he had to go in the pharmacy with me for the two seconds it would’ve taken me to get what I needed.”

  “You couldn’t have known what was goin’ to happen. If I know your girl like I think I do, she’s not goin’ to be blamin’ you either. I have no problem keepin’ the twins, but you need to let the rest of us help you with them. You’re runnin’ yourself ragged and it’s not good for you or the baby.”

  Knowing my husband is right causes the tears to come. I’ve been doing so good at not showing how deeply this is affecting me. The only time I cry is when I’m alone or with the twins. It’s not like Kenyon and Cory will know that I’m the one to blame for this until they’re older.

  We get everyone in the clubhouse and Slim, who pulled in as we were pulling in, asks one of the prospects which rooms were gotten ready for us. The prospect leads our group down the hallway and starts pointing to doors. Since Glock has been here before I let him figure out what room the five of us will share. There’s no way in hell that I’m letting anyone other than Blade and my girl take the twins. Not now when that asswipe Jason is so close to us.

  “Angel, you know that there are plenty of other people here that can help with Kenyon and Cory. Why are you takin’ this on yourself?” Glock asks me, setting the bags on the end of the bed and going to set the playpen up.

  “It’s my fault!” I wail, letting the dam break again.

  “It’s not your fault. We’ve all been tellin’ you that. How were you honestly to know what was goin’ to happen when Keira went to town?”

  “I shouldn’t have sent her to begin with. She could’ve kept an eye on Anthony. One of the prospects could have watched him while I was gone for fifteen minutes. Hell, one of the other old ladies could’ve done it too. I never should’ve let her go out knowing that a sick stalker is trying to get her to sell my best friend to the highest bidder.”

  “How were we supposed to know that Jason was already here?” he asks me. “Not a single one of us knew that Jason had left Benton Falls. And we’ve got three clubs watchin’ him. He’s a sneaky bastard and we will be more diligent from now on. Keira will not be left alone until he’s dealt with.”

  “That’s going to be a while,” I wail, crying uncontrollably. “Who knows how long she’s going to be kept in the hospital. We don’t even know where the infection she has is coming from. What the fuck did she go through?”

  “She went through some fucked-up shit, I’m sure.” Glock states matter-of-factly. “But, like you, she’s a survivor and she will get through this. Blade, you, me, and three different clubs will all be there to help her with whatever she needs. This is what we do. And you should remember this from when you got rescued.”

  “Do you think Karen will help her?” I ask, thinking of the help that she was for me and the rest of the old ladies that have gone through some shit.

  “She’ll be more than happy to help your sister. It’s what she loves to do.”

  Finally, I have everything set up and I can get the kids in bed. As soon as I have the twins changed and back to sleep, I change for bed and climb in our temporary bed. Glock follows behind me instead of going out to see what the rest of the guys are doing. I’m hoping that sleep will claim me, but if it’s like every other night, I’ll spend it with my eyes wide open and thinking of everything that Keira has gone through.


  As I predicted, last night was a sleepless night for me. Glock and the kids fell right to sleep and pretty much stayed asleep all night. The twins did get up a few times, but they went right back down. I don’t know if it’s the same shit that’s kept me awake since Keira has been taken or if it’s because I know that today is the day that we get to go see her and spend some time with her. Either way it was another sleepless night for me and I don’t know when I’m ever going to get sleep again. Maybe I need to go see Karen again.

  “Angel, you up already?” Glock asks, his voice full of sleep still.

  “Never went to sleep,” I respond, getting out of bed so that I can get ready to go see my girl.

  “This has to stop Mel. You are goin’ to make yourself fuckin’ sick if you don’t get some sleep. Then you try to be fuckin’ superwoman and do everythin’ yourself. Take the help that’s offered and go to bed.”

  “I can’t today. We get to go see my sister today babe. I promise that as soon as I know how she is, see her with my own eyes, I’ll try to get some sleep.”

  “That’s the best I’m goin’ to get, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, it is. Now, let’s get going so we can get to the hospital. I want eyes on Keira as soon as possible. And I don’t want to keep Kenyon and Cory from her another second.”

  Glock gets out of bed and wakes Anthony up so he can help him get ready to go. As soon as they’re done in the shower, I’ll jump in so that I can get ready. Kenyon and Cory will be the last to get ready because they’re the easiest. They had a bath in the middle of the night because they both wet through so I don’t need to do that. All I need to worry about is feeding them and then getting them dressed in their new outfits.

  I’m just getting done feeding Cory when Glock and Anthony emerge from the bathroom. Ever since he started hanging out with Jameson, our son now has to wear his hair just like Joker. It’s so cute that instead of wanting to be like his dad, Anthony is choosing to have a faux hawk. The only thing we won’t allow him to do is add color to it yet. As soon as summer’s here, we’ll let him do the temporary hair color, but that’s it.

  I scoop up everything I need for the shower and tell Glock that I’ll change and dress the babies as soon as I’m done. Knowing that I can take all the time I want and that Glock will watch over the kids is a comfort, but not one I indulge in. I quickly hop in and wash as quick as possible before getting out. Dressing is easy considering I chose a summer dress for today with the unseasonably hot weather we’ve been having. My hair gets brushed and thrown up in a messy bun and I don’t worry about make-up. My girl has seen me at my absolute worst and doesn’t give a shit what I look like.

  Practically running back into the bedroom, I stop dead in my tracks when I see it empty. Where are the twins and my son? Where did Glock go? Frantically searching for them, I leave the room and head towards where I hear the most noise coming from. Sitting at a table in the middle of the room is everyone I’ve been looking for. My heart beats out of my chest and I’m finding it difficult to breathe. There was no way in hell I would’ve been able to go to the hospital and tell Blade and Keira that something happened to their children after causing Keira to be kidnapped and abused.

  “Angel!” I distantly hear Glock yell. “Angel, come back to us! Everyone is okay and we’re all waitin’ on you. The kids were gettin’ fussy so we just walked them around a bit. I’m sorry I didn’t let you know before we left.”

  “How could you?” I scream, my breathing becoming semi-normal again. “You know it’s my fault their mom isn’t with them right now. How could you make me imagine that I’d have to go there and tell them that something happened to Kenyon and Cory too?”

  “Melody, we’ve got you covered,” Bailey says, coming over to me and placing a hand on my shoulder. “We would never let anything happen to any of you. What happened to Keira is not your fault. If you keep blaming yourself, then you’re going to harm that baby you’re carrying right now.”

  I stare at Bailey, stunned into silence. We haven’t told anyone other than Keira and Blade that I was pregnant. How the fuck does Bailey know? I look at her, the confusion clearly written on my face. I’m not going to ask any questions right now though because Keira is more important.

  “It is my fault though.”

  “You made Jason decide to become possessive over someone that wasn’t his? You made him decide to sell her to the highest bidder? And you made him decide to plant someone in Grim’s club before kidnappin’ her?” Slim asks me. “No, you didn’t. Whether you sent her to the pharmacy for you
or not, Jason was goin’ to get his hands on Keira. He’s psychotic enough not to give a fuck if he’s alone or surrounded by three clubs. You are not to blame and I don’t want to hear that fuckin’ shit anymore!”

  I do get where everyone is coming from, but I’ll always feel responsible. They’re all right though in the fact that I need to calm down and stop because of the life I’m carrying now. If something were to happen to our baby, I wouldn’t be able to go on. I know it.

  “Fine. Let’s get going. I want to see my girl and I’m not going to do that by standing here having a panic attack and worrying about everything. I’m sorry, I just didn’t know where you guys went,” I say, apologizing to everyone that just witnessed my outburst.

  We all make our way out to the vans and SUVs that are waiting in the parking lot of the clubhouse. It’s going to be easier to keep as many of us together as possible so Slim is using one of the large vans they have along with one SUV. We’ll be in the middle of a group of bikes as we make the ten-minute drive to see Keira. The children will mainly be in the large van, but Kenyon and Cory will be in the SUV. It’s bullet proof and the windows are tinted so no one passing by can see who’s in there. Glock, Slim, Playboy, Ma, and myself will be riding there. Anthony wanted to go with Jameson, so I’m allowing that.

  As we pile in the vehicles, I notice a car sitting just outside the gate. I motion to Glock and pull him in acting like I’m kissing him. Instead, I’m telling him about the car. Once I’m done telling him, he kisses my neck and I know that he’s looking to see what I’m talking about. We pull apart and get in like nothing is out of the ordinary.

  “Car at the gate, Slim,” Glock says after all the doors are closed. “Angel noticed it and I don’t like it just sittin’ there.


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