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by Fischer, David Hackett;

  and twentieth century price revolution, 205, 212, 216, 217, 219–20, 221, 222, 225, 234

  and Victorian equilibrium, 162, 163, 164, 495. See also specific nation or geographical area

  international compilations, 371, 398

  international exchange: bibliography, 448, 450, 464

  and late twentieth century crisis, 233

  and medieval price revolution, 32–33

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 91, 464

  and twentieth century price revolution, 224–25, 233

  International Monetary Fund, 210

  International Scientific Committee on the History of Prices, 367–68

  inventory cycles. See Kitchin cycles

  Iran, 231

  Ireland, 97, 100, 110, 141, 149, 203, 383

  Isabella (queen of Spain), 56

  Islam, 230–32, 263–64, 267, 439

  Israel, 208, 210, 231–32

  Italian Renaissance, 239

  Italy: arms and armor prices in, 322n19

  banking in, 33

  climate in, 330n17

  disease in, 49–50

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 120, 144, 479–80

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 103, 105, 112

  famine in, 87

  and fourteenth century crisis, 452

  grain prices in, 6, 19, 120

  hyperinflation in, 196

  interest rates in, 29, 54, 55–56

  medieval price revolution in, 19, 19, 25, 29, 33, 38, 320n8, 443, 444

  money in, 25, 182, 283, 466

  politics in, 57–58, 195, 203

  population in, 13, 50–51, 72, 73, 96, 334n19

  primary sources about, 383–85, 397, 402

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 48, 49–51, 52, 54, 55–56, 57–58, 330n13, 330n17, 455–56

  rents in, 52, 105, 330n13

  returns to capital in, 54

  returns to land in, 52

  secondary sources about, 423, 443, 444, 452, 455–56, 461–62, 466, 473, 479–80, 492, 499

  and seventeenth century crisis, 96, 96, 473

  silver in, 324n28

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 67, 70, 72, 73, 87, 96, 96, 461–62, 466

  social unrest in, 40, 149, 473

  and twentieth century price revolution, 182, 189, 195, 196, 198, 203, 217, 234, 499

  and Victorianequilibrium, 171, 492

  wages in, 29, 330n13

  and wars, 38, 189, 198

  wholesale prices in, 189. See also specific city

  Ivan the Great (tsar of Russia), 256

  Jacobs, Alfred, 364

  Jacobson, Anna. See Schwartz, Anna

  Japan: bibliography, 385, 402

  consumer prices in, 204

  deflation in, 232

  energy prices in, 212

  politics in, 195

  producer prices in, 204

  productivity in, 232

  religion in, 232

  returns to land in, 219

  social unrest in, 232–33

  stock markets in, 232

  and trade, 212, 232, 233

  and twentieth century price revolution, 195–96, 204, 212, 217, 219, 224, 232–33

  and wars, 195–96

  wholesale prices in, 233

  “jawboning, ” 207–8

  Jeanne d’Arc, 53

  Jefferson, Thomas, 136

  Jevons, Stanley, 276

  Jews, 45, 101

  John XXII (pope), 40

  Johnson, Lyman L., 372, 412

  Johnson (Lyndon B.) administration, 203, 204–5

  Jones, A.H.M., 262

  Jörberg, Lennart, 370

  Journal of Economic History, 370

  Juglar, Clément, 276, 418

  Juglar trade cycles, 273, 276, 415, 418

  Justice, Alexander, 282

  Kauffman, Max, 200–201

  Kaufman, Henry, 287

  Kennedy, John, 203

  Kerhuel, Marie, 409–10

  Kett’s Rebellion, 77

  Keynes, John Maynard, 206, 294, 367, 368–69, 428

  Keynesian economics: bibliography, 428

  Kitchin, Joseph, 276, 418–19

  Kitchin business cycles, 273, 276, 415, 418–19

  Kitwood, T., 274

  Kleinknecht, Alfred, 275

  Kondratieff, Nikolai D., 273, 368–69, 415–16. See also Kondratieff waves

  Kondratieff waves, 5, 273–75, 360n7, 410, 415–18, 474

  Koopmans, Tjalling, 313, 369

  Korea, 402

  Korean War, 198–200, 199, 256, 281

  Kuznets, Simon, 276, 296, 298, 368–69, 418

  Kuznets cycles, 273, 276, 296, 361n16, 415, 418, 426

  Labini, Paolo S., 274

  Labrousse, C. E., 146–47, 166, 244, 347n9, 363–64, 370, 407, 409, 410

  Labrousse cycles, 241, 244, 273, 276, 415, 418

  Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy, 73, 344n9, 433, 434

  lag theory, 300

  laisser faire economics, 116

  Lamb, H. H., 169, 171

  land. See Returns to land

  Lane, Frederic, 58, 503–5

  Languedoc, 73, 107, 146

  Laslett, Peter, 301

  Lassalle’s (Ferdinand) Conjecture, 293–94, 297, 298

  Latin America: bibliography, 271, 372, 499

  commodity prices in, 120

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 121, 271, 272

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 347n7

  European price movements compared with, 271, 272

  hyperinflation in, 232

  politics in, 241

  revolution in, 232

  and twentieth century price revolution, 204, 210, 232, 499

  and wars, 232. See also specific nation

  Lebergott, Stanley, 189, 289

  Lee, Ronald Demos, 433

  Lefebvre, Georges, 147, 350n4

  Leghorn, 96

  Lewis, Arthur, 185

  life cycle theories, 296–97

  Lille, France, 87, 88

  Lindert, Peter, 297, 298

  Lipsey, R. G., 414

  Lisbon, Portugal, 134

  literature, 62, 100, 113, 134, 154–55, 238, 469–70

  Liu, P., 267–68

  Lloyd George, David, 191

  Locke, John, 113

  London, England: banking in, 59

  crime in, 172, 308

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 120, 129, 135

  energy prices in, 21, 334n22

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 102, 110

  grain prices in, 102, 135

  inequalities in, 94

  interest rates in, 162

  medieval price revolution in, 20, 35

  money in, 48, 129

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 48

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 94, 334n22

  social conflicts in, 49

  and twentieth century price revolution, 179–81

  and Victorian equilibrium, 162, 172, 176

  “long swings”. See Kuznets cycles

  long-term secular trends, 245, 252–54, 408–15

  Lopez, Robert S., 324n28, 329-30n13

  Lorenz curve, 291, 292

  Louis IX (king of France), 24

  Louis X (king of France), 40

  Louis XI (king of France), 55, 56

  Louis XIV (king of France), 112, 113, 116

  Louis XV (king of France), 112, 119

  Louis XVI (king of France), 143, 154

  Low Countries: bibliography, 423

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 129

  famine in, 87

  interest rates in, 55, 129

  medieval price revolution in, 35

  population in, 72

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 55

  returns to capital in, 129

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 72, 88, 96, 97

  Lu Tzu-ch’eng, 269

  Lublinskaya, A. D., 341n1

  Lucas, Hen
ry, 35

  Luxembourg, 386

  Lyons, France, 80, 336n29

  McCloskey, Donald N., 426

  McCusker, John J., 282, 284, 364

  Macdonald, Ramsay, 195

  Macedonia: mentioned, 40

  McKinley, William, 181

  macroeconomics, 426

  Madagascar, 386

  Main, Jackson Turner, 294–95

  Maitland, F. W., 177

  Malawi, 386

  Mali, 265–66, 386

  Malowist, M., 268

  Malthus, Thomas, 73, 242, 243, 295, 298, 491

  Malthusians: and causes of price revolutions, 8, 72, 241, 242–43

  and fourteenth century crisis, 448, 449

  inequality models of, 295

  and seventeenth century crisis, 469

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 460

  and social theory, 432, 433–34

  and twentieth century price revolution, 243. See also Population

  Mandel, Ernest, 275

  Mandingo Empire, 269

  Manuel, Frank, 273

  manufactured goods: and causes of price revolutions, 244, 247

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 123, 123, 126, 139, 272

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 103

  and medieval price revolution, 22, 45

  and seventeenth century crisis, 96

  and similarities among price revolutions, 237

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 73, 74–75, 74, 75

  and twentieth century price revolution, 218, 218

  and Victorian equilibrium, 157. See also specific type of goods

  Marchetti, Cesare, 275

  Marie Antoinette, 145–46

  market revolutions, 295–96

  “market-basket” index, 317–18n2

  markets: and causes of price revolutions, 248

  and differences among price revolutions, 239, 240

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 249

  global, 155, 168, 176, 188, 204

  irrationality of, 249

  and predictions about price revolutions, 252

  stock, 184, 192, 193, 214–15, 232, 249

  and twentieth century price revolution, 252. See also International exchange; Trade

  Marseilles, France, 41, 96

  Marshall, Alfred, 168, 368–69

  Martin I (king of Aragon), 56

  Marx, Karl, 73, 177, 295, 298

  Marxism: and capitalism, 243

  and causes of crime, 309–10

  and causes of price revolutions, 8, 241, 243–44

  and fourteenth century crisis, 328n13, 448, 449

  and inequalities, 295, 361n16

  and interest rates, 243

  and Kondratieff waves, 273

  and medieval price revolution, 243, 328n13

  and “price scissors, ” 323n20, 328n13

  and production, 243–44

  and rents, 243

  and secondary sources about price history, 408, 432, 434–35

  and seventeenth century crisis, 341n1, 342n1, 468–69

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 243, 460

  and social theory, 432, 434–45

  and social/cultural issues, 243

  and twentieth century price revolution, 243

  and Victorian equilibrium, 177

  and wages, 243

  Mass, Nathaniel J., 277

  Massachusetts, 120, 135, 139, 144, 160, 163, 284

  Mathias Corvinus (king of Hungary), 56

  Maunder minimum, 245

  Mayhew, N. M., 324n31

  mean deviations, 292

  mean/median ratios, 292

  Medici family, 59, 62, 66, 67, 68, 3312

  medieval price revolution: beginning of, 11–23

  bibliography, 420, 441–48

  causes of, 19–20, 24–25, 34, 242, 243, 245–46, 249

  cultural responses to, 23–30

  dates of, 3, 17, 319–20n8

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 132, 152

  lack of interest in, 6–7

  and Marxism, 243

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 45–63

  and sequential differences among price revolutions, 239–46

  sixteenth century price revolution compared with, 102

  and structural similarities among revolutions, 236–39

  in tenth century, 263

  third stage of, 30–34. See also Fourteenth century: crisis of; specific topic, nation or geographical area

  Mehmed I (sultan of Ottoman Empire), 57

  Mehmed II (sultan of Ottoman Empire), 57

  Mellon, Andrew, 193–94

  Menard, Russell, 370

  mercantilism, 116, 485

  mercuriales, 365

  Merton, Robert, 313

  Mesopotamia, 259–60, 259, 436

  metrology, 405–6

  Metz, Rainer, 274

  Mexico, 150, 152, 234, 266, 271, 386, 402

  microeconomics, 426

  Middle Ages, 305, 441. See also Medieval price revolution; specific century

  Middle East: bibliography, 454, 464, 474, 480, 493

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 121, 152, 480

  and fourteenth century crisis, 454

  and seventeenth century crisis, 269–70, 474

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 464

  and twentieth century price revolution, 204, 230–32

  and Victorium equilibrium, 493. See also specific nation

  Milan, 57, 82

  Mill, John Stuart, 168

  Ming dynasty, 269

  Mironov, Boris, 479

  Miskimin, H. A., 329–30n13

  Mitchell, Wesley C., 276–77

  mobilia, 16

  Modena, 57, 70, 71

  Mokyr, Joel, 433–34

  monetarism: and causes of price revolutions, 8, 241–42, 244–45

  and economic theory, 427–28, 432, 467–68

  and fourteenth century crisis, 448, 449–50

  and Gibson paradox, 242, 432

  and hyperinflation, 430

  and neoclassical economics, 244–45

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 81, 241–42, 332n14, 337n38, 338n41, 459–60, 465

  and twentieth century price revolution, 184–86, 224, 497

  and Victorian equilibrium, 169

  monetary inflation, 23, 278–80

  monetary systems, 23, 32, 284, 316. See also Monetarism; Money

  monetary theory. See Monetarism

  money: of account, 282–84, 421

  bibliography, 420–21, 441, 445–46, 453, 458, 465–66, 476, 484, 489, 494

  and causes of price revolutions, 241–42, 247

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 120, 127–29, 142–43, 149, 152, 282, 283, 284, 484

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 108–9, 476

  of exchange, 16, 25, 282–84

  and fourteenth century crisis, 453

  and global markets, 176

  and grain prices, 338–39n43

  and late twentieth century crisis, 234

  and medieval price revolution, 16, 19, 24, 32, 324n28, 324n31, 445–46

  in Middle Ages, 441

  mobilia as, 16

  pseudo-, 176

  quantity theory of, 84

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 48, 421, 458

  and revolutionary spirit, 489

  and similarities among price revolutions, 238

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 80–85, 83, 84, 89–91, 337n38, 338n41, 465–66

  supply of, 19, 24, 32, 48, 242, 337n38

  and twentieth century price revolution, 181, 184–86, 186, 191, 193, 194, 195, 205, 212, 224–25, 234, 355n6

  and Victorian equilibrium, 157, 169, 170, 176, 494

  and wars, 149, 158. See also Debasements; Recoinages

  money wages, 77, 104, 189, 288

  Mongols, 265

  Monte Carlo model, 293–94

  Moore, Geoffrey H., 277
  Morineau, Michel, 108–9, 337n38, 406, 460

  Munich, Germany, 70

  Murad II (sultan of Ottoman Empire), 57

  music, 103, 113

  Namier, Lewis, 353n2

  Naples, 33, 100, 133

  Napoleonic Empire, 121, 153–54, 155, 169, 252, 490

  Narbonne, 107

  Nef, John U., 97, 367

  neoclassical economics: and causes of price revolutions, 8, 241, 244–45

  and economic theory, 428

  and monetarism, 244–45

  and price controls, 207, 208, 358n9

  and twentieth century price revolution, 202–3, 207–8, 210, 358n9

  Netherlands: bibliography, 386–87, 397, 402, 442, 463

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 124, 129, 130, 130, 140, 141, 149

  energy prices in, 208

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 104, 107, 109

  grain prices in, 87

  interest rates in, 54, 105, 107, 129, 130, 130, 140, 163, 221

  and medieval price revolution, 442

  money in, 82, 109, 283

  population in, 124

  religion in, 87

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 54

  returns to capital in, 54, 107, 129, 130, 162, 163, 221

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 82, 87, 100, 463

  social unrest in, 100, 141, 149

  and twentieth century price revolution, 203, 208, 221

  and Victorian equilibrium, 162, 163

  and wars, 149. See also Low Countries; New Netherlands

  Neuwirth, Erich, 274

  New England: bibliography, 272, 395

  climate in, 155

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 120, 126, 153, 155, 272

  family disintegration in, 302

  gold in, 120

  interest rates in, 163, 220

  money in, 127, 283

  population in, 155

  returns to capital in, 162, 163

  returns to land in, 126

  in seventeenth century, 270

  silver in, 120

  and twentieth century price revolution, 220

  and Victorian equilibrium, 162, 163

  New France, 127, 270, 271–72, 283

  “new inflation” models, 428–29, 500

  New Netherlands, 270

  New Spain, 270

  New World, 120, 270. See also Americas; specific nation or geographical area

  New York City, 223

  New Zealand, 168, 187, 188, 387, 402–3, 493

  Newton, Isaac, 113

  Nicaragua, 231

  Nigeria, 403

  Nixon (Richard M.) administration, 206–8, 224, 236, 357–58n9

  nominal prices, 285–86

  Nordhaus, William D., 279, 426

  Normandy, 32, 41, 52

  North America: and causes of price revolutions, 244

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 127, 150, 282

  interest rates in, 234

  money in, 127, 234, 282

  population in, 186, 233

  revolutionary crisis in, 150


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