Grayson: Twins (Members From Money Book 22)

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Grayson: Twins (Members From Money Book 22) Page 2

by Katie Dowe

  “Thank you Selena.” She said with a polite smile as she reached for the jeans and sweater she'd worn to the club.

  “We're very happy to have you here. You're becoming quite popular. We're thinking of putting your name in bright lights out front whenever you're here.”

  Avia stopped in the process of sliding the cashmere sweater over her head to stare at the woman in front of her. “Are you serious?”

  Selena smiled at that. “I'm very serious. I'm just going to discuss it with Grayson when he gets here tomorrow.”

  “I'm honored.” Avia said, her heart pounding in her chest. She'd worked hard for something like this but somehow now that it was offered she wasn't so sure. She had every intention of quitting the scene as soon as she found the right candidate and got herself pregnant. She hadn't told Morgan everything but she had every intention of being a full time mom. “Thank you.”

  “You deserve it darling,” the woman told her as she left.

  Avia sat heavily on the padded stool, her plan to leave forgotten for the moment. Her name in lights! Ten years ago she would have been over the moon. She'd trained her voice, paid for a coach to guide her in the right direction in terms of breathing and liberating her vocal chords. But ever since the doctor had told her the plight, and even before that, she had been restless. Her career was suddenly not enough for her anymore. With a rueful laugh she got to her feet and finished dressing. Her life had taken on a whole new direction.


  Grayson answered his phone a little reluctantly. He'd told Claude he would call Amelia but he hadn't done so, partly because he was busy and partly because the interest in her had waned some time ago. It had been good while it lasted but he'd lost interest and was aware that she wanted a husband and she wanted it to be him. “Darling you are scarce,” her breathy voice grated on his nerves. His mother had retired for the night and he'd come into the bedroom that had been his before he moved out. The housekeeper had kept it clean, or maybe it was one of the maids. Everything was neat and tidy and there was clothing still hanging in the vast closet.

  “I've been busy,” he sat on the side of the bed and took off his shoes. “How are you?”

  “Missing you,” she purred. “Your mean assistant refuses to give me information. You should fire him darling.”

  “He is here to stay and he only gives information I ask him to give.”

  “When will I see you?” she asked plaintively.

  “I'm heading to New York on Saturday.”

  “What are you doing tomorrow?”

  He reluctantly told her where he was going to be.

  “I will be there darling. We can have dinner and listen to some singing.”

  “That sounds fine.” His voice was a little stilted as he said it. He knew she was going to want much more than dinner and he wasn't prepared to give her anything else.

  Chapter 2

  “Hello?” her voice was groggy from sleep as she answered the phone. She'd gotten in at two in the morning and had been so tired that she'd forgotten to turn off her phone.

  “Darling are you still sleeping at this hour?” her mother’s strident voice sounded in her ear.

  “What time is it?” she turned around to look at the bedside clock.

  “It’s almost eleven darling. What are you doing sleeping?”

  “I came in at two, Mom.” She pushed off the sleep mask from her eyes and blinked at the sunlight trying to stream through the heavy drapery at her bedroom window. “You know that.”

  “I haven't heard from you in days honey and you know how worried I get when you don't call.”

  “I wish you'd called at a decent hour,” Avia complained as she pushed off the comforter and climbed off the bed. She knew she wouldn't be getting any sleep now as long as her mother wanted to talk.

  “I just wanted to hear your voice honey. If you called more often I wouldn't have to disturb your beauty rest.”

  “Now that I'm fully awake. What’s up?” She grabbed a robe and struggled to put it on while holding the phone to her ear. She needed coffee desperately.

  “I think Ian is cheating on me.”

  Avia stifled a groan as she put the coffee on and settled herself on one of the stools in her very sterile kitchen. “Why do you think that?”

  “He's been coming in late every night and I think I smell perfume that I never wear on his clothing.”

  “Have you asked him about it?”

  “Darling you know I'm not good at confrontation,” her mother chided.

  “So how are you going to find out?”

  “Freda said I should follow him.”

  “The same Freda who got scammed by a much younger man?”

  “Darling don’t be mean. She is very impressionable but it doesn't mean that she's wrong.” She sighed. “I cannot bear for another marriage to go sour.”

  “Mom ask him already and get it over with.”

  “I'm not like you darling. I hate what the truth will bring.”

  “Well live with the lie then.”

  “I called you to talk to you and for you to give me advice and you're being very irritable. You need to get yourself a man. That's what's making you so miserable.”

  “I'm not miserable and I'm doing very well without a man. You have a man and you're not happy.” Avia pointed out as she went to get her coffee.

  “That’s true. Maybe I should get rid of Ian and remain single.”

  “You wouldn't last a week,” Avia told her with a laugh.

  “You're right as usual,” she said with a sigh. “I miss you darling. When are you coming by for a visit?”

  “You have enough on your plate right now to be concerning yourself with me. I'll come when I get a chance.”

  “What do you think I should do?”

  “I already told you.”

  They spoke a few minutes more and then hung up. Avia hugged her coffee close to her as she sipped it and then went back to her bedroom. She was wide awake now and there was no way she was going back to sleep. She sat on the sofa nearest to her closest and continued to drink her coffee. She needed groceries and she'd been avoiding going to the supermarket for the past week. All that was in her fridge was leftovers and a carton of milk that sadly was going sour. Her pantry was empty except for noodles and maybe a tin of tuna. She hated shopping for food and had resorted to calling for delivery whenever she was home, but that was not practical. She'd decided to start cooking more now that she'd made up her mind to get pregnant. She wanted to be able to cook for her child when the time came. And she was serious about it. She knew how to cook, it was just that she didn't particularly enjoy doing so. She put the mug away and reached for her phone.

  “I was just about to call you but I was wondering if you were up!” her friend’s cheerful voice sounded over the phone.

  “My mother called and woke me up. You sound happy.”

  “I am happy. I got the job at Rosemarie’s art museum. Minimum pay but you know I don't need the money, and I start on Monday.”

  “That’s wonderful darling. I'm so happy for you.”

  “And I met someone.”

  Avia didn't say anything for a moment and then she answered. “That was quick.”

  “His name is Kyle and we just hit it off. Avia, we made love and it was the most unbelievable sensation. He's black so I guess that explains it. And he knows what to do with it. Girl he is hung and gorgeous and I cannot believe he's single.”

  “I never put much stock in that,” Avia said slowly referring to his color and the fact that he had a huge member. “Where did you meet him?”

  “At a bar and I know what you're going to say. He's kind and devoted to me.”

  “When did you meet him?”

  “A week ago.”

  “And you're assured of his devotion so quickly?”

  “Don’t be such a wet rag Avia. I'm happy for the first time in a long time. Please be happy for me.”

  “I'm your best friend and I have a
lways been up front and honest with you. What do you know about this guy?”

  “Everything I need to know or maybe I don’t need to know. Who cares? He makes me happy and I'm not going to be looking for a skeleton in his closet. I just want you to be happy for me. I have a job and a man and I'm content.”


  Avia hit the high note of the very slow and suggestive love song and closed her eyes. It was a song that had been done by Diana Ross several years ago and she'd taken it and changed up the tune a bit. The club was packed to capacity with several well-known business owners and socialites in the crowd. Her dress was a metallic blue with diamonds studding the thin straps. It dipped low in front, partially exposing her small breasts and looked great against her cocoa brown skin. Her hair was loose around her face,and her makeup was flawlessly beautiful. Grayson, sitting at one of the tables at the front, watched her as he felt the pull of her sultry voice. Amelia was saying something to him but he wasn't listening to her. His eyes were riveted on Avia. Selena had told him that she wanted to put Avia's name in lights and he'd told her that after listening to her he would let her know his decision. Halfway through the show he realized that his manager was right. She was very good. He'd looked around and seen the rapt attention on the faces of the men and women there and knew they were as enchanted as he was. He was going to have to bring his mother here the next time she was in town.

  “If I didn't know any better I would think that you're more interested in the artiste than in me,” Amelia’s voice broke his attention, which annoyed him. He regretted having her here with him.

  “She's very good,” he nodded to the waiter hovering over him.

  “She's okay,” Amelia said carelessly with a pout to her coral lips. “I'm not much into jazz and blues.”

  Grayson looked at her for a moment, his expression guarded. “She's more than okay.”

  “Why are we talking about her?” she complained.

  “Because she's my employee and I need to know that she's good enough to have her name up in lights.” He turned back to look at Avia who had finished the song to thunderous applause. She'd gotten off the stool and come to the edge of the stage to bow gracefully, flashing a brilliant smile before turning away. It was almost midnight and she was the last act. A musical interlude would follow with the opportunity for dancing and patrons heading to the bars.

  “Would you excuse me for a moment?” he asked Amelia, not really waiting for a response as he made his way through the throng of patrons, not allowing his impatience to show as he was stopped several times before he was able to get to the dressing rooms. Selena hurried over as she saw him coming. “Grayson! Is something wrong?”

  “I want to officially meet Ms. Whyte,” he told her briefly.

  “She went into the room just now, I'm sure she's still decent.” She hurried to knock on the door and a voice told them to come in.

  She was sitting at the vanity stool with a flute of champagne in her hand and she still had on the clothes she had worn for her performance.

  “Avia this is—”

  “Grayson Whitfield!” she got to her feet in one fluid movement with the dress sliding around her curves seductively. “Nice to meet you.” She held out a slim hand and he took it with a slight smile on his lips.

  “Ms. Whyte.” He held her hand briefly before letting go. “Your performance was spectacular.”

  “Just what I was hoping for.” They both turned to look at Selena, who nodded and retreated quietly. “Please have a seat,” she gestured to the chair in the corner of the room.

  “Selena told me about putting your name up in lights.”

  “I'm flattered of course, but I'm not sure I'm as excited as I was when I was in my twenties.” She said, her dazzling smile causing him to blink.

  “Why is that?”

  “I'm thirty two years old Mr. Whitfield and at some point I want a child or children before it's too late.”

  He stared at her for a moment, surprised that she was telling him something so personal. “I see. So you're telling us no?”

  “Not exactly. I'm saying yes for now but as soon as I'm pregnant I intend to dedicate myself to the rearing of my child.”

  “How soon is that?”

  Avia took up the flute and sipped the sparkling wine. “I have no clue. I haven't met the man yet.”

  Grayson couldn't believe he was having this conversation with a woman he had just met and one that was technically employed to him. “I see.” He sounded foolish and he wasn't used to that. “I don’t understand.”

  “You wouldn’t,” she said with a sultry laugh that exposed her dimples and her white teeth. He had a companion out front waiting for him but he was entranced first by her singing and now by her conversation and beauty. “But I will give fair warning. Don’t worry.”

  She got to her feet and held out her hand for him to take again. “I'm afraid I'm going to have to take my leave. I have a show tomorrow and being Saturday it is usually packed. Will you be here?”

  He was about to say no and then he nodded. “I will be.”

  “Good. I'll look for you.”


  “You were gone a long time,” Amelia complained when he got back. People were filing out and the muted laughter and chatter sounded throughout the room. It was almost one thirty now but he was used to late nights and early mornings.

  “I had some things to take care of,” he said in an off-handed way as he helped her put on her sable coat.

  “Are we going back to your apartment?” she asked hopefully as they made their way out with the guards dropping back discreetly as they followed behind them.

  “I'm going back to my apartment, Amelia. I'll call you when I'm in town next.” He guided her to her car that had just been pulled up by the valet.

  “Darling I need to be with you,” she begged, holding on to his black designer jacket.

  “Not tonight,” he eased away from her and nodded to his guards.

  He left her standing there with her eyes shimmering with tears and slid into his car, closing the door as soon as he entered. He eased away from the curb and made his way into the traffic. His mind went over the unusual conversation he'd had with Avia Whyte. Quite an extraordinary lady, he thought idly with a smile on his lips. If only…


  Avia walked into her bedroom and flopped down on her bed, her heart racing. All through the ride home she'd been in a state of excitement and anticipation and a little bit of fear. Throughout her life she'd always gone after what she wanted, never giving up until she got it. Now was in no way different. She'd found him. She had found the man who was going to father her child and he was no other than Grayson Whitfield. How she planned to go about it was a bit unorthodox and probably illegal. She would have to look into that but whatever the cost, he was going to be her child’s father. It wasn't like she was going to hit him up for money or anything like that. After she was pregnant he would never know and she would just find a way not to see him again. She was planning to quit the club after anyway so that wouldn't be a problem. With a shaky laugh she flopped down on the bed and placed her hand over her racing heart. It would take lots and lots of guts but she had that in spades.


  “How's work?” Avia dug her feet into the rich burgundy carpet that lay on the floor of her friend’s living room as she sipped wine. It was Saturday afternoon and she didn't have to be at the club until around nine. She'd slept like a baby and had woken up at eleven to see that she'd missed a call from Morgan.

  “Wonderful!” Morgan lifted her arms and took a deep breath. “I spoke with management about a painting that a new artist just came out with and I impressed everyone there. I feel as if I've just started to live. I left the art museum at ten and Kyle came over and we made love until around two. That man is insatiable.”

  “When am I going to meet the well-endowed Kyle?” Avia asked as she stared at her friend. She had to admit that she'd never seen the girl so happy.r />
  Morgan laughed at the term. “Soon, darling. I want to keep him to myself for a little bit. You're my best friend and I love you a lot but you can be intimidating to say the least.”

  “That is certainly not true!” Avia retorted as she sat on a delicate Cherry wood chair near the glowing electric fire. “I'm a teddy bear.”

  “With a sore head.” Morgan retorted as she sat on the sofa and curled her feet beneath her. “The sex is great and everything and we kind of talk in between but darling ever so often I get ravenous and want to feel him filling me up and the conversation peters off.”

  “Spare me the visual.”

  “I know that black women keep saying that white women are taking away their men but you know I don’t give a damn about the color of a person’s skin. I'm telling you Avia! He is hung like a horse and is not useless about it.”

  “I get it! You are being taken care of physically, now can we please talk about something else?”

  “You're right.” Morgan laughed and leaned forward. “How is the hunt for the baby daddy going?”

  “You are too white to pull off that statement properly honey.” Avia told her friend dryly. “It’s going,” she added lightly, not ready to say anything yet. Morgan had found a new man in her life and there was no telling how much she was prepared to say to that man. She couldn't risk her plan getting out before she had a chance to implement it.

  “I cannot believe you are seriously planning something like that. What are you going to do if and when it happens?”

  “I'm going to be a mother and the best damned one there is.”

  “I was pregnant two years after I married Johnathon,” Morgan murmured and shrugged as her friend stared at her.

  “You never said anything.”

  “It’s still painful. I was so in love and naïve, looking forward to being the best wife and mother but somehow he was not as enthused as I was. I thought to myself that maybe it was because he was so busy and when the baby came he would be as happy and excited as I was.”


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