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by Fischer, David Hackett;

  [Milan] G. Ferrario, Statistica medica di Milano dal secolo XV fino ai nostri giorni escluso il militare (Milan, 1840).

  [Milan] Amintore Fanfani, “La rivoluzione dei prèzzi a Milano nel XVI e XVII secolo,” Giornale degli Economisti e Rivista di Statistica 72 (1932) 465–82; idem, Indagini sulla rivoluzione dei prèzzi (Milan, 1940).

  [Milan] Aldo de Maddalena, Prèzzi e as petti di mercato in Milano durante il secolo XVII (Milan, 1950); idem, Prèzzi e mercedi a Milano dal 1701 al 1860 (2 vols., Milan, 1974).

  [Milan] Commune di Milano, I prèzzi dei generi alimentari in Milano dal 1798 al 1918 (Milano, 1919).

  [Modena] Gian Luigi Basini, Sul mercato di Modena tra cinque e seicento: Prèzzi e salari (Milan, 1974); idem, L’uomo e il pane … (Milan, 1970); idem, Zecca e monete a Modena nei secoli XVI e XVII (Parma, 1967).

  [Naples] Giuseppe Coniglio, “La rivoluzione dei prèzzi nella cittá di Napoli nei secoli XVI e XVII,” Atti della IXa riunione scientifica a Roma 1950 (Rome, 1952).

  [Naples] Nunzio Federico Faraglia, Storia dei prèzzi in Napoli dal 1131 al 1860 (Bologna, 1983).

  [Naples] Pietro Lonardo, Contributo alla storia dei pèzzi nelle province napoletane (Santa Maria Capua Vetere, 1904).

  [Naples] Ruggiero Romano, Prèzzi e salari e servizi a Napoli nel secolo XVIII [1734–1806] (Milan, 1965).

  [Pavia] Giuseppe Medici, “Tentativo di recostruire un numero indice dei prèzzi dei prodotti cerealicoli per la zona agraria dell’ Alto Pavese e per il periodo dal 1784 al 1930,” Annali dell’ Osservatorio di Economia Agraria per la Lombardia 1 (1930).

  [Pistoia] Armando Sapori, Per la storia dei prèzzi a Pistoia; il quaderno dei conti un capitano di Custo[d]ia nel 1339 (Pistoia, 1928; an offprint is in the Baker Library, Harvard Business School); idem, “Per la storia dei prèzzi a Pistoia,” Bulletino storico pistoiese 29 (1927); 30 (1928).

  [Rome] Comte de Tournon, Études statistiques sur Rome (3 vols., Paris, 1831).

  [Siena] Giuseppe Parenti, Prezzi e mercato del grano a Siena, 1546–1765 (Florence, 1942).

  [Sicily] Antonio Petino, La questione del commercio del grani in Sicilia nel settecento (Catania, 1946); idem, I prèzzi del grano, dell’orzo, dell’ olio, del vino, del cacio a Catania dal 1512 al 1630 (Milan, 1949).

  [Venice and Venetia] Dario Bartolini, “Prèzzi di alcuni derrate e salari correnti in Venezia ed in alcune cittá della Dalmatia a del Levante, durante gli anni 1486 a 1490,” Annali di Statistica 2d ser. 19 (1881); idem, “Prèzzi e salari nel commune di Portugruaro durante il secolo XVI,” Annali di Statistica 2d ser. 1 (1878) 194–204; idem, “La metida del frumento, vino ed oglio dal 1670 al 1685 nel commune di Portugruaro,” Annali di Statistica 2d ser. 7 (1879); idem, “Nota intorno alla ‘metida’ o ‘calamiere’ nel Veneto,” Annali di Statistica 3d ser. (1882); idem, Contribuzione per una storia dei Prèzzi e salari (Rome, 1881).

  [Venice] M. Aymard, Venise, Raguse et le commerce du blé pendant la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle (Paris, 1966).

  Other Italian local studies are listed in the bibliography to Ruggiero Romano, ed., I Prèzzi in Europa dal XIII secolo a oggi (Turin, 1967), 569–90.


  Kokisha Asakuri and Chiaki Nishiyama, eds., A Monetary Analysis and History of the Japanese Economy, 1868–1970 (Tokyo, 1974).

  Kakujiro Yamasaki, The Effect of the World War upon Commerce and Industry in Japan (New Haven, 1929), includes prices, ca. 1914–1929.

  Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, Staple Food Prices in Japan, 1930–1948 (Tokyo, 1949).

  Bank of Japan, Statistics Department, Hundred Year Statistics of the Japanese Economy (Tokyo, 1966).

  Kazushi Ohkawa et al., Estimates of Long-Term Economic Statistics of Japan since 1968 (Tokyo, 1965).


  J. Ruwet et al, Marché des ceréales a Ruremonde, Luxembourg, Namur et Diest aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles (Louvain, 1966).


  Frederic L. Pryor, Income Distribution and Economic Development in Madagascar: Some Historical Statistics (Washington, World Bank, 1988).


  Pascal J. Imperato and Eleanor M. Imperato, Mali: A Handbook of Historical Statistics (Boston, 1982).


  Frederic L. Pryor, Income Distribution and Economic Development in Malawi: Some Historical Statistics (Washington, World Bank, 1988).


  A large literature includes Woodrow Wilson Borah and Sherburne F. Cook, Price Trends of Some Basic Commodities in Central Mexico, 1531–1570 (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1958); Enrique Florescano, Precios del maíz y crisis agrícolas en México (1708–1810) (Mexico City, 1969, 1971); Richard L. Garner, “Price Trends in Eighteenth-Century Mexico,” Hispanic American Historical Review 65 (1985); and idem, “Prices and Wages in Eighteenth-Century Mexico,” in Lyman L. Johnson and Enrique Tandeter, eds., Essays on the Price History of Eighteenth-Century Latin America (Albuquerque, 1995), 73–108.

  Netherlands: General Studies

  Nicolaas W. Posthumus, Inquiry into the History of Prices in Holland (2 vols., Leiden, 1946–64). This major work is based largely upon Amsterdam price currents, of which Posthumus collected more than two thousand, and also upon institutional records.” The most detailed price history which has hitherto been published,” writes Lennart Jörberg in his History of Prices in Sweden 1:5.

  Jan de Vries, The Dutch Rural Economy in the Golden Age, 1500–1700 (New Haven, 1974), contains original series on rental values; idem, “An Inquiry into the Behavior of Wages in the Dutch Republic and the Southern Netherlands, 1580–1800,” Acta Historiae Neerlandicae 10 (1978).

  Netherlands Central Bureau voor de Statistiek, 75 Jarr Statistiek van Nederland (The Hague, 1955), includes prices from 1900 to 1975; headings in Dutch and English.

  Netherlands: Local Studies

  [Amsterdam] Besides Posthumus see P. J. Middelhoven, “Auctions at Amsterdam of Northern European Pinewood: A Contribution to the History of Prices in the Netherlands,” Low Countries Yearbook 13 (1980).

  [Arnhem] M. K. Heringa, “Overzicht van Marktprijzen van Granen te Arnhem in de jaren 1544–1901,” Bijdragen tot de Statistiek van Nederland 26 (1903).

  [Overjissel] B. H. Slicher van Bath, Een Samenleving on der Spanning: Geschiedenis van het Platteland in Overjissel (n.p., 1957).

  [Utrecht] J. A. Sillem, Tabellen van Marktprijzen van Granen te Utrecht in de Jaren 1393 tot 1644, (Amsterdam, 1901).

  New Zealand

  James W. McIlraith, The Course of Prices in New Zealand [1861–1910] (Wellington, 1911).

  Malcolm Frasier, Prices: An Inquiry into Prices in New Zealand, 1891–1919 (Wellington, 1920).

  Gerald I. Bloomfield, New Zealand: A Handbook of Historical Statistics (Boston, 1984).

  Ottoman Empire (see also Turkey)

  Ömer Lütfi Barkan, “The Price Revolution of the Sixteenth Century: A Turning Point in the Economic History of the Near East,” International Journal of Middle East Studies 6 (1975) 3–28; “Die ‘Preisrevolution’ im osmanischen Reich wahrend der zweiten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts,” Sudost-Forschungen 42 (1983) 169–81.

  Sevket Pamuk, “Money in the Ottoman Empire, 1326–1914,” in Halil Inalcik and Donald Quataert, eds., An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, 1300–1914 (Cambridge, 1994) 970–75.

  Justin McCarthy, ed., The Arab World, Turkey, and the Balkans (1878–1914): A Handbook of Historical Statistics (Boston, 1982).


  Central Statistical Office, Twenty-Five Years of Pakistan in Statistics, 1947–1972 (Karachi, 1972).


  G. Lohmann Villena, Apuntaciónes sobre el cur so de los precios de los articulos de primer a necesidad en Lima durante el siglo XVI (Lima, 1961).

  Luis Miguel Glave and Maria Isabel Remy, Estructura agraria y vida rural en una region andina: Ollantay-tambo entre los sighs XVI y XIX (Cuzco, 1983).

  Pablo Macera and Rosario Jiméniz, “Precios: Lima, 1667–1738” (mimeograph, Lima, n.d.); Pablo Macera
and Rosa Boccolini, “Precios de Iocs Colegios de ka Cia de Jesu’s, Arequipa, 1627–1767” (mimeograph, Lima, 1975).

  Paul Gootenberg, “Carneros y Chuño: Price Levels in Nineteenth-Century Peru” (unpublished ms., 1988).

  Kendall Brown, “Price Movements in Eighteenth-Century Peru: An Overview,” in Lyman L. Johnson and Enrique Tandeter, eds., Essays on the Price History of Eighteenth-Century Latin America (Albuquerque, 1995), 173–200.


  Pierre Chaunu, Les Philippines et le Pacifique des Ibériques (Paris, 1960).


  F. Bujak, Badania z dziejow spolecznych i gospodarczych (Recherches sur l’ histoire sociale et economique (Lwow and Poznan, 1928–49); includes price data in vols 4:13–17, 21–22, 24–25.

  [Cracow] J. Pelc, Ceny w Krakowie w latach 1369–1600 (Lwow, 1935); E. Tomaszewski, Ceny w Krakowie w latach 1601–1795 (Lwow, 1934); Frêche and Frêche report a French edition, idem, Lesprix à Cracovie de 1601 a 1795 (Lwow, 1934), not seen.

  [Gdansk] J. Pelc, Ceny w Gdasku w XVI i XVII wieku (Lwow, 1937); Tadeusz Furtac, Ceny w Gdasku w latach 1701–1815 (Lwow, 1935).

  [Lublin] W. Adamczyk, Ceny w Lublinie od XVI do koca XVIII wieku (Lwow, 1935).

  [Lvov] Stanislas Hoszowski, Ceny we Lwowie w XVI i XVII wieku (Lwow, 1928), French tr. Les prix a Lwow (Paris, 1954); Stanislas Hoszowski, Ceny we Lwowie w latach, 1701–1914 (Lwow, 1934).

  [Warsaw] W. Adamczyk, Ceny w Warzawie w XVI i XVII wieku (Lwow, 1938); S. Siegel, Ceny a Warzawie w latch 1701–1815 (Lwow, 1936).


  V. M. Godinho, Prix et monnaies au Portugal, 1750–1850, (Paris, 1955).

  F. Mauro, Le Portugal et l’ Atlantique au XVIIe siècle (1570–1670) (Paris, 1957).

  Joel Serrão, ed., Dicionário de História de Portugal (4 vols., Lisbon, 1971), includes historical statistics and prices.

  R. de Moraes Soares, “Resumo historico dos preços de cereaes e outros generos alimentares no continento do Reino,” Archivo Rural 2 (1859) 436–40, 462–66.

  [Lisbon] A. Silbert, “Contribution a l’étude du mouvement du prix des céréales à Lisbonne (du milieu du XVIIIe au milieu du XIXe siècle,” Revista de Economia (1953) 65–80.

  Frêche and Frêche also cite local studies by Albade de Bacal and F. M. Alves on prices in Braganza, and by A. d’Ayres Lanca Pereira on the economic history of Beja. I have not seen these works.


  V. O. Klutchevsky [sic], Le rouble russe des XVIe et XVIIe siècles, et son rapport avec le rouble actuel: Essais et études (St. Petersburg, 1918).

  A. G. Mankov, Le mouvement des prix dans l’ état Russe du XVIe siècle, (Paris, 1957); a summary of Mankov’s work for English readers is Jerome Blum, “Prices in Russia in the Sixteenth Century,” Journal of Economic History 16 (1956) 182–99.

  Boris Mironov, “The ‘Price Revolution’ in Eighteenth-Century Russia,” Soviet Studies in History 11 (1973) 325–52; idem, “Le mouvement des prix des céréales en Russie du XVIIIe siècle au début du XXe siècle,” Annales E.S.C. 41 (1986) 217–51. In the reign of Peter I, Russia became the first nation in Europe to collect monthly information on grain prices for all its provinces. Mironov’s research rests upon these data, which run unbroken from 1707 to 1914. This essay summarizes the author’s thesis at Leningrad and many other monographs. It also includes a bibliography.

  V. N. Jakovchevsky, Kupechesky kapital v feodal’ no-krepostnicheskoi (Moscow, 1959); partly translated as “I Prèzzi ed il profitto commerciale nella Russia feudal-servile,” in Romano, ed., I Prèzzi in Europa dall XIII secolo a oggi, 447–80; a study of prices in Russia during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

  W. M. Pintner, “Inflation in Russia during the Crimean War Period,” Slavic Review 18 (1959) 81–87.

  A. Roger Clarke and J. I. Matko, Soviet Economic Facts, 1917–81 (2d ed., London, 1983).

  A. Bergson, “Prices of Basic Industrial Products in the U.S.S.R., 1928–1950,” Journal of Political Economy 64 (1956); idem, Basic Industrial Prices in the U.S.S.R. 1928–56: Twenty-five Branch Series and Their Aggregation (Santa Monica, 1956).

  I. B. Kravis and J. Mintzes, “Food Prices in the Soviet Union, 1936–1950,” Review of Economics and Statistics 32 (1950) 164–68.

  M. C. Kaser, “Soviet Statistics of Wages and Prices,” Soviet Studies 7 (1955–56).

  Scotland: see United Kingdom

  Spain: General Studies

  Earl J. Hamilton, American Treasure and the Price Revolution in Spain, 1501–1650 (Cambridge, Mass., 1934); idem, Money, Prices, and Wages in Valencia, Aragon, and Navarre, 1351–1500 (Cambridge, Mass., 1936); idem, War and Prices in Spain, 1651–1800 (Cambridge, Mass., 1947).

  Juan Sardá, La politicia monetaria y las fluctuaciones de la Economia Española en el sigh XIX (Madrid, 1948); idem, “Spanish Prices in the Nineteenth Century,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 62 (1948) 143–59.

  N. Sanchez-Albornoz, “En Espagne au XIXe siècle, géographie des prix,” Melanges Antony Babel (Geneva, 1963), 2:179–91.

  Higinio Paris Equilaz, El movimento de precios en España (Madrid, 1943), prices from 1913 to 1942.

  Spain: Local Studies

  [Andalusia] Earl J. Hamilton, “American Treasure and Andalusian Prices, 1503–1660 …” Journal of Economic and Business History 1 (1928) 1–35.

  [Barcelona] E. Giralt-Raventos, “En torno al precio del trigo en Barcelona durante el siglo XVI,” Hispania 18 (1958).

  [Catalonia] P. Vilar, La catalogne dans l’ Espagne moderne (3 vols., Paris, 1962).

  [Seville] Pierre and Hugette Chaunu, Seville et l’ Atlantique, cited above.


  Lennart Jörberg, A History of Prices in Sweden, 1732–1914 (2 vols., Lund, 1972). a remarkably comprehensive work, based mainly on market price scales prepared for the valuation of commodities used to meet tax obligations. From these data, Lennart was able to compile price series for sixty-three commodities in thirty regions of Sweden. The second volume adds statistical analysis. No other nation has been so comprehensively studied.

  Gunnar Myrdal, The Cost of Living in Sweden, 1830–1930 (London, 1933).

  K. Amark, “En Svensk prishistorisk studie,” Ekonomisk Tidskrift 12 (1921); idem, “En svensk prisindex für aren 1860–1913,” Kommersiella Meddelanden, 3 (1921) 18.

  Eli Heckscher, Sveridges ekonomiska Historia fran Gustav Vasa (Stockholm, 1936).

  Statistika Centralbyran, Historisk Statistik för Sverige (Stockholm, 1955, 1972).

  Sri Lanka

  Patrick Peebles, Sri Lanka: A Handbook of Historical Statistics (Boston, 1982).


  Vettiger, Die Agrare Preispolitik des Kantons Basel im 18 Jahrhundert (Weinfelden, 1941), not found.

  Francois G. Dreyfus, “Beitrag zu den Preisbewegungen im Oberrheingebiet im 18 Jahrhundert,” Vierteljahrshrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 47 (1960) 245–56.

  Emil Notz, Die säkulare entwicklung der Kaufkraft des geldes für Basel in den perioden 1800–1833 und 1892–1923 (Jena, 1925).


  Constance M. Wilson, Thailand: A Handbook of Historical Statistics (Boston, 1983).

  Turkey; see also Ottoman Empire

  Charles Issawi, The Economic History of Turkey, 1880–1914 (Chicago, 1980).

  United Kingdom: General Studies

  B. R. Mitchell and Phyllis Deane, Abstract of British Historical Statistics (Cambridge, 1962); B. R. Mitchell and H. G. Jones, Second Abstract of British Historical Statistics (Cambridge, 1971).

  A. L. Bowley and G. H. Wood, “The Statistics of Wages in the United Kingdom during the Last Hundred Years,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 61 (1898) 702–22.

  Charles H. Feinstein, Key Statistics of the British Economy, 1900–1962 (London, 1965).

  United Kingdom: England

  W. Fleetwood, Chronicum Preciosum: or, an Account of English Money, the Price of corn and other commodities in the last 600 years in a Letter to a Student in the Universi
ty of Oxford (London, 1707).

  W. F. Lloyd, Prices of Corn in Oxford in the Beginning of the Fourteenth Century; also from the Year 1583 to the Present Time (Oxford, 1830).

  Thomas Tooke and William Newmarch, History of Prices and of the State of the Circulation from 1792 to 1856 (6 vols., London, 1838–57).

  James E. Thorold Rogers, A History of Agriculture and Prices in England from the Year after the Oxford Parliament (1259) to the Commencement of the Continental War (1793) Compiled Entirely from Original and Contemporaneous Records (7 vols., Oxford, 1866–1902; rpt. Vaduz, 1963); idem, Six Centuries of Work and Wages (2 vols., London, 1884); subsequent studies have found errors in this work. Early volumes lumped together data for different types of purchase and sale, which was especially a problem for livestock. Rogers was also not as careful about weights and measures as subsequent studies. But Farmer observes, “Rogers’s price and wage series have been fundamental … and in some respects they are unlikely ever to be supplanted.” For a critique see Paul Mantoux, “Le livre de Thorold Rogers sur l’ histoire des prix et l’ emploi des documents statistiques pour la période antérieure au XIXe siècle,” Bulletin de la Societé d’Histoire Moderne (1903); much thoughtful discussion of Thorold Rogers is scattered through the writings of the English economist Alfred Marshall.


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