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Dangerous Mating (An A.L.F.A. Novel)

Page 15

by Milly Taiden

  Kari sprang forward on the seat. Saving the women being tortured by the traffic ring was more important than her dang cough. “Sheldon, how many men do you have here?” she asked.

  “Half of the base I’m sending you both to,” he replied. Another cough crept forward. She motioned for Bryon to tell Sheldon whatever else that needed to be relayed. If Sheldon’s men would surround the facility, they could take care of the criminals and free the women. Sheldon pulled his phone from his pocket and made a call. She hoped it was to get more men there. There could never be enough men. She almost laughed at that. But it was no longer true for her. One man would be more than enough for her.

  Her heart ached for those who’d already left the warehouse before she could help them. She remembered one of the girls shoved into the van as she was escorted to theirs in the warehouse. The woman with beautiful dark flowing hair and big eyes. There was something about her that drew Kari’s attention. She could see any man wanting a female like that.

  Meanwhile Bryon debriefed Sheldon on what had happened the past twenty or so hours. Was that it? It felt like days. But she did have one question that couldn’t wait. “Sheldon, how did you find us in the castle?”

  “Your tracker beacon suddenly popped up on the radar. We just followed it,” he said.

  She looked at her wrist. Some of the costume jewelry she donned with her earlier disguise remained. “Then why didn’t you find us earlier?”

  “We were underground,” Bryon said. “Unfortunately, the bracelet’s GPS doesn’t work in places like that. As soon as we came out, they received the signal.”

  Not that it mattered, but she would’ve liked to have known that from the get-go. She slapped a hand on her forehead. God, she wanted to go home. Wanted to be in a deep Jacuzzi with bubbling water floating around her. And Bryon on the other side of the tub in all his naked glory. Hmm. The things she wanted to do to that man.

  “Hey,” Sheldon said from the driver’s seat, “keep that smell to yourself. We’ll have none of those thoughts in a car with a guy who is still mate-less.” He smiled at her with sad eyes in the rearview mirror. Her heart broke for him. She remembered how much he wanted a mate and family. He would make a great dad and husband to the right woman. She prayed he would find her soon.

  She glanced at her mate. The past day had been incredible. She’d gone from being lonely to the happiest person in the world with a wonderful man. And his eyes shined with exactly what she was feeling: wanton desire.

  The car slowed. “Saved by the airport,” Sheldon mumbled. “Thank god we’re here. I was going to step out if things got any smellier back there.”

  Bryon laughed. “Just you wait till you find yours. You’ll see.”

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Bryon was glad when they pulled into the private airfield’s driveway and parked around back in the passenger drop-off area. His mate needed medical attention and he’d make sure she got it.

  As they got out of the car, a plane sat on the tarmac not too far away with its engines running. An attendant was in the process of closing the plane’s door. He’d be on their own plane with his mate hopefully very soon. He was as tired as she was.

  They went inside the small office building and heard a very angry person yelling at the man standing behind the counter. When the door closed behind their group of three, the screaming man turned to look at them. He snatched papers on the counter and marched out.

  Sheldon shook hands with the man on the other side of the front desk. They seemed to know each other. That would make sense seeing that half of the closest military base had just flown in under Sheldon’s authority. Bryon looked around for his mate not by his side.

  She stared out the window, watching the attendant roll away the mobile stair unit that was attached to the leaving plane’s door. In the driveway outside, a white van with a business logo drove past. Seeing she was safe, he turned back to the conversation between Sheldon and the company’s employee.

  Suddenly, Kari spun around and pointed to the van waiting to pull onto the street. “Where are the people who were in that van?” she hollered. He and the other two men looked where she pointed.

  The employee said, “The man who was yelling when you come in. We have problem with plane and delay a couple hours. He’s pissed we not give money back.”

  “What about the people who were in the van?” she stammered. “Where are they?”

  He nodded at the plane rolling away from the loading tarmac. “They all in plane. Mostly ladies. Two males.”

  His mate ran toward him but she looked at Sheldon with panic and fear in her eyes. “Give me the car key.”

  He fumbled around, shocked by her sudden demand. “What? Why?” Sheldon pulled the key from his pocket and she snatched it from his hand.

  “I’ll explain later.”

  He called after her as she ran for the door. “Be careful. It’s a rental.”

  Bryon watched the door close then turned to Sheldon. “Is she getting the suitcases out?” He ran for the door. “She doesn’t need to do that. I will.”

  Rushing through the entrance, the men were outside to see the rental car speeding away . . . after the plane. Bryon slid his hands into his pockets. “Did I mention she might be crazy?”

  A couple employees came running out of the plane’s storage building and the office, staring at the car now cutting across the first landing strip. They were as speechless as he was. Bryon slapped his partner on the chest and headed for the employees. He yelled out if anyone had keys to the company truck sitting in the parking lot. One of the men hurried over, pulling a fob from his pocket, and pointed at a vehicle. They jumped in the truck and took off after his mate.

  The man asked what was going on. He and Sheldon shrugged, though he had his suspicions. They watched as she rolled through the median between landing strips. A small ditch ran down the middle of the grassy area. Did she see it? The front end of the rental car dipped and slammed up the other side. The front bumper came off and spun to the side. That would be a “no, she didn’t see it.” Sheldon groaned.

  The plane slowed on the back taxiway, making the turn onto the runway for takeoff.

  The employee driving the truck wore a headset with voices screaming through the ear speakers. Bryon plucked them from the man’s head and slid them on his. The microphone extended around from the side to lock in place at his mouth.

  “Listen up, boys. This is Agent Bryon Day with the United States government.” That shut up everyone on the line. “We have a situation we need your assistance with. There is an escaped crazy woman driving the car that just stopped in the middle of the back airstrip. She is armed and very dangerous. I suggest you do whatever she says.”

  Sheldon slapped his arm and whispered, “What are you doing?” Bryon waved him off.

  “We have the situation under control. Do not approach her. Stay far away from her. I repeat, stay far away from her. Do you copy, tower?” Bryon finished.

  “Copy, Agent Day. We will inform the pilots as soon as they contact us that they are ready.” That was strange, they should’ve done that when leaving the tarmac.

  “You mean the pilots haven’t confirmed already?” Bryon asked.

  “That is correct, Agent. I’m sure they will respond any second now.” The controller’s voice didn’t sound too positive. More worried. He realized why when he glanced at the runway and plane. Kari had stopped the car sideways in the middle of the strip the jet stopped at. Why did she not want the plane taking off?

  The plane rolled forward. Oh fuck. The pilots couldn’t be serious. They’d damage more than just the landing gear if they tried to run her over. His mate had her heart set on something. He knew Kari was strong of heart and will. She wasn’t moving an inch until the wrong she perceived was righted.

  His bet was that plane was loaded with females who had been purchased at the sale in the back of the warehouse. How she knew that, he’d ask later.

  The plane continued forward.
He was relieved she was safely inside the car at least. The jet would have to go through the car to get to her. The car door opened. What the hell was she doing now? Hopefully getting away.

  To his unbelieving eyes, she got out of the car then stepped on the back bumper and hoisted herself onto the trunk. Said bumper now sagged on one side. Sheldon moaned again. From the back part of the car, she climbed onto the roof and put her hands on her hips. She stuck out her one arm, turning the palm toward the plane. Dear god, if she thought that would stop them taking off . . . Sheldon groaned again.

  The plane wasn’t slowing; she wasn’t budging. This would not turn out good for one of the parties. He urged the truck’s driver faster. As soon as they were in reach her, he’d yank her gorgeous ass off the roof and spank her. Naughty visions flashed in his head. Oh, the fun they would have when they got home. Wanting to focus on his mate surviving, Bryon closed down the images.

  Still not moving fast enough, Bryon moved his leg to the side and stepped on the driver’s foot on the gas pedal. The vehicle jerked forward. Their driver’s eyes grew huge and his hands wrapped tightly around the steering wheel while he yelled at Bryon. Some of those words Bryon had never heard before.

  They had to reach Kari before the plane did. Just in case the pilots were stupid enough to plow into her. The thought of losing her sent his wolf into a panic. It jumped forward wanting to break free and run to her. Bryon reminded it the truck would be there by the time they shifted and got out. It didn’t like that answer, but would abide by it for now.

  The jet kept coming. What the fuck were they thinking? Their vehicle nosed into the ditch and popped up on the other side. Almost there. No one was backing down. Goddammit, Kari. She was getting it from him for scaring the shit out of him. What “it” was he’d decide later.

  They raced the jet toward the car parked on the strip. He prayed one of them would bail. Now would be better than later. The jet’s speed had reached the point where it couldn’t slow in time. Shit! How would he save her?

  The company truck hit the concrete the same time the pilot slammed on the brakes. Loud peals of screeching filled the air as smoke from the jet’s and truck’s tires floated close to the ground from their skids. Long black marks marred the pale strip.

  The plane stopped within a foot of Kari’s outstretched hand. He’d be damned, she pulled it off. She had freaking superpowers. She was in so much trouble.

  He jumped out of the truck with Sheldon. Through the headset, he heard the tower trying to reach the pilots, but they were not responding still. Running toward his mate, he glanced at the cockpit. A man stood between the pilots, pistol in his hand. That would be the reason the pilots weren’t responding to the tower’s requests. The gunman looked familiar. Bryon thought he might’ve seen him in the cave earlier.

  The three in the cockpit seemed to be arguing, the guy with the gun waving it around. One of the pilots gesturing out the windshield at Kari on the car’s hood. He must have been the reason the plane hadn’t stopped; not his mate’s superpowers. Thank god for small miracles.

  They reached the car together and Bryon reached for Kari. Sheldon held his arms out to his side, eyes scanning the damaged vehicle his mate stood on. “The car is a wreck. The boss won’t be happy.”

  “What?” Kari said. “It’s a rental. You got the insurance, right? Never mind. I need your gun.”

  “What? No way—” Sheldon stepped back from her reaching hand.

  “Sheldon,” she yelled over the jet’s slowing engines, “there are twenty women and children on this plane who will be sold into slavery and and the sex trade if this jet leaves this airport. I’m not allowing that to happen. Now give me your gun.”

  Without further argument, Sheldon lifted his gun to her hand. She turned toward the pilots, weapon aimed at them. She fired four shots, breaching the windshields, making the plane too dangerous to fly. It wasn’t taking off any time soon. When the pilots peeped over the dashboard, she pointed to the loading area and building. They had no options. They had to go back. The guy with the weapon was gone.

  Pride soared through Bryon at what his mate had done. She had put her own life in danger to save complete strangers from a horrible existence. Her heart was as big as any he’d ever seen. And she belonged to him.

  Chapter Thirty-four

  Kari stood on the roof of the rented vehicle staring down the plane stopped in front of her. Any normal person would’ve passed out from fear. Shit. She should’ve been rolling on the ground—her knees being too weak to hold her up.

  But she wasn’t.

  Her body was fueled with energy. She felt incredibly strong, righteousness giving her courage, but stealing her common sense to not stand in front of a jet rolling down a runway.

  Really, though, the jet would stop. No way could it take off after smashing into a car. The front landing gear would be torn to shit. The pilots knew this and, she had no doubt, they would back off. This game of chicken was over before it began.

  The hijacker didn’t know she had been called the Chickenator by the kids on her block while growing up.

  One of the older boys used to bully the younger kids on her street. On a cold day before she turned twelve, she stood with her bike at the end of the block. Billy the Bully was picking on her next-door neighbor kid. She yelled at him to leave the kid alone. Billy’s head snapped around to see who had called him out.

  “Well, if it isn’t Scary Kari, scaring everyone with her fat, ugly face.” Billy sneered then laughed. She’d had as much as she could take of the bastard. She got on her bike and pedaled toward him. She was going to show him she wasn’t scared of him anymore.

  Billy picked up his bike laying in the neighbor’s yard and pedaled directly in her path. “You wanna play chicken, Scary Kari? Let’s rumble.” Their eyes met and locked. Neither giving an inch. She figured the worst that could happen was they crashed into each other and get bumps and bruises. She could live with that to make Billy leave them alone.

  Kari hunkered down over the handlebars, her new aerodynamic helmet strapped on tightly. Seconds before they crashed, she saw the fear in his eyes. Someone was standing up to him, not cowering in a corner. She’d let him have it.

  A moment too late, Billy turned his front wheel to the side and she crashed head on into him. Her helmet slammed against his forehead, effectively knocking him out cold. Her bike bucked, throwing the rest of her body over the bikes and rider in front of her. She landed on her butt on the other side of the collision.

  Her neighbor kid ran to her, mouth gaping, eyes as wide as basketballs. “Oh my god, Kari. You killed Billy.”

  The boy bled from the nose and his cheek had a scratch. She saw his shirt move up and down; that was a relief. “No,” she said. “I just knocked him out.”

  The kid stared between her and the bully lying on a bent bicycle as if watching a tennis match. “Wow. That was awesome. You weren’t scared of him. You’re the Chickenator. You ate him up and spit him out. I gotta tell everyone.” Well, she was afraid, but she contained that fear and did what she had to do to protect those she cared for.

  And she’d do the same here, except it was her versus a jet.

  As it turned out, Billy had a broken arm and wasn’t allowed to ride his banged-up bike anymore. So unless he walked, he wouldn’t be coming down their street much. And Billy wasn’t much for walking or anything else that required a bit of exertion.

  Her biggest hurt came when she tripped over the curb and skinned her knees. She was used to that, so no biggie.

  Now, she stood on top of a car instead of bicycle telling the bully where to go—back to the garages. Once she put four bullets into the windshield, the pilots were happy to accommodate her signal to go back. This plane was not taking off.

  As the plane started moving in the right direction, she was yanked off the hood of the car, the gun taken from her hand. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Bryon hollered.

  Sheldon joined her love in s
houting at her. “Shooting at a plane is a federal offense, you know.”

  “Good thing we’re in Cloustien, then,” she replied as Bryon held her in his arms. Sheldon harrumphed and got into the rental. As he slid into the front seat, his knees slammed into the steering column.

  “Careful, I moved the seat up. I got short legs,” she said.

  Sheldon looked to grumble under his breath, but she heard every word. A thought hit her. “Bryon, when you bit me, you said it was to claim me as yours forever.” He nodded and kissed her head.

  “Yes, and now I’m going to kill you for that stunt,” he said.

  She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, but listen. Did your bite do more than just claim me?” she asked.

  His brows rose high. “You’re gonna blame me for you suddenly going crazy and facing down a plane?”

  She huffed. “No. Let’s get back to the tarmac and arrest these guys.” Riding back to the main building, she thought about the sudden and dramatic change in her thoughts, trust in herself, and physical prowess. Not only had Bryon made her his mate, but he had enabled to her to be a better person inside and out. She wondered if she’d be able to shift. She’d have to ask when they were alone.

  The plane came to a stop in the same place it was when she and the guys had arrived. The man driving the company truck they were in parked next to the metal building housing the jets. Bryon put his hand over an ear with the headphone, pressing the speaker closer to his head.

  “Damn. Not good,” he said.

  “What?” The plane had powered down and they were rolling the portable stairs to the door. What could possibly go wrong? They had them.

  “I was afraid of this,” he said. “The man on board is threatening to kill the women if they don’t get another jet for takeoff.”

  “What?” She wanted to kick herself. Why hadn’t she thought of that before? Duh. Must be the lack of water, food, the vomiting, battling a demon, solving puzzles to save their lives, and turning into a superhuman that made her a little tired.


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