Bad Kitty

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Bad Kitty Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  She giggled. “You wouldn’t do that.”

  “You’re a temptation that you don’t give yourself enough credit for.”

  She climbed on the bed, and he moved her into position so that her thighs were either side of his head. The sight of her pussy aroused him even more. She had a pretty cunt, one he loved fucking.

  Spreading the lips of her pussy, he flicked his tongue against her clit, swirling the nub then stroking down again to plunder inside her. She cried out, the moans echoing off the walls. It wasn’t his name yet, but by the time he was done, he intended for it to be.

  From his point he could see her cunt and her anus. That little puckered hole tempted him just as her pussy did. One day, maybe, but not yet. He’d have to give her time for that.

  Stroking a finger inside her to the knuckle, he watched her take it, and paused as her mouth was once again around his cock.

  Without her touch, it was easy for him to think, but right now, he couldn’t form a single sentence let alone a thought.

  Adding a second finger to her pussy, he closed his eyes, enjoying as her tongue trailed down the vein of his cock, coming back up to swallow him down.

  Once he got his bearings back from the pleasure of her mouth, he pressed a third finger into her tight hole, watching her cream as it coated his digits. Latching onto her clit, he sucked her into his mouth, relishing the sounds of her moans even as it surrounded his cock. They were a delight to feel and hear.

  Pulling his fingers from her ass, he trailed them back to stroke over her anus, teasing her as he kept on sucking on her clit.

  She released his cock, crying out.

  So close to his name but not close enough.

  Gliding his tongue down, he penetrated her cunt, feeling her tighten around him, squeezing him. Pulling out, he caressed her clit with his tongue, flicking back and forth. At the same time, he teased her anus, stroking her. Her body showed him that she was aroused by his touch. That she wanted it, and fuck, it was such a pretty sight. So hot, so beautiful, so ready for cock.

  “Please,” she said, begging for more.

  Caleb gave it to her, stroking her clit, and within seconds she came. With his free hand, he slid two fingers inside her cunt, feeling her orgasm as her cream soaked his fingers. He continued to tease her asshole as well as suck on her clit.

  She came hard, so beautifully that it took his breath away. This was his woman, and he couldn’t help but marvel at the fact she belonged to him.

  Her hand moved up and down his cock as she came, thrusting her hips against him, and finally he heard that echo that set off his own orgasm.


  The sound of his name was more than enough for him, and he smiled, a happy man.

  Chapter Ten

  Four days later

  “It’s not happening.”

  “Come on, Kitty. Stop being a pain in the ass,” Teri said.

  Kitty pushed some hair off her face and stared at her roommate. A couple of weeks ago, she wouldn’t have even argued about the guy or whoever he was that Teri wanted to share the apartment with. “I don’t care. It’s our place, and I’m not sharing it with a man. It has been all girls, and that’s the way it’s going to stay.”

  She spotted a customer raising his hand and pointing at his mug. Grabbing the coffee pot, she stared at Teri.

  “You’re being sexist.”

  “No. I’m being realistic. You’re the one that’s being a pain in the ass.”

  “I want him, not Anna.”

  She ignored Teri as she made her way toward the customer, filling his cup. She moved around the room, purposely taking her time just to annoy Teri. She couldn’t believe the other woman was going to turn Anna down.

  Anna wasn’t at the diner at the moment, but there was no way she’d ever be able to face that sweet woman if Teri turned her down.

  Finally, after ten minutes of wasting time, she turned back up at the counter. Teri had to go back into the kitchen, but she didn’t look happy.

  “Anna has a brat. I don’t want a kid in the apartment.”

  “Then we’re at an impasse. I don’t want a man at the apartment, and you don’t want a single mother with a child.”

  “It’s not like you walk around naked, Kitty. You’re always covered and decent. It’s me that should be worried.”

  “Teri, this is our home. It’s away from the club, and if he decides to have friends over, you don’t know what could happen. I’m not agreeing to this, and if you fight me over it, I’ll take it to James. It’s that simple.”

  “James? Wow, that’s hard fighting talk,” Caleb said.

  Kitty turned to see Caleb behind her. She jumped off the chair she’d just sat down in and threw herself into his arms.

  “Morning,” she said.

  “Good morning to yourself. Did you sleep well last night?”

  She saw the concern in his eyes and nodded. Last night, she’d been determined for him to be the one in control. She loved being on top, riding him, but she wanted to feel him surround her, to hold her in place as he fucked her hard, and it had been so good.

  “Yes, I did. I didn’t want to wake you this morning. I was at work at six, so I had to get here.”

  “So, what has you and Teri at loggerheads?”

  “She wants to allow some prissy college boy to stay as a roommate, and I want Anna.”

  “The waitress Anna?” Caleb asked.

  “Yes. She’s struggling and I know she’s got a kid, but I want to help her. She’s sweet, but Teri is being a pain in the ass.”

  “You’re not sharing the apartment with a guy, any guy.”

  “I know. I refuse to, but she’s determined.”

  “Let me go and talk to her.”

  “I can fight my battles, Caleb.”

  “I know, but she needs reminding who you are.”

  “Your old lady?”

  “No. You don’t need to go to the club, Kitty. You are the club, and Teri needs reminding of that.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, and she watched him go.

  She never used her position in the club. To most people she was just a good-time girl who was club property. It made her smile, just thinking about what people would think if she actually brought out her leather cut.

  Minutes later, Caleb come out of the back. She was filling up the salt shakers. He moved toward her and kissed her neck, with the promise of seeing her tonight. For the rest of the day she didn’t get to talk to Teri, and at the end of her shift, she made her way home. The apartment wasn’t overly big, but it had three bedrooms, a main living room, and a kitchen. There was a shared bathroom as well, and from what she’d been told, all of the other women who’d lived here had done so happily. Grace, Suzy, Chloe, Skylar, the list went on, and Kitty wanted to keep it for women so that they could help them, and that way there was never a problem with someone being uncomfortable.

  Heading into her room, she went to the back of her closet, pulling out the plain white box.

  She sat on her bed. Then she lifted the lid, and there inside was the leather cut that Caleb had mentioned. The club insignia was on the front. Removing the leather cut, she turned it over, and there on the back, her name was under the Dirty Fuckers MC logo. James and the club had presented it to her before they moved to Greater Falls. They’d wanted her to be part of the club, the first female member.

  Kitty had been so touched but also, so afraid of what that would mean. People were always so cruel, especially women.

  “I forgot that you’re part of the club,” Teri said, surprising her.

  She looked up. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “I’m just changing. The diner was slow. I had an hour to kill, and I wanted to come and apologize.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “But I want to. You’re club, and you really should be wearing this,” Teri said. “That looks hot, like crazy hot. Have you ever worn it?”

  “No.” She stood, and finally pulled t
he jacket on. The leather felt strange against her skin. It had that new smell to it as she’d never worn it but had always kept it in pristine condition.

  “That looks fucking hot. Wow, a female biker, a bitch, who would have thought it.”

  “I won’t be taken seriously. They’ll laugh at me.”

  “Who gives a fuck about that?” Teri said. “The Dirty Fuckers MC is in your blood. You earned your patch. You were by their side when they formed the club. You’re part of the club. You should bask in that.” Teri stood behind her. “They’re your family.”

  “I love them,” Kitty said.

  “They love you too.” Teri wrapped her arms around her. “I called Anna. She’s arriving in ten minutes.”

  “I didn’t ask Caleb to come and talk to you.”

  “I know, but he reminded me and that was what was important. You’re club, Kitty. You’ve got to feel safe, and I was wrong to even consider allowing this place to go to a guy if it makes you uncomfortable. It’s for women, and it will always be for women.”

  “Thank you.”

  The doorbell rang, and Teri smiled. “I’ll go and get that. You should totally keep that on.”

  The moment Teri left the room, Kitty removed the cut. She didn’t know why, but it didn’t feel right to her wearing the leather jacket. She hadn’t been a fighter. Folding the leather jacket back up, she placed it in the box, and made her way out toward Anna. The baby with her was whimpering, and Teri looked petrified at the prospect of being left alone. Taking over, Kitty took the baby from a very tired-looking Anna.

  “Can I hold him?” Kitty asked.

  “If you’d like to. He’s making a fuss and probably needs feeding.”

  “Do you breastfeed him?” Teri asked.

  Kitty glared at Teri as Anna’s cheeks heated. “Yes, but I pumped into a bottle just before I left.” She rummaged in her case and pulled out a bottle of milk from a special holder.

  Taking it from her, Kitty settled the baby in her arms and held the bottle to his lips. He began sucking instantly, and Kitty’s heart melted so much. Smiling down at him, she made sure he was okay, and then turned her attention to Anna.

  “You look exhausted,” Kitty said.

  “I’m so sorry. I was working at the high school cleaning, and he’s not been able to relax. I have one of those harness things, but he shouldn’t be strapped to my chest or my back all day.”

  “You can have the room,” Kitty said.


  “The room. It’s yours if you’d like it, along with extra hours at the diner, and I’ll talk to James and see if we can find more work for you that means you don’t have to be away from him. What’s his name?” Kitty asked.

  She saw the relief in the woman’s face, the emotion, and she was struck by how much Anna clearly needed this.

  “It’s Cole.”

  Kitty smiled down at the sleeping child. “Hi, Cole. Do you think you could live here, huh? It’ll be hard at first being around all these women, but you’ll get used to it, I promise.”

  “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I’ve got to be heading back. You okay here?” Teri asked.

  “Yeah, I’ve got it from here.”

  She smiled at Teri, and the other woman did the same. Watching her go, she turned back to Anna. “Where’s the father, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “He doesn’t want anything to do with him. He’s an older man.”

  “Nothing bad happened?” Kitty asked.

  “Oh, no, no, nothing like that. He was my old boss. I didn’t see through his bullshit, and I ended up pregnant and alone. He does pay me money, though, to help care for Cole. He just doesn’t think he’ll be a good dad. I don’t know.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It’s not your fault. It’s mine for believing everything he said. Besides, it wasn’t love, not really. It doesn’t matter with love, does it? You know, whatever happens you’ll be together.”

  Kitty smiled, thinking about her and Caleb’s past. “I think so.”

  “Besides, I’ve got Cole now. He’s worth it.”

  Staring down in his innocent face, she felt a yearning within herself. She’d long given up the idea of ever having children, but right now, she wanted that so badly.


  Caleb lifted up the last of the beers, carrying them through to the back of the bar. The club opened the bar to the locals where they could dance, party, have some fun, and relax. They’d been closed for a couple of days to do a refit on some of the old-looking furniture that had seen one too many party nights.

  “You think this is going to be packed tonight?” he asked, looking toward Jerry.

  “It’s a Friday. I think so. People want a place to chill out, take a load off. I can’t wait to see what new pussy comes around. I’m hoping for some fresh meat.”

  Caleb rolled his eyes, piling up the beers in the corner. When he was done, he wiped the sweat from his brow.

  “Is that all you think about, pussy?”

  “I’ve got a dick. It’s all that matters.”

  He laughed.

  “So how are things with you and Kitty?” Jerry asked.

  “Things are good. More than good.”

  “I’ve never seen her smile so much. There was a time I didn’t think she could.”

  “My girl can smile.” He loved the transformation in her over the last few days. She was like a whole new person, and knowing that he helped with that fucking thrilled him. “She’s got a fucking beautiful smile.”

  “You’re smitten.”

  “I love her. I love her more than anything else in the world.”

  “Are we hearing wedding bells in your future?”

  “I don’t know if we’re that far yet, but I hope so.” He didn’t want to get his hopes up, but that was what he wanted. They were still new. They’d been playing this game for years, but their relationship had changed within the last weeks.

  “Caleb, Teri needs some help at the diner. Ryan didn’t turn up for work,” James said, coming into the back of the bar.

  “Is everything okay?” Caleb asked, instantly worried about the young boy.

  “Yeah, everything is fine. I’ve got a handle on it. Lucy’s not worried, but Teri needs some help.”

  “I’m on it.”

  He nodded at Jerry, who waved him off. “It’s too damn hot to be flipping burgers or washing dishes. Have fun.”

  Caleb made his way down the long path toward the diner. The view across Greater Falls always made him feel peaceful. It was a wonderful place to live. Yes, it had its drama from time to time, but it was usually local shit. Nothing to do with life or death.

  Not like his time in Vegas.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, he saw the diner was heaving with activity. He spotted Kitty working, along with Anna and a couple of others. Chloe had quit at the diner to move in with Richard closer to the city, and none of them had seen or heard from them. He wanted to pull Kitty in for a kiss, but again, he ignored that and went to the back where Teri and Skylar were moving around at the speed of light.

  “Please tell me you don’t have a problem doing dishes?” Teri asked, putting another four plates near the already bulging sink.

  “Don’t have a problem.”

  “Excellent. Please, get started.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “The bar’s opening, it’s Friday night, family night, date night, and we’re known for having pretty good food. We’ve also got some people heading to the bar later so they’re eating now.”

  Teri kept on explaining the situation, and then silence rang out as they got to work. He dived in, cleaning the dishes, drying the clean ones, putting them in the industrial cycle to make sure all old food was gone and no risk of contamination. Once they were done, he’d put the clean ones on the shelf. By the time he came back, more were there.

  Time kept on going, and he
was amazed at how fast everything was moving. From one to the next, back and forth, over and over. He didn’t get a chance to talk to Kitty every time she placed an order.

  Leo and Paul came to help, pitching in with the cleaning until it finally slowed down at around ten that night. Caleb was fucking exhausted. There were still a few people in the main waiting area, and he saw both Teri and Skylar looking tired as well.

  “That’s what happens when you announce in the papers that the bar is open again,” Skylar said. “I think my feet are dead.”

  Leo eased her into a chair and rubbed her feet. “How’s Dylan?” Skylar asked.

  “He’s fine. We’ve got him resting in the office along with Cole.”

  Dylan was Skylar, Leo, and Paul’s son. He was only a couple of months old, but it had brought the bakery next door to a standstill while Skylar spent time with her newborn. The bakery was a good investment as he knew James intended to have a delivery service with the bakery where orders came in, and they hired someone to supply and distribute it.

  The Dirty Fuckers MC were not rich; nowhere near it. They had legal businesses and did well for themselves. They could take care of their own, and that was the way they liked it. Their walk on the illegal path had started and ended in Vegas for all of them. Never would he go back to that way of life, and he’d never encourage anyone to do so.

  Paul came through the kitchen holding Dylan.

  “There you go. There’s Mommy. She’s been working so hard, and we told her not to. She’s a naughty little girl.” Paul kissed their son’s cheek, and something twisted inside Caleb. He could see Kitty heavily pregnant with their kid. She’d make one hell of a mother. So sweet and caring.

  “I’m going to head up to the clubhouse,” he said.

  “Okay. Have fun,” Teri said.

  He frowned but didn’t pause to ask why she’d say that. Leaving the diner behind, he noticed the bar was already full with loud music filtering out. He nodded at Jerry and Rex manning the door and walked around the back. The clubhouse was a huge building that had been in disrepair when they first moved to the area. They all spread out the building structure and agreed what they wanted. There had to be rooms for them all to stay in at all times. There were two bars in the building. One was a private bar for the club, and the other could be open to the public like it was now. Then they had a private area that wasn’t allowed access to just anyone. They had to apply for a special pass to get in the door or be invited by a club brother or be a member. That was their kinky, no holds barred, sex club.


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