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Great Wave

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by Fischer, David Hackett;

speculation about, 214

  supply of, 24, 48, 80–81, 127, 184, 336n35, 338n41

  and twentieth century price revolution, 181, 184, 209, 214, 215

  and Victorian equilibrium, 171. See also American treasure; Debasements; Recoinages; specific nation

  Simiand, François, 5, 334n21, 368–69, 407, 408–9, 410

  sixteenth century price revolution: beginning of, 70–75

  bibliography, 459–68

  causes of, 241–42, 243, 245, 249

  climax of, 342n2

  cultural responses to, 75–76

  dates of, 3–4, 68, 70, 336n36

  eighteenth century price revolution compared with, 152, 352n16

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 102–16

  and imbalances, 76–87

  and instability, 87–91

  and Marxism, 243

  medieval price revolution compared with, 102

  and monetarism, 241–42

  second stage of, 75–80

  and sequential differences among price revolutions, 239–46

  and structural similarities among revolutions, 236–39

  and wave patterns, 6, 7. See also Seventeenth century: crisis of; specific topic, nation, or geographical area

  Skipp, Victor, 341n1, 342n1

  slave economy, 161–62, 496

  Slawson, David, 202–3

  Slovenia, 231

  Smith, Adam, 117, 432

  Smout, T. C., 289

  social issues: bibliography, 447–48, 459, 468, 471, 473, 477, 487–89, 497, 501

  and causes of price revolutions, 243, 247, 249, 250

  and differences among price revolutions, 240, 241

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 136

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 477

  and fourteenth century crisis, 240

  and Marxism, 243

  and medieval price revolution, 447–48

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 49, 459

  and revolutionary crisis, 488–89

  and seventeenth century crisis, 471

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 76–80, 468

  and twentieth century price revolution, 497, 501. See also Inequalities; Social unrest

  social sciences, 312–14

  social theory, 432–35

  social unrest: bibliography, 453, 467, 472–73, 490–91

  and causes of price revolutions, 248

  control of, 155–56

  and differences among price revolutions, 240

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 149, 155–56

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 110–11

  and equilibrium, 239

  and fourteenth century crisis, 39, 453

  and late twentieth century crisis, 232–33

  and medieval price revolution, 39

  and prescriptions for thinking about price revolutions, 257

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 48

  and revolutionary crisis, 490–91

  and seventeenth century crisis, 93, 94, 97, 98–99, 100, 341n1, 472–73

  and similarities among price revolutions, 238, 239

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 87, 93, 94, 97, 100, 467

  and twentieth century price revolution, 232–33. See also American Revolution; French Revolution; specific nation

  sociology, 312, 313

  Solomou, Solomos, 275

  Somalia, 229

  Soper, John C., 274, 276

  South Africa, 202, 217, 229

  South America, 82, 150, 244, 266. See also Latin America; specific nation

  Soviet Union, 198, 229–30. See also Russia

  Spain: and American treasure, 81, 82, 83, 336–37n37

  bibliography, 390–91, 404

  climate in, 330n17

  colonies of, 121, 149, 271

  commodity prices in, 82

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 121, 135, 149, 153, 271, 480

  energy prices in, 76

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 103

  fiscal imbalances in, 85–86

  food prices in, 73–74

  and fourteenth century crisis, 452

  inequalities in, 85

  and medieval price revolution, 443

  money in, 81, 82, 83, 84, 91, 182, 238, 283, 337n38

  politics in, 56, 57, 91

  population in, 13, 72, 95, 96

  primary sources about, 390–91, 404

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 56–57, 330n17, 458

  secondary sources about, 443, 452, 458, 461, 473, 480, 492–93

  and seventeenth century crisis, 93, 95, 96, 96, 473

  silver in, 81

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 69, 70, 72, 73–74, 76, 81, 82, 82, 83, 84, 85–86, 91, 93, 95–96, 96, 238, 336–37n37, 337n38, 461

  social unrest in, 149, 473

  taxes in, 85

  and twentieth century price revolution, 182, 203, 217

  Victorium equilibrium in, 492–93

  and wars, 135, 149, 153. See also New Spain

  speculation, 213–15, 484, 500–501

  “Speenhamland system,” 132, 249

  Spiethoff, A., 273

  Spooner, Frank C., 276, 284, 286, 336n35, 338n41, 338–39n43, 342n2, 372, 418, 474

  Spufford, Peter, 284

  Sri Lanka, 391

  stagflation, 145, 205–6, 248, 429, 500

  standard deviation, 292

  standards of living, 187, 237, 239, 288–90

  statistical yearbooks, 397. See also Serial publications

  Stein, Herbert, 10, 208

  stock markets, 184, 192, 193, 214–15, 232, 249

  Stockholm, Sweden, 172, 308

  Stratton, William, 184

  subsistence. See Inequalities; Peasants; Social issues; Social unrest

  Supple, Barry, 92

  Sweden: bibliography, 391, 404, 423

  crime in, 172, 308

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 127, 149

  famine in, 93

  medieval price revolution in, 13, 40

  money in, 127, 182

  politics in, 149

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 93, 100

  social unrest in, 40, 100, 149

  and twentieth century price revolution, 182, 199, 203, 204, 234

  and Victorian equilibrium, 159, 172

  wages in, 159

  wholesale prices in, 199. See also Scandinavia

  Sweezy, Paul, 434

  Switzerland: bibliography, 391–92, 404, 423

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 141, 149

  fiscal imbalances in, 100

  medieval price revolution in, 38

  peasants in, 100

  politics in, 141

  population in, 72

  religion in, 87

  and seventeenth century crisis, 97, 100

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 72, 87, 97, 100

  social unrest in, 100, 141, 149

  and twentieth century price revolution, 203, 204, 210, 217

  and wars, 38, 97

  Sydney, Australia, 308

  Synod of Dort, 101

  Tandeter, Enrique, 372, 412

  Tartars, 40

  Taureg people, 266

  taxes: and causes of price revolutions, 248

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 139, 147

  and inequalities, 85

  and prescriptions for thinking about price revolutions, 257

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 85, 86, 97

  and twentieth century price revolution, 191, 193, 194, 204, 205, 212, 223, 224, 359n28

  Taylor, George Rogers, 272

  technology: bibliography, 424–25

  Temin, Peter, 169

  tenth century, 263, 263, 267

  Teutonic Knights, 13, 24, 37

  Thailand, 392

  Thatcher, Margaret, 225

  theology, 100, 101, 113

  theory, 312–16. See also Problematiques

; Thernstrom, Stephan, 160–61

  third century, 261, 262

  third wave. See Eighteenth century price revolution

  Thirty Years’ War, 96–97, 472

  Thomas, Brinley, 276

  Thomas, Robert, 435

  Thorold Rogers, James E., 45, 285, 286, 324n31, 366

  Thurow, Lester, 7, 314, 357n6

  Tiepolo’s Rebellion (1310), 39

  Tigris and Euphrates Valleys, 259–60

  Timasheff, Serge, 313

  Tokyo, Japan, 219

  Toledo, Spain, 95

  Toltec culture, 266

  total household economy, 289–90

  trade: bibliography, 446, 475, 476–77, 481–82, 483–84, 485

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 481–82, 483–84, 485

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 476–77

  and medieval price revolution, 23, 24–25, 32–33, 446

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 48, 58

  and twentieth century price revolution, 212, 224, 232, 233. See also Juglar trade cycles

  transportation, 31–32, 168, 425

  Trescott, Paul B., 414

  Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 341n1, 342n1

  Truman (Harry S.) administration, 199

  Tughlug, Muhammad bin, 266

  Turkey: bibliography, 387–88, 392

  climate in, 330n17

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 152, 155

  and late twentieth century crisis, 231, 234

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 330n17

  and twentieth century price revolution, 210, 231, 234. See also Ottoman Empire

  Turner, Frederick Jackson, 188

  Tuscany, 30, 34, 40, 45–46, 66, 67, 68, 276, 326n1. See also Pistoia, Tuscany

  Twain, Mark, 3

  twelfth century: bibliography, 448

  climate in, 267

  and medieval price revolution, 16, 17

  Renaissance of, 12–13, 14–15, 239, 251, 448. See also Medieval price revolution

  twentieth century price revolution: and anti-inflation, 215–17

  beginning of, 179–89, 185, 496

  causes of, 243, 244, 245, 246, 249–50

  climax of, 240–41

  consequences of, 250

  and current problems, 203–8

  dates of, 4–5

  and differences from other price revolutions, 188–89, 203

  and discovery of inflation, 200–203

  and floors, 201–2, 210

  and imbalances, 217–28

  and late twentieth century crisis, 229–34

  and Malthusians, 243

  and Marxism, 243

  predictions about, 251–53

  and price surges and declines, 189–200

  and price volatility, 208–15

  and sequential differences among price revolutions, 239–46

  and structural similarities among revolutions, 236–39

  and wave patterns, 7. See also specific nation or topic

  Tyler, Wat, 49

  Udine, 276

  Uganda, 229

  Ukraine, 100, 101, 155

  underemployment, 289

  unemployment, 289

  unemployment. See also Wages

  United Kingdom. See Britain; England

  United States: agriculture in, 424

  alcohol consumption in, 173, 225, 227, 228

  capacity utilization in, 193, 204–5, 206, 213, 233

  and causes of price revolutions, 245

  climate in, 142, 155

  commodity prices in, 121, 181, 193, 198

  consumer prices in, 170, 182, 183, 187, 198, 199, 200, 205, 209, 210, 216, 220, 226, 228, 228

  crime in, 172, 225, 226, 308, 310

  data for, 255, 361n19

  debt of, 223

  deflation in, 192

  deregulation in, 210, 224

  disease in, 191

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 121, 124, 136, 138, 142, 149, 152, 153, 155, 156, 227, 272

  and elections of 1896, 181

  energy prices in, 124, 153, 208–9, 209, 210, 213, 218, 352n18

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 110

  family disintegration in, 136, 228, 228, 301, 302

  food prices in, 153, 204, 213, 218

  frontier in, 188

  gold in, 186, 194

  grain prices in, 152, 158–59, 182

  Great Depression in, 193–95

  inequalities in, 138, 165, 190, 194, 210, 219, 222–23, 257, 294–96, 298, 299, 300, 420

  inflation in, 182, 198–99, 200–201, 204, 206, 207, 209–10, 226, 280, 281

  interest rates in, 163, 205, 212, 216, 217, 220, 221, 222

  manufactured goods in, 157, 218

  money in, 152, 157, 169, 170, 181, 182, 184–85, 186, 194, 205, 212, 224–25, 238, 282

  politics in, 149, 162, 240

  population in, 166

  and prescriptions for thinking about price revolutions, 257

  price controls/rationing in, 196, 197, 197, 198, 199, 199, 206–8, 357–58n9

  price floors in, 201–2

  primary sources about, 394–96, 397, 405

  producer prices in, 182, 209

  productivity in, 194–95, 196, 218

  real estate values in, 219

  real output in, 166, 168

  returns to capital in, 163, 219, 221

  returns to labor in, 189, 219

  returns to land in, 164, 219, 220

  revolutionary crisis in, 240, 486

  romanticism in, 155

  savings and loan associations in, 223–24

  secondary sources about, 272, 420, 423, 424, 486, 492, 496, 498–99

  silver in, 181, 214

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 6, 81

  slave economy in, 161–62, 496

  stock markets in, 184, 214–15

  taxes in, 194, 204, 205, 212, 223, 224, 359n28

  and trade, 212, 224

  and twentieth century price revolution, 181, 182, 182, 183, 184–85, 186, 188, 189, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193–97, 196, 197, 198–210, 206, 207, 209, 212–19, 218, 219, 220, 220, 221, 222–25, 222, 226, 227, 228, 228, 233, 238, 357–58n9, 359n22, 359n23, 359n28, 498–99

  and Victorian equilibrium, 157–58, 159, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 492

  wages in, 160, 181, 189, 192, 194–95, 199, 201, 206–8, 218–19, 218, 219, 357–58n9, 359n22, 359n23

  and wars, 121, 153, 155, 157, 171, 189, 196–97, 198–200, 199, 204

  and wave patterns, 6

  welfare in, 156, 204, 218

  wholesale prices in, 158, 159, 170, 181, 182, 189, 197, 199, 199, 218. See also New England; specific city or state

  University of Bologna, 13

  University of Paris, 13

  University of Salerno, 13

  unwed mothers, 136, 137, 173, 176, 228, 248, 250, 301–4, 303

  Utrecht, The Netherlands, 35

  Van Dale, Pauwels, 88

  Van Dr Wee, Herman, 408

  Van Duijn, J. J., 274

  Van Ewijk, Casper, 274

  Vanities, burning of, 68

  Venezuela, 397

  Venice: bibliography, 456

  disease in, 41

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 149

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 109

  and fall of Venetian republic, 25

  interest rates in, 80

  and medieval price revolution, 24

  money in, 25, 48, 82, 109

  politics in, 58

  population in, 50–51

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 58–59, 62, 330n19, 456

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 68, 80, 82, 88, 96

  social unrest in, 39, 149

  wealth in, 59

  Verona, 58, 330n19

  Vicenza, 58, 330n19

  Victoria (queen of England), 179–81

  Victorian equilibrium, 5, 156–77, 174–75, 180–81, 188, 239, 251, 252, 303, 491–96

na, Austria, 110

  Vietnam War, 204, 256, 281, 357n6

  Vikings, 11

  Vilar, Pierre, 171, 407

  Virginia, 135, 270

  Vives, Vicens, 91

  Volcker, Paul, 212

  Voltaire (François Marie Arouet), 109, 112–13, 134

  von Ranke, Leopold, 177

  wage series data: biases of, 288–89

  wages: in ancient world, 259

  bibliography, 419–20, 430–31, 445, 458, 464–65, 476, 482–83, 487, 489, 495–96, 501

  and causes of price revolutions, 243, 244, 247, 249

  and crime, 309

  definition of, 288, 290

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 123, 132, 133, 142, 144, 148, 153, 482–83

  and Enlightenment equilibrium, 103, 104, 104, 108, 108, 160, 476

  and equilibrium, 249

  of housewives, 289

  and income in kind, 289–90

  and Marxism, 243

  and medieval price revolution, 26, 27, 29, 34, 45, 288, 445

  minimum, 201

  money as, 288

  and prescriptions for thinking about price revolutions, 255

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 48, 51, 53, 55, 56, 59, 160, 330n13, 458

  as returns to labor, 288–90

  and revolutionary crisis, 489

  and seventeenth century crisis, 92, 341n1

  and similarities among price revolutions, 238

  and sixteenth century price revolution, 73, 74, 77, 78, 86, 92, 335n27, 464–65

  in twelfth century, 160

  and twentieth century price revolution, 180, 181, 184, 188, 189, 192, 194–95, 199, 201, 206–8, 217, 218–19, 218, 219, 222, 231, 234, 250, 357–58n9, 358–59n22, 359n23, 501

  and Victorian equilibrium, 159–61, 160, 162, 164, 495–96. See also specific nation

  Wales, 31, 120, 161, 173, 303

  Walesa, Lech, 230

  Wallachia, 57

  Wallerstein, Immanuel, 434–35

  Wang, Yeh-chien, 268

  War of 1812, 121, 153, 154

  War of the Austrian Succession, 135

  war inflation, 280–81

  War of Jenkins’ Ear, 135, 349n24

  War of the Roses, 55

  Warner, Lloyd, 313

  Warren, George F., 272, 414

  Warren, W. L., 324–25n31

  wars: bibliography, 425, 452–53, 471–72, 484

  and causes of price revolutions, 248

  and crime, 145

  and cultural issues, 153

  and disease, 41

  economic, 153

  and eighteenth century price revolution, 128, 129, 130, 135, 145, 149, 152, 152, 153–54, 155, 484

  and equilibrium, 239

  financing of, 128, 158

  and fourteenth century crisis, 38–39, 41, 452–53

  and money, 149, 158

  and population, 96–97

  and price controls/rationing, 256

  and Renaissance equilibrium, 46–47, 52–53

  and returns to capital, 130, 162


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