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Agnes Warner and the Nursing Sisters of the Great War

Page 13

by Shawna M. Quinn

  Funeral of Nursing Sister Gladys Maude Mary Wake, who died of wounds received during a German air raid on Étaples, France, May 1918. LAC-PA-002562

  Bomb damage at a hospital. Queens University Archives

  Propaganda poster of the execution of Nurse Edith Cavell. CWM 19960034-008

  Propaganda poster depicting the German U-boat attack on the Llandovery Castle. CWM 19850475-034

  Mike Bechthold

  Nurses and staff of Ambulance 16/21, including Warner. British Journal of Nursing

  Nurses and patients at the Physiotherapy Department, New Brunswick Military Hospital, Fredericton. NBM1990.11.78

  Doctor and nurse examining several children at the School Clinic at the Saint John Health Centre. NBM NANB-SJHealthCentre-pg8


  Chapter 4

  1 Nurse Florence Nightingale and her staff worked in a hospital in Scutari, Turkey, caring for wounded and sick British soldiers during the Crimean War.

  2 The town of Dinant in Belgium was destroyed by the Germans on August 23, 1914, and nearly seven hundred civilians killed.

  3 The 1st Canadian Division fought in the 2nd Battle of Ypres, April 22-26, during which it suffered more than six thousand casualties.

  4 The 26th (New Brunswick) Battalion, which was raised throughout the province, sailed from Saint John on June 13, 1915.

  5 Throughout June 1915, the French army launched several secondary attacks along its front in support of its main offensive in May and June on Vimy Ridge, near Arras.

  6 The Germans launched a major offensive against the French at Verdun on February 21, 1916. The campaign lasted until December.

  7 The 26th Battalion helped to capture the village of Courcelette, on the Somme, on September 15, 1916. During the attack it lost about 325 men.


  I first encountered Nurse Agnes Warner’s remarkable story as part of a project initiated by Lianne McTavish, for which I was investigating the contributions of women to the New Brunswick Museum in the late nineteenth century. At that time, Dr. Stephen Clayden, Head of Botany and Mycology at the N.B.M. introduced me to Warner’s exceptional collection of botanical specimens, pointed to her intriguing book of First World War letters, and generously shared what he had uncovered about Warner and her family. I am so grateful to him for that introduction to Miss Warner and for encouraging me to dig deeper into her life.

  Thanks to Marc Milner for expanding the scope of the project and connecting me with the New Brunswick Military Heritage Project, thereby launching this glimpse into the great work of our province’s nursing sisters. I am very grateful to Marc and to Brent Wilson for answering questions and facilitating the project through many phases. Special thanks to Brent, who patiently edited the manuscript, obtained the images, coordinated all input, and handled dozens of other tasks prior to publication. I’m grateful to Mike Bechthold for creating the maps that follow Nurse Warner’s path through France and Belgium. Doug Knight and Susan Ross of the Canadian War Museum assisted in obtaining photos. And I owe many thanks to the staff at Goose Lane Editions for their editorial and design expertise.

  For his impeccable judgment and serene endurance, I thank Greg Quinn, without whose advice and encouragement this project would have languished. And finally, I remember with appreciation every heartening word from family and friends who took an interest in this undertaking.

  Selected Bibliography

  Adami, J. George. War Story of the Canadian Army Medical Corps. London: Colour Ltd., 1918. Available online at:

  Anonymous. Mademoiselle Miss: Letters from a First World War Nurse at an Army Hospital near the Marne. Cornwall: Diggory Press, 2006. Originally published 1916, Macmillan.

  British Journal of Nursing, volumes 53-62 (1914-1919). Available online at: and

  Bruce, Constance. Humour in Tragedy: Hospital Life behind 3 Fronts by a Canadian Nursing Sister. London: Skeffington, 1918.

  The Canadian Nurse, volumes 10-11 (1914-1915). Available online at:

  Hallett, Christine E. “The Personal Writings of First World War Nurses: A Study of the Interplay of Authorial Intention and Scholarly Interpretation,” Nursing Inquiry 14 (4, 2007): 320-329.

  Higonnet, Margaret R., ed. Nurses at the Front: Writing the Wounds of the Great War. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2001. Includes two primary texts: Ellen N. La Motte, The Backwash of War (New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1916); and Mary Borden, The Forbidden Zone (New York: Doubleday, 1929, 1930).

  Higonnet, Margaret Randolph, Jane Jenson, Sonya Michel, and Margaret Collins Weitz, eds. Behind the Lines: Gender and the Two World Wars. New Haven, CT and London: Yale University Press, 1987.

  Macphail, Andrew. Official History of the Canadian Forces in the Great War 1914-19: The Medical Services. Ottawa: F.A. Acland, 1925. Available in print or online at:

  Mann, Susan. Margaret Macdonald: Imperial Daughter. Montreal and Kingston, ON: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005.

  ———, ed. The War Diary of Clare Gass 1915-1918. Montreal and Kingston, ON: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000.

  ———. “Where Have All the Bluebirds Gone? On the Trails of Canada’s Military Nurses, 1914-1918,” Atlantis 26 (1, 2001): 35-43.

  Morton, Desmond. When Your Number’s Up: The Canadian Soldier in the First World War. Toronto: Random House, 1993.

  Nicholson, G.W.L. Canada’s Nursing Sisters. Toronto: Stevens, 1975.

  Quiney, Linda. “Assistant Angels: Canadian Voluntary Aid Detachment Nurses in the Great War,” Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 15 (1, 1998): 189-206.

  Scott, Eric, ed. Nobody Ever Wins a War: The World War I Diaries of Ella Mae Bongard, R. N. Ottawa: Janeric Enterprises, 1998.

  Smith, Angela K. The Second Battlefield: Women, Modernism and the First World War. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 2000.

  Stuart, Meryn. “War and Peace: Professional Identities and Nurses’ Training, 1914-1930,” in Challenging Professions: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Women’s Professional Work, edited by Elizabeth Smyth, Sandra Acker, Paula Bourne, and Alison Prentice. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999.

  Veterans Affairs Canada. Canada’s Nursing Sisters. Ottawa, 2005. Available online at:

  Warner, Agnes. My Beloved Poilus. Saint John, NB: Barnes & Co., 1917.

  Wilson-Simmie, Katherine M. Lights Out! A Canadian Nursing Sister’s Tale. Belleville, ON: Mika, 1981.

  Web pages and Virtual Exhibitions:

  Canadian War Museum. “Canada and the First World War.” Available at:

  Library and Archives Canada. “The Call to Duty: Canada’s Nursing Sister.” Available at:

  New Brunswick Museum. “Mark Our Place”: World War I. Virtual Exhibit. Available at:

  Veterans Affairs Canada. “Canada Remembers.” Available at:

  Photo Credits


  The photos on the front cover (top) (LAC-PA-002562) and bottom (LAC-PA-006783), pages 9 (LAC-PA-5230), 25 (LAC 1970-163), and 128 (LAC-PA-002562) appear courtesy of Library and Archives Canada (LAC). The drawing on page 11 appeared in the book Humour in Tragedy. The photos on pages 14 (19920085-102), 20 (19920044-811), 22 (19590034-002), posters on pages 30 (19920143-009) and 39 (19900076-809), photos on pages 56 (19720102-061), 59 (19920085-529), the bottom photo on page 131 (19960034-008), and the photo on page 132 (19850475-034) and back cover (19700046-012 — illustration; and 19590034-002 — uniform) appear courtesy of the C
anadian War Museum (CWM). The photo on pages 18 and 19 (V28 Mil-Hosp-10) appears courtesy of Queen’s University Picture Collection. The posters on pages 21 (WP1.F12.F2) and 49 (WP1.B12.F2) appear courtesy of McGill University. The photos on pages 34 and 35 (1990.11.4), 36 (NANB-Military-7), 44 (VP-02816), 149 (1990.11.78), and 150 (NANB-SJHealthCentre-pg8) appear courtesy of the New Brunswick Museum (NBM). The photos on pages 40, 53, 69, 73, 75, 93, 95, 104, 108, 114, 115, 120, 124-125, and photo of Agnes Warner on back cover from My Beloved Poilus. The maps on pages 47, 52, and 134 appear courtesy of Mike Bechthold. The top photo on page 131 appears courtesy of the Queens University Archives. The photo on page 137 appears courtesy of the British Journal of Nursing. All illustrative material is reproduced by permission.



  Adami, J. George 24, 26

  Adhem, Abou Ben 142

  Aisne France 111

  Alexander of Teck, Prince 144

  Ali, Ben 100, 102

  Alsace France 46, 76, 82, 84, 86

  Ambulance Mobile 31, 51, 52, 129, 130 136-140

  Ambulance Volant 93, 108

  American Ambulance 50, 68, 69, 72

  Amiens France 110

  Antoinette (cat) 106

  Army, British 26

  Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service (Q.A.I.M.N.S.) 17, 26, 27

  Army, Canadian


  26th (New Brunswick) 81, 111, 121, 122

  Casualty Clearing Stations 18, 20

  No. 3 53, 118

  No. 10 118


  1st Canadian 78

  General Hospitals

  No. 1 32, 38

  No. 7 18

  Medical Corps (C.A.M.C.) 8, 10, 12, 17, 20, 22-25, 27, 32, 34, 37, 45, 59, 130, 143, 149

  Stationary Hospital

  No. 1 10

  No. 2 38

  Army, French 27, 47, 53, 82, 140


  36th 129, 135, 139, 147

  Service de Santé Militaire 27

  Army, United States

  Union 41

  Arras France 82, 85



  2nd of Ypres 78

  Kennesaw Mountain 41

  Vimy Ridge 82

  Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron 10

  Belgium 13, 23, 60, 91, 93, 129, 130, 134, 135, 143

  Besançon France 82, 88

  Bluebirds 24

  Bongard, Ella Mae 12

  Borden Turner, Mary 31, 51, 52, 58, 91, 98, 101, 109, 117, 119, 144

  Boulogne France 32, 38, 93

  Bourg France 76

  British Journal of Nursing 32, 129, 139

  Bruce, Constance 10, 11

  Brussels Belgium 100


  Calais France 93

  Canada Food Board posters 20

  Canadian Expeditionary Force 17, 23, 120

  Canadian Nurse, The 28

  Caumont, Mademoiselle de 77

  Cavell, Edith 130, 131

  Chasseurs d’Alpine (Blue Devils) 75-76, 84-86

  Chicago IL 41, 42

  Clint, Mabel 10

  Cody, H.A. 65, 133

  Coppin, Sister 130

  Coster, Charles 43

  Coster, Laura (Warner) 41, 43, 53

  Coster, Robert Warner Bayard 53, 62, 87, 111, 112, 118, 119, 121

  Courcelette France 121

  Courtenay Bay 117

  Crassier France 89

  Crimean War 63

  Cushing, George 146


  Daillet 86, 88, 116

  Daily Telegraph 26, 32, 37, 48, 146

  Denries 117

  Department of National Defence 10

  Dinant Belgium 78

  Divonne, Count de 90

  Divonne-les-Bains France 45, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54, 57, 58, 65, 66, 70, 76, 77, 79, 80, 97, 106, 115, 143

  Domville, Grace 17

  Domville, Mary 115

  Dunkirk France 91-94, 96, 101, 115, 117, 144


  Educational Review 43

  Eldridge, Louise (Udall) 45, 48, 78, 141

  Eldridge, Roswell 45, 48, 71, 141

  Ellison, Grace 27, 28

  England 8, 10, 16, 23, 26, 27, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 123

  Étaples France 38, 115, 128


  Fenwick, Mrs. Bedford 27

  Fernhill Cemetery 151

  First World War 7, 9, 12, 15, 16, 45, 140, 141

  Flanders Belgium 52

  Forbidden Zone, The 52

  Forges-les-Eaux France 135

  France 10, 13, 23, 27, 38, 45, 48, 66, 67, 93, 115, 116, 120, 134, 136, 141, 142, 147

  Fredericton NB 34, 149

  French Flag Nursing Corps (F.F.N.C.) 136, 140, 141, 148

  Ambulance Mobile No. 1 54, 135, 138, 139


  Gass, Clare 12, 38

  Geneva Switzerland 45, 85

  Germany 16, 111, 117

  Givet France 139

  Great Britain. See England

  Great Saint John Fire 42

  Great War. See First World War


  Halifax NS 147

  Hanning, Annie Mildred 140

  Hare, Margaret 53, 116, 118

  Hay, George Upham 43

  Hindenburg Line 29, 138, 141

  Humour in Tragedy 10


  Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire

  De Monts Chapter 38, 39, 53, 73, 78, 111, 141, 146

  Loyalist Chapter 87

  Royal Standard Chapter 141

  International Nursing Corps 17


  Jaffery, Sister 130

  Jones, Colonel Guy Carleton 20

  Jones, Mabel Constance 140


  Kennebecasis Bay 41

  Kuhring, Mrs. 143


  Lalance, Mme. 46, 48

  Le Havre France 140

  Le Touquet France 38

  Lerous, General 58

  Lights Out! A Canadian Nursing Sister’s Tale 7, 10

  Llandovery Castle 130-132

  Loggie, Ruth 38

  London England 31, 115, 118

  Lyon France 51, 78-80


  Macdonald, Matron-in-Chief Margaret 8, 9, 12, 15, 19, 23, 45

  MacLaren, Colonel Murray 17, 38, 95, 115

  Macphail, Sir Andrew 10, 12

  Mann, Susan 9, 12

  Maxwell, Anna 43

  McGill Unit 36

  McGill University 43, 65, 118

  McKnight, Miss 141

  McMurrich, Helen 31, 53, 136, 140

  Metzeral France 85

  military honours

  Croix de Guerre 29, 90, 96, 140

  Médaille des Épidémies 29

  Médaille des Epidémies — L’Insigne Spécial en Or 139

  Médaille d’Honneur in Bronze 139

  Médaille Militaire 81, 96

  Montreal QC 27, 43, 59, 102, 143

  Montreal General Hospital 31, 43

  Morgan, Harjes & Co. 130

  Morrison, Captain 144

  Mullin, Mrs. D. 141

  Murray, Mary 97

  My Beloved Poilus 13, 53, 54, 60-127, 130, 133


  Natural History Society (N.H.S.) 42

  Nejon France 90

  Neuilly France 74

  New Brunswick Military Hospital 34, 149

  New Brunswick Museum 43

  New York NY 41, 43, 45, 48, 65, 68, 78, 141, 151

  New York Presbyterian Hospital School for Nurses 43, 45, 56, 65, 141, 151

  Nightingale, Florence 15, 16, 63

  Noble, Colonel 99-100, 105

  Nobody Ever Wins A War 12

  Nollet, General 139

  Normandy France 73


  Opéra Comique 117

  Ottawa Graduate Nurses’ Association 20

  Our Bit: Memories of War Service by a Canadian Nursing Sister 10

  Paris France 50, 68, 70, 71, 74, 76, 79, 85, 91-93, 100, 109, 115, 117, 136

  Parks, Dr. Margaret 17, 115

  Poperinghe France 53, 110, 116

  Pugsley, William 54


  Red Cross 17, 29, 32, 38, 39, 46, 48, 51, 65, 67, 73, 79, 98, 119, 149

  Canadian 123

  Comité de Londres 28

  nurses 24

  Rothesay 121

  Rémy Siding Belgium 53

  River Marne 27

  Rochambeau 140

  Romans France 79

  “Rose of No Man’s Land, ” 141

  Rousbrugge Belgium 31, 51, 53, 104

  Royal Victoria Hospital 27


  Saddle Rock NY 45

  Saint John NB 17, 26, 31, 32, 38, 41, 43, 48, 50, 53, 54, 65, 81, 83, 92, 106, 107, 111, 116, 117, 123, 129, 136, 137, 141, 143, 146, 151, 152

  St. John Ambulance 31, 32, 115

  Saint John General Hospital School for Nurses 43

  Saint John Globe 42, 130

  Saint John Health Centre 150, 151

  Saint John High School 146

  Saint-Quentin France 138, 147

  Salonica Greece 10

  Scott, Eric 12

  Scutari Turkey 63

  Serbia 17

  Solidago flexicaulis 44

  Somme France 119, 121

  Stamers, Nursing Sister Anna Irene 130

  Standard 143, 144

  Switzerland 46, 85


  Tain France 79

  Thompson, Dorothy 97

  Todd, Miss 86, 89

  Toronto ON 107, 111

  Tournon France 79

  Travis, Catherine 17

  Trinity Anglican Church 151


  United States 16, 26, 42, 43, 53

  soldiers 136, 145


  Valence France 80

  Verdun France 81, 109, 115

  Vichy France 116

  Victoria High School for Girls 42

  Victorian Order of Nurses (V.O.N.) 149

  Vimy Ridge France 82

  Voluntary Aid Detachment (V.A.D.) 30, 32-35, 37


  Wake, Gladys Maude Mary 128


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