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Blade's Awakening (Wild Kings MC Book 5)

Page 23

by Erin Osborne

  Karen just left me after sitting here for an hour and I didn’t say one word to her. We just sat in silence and she let me know that she’s going to be there to help all of us through this. Hell, I can’t even begin to imagine what my dad is going through, but I can’t seem to care enough to get out of bed and see him. I know he’s been in here sitting with me for hours and hours, but I didn’t even acknowledge him.

  Grim is being the rock that I’ve been leaning on lately and I know that he’s going to be there to get my head out of my ass. He’s made me get up and take showers, washing my hair and body, made me eat and drink when I don’t want anything to do with food, and he’s making sure our children are looked after. On top of that, he’s doing everything he needs to as President of the Wild Kings.

  “Hey crazy girl,” he says, walking into our bedroom. “Karen will be back tomorrow after the funeral services and before the memorial service. She’s goin’ to be here every day until you’re ready to start talkin’ this shit out.”

  “What’s there to talk about? My mother lost her life because of whatever is going on,” I tell him, finally getting out of my head for a second. “Is this only about Keira?”

  “No, it’s not. These guys are probably the same cartel from when we rescued Maddie. We knew it was a matter of time before they came at us. You did too. Just didn’t think they’d take it to this level.”

  I don’t respond to Grim, I just pull the blanket back up over my head and try to digest that information. We did all know that we were dealing with a cartel when it came to getting Maddie back. It looks like they go big when they’re pissed and want to let you know it. I just don’t understand how they can go after women and innocent children. Our MC would never do that no matter what kind of problem we had with anyone.

  But, I know that I can’t lay in this bed anymore. I need to get up and continue living my life. I need to be there for my children and the rest of the members, old ladies, friends, and family of the MC. Before I can move though, I hear someone else come in the room and start whispering with Grim.

  “Baby,” my dad starts. “I get that you are so lost right now that you can’t see an end in sight. Fuck, I feel the same way. But, do you honestly think this is how your mom would want us to be? So lost in our own grief and misery that we forget about everyone else around us? We forget about our children?”

  “No, I know she would want us to live life to the fullest and get through every day the best we can. It’s just so hard daddy,” I mumble, taking the blanket off my head.

  “I know it is. But, you have a son and daughter that need their mama. There’s a ton of extra people here that need support and love, and we have to get ready to say our final goodbye to those around us that lost their life. So, I need you to get out of bed, get ready for the day, and start livin’ again. Honor your mother by takin’ her role over and fillin’ her shoes by bein’ there for everyone the way she would be. When you need to break down, you’ll know when the time is. Grim will be there to catch you and be the strong that you need.”

  I nod my head and start getting out of bed. It may not be what I want to do, but it’s what I have to do. We will get through this and every day it will start to get a little easier to handle. I just need to remember that there are a ton of people here for me to lean on when the day gets too hard to make it through. Grim being the biggest one there is. I know this is killing him, so it’s time that I step up and take some of that pressure and stress off of him. Let him start dealing with his own grief.


  I honestly can’t believe that Caydence is gone. She’s been the love of my life for so long now that it’s hard to imagine never seeing her again. Never seeing her smiling face, watching the crazy things she wanted to do, seeing her face light up with joy when she got an idea she knew would get us all in trouble, and seeing the devastation when she found out we’d never have children of our own. We’ve been through so much together and I know without a doubt that I would’ve been able to get things back to the way they were before Cassidy Rose came into our lives.

  We were having issues for the last few months. As soon as little Cassidy became ours, Caydence changed. All of a sudden, she didn’t want to leave the room, no one was allowed near our daughter, and she was so terrified that someone was going to try to take her from us. I was trying to get her the help she needed to work through this and we had an appointment to go see Karen for tomorrow. It’s taken that long for me to convince her that she needed to talk to someone. Now, I’ll never know if I would’ve gotten my girl back.

  When I saw the explosions start, I tried to get to Caydence. It’s the first time she’s been out of our room in months for more than a few minutes. She wanted to go celebrate with Blade and Keira though so I thought we were already starting to make some progress. Now, it’s like she knew something was going to happen and wanted to be there for what happened to happen to her. I can’t explain it. As the explosions started hitting around the back yard, instead of running for cover, Caydence just stood there. Her eyes locked on mine as I started moving towards her and a smile lit up her face. For the first time in months I saw her relax and relief fill her body. It was like the old Caydence was back. Then I realized that she was going to use the bombing as her way out. She didn’t think she could get out of her own head long enough to start getting better so she chose the easy way out.

  Am I pissed as fuck that she chose the easy way out? Yeah, I am. Instead of getting help and making sure she was there for Cassidy, I’m now a single father. I wouldn’t trade my daughter for anything in this world, I just wish Caydence had been stronger and would be here to help me raise this little girl. Because we all know she’s going to get the short end of the stick with me as a dad. I don’t know the first thing about raising a little girl, other than the fact that she’s not dating until I’m buried in the ground. No one will ever be good enough for my little princess.

  As I sit here, holding Cass, I know that life is about to get hard. We’re going to be seeking vengeance for what Jason and his assholes did to us and I’m going to have to navigate the role of being a dad. It’s time that I get back to the land of the living though and join in things that I’ve put on the backburner while I was trying to help my girl.


  Today is the day that we say our final goodbye to Ma and everyone else that lost their life. The guys decided that they needed to wait for a bit for the guys that were in the hospital to get out and for the ones that are fighting a battle to see if they were going to get better or not.

  Blade and I are helping get everyone gathered in what used to be the parking lot of the clubhouse when I see Bailey, Grim, Skylar, Cage, Joker, and Pops making their way over to us. Grim pulls Blade aside and I’m not sure what he’s talking to him about, but I see Blade continually nodding his head yes. As I go to turn around, movement on the other side of the fence catches my eye. Looking closer, I see Jason standing there, a smug smile on his face. Today is really not the day that he’s going to want to be pulling some shit. But, I’m not scared of him anymore.

  “Joker, make it look like we’re having a normal conversation,” I say, leaning in just a little bit more.

  “What’s goin’ on Keira?” he asks, confusion clearly on his face.

  “Jason is right over there. He’s standing on the other side of the fence watching us. Now may be your only chance to get him. But, you have to play it smart.”

  “Okay. How about we make it look like a few of the guys are goin’ back to the houses and sneak through the yard at my house. We can sneak up behind him.”

  “It would probably work, but I know a guaranteed way to keep him right where he is. You just need to make sure that Blade is one of the guys that leaves the area.”

  “What are you goin’ to do?” he asks me.

  “Don’t worry about it. Just make sure Blade is one of the guys goin’ over to capture him.”

  Joker makes his way over to Grim and Blade taking Cage
with him. After they all talk for a minute, I can see Blade catch my eye and nod his head in my direction. Without a word to anyone, about four men start heading over to our homes. Blade is one of them. As soon as he’s far enough away, I start making my way over to the gate and I see Jason moving in closer to me. This is going to be easier than I thought if he really thinks that none of these guys are going to be going after him with all the chaos and destruction he just caused.

  Before I make it thirty feet, the men have him surrounded and are tying him up to take him somewhere. I don’t want to know any more information than that right there. Grim and Bailey walk over to me and he tells me that I did good, letting one of the guys know I saw him and telling him how to get him. I can tell he’s not happy that I was heading that way myself, but he’s not going to say anything about it right now.

  By the time Blade and the rest of the guys make it back, we’re ready to head to the cemetery. Grim, Gage, and Slim have lined everyone up and told the old ladies who is riding where. I’m riding with Bailey and Melody with our kids. We’re the first car in line behind some of the bikes. Bailey is a mess, but she’s trying to hold it together. I don’t know how she’s going to get through today, but she’s trying. I’ll be there to help her in any way I can. We all will be.


  The ceremony is over and we’re getting ready to head back to the houses. Since the clubhouse is no more, we’re going to have the memorial service at Skylar, Cage, and Joker’s house. They have that huge yard and the pond. As soon as we get back, I’m going to make sure the twins are good and then I’m going to be helping get everything ready.

  Bailey won’t be doing much except for going back to her house. She tried to give a eulogy and broke down. Before Grim or anyone else could make their way to her, I stood by her and finished reading what she wrote. It was beautiful and while it was mainly about her mom, it included everyone that lost their lives that day.

  “Kitten, need you a minute,” Blade calls before heading over to his bike.

  “What’s going on babe?”

  “I’m gonna head out for a bit. I’ll be back as soon as I can. You stay close to the other old ladies and don’t take your rag off for any reason.”

  “Okay. You make sure that motherfucker pays for what he’s done,” I tell him, making sure he can hear the pain and anger in my voice.

  “Kitten, don’t think we won’t be talkin’ about you walkin’ his way later on either. I saw that shit and I’m not happy. But, I got a few plans in mind for him. He’ll pay kitten, for everythin’.”

  “I know he will. I’ll see you when I see you. Love you.”

  “Love you too, kitten.”

  Blade takes off with a few of the guys, leaving the rest to take us back to Skylar’s. The car ride back is silent and I know that Bailey is in her own head again. I wish I could take the pain away from her, bring her mom back to her. Bring everyone back and have Jason never get the chance to do anything like this.


  We’ve been at the memorial service for a few hours now. Drinks are flowing, food is disappearing as soon as we set it down, and people are sharing memories of their loved ones. Bailey has been here the entire time, right on Grim’s arm. She’s laughed, cried, and tried to be there for everyone as much as she can right now. I’m sitting here, people watching while holding Kenyon and Cory. Since I don’t know too many people and I really didn’t know those that passed away, I don’t feel right mixing with everyone. I’ll just wait until Blade gets back before I mingle. Besides, I’ll be of more help letting Skylar, Bailey, and the rest of the girls mingle and do what they do while I make sure everything is set out for everyone. Darcy has been helping me too. I think she feels the same way.

  “So, have you made a decision about what you’re going to do with those two men that follow you around like little lost puppies?” I ask her.

  “Yeah. I think I’m going to give them a shot. But, I’m not letting them know and I’m not going to make it easy on them by any means,” she says, trying to laugh.

  “I hope that you get what you want Darcy. I think they’ll be good to you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Right now, they’re mingling and doing their part, but they don’t take their eyes off of you for too long. And they don’t move that far away from you. Trust me honey, they want more than just a few nights of fun with you. They want it all.”

  “How did you know Blade was it for you?” she asks me.

  “At first I didn’t. We both just wanted some fun with no strings. When I found out I was pregnant, I knew I had to leave. Blade made it clear he didn’t want kids and I knew I wasn’t giving my baby up. As soon as I made the decision to leave, my heart started to break and I knew that my life was going to be empty without him in it.”

  “How long before you took him back?”

  “He had to work for it. You go from just wanting some fun and nothing more to telling me you want me as your old lady, I was skeptical. I didn’t want to get hurt by him and I wasn’t going to give him a chance. But, he wormed his way back in my heart and I knew that I would never love anyone the way that I love him. So, here we are.”

  Darcy and I spend a little more time talking and making sure everything is kept filled. Just as dark is settling in and the guys are starting to light bonfires, I see the guys pull back up. Instead of coming over here, they all head to their respective homes. Must be they need to clean up and get ready before heading over here. I know I can relax now since that lowlife piece of shit is no longer walking around here. So, I settle in and wait for Blade to make his way over to me.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Just before we got ready to head to the cemetery, Keira saw that douchebag Jason. We got him before he had any clue what was going down. Keira could have something to do with that because she started walking towards the gate where he was. I got so angry when I saw her heading that way and I know she was trying to distract him so we could get him, but fuck.

  We took him around the back of Joker’s yard and through a hole in the fence. One of the outbuildings that was saved during the bombing is where our guest is currently waiting for us. I can’t wait to have fun and get my hands on the sick fuck that has taken so much from us. The rest of the guys are feeling the same way and I know he’s not going to last long once we get in the building with him.

  “Blade, you want first or last?” Grim asks me.

  “I’m gettin’ my hands on him first. But, I get to deliver the kill shot. That’s all mine,” I tell the guys surrounding me.

  “I know I’m gettin’ my hands on him for sure. You didn’t see what the fuck he did and said to her when they were in the middle of Vixen,” Killer says. “You can bet that I’m goin’ to get out what I couldn’t when we were watchin’ your wife.”

  I nod my head, thankful that Killer was one of the guys assigned to my old lady. Wood is another one I’ll never be able to repay. He’ll be getting to dish out his own justice as well. Right now, he’s making sure everything gets set up in the yard with no problems. I know he’s just making sure that my girl and twins are settled in before he leaves to join us.

  We all walk in the building and Grim turns on the lone light hanging high above Jason’s head. The smell of piss and shit hits us and I can’t help gagging at the stench filling the small room. He’s only been in here a few hours and he’s already being a little fucking pussy. Keira held out longer than that. My girl’s a badass though. She’ll hold her own against anyone and come out on the other side.

  “Look here boys, the shithead can’t make it a few hours without makin’ a mess of himself. Bet the women that he beats on and takes without their consent last longer than him,” Killer says, and we all start laughing at him.

  “Pl-pl-please let me go,” he stammers out. “I’ll do anything you want me to.”

  Stepping up, Jason instantly recognizes me. “Did my wife beg you for mercy? Did she scream out in pain when you and y
our buddies beat the living shit out of her? Or was she strong as fuck like I know she is?”

  Jason doesn’t say a single word. He just shakes his head back and forth, trying to get the image of me looming over him out of his head. Too bad I’m going to be the last motherfucker he ever sees before going to hell. And I’ll make sure his last moments on Earth are as painful as they can possibly be.

  “Killer, you want to help me carve this fucker up?” I ask, bringing my knives out.

  “Absolutely,” he says, unfolding the roll of knives I have laid out on the stand with the rest of the tools.

  I grab my go-to when I want to inflict damage but not kill the person yet. Killer goes over each and every blade I have, making a big show of picking one out. It’s strictly for Jason’s benefit, to scare him more than what he already is. We all know this and I can’t help the smirk that overtakes my face. The rest of the guys are wearing the same smirk because we know that Killer is putting on a massive show just to get in Jason’s head. It’s working.

  Finally, Killer grabs a blade and we make our way over to where Jason is strung up. Killer rips open his shirt, not going anywhere near his pants and the mess they are. Both of us begin to make small slices all over Jason’s body. Deep enough to make him feel it but not deep enough to kill him. We spend probably a half hour marking him up all over his back, chest, stomach, arms, sides, anywhere we can get our blades to.

  Joker brings over some salt and hands it off to me. I know what he wants us to do and I’m all over it. Putting my hand on Killer to stop him, I begin to dump the salt over the wounds that we’ve made on him. Killer holds his hand out so I can dump some salt in his hand. As soon as there’s a good amount there, he takes his hand and rubs it into the wounds on Jason’s chest. Jason screams out finally, he just can’t keep his mouth shut.


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