Bad Kitty

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Bad Kitty Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Holding onto him, she refused to let go. Leaning forward, she claimed his lips, cupping his face as she did. He gripped the back of her head, sinking his fingers into her hair. He paused, and she pulled back, seeing the question in his eyes.

  Caleb was always caring for her, always careful, not wanting the bad memories to swarm back because of his actions.

  “I’m fine,” she said.

  “You feel amazing,” he said.

  “I love your hands on me, Caleb. I don’t want you to stop touching me.” She leaned back, taking her hands to rest against her tits. With his hands cupped on her, it wasn’t enough. She still wore the damn negligee.

  Tugging the fabric up over her head, she threw it across the room and returned her gaze to Caleb with a giggle. Placing his hands on her tits, she smiled down at him.

  “I’m ready.”

  He stroked her breasts, his fingers gliding over the hard buds as his hands held them in place.

  Pulling up off his cock, she slowly began to slide down, taking him deep within her. Staring into his eyes, she built up a speed and pace that drove his cock so deep that she didn’t know where he began and she ended. The pleasure was intense, so much so that she couldn’t have ever imagined it would be like this. His touch, his hands, everything. He skimmed the backs of his fingers down her body, caressing over her stomach until he landed at her pussy.

  Even as she rode his cock, he touched her pussy, teasing her clit, making her gasp and moan.

  Throwing her head back, she gave herself up to the pleasure of his touch, not wanting him to stop.

  Two fingers teased her clit, and she screamed his name, begging for more as her orgasm started to build to a fever pitch. When he hurtled her over the edge, she grabbed his chest, riding down on him hard, not wanting to let go, ever.

  She heard his moan as well as felt his cock pulse inside her. They came together, and Caleb sat up, wrapping his arms around her, panting as his release kept on going. With each jerk of his cock, little aftershocks of her own orgasm consumed her.

  This man, she loved him with her whole heart, and there was no way that was ever going to change.

  Chapter Nine


  “Are you sure we’ve got enough food?” Kitty asked, staring out at the yard they’d spent hours relaxing in. Of course, there had been all the hours they spent working themselves to the bone, but that didn’t count.

  Most of the Dirty Fuckers MC had arrived. This was their last day at the cabin, and instead of letting the food go bad, or trying to transport it, Caleb had organized a final barbeque with the club so there was no waste.

  “It doesn’t matter if there’s enough.” Caleb moved up behind her, placing a hand on her waist. She snuggled back against him, loving his touch. It had been a couple of days since they first made love, and every single night since then, they’d made love two or three times a night.

  She loved the feel of his cock inside her.

  The past was finally back where it belonged, and Kitty couldn’t stop smiling.

  “I don’t want to leave,” she said.

  “I know. Me neither. We’ll come back though. I promise.”

  She placed her hand over his where it rested at her hip. This place would always hold fond memories for her, always. She turned her head and leaned up to press her lips against his.

  “We better go outside.”

  “Why? They’re club. We’re club. They can fend for themselves.” He held her hips and moved her back until the kitchen counter stopped her. Cupping his face, she kissed him back with a passion that had her pussy going slick.

  They really shouldn’t have sex with the club waiting outside.

  Why not?

  You’ve thought about it constantly.

  Ignoring that part of her mind, she was more than prepared to take whatever Caleb was willing to give her. Only, he stepped back, surprising her.

  “What is it?”

  “I want you to think about how good it would feel having my cock deep inside you, and know when I get you home tonight, you’re coming to my room at the club and we’re going to find out exactly how nicely you scream my name and how it echoes around the room.” He placed a hand between her thighs, and she couldn’t help but gasp at his touch. “Are you wet for me?”

  “You know I am.”

  “Good. I’m rock-hard for you and only you. Let’s go and greet our guests.”

  She didn’t know how he could act so natural at a time like this. Her entire body wanted one thing and one thing alone, to fuck, to take, to do anything that wasn’t go and greet all of her friends.

  Caleb took her hand, and she didn’t fight it as he led her outside to where all of the Dirty Fuckers MC were waiting. The bikes were parked several feet away on the parking lot that was before the yard.

  James had his arm wrapped around Cora as they stood in the yard.

  Kitty felt every single one of their gazes on her and their hands. Caleb’s fingers locked with hers, and he refused to let her go, and the truth was, she didn’t want to. She wanted his touch, to show the club they were together. James and Cora were the first to step forward to congratulate them.

  “It’s about fucking time,” James said.

  “Language,” Cora said. There were kids present, and Kitty saw that Grace and Drake had them under control. This was, after all, a family event.

  “Sorry, but this is a time to celebrate, don’t you think? You’re together?”

  Caleb’s touch on her tightened, and she turned to smile at him. “Yes, we’re together.” He pulled her into his arms, wrapped them around her, showing the club that she accepted his touch, and she loved him.

  Holding him, she smiled up at her Prez. “Thank you.”

  Then, she stepped out of Caleb’s arms and hugged James.

  “Thank you so much for everything,” Kitty said. She meant it from the bottom of her heart. The club, they’d saved her. Gave her a reason to live, to fight, to try to make a life of her own, and she would forever be grateful.

  Caleb pulled her back against him. “I don’t like you hugging other men. That’s all for me.”

  Cora burst out laughing. “Said like a true Dirty Fucker.”

  “Let’s hear it for Caleb and Kitty.”

  Everyone in the yard cheered, and afterward there were more important things, like booze and food.

  It wasn’t long before she and Caleb got separated. He stood at the grill, and she was the one carrying the food, making sure everyone had something to drink. Not everyone was drinking alcohol, so she served up cold soft drinks and water as well for anyone who wanted one. The list of jobs went on and on.

  She didn’t have time to sit down for a minute.

  Back in the kitchen, she was gathering plates when a throat being cleared had her turning around. She saw Pixie standing there.

  “Thank you,” she said, moving toward him. “Really, thank you.”

  “I didn’t do anything but drive you here.”

  “You suggested it, and if I’d not come, Caleb and I wouldn’t be where we are now, and I am so grateful for that. Truly, honestly, completely grateful.”

  “You’re both okay?”

  “More than okay. I love him so much, Pixie.”

  “I knew you did. I also knew that he loved you. You were hurting him, and he was just letting you do it because he loved you and would do anything for you, and I’m glad to see that messy business is now behind you both. Neither of you needed that. I’d better go and enjoy the rest of the party.”

  “You’re not drinking?”

  “Nope, it’s Suzy’s turn to have a good time, and believe me, I love it when she does.” He winked at her, and she smiled at him, watching as he left the kitchen.

  With the grill fired up, complaints about there being no food were coming thick and fast. Dirty Fuckers MC were not a club known for waiting around. She stood at the grill with Caleb, watching as he ignored them all and kept flipping burgers, checking t
he steaks, looking at the chicken without a care in the world.

  “We’re going to have a riot on our hands if you don’t hurry up.”

  Caleb laughed. “No, they can wait. They’re not animals. I saw Pixie go into the kitchen. Everything okay?”

  “You’re not jealous, are you?”

  “No. Just care and worry about you.”

  “He was the one that suggested I come here and see you. It’s the best thing I ever did, coming to see you. I was so scared you’d tell me to leave.”

  “I couldn’t ever tell you to leave. I love having you around, Kitty. That’s never going to change.” He dropped a kiss to her lips, and she smiled up at him.

  “I love you, Caleb,” she said.

  The smile on his face turned to one of shock. “You do?”

  “Yeah, more than anything in the world. I’ve loved you for a long time.”

  “You never said anything before.”

  “But it’s true. I love you so much, and I’ve been wanting to be with you for a long time now. I’m so sorry for taking so long to get over my stuff.”

  “Don’t do that. Don’t push it aside as if it’s nothing. We both know it’s not, and you don’t need to be that woman for me. You’re perfect exactly the way you are.” He kissed her lips once again and held her close after the kiss ended. Resting her head against his chest, she snuggled against him, content.


  Later that evening Kitty was packing up the rest of her belongings. Most of the club had already gone, but a few lingered, one of them being James.

  “So, it’s finally happened.”

  “Do you approve?”

  “I approve if you both love each other and this isn’t some mistake that you’ll both regret. You’re both club in this one, Caleb.”

  “I know, and it’s not a mistake. I love Kitty more than anyone else or anything else in the world. She’s my soul mate.”

  James nodded. “You’re coming home tonight?”

  “Yeah. All the food is gone, and there’s no point in lingering now. We may as well put it all in the car, ready.” Caleb saw James had something more to say, so he waited.

  “You know it may not be the same when you get home.”

  “I’m aware of that.”

  “You’ll be patient with her.”

  “James, I think I’ve proven more than once or even twice that I’m the man for Kitty. I’m patient, and I can wait no matter what. If she reverts back to herself, I’ll wait. Kitty’s a strong woman. She’s dealt with a great deal in her life and come out fighting. You’re all wrong about her being weak, delicate, and vulnerable. She’s not. She’s a fighter, and one day you’ll see that. All of you will.”

  “Just so long as you’re ready for whatever life throws at you, and I was going to add that there’s no one better for her than you. I’m pleased that Kitty has finally come to her senses with you and the pain that she’s caused you over the years. You and Kitty were always meant to be.”

  There was no point in saying that he looked forward to it. If Kitty struggled when they made it back home, he’d be there by her side, helping her. When it came to her, he knew there wasn’t a single thing he wouldn’t do to help her.

  He shook James’s hand, and watched him leave. Pixie was already on his way out, and finally Teri left. He waved them off as Kitty came out of the house with her case. Rushing up the porch, he picked up the case before she could do it. Dropping a kiss to her lips, he winked at her. “How are you doing, little lady?”

  She sighed. “Better now that I’ve got a good strong man to do all my carrying for me.”

  He placed it in the trunk of the car and quickly opened her door for her. She giggled, climbing in.

  No matter James’s warnings, Caleb knew good things would come from their time away from the cabin. Come what may, he wasn’t going back to being nothing in her world or feeling like nothing.

  Kitty had revealed herself to him.

  She was truly beautiful, and he knew he was in her heart, so no matter what, they had a chance.

  The drive back to the clubhouse was long with several stops along the way. Kitty either asked him questions, read something out of the book he kept in the car, or stared out of the window. She didn’t fall asleep, not once, and was perfect company. Throughout the ride, he held her hand, feeling the tension in the car rise as the sign for Greater Falls appeared.

  His cock thickened, his balls tightened, and from a quick glance at Kitty, he knew she was just as affected.

  Arriving at the clubhouse parking lot, he parked, and Kitty was already out of the car at the trunk. Opening it up, he shook his head, grabbing her case.

  “Why don’t you head on up to my room?” he asked. He handed her the keys, and she took them.

  Watching her leave the parking lot, he wondered if he was moving too fast for her, but then her footsteps sped up, and he saw the excitement inside her.

  Closing the trunk and locking the car, he watched her go.

  “Well, I never thought I’d see the day that Kitty wanted to get fucked.”

  He turned to see Dane, smoking a cigarette a few feet away.

  “Didn’t see you there.”

  “I’m not worth seeing these days.”

  “I didn’t know you had a pity party going either,” Caleb said.

  Dane laughed. “I’ve not got a pity party, but if I did, you’re more than free to join.”

  “Can’t, got a hot date.”

  “I saw. I’m happy for you. For the both of you,” Dane said. The ringing of a cell phone interrupted their conversation, and he heard Dane mutter. “I’ve got to go. Have fun and remember to take care of her, Caleb. You do some stupid shit in your life, and you’ll lose her forever.” Dane straddled his bike and was pulling out of the parking lot, leaving Caleb with quite a few questions. None of which he could answer, and he didn’t want to dwell on them right now.

  Staring at the clubhouse, he wouldn’t deny that he was nervous. He really was.

  Making his way inside, he nodded at the men who’d stayed the night to finish up their drinking.

  He didn’t linger though. His dick was taking him where he wanted to go, and that was upstairs to his woman.

  Climbing up the steps one by one, he felt like this was a turning point. If she couldn’t handle this now that they were back, they would have to consider what they did.

  Standing outside his door, he counted to five and turned the handle, entering the room.

  Glancing at the bed, he saw it was still vacant.

  Closing it behind him, he turned, and the sight of Kitty nearly brought him to his knees. She was completely naked. Her long brown hair tumbled around her in waves, the silken length like an outline to her body. She knelt on the floor, leaning back on her ankles, her hands on her thighs, and she was waiting, smiling up at him.

  “Didn’t you say that you’d love to see me like this, naked in your room, waiting for you?”

  His cock pulsed against the front of his pants, and fuck did he want to. Flicking the lock on the door in place, he stared at her, amazed.

  “Do I look exactly how you imagined?”

  “No. You look a million times fucking better.”

  She tilted her head back. “Caleb?”

  “Yes, Kitty?”

  “I want to suck your cock.”

  He stared at her, shocked. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I really want to. I want to suck your cock and to know that I can give you pleasure just like you can give it to me.” She crawled across the floor, her tits hanging down, swaying with each step she took. “Would you like me to do that?”

  “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

  “I won’t. You see, I realized something at that cabin.”

  “What?” He was genuinely curious what it was. Right now, he was struggling to think past his own needs.

  “That you’re not like other men. You’re not like my father. You’re Caleb. My Ca
leb, and I know that you want me to be happy, to be safe, to be loved.” She gripped his belt, sliding it out of the loop and releasing it. He didn’t fight her as she pulled the zipper down, nor when she tugged on his jeans, trying to bring them around his waist. “And because you’re mine, I know I can do anything I want to you, and you’ll protect me. You won’t ever hurt me. I knew this before the cabin, but it just didn’t seem to register inside my head.”

  “And now?”

  “Now I know I can, and I want this so much. More than you even realize.” His cock sprang free, and her fingers wrapped around the base of his cock, working up to the tip. “And I’ve got so much to catch up on.” Her tongue flicked across the head of his cock. “I want to give you everything your heart desires, Caleb.”

  Fuck, he wasn’t ready for this. His balls tightened, and as her mouth covered the head of his cock, he didn’t know how much he could stand. Fisting his hands at his sides, he watched her take more of him, sinking his cock into her mouth until he hit the back of her throat. He didn’t know what he expected, but it certainly wasn’t the sound of her moan. She pulled off him, her hand following the action, stroking her saliva into his cock.

  She licked her lips. “You taste good.”

  Kitty was temptation personified. “You look so good.”

  With her gaze on him, she sucked him into her mouth and he groaned, resting his hands against his hips, doing anything but gripping her head.

  “Do you want to touch me?” she asked.

  “So much.” He saw her cheeks brighten, and his curiosity was piqued. “What are you thinking right now?”

  “I was wondering…”


  “What it would be like to have you … erm … to have you go down on me as I suck you.”

  “Kitty, are you sure you’re ready for that?”

  “I want to. I really do.”

  His first instinct was to deny her, and then he realized he didn’t want to. He wanted her to have everything, so he nodded.

  Moving her to the bed, he lay down, and then told her where to put her legs.

  “Wait, shouldn’t I be on the bottom?”


  “Why not?”

  “Because, I want this to be about both of us, and I’ll feel more comfortable you being on the top. That way I don’t choke you when I come or worry about driving my dick inside you so that you stop breathing.”


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