Grayson: Twins (Members From Money Book 22)

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Grayson: Twins (Members From Money Book 22) Page 1

by Katie Dowe


  (Part 22 of the 'Members Only' series)

  She wants a baby of her own, but at what cost?

  A sexy twins pregnancy romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club. Features another free bonus book.

  Singer Avia Whyte isn’t getting any younger.

  She’s determined to have children, but she hates the idea of marriage!

  Avia decides that she will do it all on her own as a single mother and sets out to find a donor.

  When she meets billionaire club and restaurant owner Grayson Whitfield, she knows that he’s perfect to father her child.

  However the more time she spends with him, the more she realizes that maybe marriage is for her after all!

  But there is still that lingering doubt that pushes her away from him.

  Grayson finds himself tumbling into a web of passion so strong that he cannot stay away from Avia.

  Especially now that she is pregnant with his twins!

  Can he convince Avia that she doesn’t just want him in her children’s lives, but in hers as well?

  Find out in this emotional yet sexy romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sizzling hot sex scenes!

  Tip: Search BWWM Club on Amazon to see more of our great books.

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  Copyright © 2017 to Katie Dowe and No part of this book can be copied or distributed without written permission from the above copyright holders.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Bonus Book – Forgotten Love

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

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  Chapter 1

  “My eggs are drying up.”

  “He said it in those exact words?” Morgan asked as she topped up her friend’s glass with the ruby red wine. It was snowing heavily outside and they could see the thick flakes coming down in droves. It was fifteen degrees out and the electric fire in the huge hearth was a cheerful comfort.

  “I'm paraphrasing darling,” Avia said dryly as she sipped the wine. Her appearance at Club Angelique had been put off due to the horrible weather and Avia was happy for the time off. She had gone to her gynecologist for a routine check-up and had been told the dreary news. “I am thirty-two years old and certainly that is not something I want to hear. I'm thinking of changing my doctor to a female. Men have a way of being indelicate.”

  “What are you going to do?” Morgan shook back her reddish blond hair as she sat next to her best friend on the soft leather sofa. They had been friends since Morgan had ran tearing from the club where Avia had been singing and the girl had almost knocked her down on her way to the ladies’ room in tears. Avia had followed her and handed her a tissue and waited with her until she had calmed down enough to tell her what was going on. Her second husband had run away with his secretary and she had come to the club Avia was working at to drown her sorrows. That had been five years ago and they had become very close friends since then.

  Avia shook back her heavy dark hair and sipped the wine contemplatively. “I've been doing some thinking. I'm not poor by any means. I make a very good living and unlike you I want children to read bedtime stories to and I certainly don't mind changing dirty diapers. I'm going to ask someone to get me pregnant.”

  Morgan stared at her friend in shock. “You're kidding!”

  “I am not!” Avia said with a sultry laugh that showed her dimples. “I told you I've been doing a lot of thinking, darling.”

  “Who are you going to ask?”

  “I was thinking about Barry but he's too clingy and he's certainly going to get the wrong impression. I'm doing some scouting. It has to be a man with impeccable taste, money of his own so that he won't want anything from me, and open enough to understand that it will not be a relationship and that we have to share custody of the child and be civil about it.”

  “He has not been born yet.”

  “You're judging based on the nasty experiences with your ex-husbands.” Avia said mildly.

  “True,” Morgan said reflectively. “I really believe that all men are scum and should never have been born. But I'm smart enough to know that you're never going to find a man like that.”

  “Care to put a wager on it?” Avia asked her sweetly.

  “How much do you have to lose?” Morgan taunted her.

  “Let’s make it a realistic amount. I know you have a lot of zeroes in your bank account due to alimonies but bear in mind that I work hard for mine.”

  “Living with those two worthless pieces of trash was beyond work,” Morgan said a little bitterly as she drank down her wine.

  Avia looked at her friend in concern. Sheldon had left her more than five years ago and a year ago she had started seeing a lawyer by the name of Benton but things had not worked out. “Honey are you okay?”

  Morgan nodded and gave a slight smile. “I keep falling into bed with the wrong men and can't stop myself. How do you do it?”

  “You mean remain cheerfully single?”


  “I enjoy what I do. I sing and I'm very passionate about it. I rehearse for days and lose myself in the songs. You know me darling. I would get caught up in my singing and forget about the outside world.”

  “I was thinking of taking up something to occupy my time.”

  “You should. You certainly don't need the cash but it would give you something to do.”

  “I was thinking of working at the art gallery in town, even volunteering. I studied art in college and I know a lot about it.”

  “There you go.”

  “Now let’s get back to your crazy idea.”


  Grayson Whitfield stepped out of the private single engine plane and made his way down the steps hurriedly. He was starting to feel the effect of the twelve hour flight from Paris but he didn't have time to slow down or even to swing by his apartment and take a much needed nap. He bundled his full length cashmere coat around him and ignored the men hurrying to catch up to him. His mother insisted on him traveling with body guards after the attempt that had been made on his life several years ago by a rival club owner. A long black car pulled up and the driver jumped out swiftly, coming around to open the door for him to get in. “Mr. Whitfield, welcome back,” his assistant Claude told him with a smile as he handed him an iPod with th
e documents he had asked for. “Thank you,” he said briefly as he opened the documents and started reading. “How much damage?”

  “Minimal, thank goodness. A few busted pipes and the closing of some of the clubs due to the heavy snow. But they're being dealt with.”

  “Good,” Grayson nodded as he looked back down at the device in his hand. Claude didn't say anything as his boss continued to peruse the documents. He believed that he had the best job in the world! He was very highly compensated and even though Grayson can be very demanding whenever he was around he was also very fair and a very good employee.

  Claude handed him a glass of aged whiskey the minute he finished reading. “Ms. Carter has been demanding to know when you'll be back.”

  “What did you tell her?” Grayson’s hazel eyes were a little amused as he looked at the thin, earnest man opposite him.

  “I told her that I wasn't privy to your schedule but I have a feeling she didn't believe me.”

  Grayson laughed softly at that. His expression became reflective as he thought about Amelia Carter, the willowy blonde with the very generous bosom that had been bought and paid for by one of her adoring admirers. “I'll give her a call sometime tomorrow.”

  Claude shook his head in amusement, he'd told Grayson in the past that he admired the ease with which his employer dealt with women. That he never seemed to be emotionally involved and could leave one without showing any remorse or regrets.

  “How's your mother?” he asked Claude suddenly. Claude stared at his boss for a moment and then he responded hastily. “She's doing very well thanks to you.” Claude’s mother had been diagnosed with cancer two years ago and it was after he'd forgotten to cancel an appointment that Grayson had demanded to know what was going on. Claude had been trembling when he'd told him, and then stared in shock as Grayson had called the leading oncologist in the country and had explained the situation to him. He'd started treating Claude’s mother and Grayson had refused to take a cent.

  He nodded at the response and looked back down at the device, getting back to the business at hand.


  Avia put her toe into the full bath to test the temperature. With an appreciative sigh she went in and let the water float all over her body, feeling the warmth invade her pores. She reached over, grabbed the glass of wine she had brought into the delicate peach and cream bathroom and took a sip. She was an only child and she had always hated the fact that she'd been alone all her life. Her father had died when she was only five and her mother had remarried shortly after, claiming that she didn't do very well by herself. Her stepfather Luke hadn't been so bad but she'd never warmed up to him. Which was a good thing because her mother had divorced him after five years and had married husband number three five years later. They were still married and living in Long Island. Her mother was a lawyer who liked to pretend that she was still in her thirties and not the almost sixty years of age she was. Avia saw her whenever she could but wasn't willing to subject herself to the drama that surrounded the life of Amanda Whyte-Rowe-Blake. Avia smiled wryly as she thought about her mother. She was flaky and impossible to deal with but she loved her, even though she preferred to love her from afar. Her thoughts got dreary as she thought about her own situation. She'd told Morgan that she would find someone and she was going to. She had never given up on something she wanted to do and she had no intention of doing so now. By the end of the year she was going to be having her baby.


  “Mother you're exaggerating as usual,” Grayson took the glass of wine the maid handed him with a nod of his head as he sat next to his mother on the chaise lounge. Grace Whitfield was sixty two years old but her beauty was subtle and well preserved. She'd passed on her sable brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes to her only child but he had taken the height and commanding appearance from his father who had passed away ten years ago. She'd never remarried, telling people when they asked that she was enjoying her freedom. She had been a debutante in her days and came from money. She'd married Grant when she was very young and had had Grayson when she was in her late thirties.

  “I am not!” she retorted as she settled back and gave him a quick appraisal. She despaired of him ever settling down because he was always working. She longed to have grandchildren before she was too old but she often told him she didn't approve of the women he went out with. “Jane told me herself that Deborah did work on her face for the third time. The woman can barely move her face to give a smile.”

  “Good to see you're feeling better,” Grayson said dryly as he smiled at her. She had always been a very good mother and they got along very well. His father had been the one who taught him everything he knew about business, even though he had a degree in business from Harvard. “I thought you were coming down with the flu?”

  “I'm feeling better now that I've seen you,” she reached out a slender hand to touch his strong jaw. “I have to feign sickness in order for my only child to come for a visit.”

  “So you were pretending to be ill?” his thick eyebrows lifted in slight amusement.

  “I'm feeling a little under the weather. It’s dreadful out there darling. I went out for lunch with some of the girls and I almost froze to death getting back inside the house.”

  “It’s record breaking.”

  “How are you?”

  “I'm fine. Why?”

  “You haven't been seen with anyone for the past few months. I've been reading up on the activities of the rich and famous.” She said wickedly.

  “Which includes you.”

  “Darling the press is not interested in an old woman like me.”

  “I try to stay away from the press as much as possible.”

  “I see Club Angelique is doing very well. Avia Whyte is quite a sensation. I tell myself that I must fly down there one of these days to hear her myself.”

  “I haven't heard her sing, just gotten reports of how many clients she brings in. I plan on stopping by there on my way back to New York tomorrow.”

  “You're leaving so soon?” his mother asked in disappointment.

  “The manager booked some huge names for one of the clubs and I promised to be there. I've been here a week now Mother and you know how it is, I have to check in with everyone.”

  “Spend the night.” She urged. “Your room is all ready for you and I asked Lola to tidy up.”

  He was about to say no but he saw the expectant look on her face. She was right. He didn't spend enough time with her. “You've sold me.” He said with a gentle smile.

  “I was thinking we could sit in your father’s study and have coffee and that delicious strawberry concoction Pete makes when the weather is like this.”

  “You have me convinced.”


  Morgan wandered around the living room aimlessly, her movements restless. She'd taken a shower and put on the new silk pajamas in muted red that somehow didn't clash with her hair. She'd brushed her hair until it shone, put on a little light makeup and shaved her pubic hair just to add a little spice to it. She was not like her best friend Avia. She loved sex and she couldn't do without a man for an extended period of time. She'd been married two times and it had never worked out, maybe because she was needy and insecure or maybe they were just bastards who didn't know a good thing when they had it. She had met Kyle at a bar uptown and they had talked and talked and drank champagne and then switched to margaritas and had somehow gotten slightly drunk. They had left the place laughing at nothing in particular and he had guided her to his very warm SUV where he had had rough sex with her that had her clinging to him and screaming her head off. He was big and black and well hung and she had almost clawed his back out as she came over and over again. Afterwards he had licked her until she was wet all over again. So she'd given him her number, never asking if he was single or not. Maybe she didn't want to know and she hadn't told Avia about it either. Her friend was kind of a prude and even though she was looking out for her she couldn't deal with that right
now. She needed someone and Kyle was it right now. She had no desire for a relationship right now. It was just sex and she was okay with that.


  Avia carefully and methodically cleaned off her makeup as she sat in front of the vanity mirror that had been assigned to her. She'd been working at Club Angelique for the past six months now, and she smiled a little as she contemplated her journey to the exclusive club and restaurant. She'd sung in bars that had the patrons looking bored and jaded and the smoke from the cigars adding to the ambience. She remembered going home and having to scrub her skin and hair to get rid of the stink of the cigarette smoke. She'd managed to avoid the come on by men who told her explicitly what they wanted to do with her and had never thought of giving up. She had a very sultry voice and put it to good use. She enjoyed the entertainment scene and didn't have a problem with the men who approached her. A week ago a very wealthy and very married man had approached her as she was making her way out to her car.

  He had handed her a card with his name in embossed gold. “Why do I have this?” she'd asked him.

  “I want you,” he had told her huskily and with as much arrogance only the very rich could manage. “I can set you up in an apartment and buy you anything you want. I'm married so we'll have to be discreet. But I promise that you will never regret it.”

  “I'm sure I won’t darling,” she'd told him smoothly as she handed him back the card, “but no thanks.”

  He had grabbed her arm to stop her as she made to leave. “Why not?” he'd demanded.

  “I'm into women,” she had told him sweetly as she pulled away from him and gone to her vehicle. She had looked back to see him staring after her and as soon as she got into her car and drove away she had given in to laughter.

  “You did very well out there Avia,” Selena Matthews, the manager of the exclusive and very popular club said with a pleased smile as she came into the dressing room. Her slinky black dress hugged her slender frame lovingly and her jet black hair was secured into a neat chignon at the back of her neck. Diamonds winked at her lobes and around her neck and Avia had heard the employees whispering that she was having an affair with one of the married regulars who came in. “We are filling up in spite of the weather.”


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