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Page 16

by Bruce McLachlan

  The pleasure was taken to a new zenith as the face of the other slave was buried into her freed sex, his lips kissing before his tongue reached into her and started to lap. An icy groan spilled from her throat, shaking unsteadily as the nun held her close, pushing back and forth, grinding the phallus deep.

  Latex-gloved hands reached around and held her stomach and caressed her breasts, the cool digits tracing routes across the flushed skin, teasing the bruises and sites of previous torment.

  Cupping Kira’s chin, the woman drew her back to lay against her collarbone. Her rear was being opened by deep plunges from root to tip, her tracts dragging along the length, filling her with hot bliss.

  The tongue of the male attended her with skill, circling and lapping, flitting and sucking at her clitoris, occasionally driving deep to offer a shade of penetration.

  All the while his body moved back and forth with the relentless plunge of his anal attacker, the woman riding him, holding his hips for an anchor.

  ‘Change,’ whispered the woman, as he was pushing into Kira’s depths as far as he could.

  There were some resonant crunches, like bones snapping within flesh, and the moist creeping chuckle 174

  of migrating meat. Kira jolted her head up, defying the hold of the nun behind her to see what was happening.

  As a penalty the woman jabbed deep and twisted, making Kira cry out, but still she kept to her pose; she had to see.

  The male swelled, snapping the ropes as he grew into the abomination she had seen previously. His features spilled forth as a fierce light lit up within his eyes. Dense fur erupted from his skin, covering him instantly as the nun was forced back a little way, his body growing larger, his limbs arming themselves with rippling banks of muscle.

  When his tongue accepted the canine change Kira threw her head up, her neck straining towards the ceiling as she released a keening holler of response. His tongue drilled into her, reaching deeper than any mortal specimen, rivalling the most well-endowed manhood, its base opening her, its roughness scraping against her clitoris to have her yell with a mix of pleasure and pain.

  The results were increased as his fangs nipped at her inner thighs when he meandered aside to lap at the tender regions. The light scratches made her sing her turmoil, the feel of their caustic nature to her flesh making them throb, her body protesting at its inability to heal the cuts with its ordinary unnatural celerity.

  Controlled by paroxysms the nun held Kira tight, keeping her upright as her muscles pushed the ropes to their very limits. Her legs yanked at the bonds, her arms flexed against the entrapment, her rear still being filled by pleasing jabs.

  She could not handle the sensations, they were too much for her, they were even harder to sustain than the beating and the pegs. Fighting fervently to get free, her 175

  scream rose through infinite reaches as orgasm arrived.

  The long deprivation heightened it further, and as the lupine poured his tongue into her every muscle was taut, every tendon raised against her skin, every vein thumping with her dwindled beat. flare of

  The nun stabbed deep, filling Kira even more acutely before retreating to expose an exhausted wreck.

  Sagging against the rope and the hold of the nun, the male was drawn back, the woman removing herself from his rear and standing up, leaving both slaves quivering.

  The nuns threw their cloaks back into place and moved into the shadows with their brethren, the shadows devouring them all, engulfing their dark clothing, leaving only the hints of their pale skin before these too were lost into the depths.

  The stage slowed and stopped, ending the carousel of depravity and letting the catwalk again be revealed by intense beams.

  Four of the handmaidens appeared, entering the glow, their naked flesh gleaming in the light like milk. They sauntered over and opened Kira’s thigh bonds. She staggered a step and almost fell to her knees, caught unawares as to just how dependent she had been on them for support.

  The servants snapped leads to the collars of the slaves, and with a monitoring servant lingering behind with a cane, they were escorted back along the path and into the waiting area.

  Once within the solitude of the chamber the girls removed Kira’s ropes, folded them neatly and set them beneath the table. Without word or explanation they left, leaving the drained pair to slump on the floor.

  Regarding her legs, Kira saw the small scratches the 176

  werewolf had imparted with his kisses. The skin was healing as though she was mortal, unable to level its regenerative powers against the bite of the arcane beast.

  As she traced the lines a warm heat ran through Kira’s spine and she turned and regarded the lupine. The beast was crouched low, his incandescent eyes locked to her form, burning with lust. But instead of fear, only the most powerful excitement rolled around her mind and belly, churning her throat, making her pant with unneeded breaths, her cold heart quickening to a new and fervid pace.

  The lupine tensed, his fur undulating upon the waves of rippling muscles. His tongue spilled out and licked his lips, revealing massive fangs as he gathered his legs beneath him, readying to pounce.

  Kira kept her ground, adopting a similar prepared stance, clawing the floor. With a snarling hiss she revealed quadruple fangs, her painted lips curling back to reveal them in full as her eyes lit up with an inner light, the crimson fires throbbing deep within, a manifestation of her temperament.

  With a subdued roar the werewolf charged towards her, his erection plain, the teasing wrought from his abuse and the tasting of her having stoked his hunger for more substantial fulfilment.

  His speed was uncanny and rivalled her own.

  Connecting with her midsection he tore her from her feet and carried her in the air before slamming her to the wall. Kira’s back cracked the stone, driving defunct air from her lungs but stunning her a little. Held to the surface she felt him establishing a more severe hold through which he could attain his goal.

  Dropping an elbow she caught him between the 177

  shoulder blades, the severe impact driving him down a little. The strike would have severed a mortal spine with ease, but to the lupine it was little more than a stern punch.

  Releasing his hold he span and flung claws at her head.

  Kira ducked with a ferocious grin, letting a scintillating spray flash above her as his talons tore deep grooves in the stone, spitting out glowing motes under their passage.

  A drum tone was sounded as her fist slammed into his stomach, the muscle like sandbags beneath his skin. With a startled rasp of exhalation he threw up his right leg and swept it aside, the speeding kick catching her across the side of the face. Her gaze jerked aside as she felt heat in her cheek from the strike, but unfazed she merely lurched forward, fangs leading the way to try and take a chunk from her assailant. With a shuffle of movement her head was caught in burly arms, the headlock stopping her dead and leaving her pinned.

  Immediately she back-flipped, arching her legs up, contorting herself in a way that should have snapped her backbone. But the blood in her veins had made her body something beyond mortal, beyond vampire, and with a savage impact her heels cracked against the lupine’s jaw, spinning his head aside. With a growl of wrath he spat the blood from his lips and cast her aside, sending her careering recklessly, fighting to keep her equilibrium as the velocity he imparted faded from her tumbling form.

  With a premature strike she met the other wall, her head leading her passage to bring a flash of white before she toppled back and landed on her rump.

  The sound of clawed feet pounding the floor reached her ringing ears, and operating by sound alone she whirled from her lowly position. A pirouette on one heel 178

  let the other leg lance out and strip the beast’s feet from beneath him. Before he fell she launched herself up, letting a wicked swipe of her fist lead her ascent. The crack of knuckles against jaw buffeted her ears and the furred mountain was sent reeling back. His feet scrabbled beneath him, trying to
recover, but Kira’s assault had been too much to cope with and he fell with a heavy thud, sprawling across the floor.

  Kira dropped back to her feet after her brief flight and dove into a cartwheel, emerging from it into a dive, her hands reaching out, formed as claws to sink into him.

  There was a swift spin and the beast twirled, flipping over and stopping her in the air by clamping a hand about her throat. Before she could react he thrust aside, casting her back into the wall once more. The creature sprang to his feet and stormed her before she could recover, her weary legs carrying her forward a few steps, her back pounding with the contusions heaped upon it.

  Throwing himself into her stomach, she was thrown into the air by his hold and then dropped to the floor, the beast hurtling down and using her as a cushion to break his fall. The stone shattered into shards and nuggets beneath her, and Kira’s mind dissolved into primitive reaction, both of them reduced to beasts.

  Kicking and scratching she aired sibilant tones, her jaws wide, her face contorted with wicked choler, corrupted by unholy power. The lupine grabbed her wrists and pounded them to the floor. Pinned down, Kira felt his length touch her moist sex, prodding like a blind man’s stick, seeking entry. Unwilling to give in so easily she fired her head up. Her brow met his snout, jerking his head back. Immediately she thrust her head back in after it had bounced from the assault. Her fangs caught 179

  skin and sank in, allowing her to steal a lap of his essence.

  It was like drinking liquid fire, a cocktail of the most volcanic emotions that seemed to enter her through osmosis, pouring through her soul and driving her onwards.

  The lupine scowled at the bite and keeping hold of her, flung his right arm to meet his left, trapping Kira on her side as his legs hooked into hers and kept them subdued with his weight and strength. Kira let loose a series of serpentine hisses, trying to break free as he used his hips and legs to complete the manoeuvre, turning Kira over and placing her face down so she could not repeat her attack.

  With rasping frenzy she squirmed beneath him, fighting his hold as he dug his feet into her inner thighs, pulling them apart and shuffling down.

  Her sex was wet with arousal, the sanguinary blood rage heightening her libido to unprecedented levels, leaving her open to penetration. She felt his length rub against her portal and then slither in, drawing her open and rolling into her like a piston of elation. Kira froze, her mouth wide, releasing a groan of rhapsody that poured out in a prolonged note until he was pressed against the limits of what she could house.

  Immediately she calmed, melting beneath him, her defeat acknowledged. Now she was free to relish his attention.

  With steady drives he sank himself into her womb, making Kira buck with rapture, her long chastity finally broken by this most bizarre of lovers.

  Gasping with pleasure she remained trapped beneath him, his body pressing down on her, the fur soft and tickling every portion of her that was exposed to it.


  The creature offered up his wound to her, the thin lines of red that wove from it sparkling with life. Straining forward she could not bring her teeth to bear, but with a stretch her tongue could just skim the surface, letting her taste the untamed power of the lupine. The bliss of such a delicacy was a keen rival to their intercourse, the power of it making her feel invincible – like a goddess.

  The rhythm of his stabbing shaft started to increase drastically as he approached climax, and Kira too could feel herself giving in to a matching release. Panting her affirmation she called for him to complete his task, begging for it as she sought to hold on, to deny herself until the moment she felt him fill her womb. It was nearly impossible.

  The werewolf threw his head back and unleashed a canine howl that resonated the floor beneath her, shaking the air with its volume and depth. Kira bucked beneath his hold, his hands crushing her wrists in vice holds as she joined his inhuman bray, her mouth stretched impossibly wide, her fangs stained with her lover’s blood, her screech adding a piercing treble to his pounding bass.

  Her world flashed with colour, her nervous system beset by a volcanic detonation of bliss.

  The last spasmodic drives carried him through his climax, and the beast settled onto her, his limbs draining of power as though he had transferred it to her via his seed.

  Slouched on the floor, both of them failed to move for long minutes, enervated and lost in the soothing afterglow of their insane passion. Held beneath him, Kira simply lay with her eyes closed, her womb squeezing to his shaft in fits of gratitude.

  With a moan of effort he rolled aside, withdrawing 181

  from her. The lupine shed his wolf semblance, withdrawing the fur and fangs, the claws, dragging in the massive frame and retreating into the flesh of what appeared to be no more than an ordinary mortal. The four small holes at his neck were still prevalent, but the bleeding had stopped, as the beast was better equipped than she to heal such damage.

  Kira shuddered, and thought of how the pegs and the crops had felt, their wonderful stinging kisses, their long abuse to her skin as she was tormented for the amusement of others.

  ‘What’s happening to me? I never used to be like this,’

  mewled Kira, wondering how such alien appetites had arisen so quickly. She had never before loved such subjugation, never even considered it. Now she relished it like nothing else. Even now the torture of the nuns was a memory to be placed in the treasury of her mind, polished and set on a shelf of most valued mementoes.

  ‘Don’t fret, I was just like you once,’ replied the lupine, stroking her hair as he lay on his side, Kira still unmoved.

  ‘In fact, we are probably more alike than you would think.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ she asked softly, smiling at the feel of his fingers running through the strands, her eyes closed to savour the feel of such comfort.

  ‘We are both exceptions to those around us. We are more powerful, stronger, and that makes us prizes that others want to experience for themselves. You might say we are novelties in this domain.’

  ‘Because of what they say I am? What is this brood stuff anyway? How come it happened to me? I didn’t do anything special.’

  ‘No one knows the exact cause. But I’ve heard tale of 182

  such things as I’ve sat at the heels of the queen. It’s a random quirk. Some say a throwback to the first vampires, a shadow of their primal power.’

  ‘So what caused it?’ she asked, propping herself up on her elbows and turning to face him.


  Kira nodded, studying the contours of his face, committing it to memory as he laid back and looked to the ceiling, almost wistfully, as though serenely casting himself back to halcyon and half-forgotten days.

  ‘The only legend they speak of here is one that begins with a demon lord of the Wyrm possessing one of its shaman. The rituals involved brought more than a mere inhabitation; it fused them, creating a hybrid creature.

  The blood of this beast was virulent and malevolent, and mortals who ingested it suffered instant Maleficence. The power in it has dwindled as it was passed down the ages, but if the demon essence meets mortal blood that is akin to that of the first primary host, then it creates a vampire such as was first forged. The other vampires about us have been created using blood passed down through hundreds of others, whereas you, because of your blood, are like one created by that very first ancestral beast.’

  ‘You believe this?’

  ‘Why not? I’ve fought the Wyrm and its shamans, I’ve fought the vampire, I’ve seen demons and their hosts. It is reasonable enough.’

  ‘Don’t you regret anything?’ she asked, and there was a moment’s pause before he frowned and then gave in to a secret smile.

  ‘Not any more. I fought the seducing will of the queen at first, tried to resist because I was taught to do so by my kind. I had battled the machinations of the undead 183

  my entire life; it was my purpose. And to be held by them as a slave?
Well, it took awhile to give up and surrender.’

  ‘Were you always like this, or was it the queen who made you submissive?’ she asked, laying her head on his chest, curling her legs up, the stockings torn by their battle and subsequent savage lovemaking. His hand rose to lay across her, holding her to him.

  ‘I can’t say. But when I was first in the city I started to feel new appetites welling within me. I resisted at first, told myself that the decadence of the city was trying to infect me, like a shamanistic charm. But then I started to indulge a little – then more. It was during a visit to a professional dominatrix that resulted in my capture. The queen nurtured my growing nature and let me live it, releasing me.’

  ‘If you had a choice, would you do the same thing again?’

  ‘I’m not sure. I think so. I love her,’ he stated emphatically, no hint of questioning in his voice.


  ‘It’s a paradox, I know, because I can never possess her. She is my ruler and I am her slave. But at her feet, as her pet, I am filled with a sense of pride. It’s hard to explain, but I’m helpless to resist it. If I wasn’t here, I think I’d be distraught and would end up trying to find a way to return. There’s no going back.’

  ‘You think I’ll end up following the same path?’ she asked, responding so quickly because it outraged her.

  The fervour in his admission of love had lit a jealous pyre in her mind. The male had won her admiration and craving to know him better. They were so similar, so perfect for each other, but to hear that he loved another 184

  made her furious. Her full sentence, if not interrupted, would have angrily accused if their recent deeds had meant nothing to him.

  ‘It’s up to you, Kira,’ he said, ‘but I can think of far worse things than being a slave here.’


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