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Forged Risk (Aegis Group Task Force Book 2)

Page 10

by Sidney Bristol

  He dropped a kiss on her chin then nibbled down her throat. She clenched his shoulders, holding onto him as he kissed along her collar bone and down between her breasts. His fingers toyed with her nipples, teasing the tight peaks.

  She relaxed and allowed her eyes to drift shut. Her breasts had always been sensitive. She didn’t mind the attention in the least.

  Evan nipped the ticklish skin at her waist. She gasped and flinched sideways, only to find herself nearly unable to move.

  “Oh no you don’t,” Evan said, his voice vibrating with laughter.

  She gasped as he laid a kiss on the same spot. “Not fair.”

  His hands slid up to cup her breasts and she sighed. “Who said anything about fair?”

  Her chuckle turned into a sigh as he kissed across her stomach to her navel. Everything he did to her felt good. Indulgent.

  Evan hooked his fingers in the waistband of the yoga pants she’d slept in. She lifted her hips, giving silent permission to be undressed. He dragged both pants and panties down her hips, pausing to press more kisses to each hip.

  Her stomach muscles tightened as his mouth drifted lower.

  He wasn’t going to…

  Evan stood back, taking her clothes with him and leaving her naked.

  For a moment they just looked at each other. He was a sight to behold clothed. What would he look like naked?

  He took a step toward the bed.

  “Take your shirt off?” She didn’t know what he intended to do, but she wanted more bare skin from him.

  He paused and pulled his T-shirt off. Under that was a dark vest made from Kevlar worn over a white undershirt. He winced as he ripped the Velcro straps free. Both vest and undershirt were shed quickly, giving her the first glimpse of a shirtless Evan.

  She sighed and smiled, pleased with the view. Miles of muscular planes sculpted his chest and stomach.

  He leaned over her and bumped her nose with his. “Happy?”

  She laid her palm against his chest. “Very. Now the pants.”

  “Mm. Not yet.” He pressed an all too brief kiss to her lips.

  “Not yet?” She frowned, but it was hard to be displeased when his mouth was once again kissing down her body.

  “Nope,” he said between kisses.

  Felecia closed her eyes and allowed herself to live on feeling. His hands were slightly rough, creating a wonderful sensation when he stroked her. His mouth was soft by comparison.

  He cupped her mound and she shifted her hips away from him at first, startled by the contact. For several moments he just held her while he sucked on one breast. Bit by bit she relaxed and when she’d almost forgotten the hand at her mound, that was when he moved. Not much. He simply curved his fingers, stroking her, pressing into her the barest amount.

  The last vestiges of tension eased from her body and she moaned.

  Yes, that was where she wanted him.

  Evan switched breasts, all while his fingers lazily passed over her folds, spreading her arousal. She ran her fingers through his hair and her palms over his back.

  He left her breasts, kissing down her stomach. His big body forced her legs open wider as he kneeled on the floor between her dangling legs.

  What was he doing?


  He pressed a kiss to her mound, just over her clit. “Sh.”

  Whatever she might have said was lost to her in the next moment. He eased his fingers inside of her. It didn’t hurt like she’d expected it to and she even liked the sensation of any part of him inside of her, it was just different. He eased his fingers in and out. Bit by bit she relaxed again.

  Evan’s warm breath fanned her already heated skin.

  Instinctively she squeezed her legs shut, only to find his big, immovable body holding her open.

  Her eyes sprang open and she looked down at him and found him looking at her pussy. He licked his lips and leaned in. Her stomach tightened and words stuck in her throat. She didn’t see his tongue, but she felt it swirl around her clit.

  “Oh—God.” Her hips lifted off the bed seemingly of their own accord.

  Evan settled his forearm over her, holding her right there. From this angle all she could see was the top of his blond head, the arm at her hips and the way his shoulders bunched and moved. But, oh God, she felt.

  Her head fell back on the mattress and she fisted handfuls of the sheet. His fingers were stroking her in earnest now, in and out, keeping a steady rhythm. All the while his lips and tongue teased her clit. The gentle suction alone had her spine bowing. She bit her cheek to keep from crying out. Her languid body tensed and shifted to the movements of his fingers now. She was lost to the sensation of him inside of her.

  “E-Evan.” She stammered his name, but he wasn’t listening to her.

  It felt as if there was a coil in her belly being tightened. Only, it couldn’t stay that way forever.

  She blindly reached for him, wrapping her fingers in his hair.

  Once more he sucked on her clit and this time it was too much.

  That coil inside of her released and it felt as though she were catapulted through warm, pleasant waters, gently falling into bliss. Her body rippled with it. She tossed her head back and stared at the ceiling, drawing in deep breaths while her mind hummed.

  Holy shit.

  She was vaguely aware of Evan moving around her.

  As far as she was concerned, after that? He could do whatever he wanted.

  Strong arms wrapped around her and Evan dragged her up into the middle of the bed. Her toes were still a little tingly and her brain not quite back online. He settled her facing him on her side, his arm draped over her waist.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Fantastic,” she murmured.

  One side of his mouth hitched up. “You’re good for my ego.”

  “Your ego deserves it.” She slid her hand down his chest to his hip and only then realized he was as naked as she.

  Felecia glanced down, a little sorry she’d missed seeing all of him. Her gaze snagged on his erect cock, already covered in a condom. She did like the way he was thinking.

  His hand stroked her side. “Do you still want to…?”

  She glanced up at him and smiled. After that orgasm she was relaxed, sated, happy. But she also wanted to feel all of him.

  “Oh, yes I want to,” she said.

  “Good.” He tugged her closer, seemingly relieved she wasn’t done with him.

  She leaned in and kissed him, tasting herself on his lips. He reached down and grasped her knee, drawing it up and over his hip. She curled herself around him, already aching for him to fill her again.

  “Too soon?” he muttered against her lips.

  “No. I still want you.”

  “You’ve got me.” He pressed a kiss to her brow.

  Evan reached between them and the next thing she felt was the blunt head of his cock sliding through her folds. She shifted her hips, watching his face and eyes, the way he looked both pained and hungry.

  She tilted her hips, catching the head of his cock at just the right angle. He pressed his forehead to hers and flexed his hips. His length eased into her, so different from his fingers or tongue. She groaned and squeezed him with the leg wrapped around his hip, urging him deeper.

  “You feel so damn good,” he whispered.

  “You, too,” was all she could say while under the spell of his eyes.

  The truth went deeper.

  She’d never had sex like this. Everything felt good. She was hungry for more. Hell, if this went on forever she wouldn’t mind a damn bit.

  Evan shifted a bit and thrust into her, their bodies joining. She hissed and lost herself in his gaze. He leaned in and kissed her, his hands stroking over her back and down to her ass. As he thrust, he palmed her, urging her closer.

  “I want you to come again,” he said against her lips.

  Felecia wasn’t sure about that, but this felt damn good. She couldn’t talk, just cli
ng to him as he glided in and out of her, his hands and mouth seemingly everywhere. Or at least she thought he was everywhere until his fingers began stroking her folds as he thrust.

  She gasped and held tight to his shoulders.

  This time it was no coil inside of her. No, it was more. The blood rushing past her ears made it hard to think, but she felt everything. Every press of his lips or nip, each caress, every thrust, how his muscles bunched and eased.

  “Oh my—Evan. Evan.”

  She turned her face into the pillow as the orgasm rippled through her. This time she felt as though she were drowning in pleasure. Evan continued to thrust, drawing the sensations on and on to the point she thought she might break apart. It was just too much.

  He clutched her to him, his motions jerky now as he cradled her to his chest. She clung to him—and then all was still, save for a small voice in her mind.

  A knowing voice. Her world had just changed. Because of this man. She didn’t know how or why, but he mattered to her and her future.

  Monday. St. Petersburg, Russia.

  Caleb studied the footage from the drone. They’d had to use one of the higher altitude models to ensure they weren’t detected. It appeared to be a small team watching the target, just five men and one woman plus the target, but there could be more. After all, they’d only been told about the five men. Who was the woman? Where had she come from? And were there others?

  What was this?

  He paused the footage and zoomed in on the only window in the building that had a light on inside. It was hard to see inside what with the curtains, but he could just make out two bodies.

  It couldn’t be the woman. She was on the first floor, tucked out of sight. In another ten minutes she’d make her walk through, moving like a shadow. If it weren’t for the infrared, they might not have realized she was there until it was too late. Good thing he was careful.

  Was someone fucking the target?

  Caleb had to wonder who this woman was and why she was so important. If both Skilton and the Forger wanted her, she had to be valuable. If Skilton weren’t involved Caleb would have figured out how to turn this into a profitable endeavor, but he didn’t dare cross Skilton. Not when the man held all the strings.

  One by one the others began to check in.

  The clock was ticking.

  If they didn’t see any chances, the time to act was coming.


  Tuesday. Safe House. St. Petersburg, Russia.

  The early morning hours crept onward and darkness still swathed the city. Evan glanced from the computer screens to Felecia sitting on the sofa. He’d made her a cup of hot chocolate in the hopes she might go back to sleep.

  She was so beautiful.

  Even as that thought bloomed in his mind he felt a swift jab of guilt.

  He pushed it aside and continued doing his visual sweep of the feeds. He’d checked in with Kelsey and confirmed everything was fine down there.

  It was quiet. Too quiet for his liking, but Kelsey said this was normal. This block didn’t see any activity once it got late, which meant any traffic stuck out.

  Satisfied all was well, Evan picked up his coffee and finally allowed himself to be drawn toward Felecia. She glanced up at him and smiled. Her cheeks were still rosy, her eyes a bit glassy from pleasure.

  He eased down a little distance from her.

  “Everything okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah.” He considered her for a moment. Whenever it was the two of them, they spoke his language, but she was Russian by birth. “What do you consider to be your native language?”

  “Where am I living?” She shrugged. “Wherever I am, that’s my native language.”

  He frowned.

  “I know that’s not what you meant, but it’s my answer. I need to be able to sound like I belong. My latest passport is Ukrainian, so—that’s my native language.”

  She smiled at him and he was glad to see the easy openness in her eyes. Despite Zora’s threats, Felecia still trusted him. He hooked his fingers through hers and allowed himself to have this moment. With her. All too soon Tucker would be up to relieve him and the day would start over, only today would be tense. They were into their window for possible attack.

  “Can I tell you a secret?” Felecia’s eyes narrowed.

  “Depends, is it something I shouldn’t know?”

  “Nothing like that.” She flashed him a shy smile.

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever had an orgasm during sex before. At least, nothing like tonight.”

  He opened and closed his mouth. The first things that popped in his head did not bear saying.

  She sipped her hot chocolate. “Don’t look so surprised. I meant that as a compliment.”

  He finally found his voice. He wished it weren’t so rough. His anger wasn’t for her. “It shouldn’t need to be a compliment. A woman’s pleasure should come first. It’s easy for men.”

  Her smile was sad and he knew without asking that some of her partners had been more about necessity than pleasure. He hated that for her. For all women.

  “Hey.” She squeezed his hand. “Don’t do that.”

  “Do what?”

  “Get all angry and scowl on my behalf. No one has ever forced me to do anything I wasn’t willing to do, okay? I made my choices and given the circumstances I’d make them again.”

  He swallowed and nodded. He’d respect her wishes, but he didn’t have to like it.

  Somehow, some way, he was going to get her out of this place. Even if he had to do it on his own, he’d make sure she was safe once all this had blown over. She deserved that much at least. A new start where she could be a young woman, live her life and not have to watch over her shoulder.

  “All I really meant by that was, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He lifted their joined hands to his lips and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “I can’t do that again while I’m on shift though.”


  “I will have to come clean and tell Logan.”

  She frowned. “Will you get in trouble?”

  “Highly unlikely.” He swiped his thumb over her knuckles, staring into her bottomless eyes. “But if I do, oh well. I’m not sorry I made you come.”

  The girlish smile she gave him was worth it.

  She should get to smile like that more often. It looked good, right even, on her. He hated to dim that with reality, but some things needed to be said.

  “This doesn’t change things between us,” he said slowly.

  Felecia kept watching him.

  “I still have a job to do and I have to act as part of this team.”

  “I know,” she said softly. “I see that now.”

  “That’s not to say I don’t care about what happens to you, but I can’t make you promises.” Though he’d made one to himself. He would help her.

  “Evan.” She squeezed his hand. “It’s okay. All I wanted was to forget the nightmare, feel something good. Something I chose. Thank you for that. That’s it. I don’t expect anything else from you.”

  Her answer should have put him at ease, but it didn’t. She deserved more than what he or his team were doing for her.

  “Think you’ll be able to sleep?” he asked.

  “Probably not.” The smile dimmed.

  “Want to tell me more about this dream?”

  She shook her head and her gaze grew distant, no doubt seeing the images from her nightmare all over again.

  “Hey?” He tugged on her hand. “I’m here. Focus on me, okay?”

  Felecia nodded and licked her lips. “It was just awful. Deep down I’m scared they’ll haul me back to my dad. Whenever I manage to get away from him, that’s always my dream.”

  “We aren’t going to let that happen.”

  She looked at him with sad eyes. “You don’t know that. And what if my dream comes true?”

  “It won’t.” He lifted her hand to his lips again.r />
  Fuck the rules. As soon as he could make a call, he was ringing the home office. He’d go around the Task Force if he had to. Someone was going to help her. Hell. If he had to leave and come back for her all on his own, he’d do that.

  “I hope you’re right,” she whispered.

  A door creaked open, echoing through the quiet space.

  Evan checked his watch and grimaced. “That’s going to be Tucker coming to relieve me.”

  “I guess that’s my cue to head back to my room then. You should get some sleep.” She tipped her head back and drained the mug.

  The floorboards creaked as Tucker stepped into the room, pulling on a long sleeved knit shirt. He eyed Evan and Felecia sitting there in the dark on the sofa.

  “Thanks for the drink and the company,” she said in English as she got to her feet.

  Tucker’s gaze locked with Evan’s.

  Neither man spoke as Felecia retreated. Evan listened to her soft footsteps and the creak of her door.

  “You want to tell me what that was?” Tucker took a few shuffling footsteps closer, his tone dangerous.

  “She had a nightmare. We were talking about it.” Evan collected their mugs and stood.

  Tucker stepped into Evan’s path and looked him over from head to toe. “You fucked her.”

  He grit his teeth, but didn’t say anything.

  “You’ve had a thing for this girl since we found her.” Tucker edged closer. “She’s playing you.”

  “She isn’t. She just had a bad dream.” Evan wasn’t going to come clean to Tucker. The only person who needed to know was Logan.

  “Well I hope she doesn’t start leading you around by your dick, pretty boy,” Tucker drawled.

  He was trying to bait Evan, for whatever reason. He took a deep breath and leveled a stare at Tucker. “Everything’s set up just like last night. Have a good morning.”

  With that said, Evan strode away from Tucker toward the kitchen.


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