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by Unknown

  God of War

  By Laura & Christopher Cooper

  Published by:


  God of War

  Copyright © 2014 by Christopher Cooper

  * Warning *

  All rights reserved under the international and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from another publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

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  Table of Contents

  God of War

  About the Author

  Other Books

  God of War

  I knew I was in trouble the minute his lips touched mine. The slight quiver that shook him ran through invisible veins straight to my heart and I was, in all senses of the word, a goner. It only took a second for my mouth to meld with his, become part of him in this small way, yet as instantly as I knew he was the man for me I also knew that this could never work. Together we were Mutt and Jeff, black and white, massive versus petite. I was the mutt, white, petite one and he the God of War.

  “Did you feel that?” he said, his heavy breath on my throat working his way downward in minute increments and sending chills down to my feet.

  “Did the earth move?” I murmured, his words having disturbed my concentration of the path of his lips. I’ve kissed quite a few boys in my life and one or two men but had never felt anything quite like this. I needed to pull away, tell him that this would never work, give him a list of reasons why it wouldn’t, yet all I could do was stand there wanting more of his touch.

  He smelled like spices and tasted like Kung Pow chicken, and the mixture of him had rendered me helpless. I simply couldn’t fight him. I couldn’t explain how long distance relationships never work; how we hail from completely different parts of the world and that a relationship between us would upset my family and his. But nothing in my power would allow me to pull away from him, and as his lips trailed across to my earlobes I stopped worrying. He suckled them and nibbled tiny trails around them sending goose bumps down my thighs and making me desperate for more of him.

  The airport was crowded now, mid-day as we huddled in the corner of the ‘Irish Pub’ grasping one another. He lifted me from my chair and into the space on the bench next to him, his hands running the length of my thighs in fervent strides. “We can’t!” I whispered.

  “We have to,” he said as the deep pools of his eyes met mine with blatant need. “Come on!” He stood and pulled my hand, forcing me to stand beside him. I looked up astounded by the difference in our height and mesmerized by the warmth in his eyes.

  “Wait! Where are we going? My flight leaves in two hours!” I knew that because my original flight had been cancelled. The airline did the best it could, but an afternoon flight was the only one available. It didn’t matter anyway; there was nothing to go home to.

  “There’s a Hilton less than a mile away. We’re going there,” and he squeezed my hand tightly, letting me know that I was safe with him.

  Before I could protest he’d whisked me out the glass doors of the elevator and had hailed a taxi. Opening the cab door he stood aside to allow me to climb in; there was no mistaking the heat of his eyes bearing down on my legs as my skirt moved high with my entrance.

  My face ran red as he presented his credit card to the concierge. “Will you need a wakeup call Mr. –um- Hargrave?” The weary woman looked up from her computer and tried to smile. I knew how she felt; it was only a few days ago that I’d felt the same way, until I met him. Then everything changed.

  “That would be great,” he grinned, his white teeth sparkling amidst a dark background.

  “Certainly! What time will you need the call?” She punched her keyboard then glanced up with a smile; even I could see the small glimmer in her eyes when she looked at him. I would have liked to have made some sort of possessive statement, like carefully place my arm on his perhaps, but I had no right to do so.

  I saw him look down at his watch then back to the concierge, “In an hour and a half please.”

  The woman mumbled incoherent words before just handing him the key card. As he turned around and placed his monstrous hands on my lower back I saw her turn positively fuchsia. I imagine she must think I’m a prostitute, and my black business suit must confirm that for her. I’d wanted to look sexy today; I had every intention of seducing him before we parted ways. The kissing, touching, and ear nibbling had built up to this moment and my body was screaming for him. There was nothing I could do but go along.

  When the elevator began to rise he captured me in his arms, my head rested snugly against his rib cage. Muscles of tuned steel rippled beneath his shirt and my hands flashed out to touch him. The ridges below his breasts and the tightness of his abdomen riled me; already I could feel the steam coming from the opening in my shirt. My hands ran lower to touch below his belt for the first time. He pressed against me tightly, running his tongue in circles on the nape of my neck as I felt between his thighs. His thighs were thick, and beneath the camouflage and I’d felt baseball bats that were thinner than the pulsing organ that leapt at the pressure of my hand.

  Lifting me into his arms his lips met mine again, now kissing with the promise of release. I’m not even really sure why we waited to do this. Carson and Steve’s wedding was three days ago, and the spark had been there from the moment our eyes met. My passion and critical need of him was evident in the pounding between my own thighs. I couldn’t even fathom how I’d fit his considerable girth inside me, but I was on my way to find out.

  He slid the key card through the lock and carried me into the room. He didn’t hesitate to shut the door and carried me directly to the bed; with haste his hands rushed my thighs pushing my skirt up to my waist. Red lace panties greeted him and I waited for his expression. I could have sworn I saw a flame in his dark eyes that met the color to the exact shade. He fell to his knees in front of me, still looming like a giant bear against the soft décor of our room. The click of the door told me that it had closed on its own; the sound reverberated as I watched him staring down at me in silence. I wish he’d say something.

  “You’re beautiful,” his voice was thick and raspy.

  I smiled and reached for him, pulling him down between my thighs in an effort to show him what I wanted. Wide fingers ran lightly along the waistband before hooking into them at the side of my hips. He pulled them slowly, revealing my body to him a little at a time. A nervous laugh escaped my lips and he looked up at me in question. Seeing me shiver he stopped his touch. “This isn’t right. Here, stand up.”

  He pulled my hands so that I stood in front of him. I studied the pink half moons beneath his fingernails as he removed my jacket then issued a kiss for each spa
ce of skin divulged as he unbuttoned my shirt. Then he spun me around, unhooking my skirt and drawing the zipper down slowly as his other hand swathed my behind with appreciation. As the skirt slid to the floor I stood in front of him, in only my heels. But when he moved to unbutton his own shirt I took his hands in mine and silenced them, then replacing them with my own. Button by button I was led into his deep depths until he flung his boots aside and his pants fell to the floor in a puddle.

  His breath on the top of my head told me that he too had been holding it, unaware that his body still required air until it became crucial. His gasp reminded me and I too drew in a long, deep breathe. One hand spanned the entire width of my back as he lowered me back to the bed. Again I forgot to breathe as his member pressed against me. I wanted to tell him, beg him really not to waste time. Yet he toyed with me, drawing my naked breast into his mouth playfully as if he was trying to fit the entire thing inside. He nearly managed it too.

  My nipples were hard and aching, and by the time he released them the chilled air froze them into tiny marbles against his broad chest. Finally he moved lower, his tongue leaving a wet trail down my stomach to my ache. He soaked me with his mouth then moved two fingers tentatively to my opening, testing me for readiness. I could’ve told him that I’d been ready since the rehearsal dinner when he first walked into the room. If it wasn’t taking every ounce of my being just to remember to breathe I would tell him, yet it was much more thrilling to watch his face as he found out for himself. He pulled his fingers from my entrance and tasted them, “Sweet!” he said with satisfaction.

  When his mouth fell to me I gasped, his tongue greeting my opening and swirling in swift circles around my petals sent my head burying into the bed. My eyes were open but I couldn’t see; my entire being converged on the actions of his mouth. Heat poured from his nose like a raging bull as he delved into me ravenously. The blare of a plane taking off on the nearby runway compounded with the rapid banging of my heart against my ribs. My breasts bounced under his pressure and my hips moved to meet him as he suckled the peachy flesh that only knew his name.

  His fingers reached deep inside me, touching me in places never felt before. I stilled, absorbing the sensation of unchartered ground. And he was gentle, as slow and methodical as a panther nearing its prey, then his mouth slammed down hard on my mound and I reeled. Groaning with the sudden onslaught of my orgasm I thrashed beneath his mouth pressing so rigidly that I felt his teeth graze me. My screams seemed to silence the bustling city beyond the open window; it shook inside my head bouncing from side to side until my muscles began to release.

  My face reddened, embarrassed now by my outburst, I shied and put my hand over my eyes. His fingers pried them away, “I’ve never seen an orgasm that amazing. Do it again, for me?”

  Staring into his tender eyes I found myself nodding in agreement; damn right I would. Ever so slowly he climbed above me, holding himself firmly with one arm and using the other to guide himself to the damp spot below my hairline. The head felt massive, rubbing against me, and it was furiously hot, soft yet hard. My hips squirmed in response to it, angling to accept him with full invitation. When he finally pressed against the opening he met resistance; I could feel the bones there confused as to what to do - they’d never encountered anything that requested such an entrance. I laid my head back though I’d wanted to watch him enter me, but knew I needed to fully relax my body for him to gain entry.

  Almost meditative I felt the muscles loosen and he slid inside, though I was sure that barely any of him was in. To me it felt like being stretched to my limits already and suddenly I worried that he wouldn’t fit at all. That possibly our love wasn’t meant to be. But he continued to move slowly, pushing then retreating only slightly. At last he groaned and I took a long breath as he stilled, absorbing my final encapsulation of him. I felt like a balloon, filled to its limit and on the verge of explosion, but he’d fit inside me without a centimeter to spare. Now he began to move again, withdrawing then pushing, our mixed juices smacking and suckling as he rode me. I must seem frightfully frail to him I thought as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  For someone with only an hour and a half he behaved as though he never planned on separating from me. His lavish plunges prickled my skin and I imagined that if I touched my stomach I would feel the head. He roamed my belly and touched every ache with soothing caresses until I could take no more. I snatched his hips between my heels and drug him to my hilt. Writhing against him now he held himself over me with two muscled rods grasping desperately for the bed. I was sure he hadn’t expected me to be this wild. I had never dreamed of being this untamed; my hips ground into him and I moved in small circles churning our fluids and forcing him to harden further. He was a burning rod inside me as I pounded against him, considering nothing but the juxtaposition of the soft hardness of his body. I heard him groan, yet my own explosion was too imminent. With one final thrust he buried himself into my belly and liquid heat poured into me. I shuddered before following the waves of fulfillment that carried me away.

  The first real dawn of awareness hit me as he slowly withdrew and flopped onto the bed beside me. He hooked his pier sized arm under my back to gather me against him. I was at his mercy. As he then lifted his wrist to his face the actual difference in our sizes became apparent; I felt as small as a puppy in the crook of his arm. “Still ten minutes to waste,” he stated before rolling back over and filling me again.


  We stopped in the center of the concourse, neither of us ready to separate nor sure what to say or do. He bent down and kissed my forehead. “You sure you don’t want to come with me?”

  I grinned, “As much as I love coming with you I’m afraid I have responsibilities back in Seattle.”

  He took my hand and pressed it to his lips, “Oh come on, South Carolina isn’t completely overrun with heathens and rednecks. It’s not so bad, no matter what they tell you folks out here on the West Coast.”

  A buzzing noise emitted from my jacket pocket and I reached down to retrieve my phone, and then laughed at the message on the screen.

  Steve just told me that you left with Jeff this morning? You always were the luckiest witch. I didn’t even notice, what with all the relatives and stress, but Steve said you two were all over one another at the Honeymoon Breakfast! Spill it, dirty details. Love from Bermuda –Carson

  I held out the phone and showed it to Jeff. He sputtered, “Steve sent me one like that earlier. Do you think they could be more excited about this than we are?”

  “It’s easy to be excited when you’re two best friends meet and fall in love, especially when you aren’t the ones who have to live an entire continent away from one another.”

  He stiffened, lending him the impression of a skyscraper in front of me and a slow, deliberate grin spread across his face, “Did you say fall in love?”

  Fire rushed to my cheeks. I could feel it settling there, and suddenly I felt the urgent need to get to my boarding gate, “Well, I guess I’ll call you when I get home then?” I tilted my head upwards and puckered for a goodbye kiss.

  He bent low over me and touched his lips to mine, sliding his tongue past my teeth and swirling it against mine. A tremble quaked within me and my arms slid beneath his. It was the highest I could reach, but it served the purpose of pulling him tight against me. When I felt him shudder and pull away from me, I desperately wanted to cling to him. He felt my resistance and pecked my lips sweetly and whispered, “I love you too.” Then he held me at arm’s length and ran his fingertip across my swollen lips, “My precious Morgan, I do love you very much.”

  I could feel his gaze on my back until I turned the corner and headed for my boarding gate. We were headed in opposite directions, and I silently prayed that this wasn’t just a tawdry weekend affair. If it was, it’d been one I would remember all of my days.

  And I do believe that we both gave the long distance relationship a gallant try, but he was shipped overseas and w
e lost contact.


  I was rinsing my muck boots when my phone rang. Exhausted from a day on the shoreline I snatched it off the deck railing and shot it a nasty look. Seeing it was Carson I answered, “How’s my prego baby sis today?” I said.

  “Feeling a lot like I need juicing actually. I swear if I get any bigger they’re going to have to use one of those cranes to get me out of here.”

  I’d been trying to talk with her daily since the doctor had put her on bed rest; I know boredom and Carson aren’t friendly. “Have they given you a date to induce yet?” I asked.

  “Next Thursday, can you and Parker make it?

  “I plan on being there, but Parker wants to stay here and tend to Mrs. Mulaney he says. She’s been baking a lot lately, and he’s been within an arm’s reach of her every day.”

  “You’re lucky to have her.”

  “Yeah, well Mary Poppins isn’t always a teaspoon of sugar, let me tell you. Last week she launched into me about the check engine light in my car being on and how that made me a negligent parent.”

  My sister laughed, “Alright, so when will you be here? I can’t wait!”

  “I’ll call the airline and see what the flights are and send you a text. That okay?”

  “Sure, love ya bunches,” she said before hanging up. At least she was in good spirits that was something. I told her that delivering the baby of one of these Marine giants wasn’t a bowl of cherries but she insisted that a natural birth was the only way she’d go. Mentally I cursed our parents for their hippy teachings, but still I put my money on her calling for anesthesia after the first hour. She was only tough on the outside; on the inside she was as miserable as any pregnant woman has ever been. By the time next Thursday night rolled around, she’d be begging for something to curb the pain. I slid the phone into my pocket and went inside.

  Tuesday night the airport was nearly empty, I slung a heavy carryon bag over my shoulder and stopped to look at the map to find the luggage carousels. As I studied it, the uneasy sensation of being watched swept over me.


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