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A Lycan's Mate

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by Chandler Dee

  A Lycan's Mate

  Chandler Dee

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright © 2012 by Chandler Dee

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Cover Image Sources:

  Background by Chandler Dee

  Wolves by daryl_Mitchell at

  Jurisa hustled through the pine forest surrounding her community on light paws. Underneath her four feet, the high mountainous landscape had already cooled and hardened for winter. It, combined with the soft bed of pine needles, made the running easier. Behind her, practically nipping at her heels, Beryx kept up chase. He put his all into the effort of trying to catch her as any potential mate would.

  She pushed herself to move faster. She'd been practicing for weeks, memorizing the route she would take during the hunt. She would not let a little things like the burning of her lungs as she dragged in air hold her back. Jurisa had to be at top form for the hunt.

  Sandy-colored Beryx in fully wolfen form put forth an extra burst of energy and nearly overtook Jurisa. She feinted left, then right, heading straight for the pit traps her people dug earlier and managed to slow him down as he evaded the obstacles. He was getting good. On previous runs, Beryx kept falling into the traps. He appeared to have finally memorized their placement. Too bad, she thought, admiring his persistence in dogging her. Too bad he's a beta. Jurisa turned into a new section of the run, one that her second hadn't been over lately.

  Counting on Beryx to keep pace with her as he worked to push his alpha to her limits, Jurisa headed straight for the trip wires. As she suspected, Beryx had slowed a bit on the new terrain, but he still hugged her tail, close enough that she could feel the steam coming off his panting breath. Jurisa counted her steps. Not long before the trip wire. Her body screamed at her to stop, but she couldn't do that yet. Not yet.

  Gathering willpower honed from years of leadership, Jurisa forced her legs to keep moving. She watched for the two large pine trees ahead where the nearly invisible trip wire was tied between them. In the dark, it would be invisible.

  Jurisa leapt the wire in a perfectly timed jump and heard a satisfying yelp as Beryx did not. She turned to watch as he tumbled forward in summersaults before landing on his muzzle. Jurisa pranced about, yipping at him in laughter. Her poor second was having the worst time with this job.

  Beryx changed before her back into his human form. He was dusty and dirty and looked altogether ready to quit. Taking pity, Jurisa changed too. She held out a hand to help him stand, which he gratefully took.

  "I think you're ready," he muttered, shaking pine needles loose from his head.

  Jurisa didn't know about that. Despite all of the practice, and the planning she still didn't feel ready. No matter how hard she ran or what kinds of traps she laid, it wasn't altogether certain who would catch her in the end. Jurisa sighed. If only Eugen were still alive and not struck down by the terrible fever that ran through their community last year. She spent a hard year grieving for her mate and learning to bear the mantle of leadership alone. Not entirely alone, she corrected herself. Alexandru was growing up to be a fine, young man. A credit to his father.

  The time for grieving had passed and alphas from all over the area were clamoring for her to mate again. She didn't like being made to do this so soon. If Jurisa wanted to keep her community safe she'd have to pick a mate now. Without the steadying influence of a mate, her body had already started preparing itself to rut. Jurisa could tell she had only weeks left before she went into heat. If that happened without a mate, all hell would break loose.

  "Thank you Beryx," Jurisa said, "I think I can navigate these woods blind now."

  Beryx smiled with his patented boyish grin, obviously happy with the praise. His humiliation from moments ago already forgotten.

  "It's an honor."

  Jurisa squeezed his hands between both of hers before letting go. She turned to look around at the empty pine forest. In a few hours it would be filled with her people, running along the sidelines following the hunt from a discrete distance to ensure nothing went wrong, that no alphas ganged up on her or turned on each other. The cool, crisp air teased her sweaty skin and her nipples hardened in response. Like Beryx, she was covered in dirt. Suddenly, she wanted nothing more than to get clean again.

  "How is your mate, Beryx?" She asked, inquiring about the newest addition to the community, a young woman the pack picked up from the sacrifical clearing not two days ago. She would be running straight for that clearing in a few hours. The first male to catch her, claimed her. Jurisa had no intention of being caught by just anyone.

  Jurisa smiled at Beryx’s discomfit to her question. When they first encountered the woman, Beryx reported a strong attraction to her and the instinctive recognition of a compatible mate. He asked for the chance to host her in his home and Jurisa agreed. She was glad he had found someone after so many years of service in the pack.

  Beryx shrugged his shoulders. "Not mated yet," he said ruefully and they shared a laugh.

  "Be patient," Jurisa said, "Everyone needs time to adjust."

  Beryx nodded, licking his lips. A familiar look of anxiety showing in his eyes. Jurisa had seen that look in too many of her pack members over the years. It was the discomfort of being separated from one's mate before consummation.

  "Go check on her," she said to him, gesturing towards the village beyond the forest. "We have a few hours before the run."

  Glancing at Jurisa for confirmation, Beryx grinned again and turned back the way they came. He jumped the trip wire, changed mid-air, and landed on four paws in a swift gallop. In moments, Beryx was gone, leaving Jurisa alone with her thoughts.

  She turned to the left, hearing something in he woods, the shifting of pine needles underfoot. Stilling her entire body, she listened and scented the air, but could only smell the deep, rich pine mingled with the still fresh odor of Beryx. Deciding it was nothing, Jurisa relaxed.

  On sudden whim, she changed into her wolfen form with thick salt and pepper fur and long, sharp claws, then took off towards a nearby river. No longer running a race, Jurisa allowed herself the freedom of an easy pace. Her mouth open as she panted. Her eyes squinting slightly as cool air rushed past her face. Tail up, she barked excitedly, warning all other animals in the area that a wolf was coming. Not that she minded a brief chase with a mountain deer. Jurisa was currently more interested in the glacial mountain stream ahead.

  She scented the sharp, cold water long before she reached the edge of the forest along the river banks and jumped in without giving herself a chance to think about how cold it would feel. It was bracing enough to shock Jurisa back into human form. She spluttered for a few moments before growing accustomed to the temperature. Spying a sandy riverbank, Jurisa picked up a handful and started rubbing it over her skin. Gritty and course, the sand helped removed the accumulated dirt and surface oils. Jurisa rinsed herself clean in the water and emerged feeling much more relaxed for her invigorating experience.

  She was in the process of swiping the excess water from her body when she heard the shuffling sounds of footsteps again. Turning into the light breeze, Jurisa picked up the scent of Feodor. She stiffened. He must be watching her from the woods. Jurisa slowly scanned the trees for signs of the hulking alpha.

  He'd been particularly aggressive in his attentions since a
rriving at the community. Jurisa didn't doubt he'd try to force a mating if he felt his odds of winning the hunt were poor. She knew for a fact that they almost certainly were, because she'd had his evening meal spiked with a sedative. It would start to kick in during the hunt and slow him enough that the other alphas could edge him out.

  The werewolf stepped out from behind some bushes in human form. Leering at her body, he came forward with palms open and forward to show he had no weapons.

  "You caught me, little gray," he said in a thick, eastern accent. "I am shamed."

  "I doubt you can experience any shame, Feodor."

  He laughed, stepping closer. Jurisa edged back into the water.

  "No further," she said.

  "I only want to apologize," he said with a mock pout.

  "Apology accepted. Now leave," she said.

  "Oh," he said, tilting his head, "That is not how we apologize back home. Let me show you."

  "No, thank you." Jurisa edged deeper into the water. She was a strong swimmer and could rely on the current to move her even faster if needed. Feodor didn't look as if he could stay afloat, let alone follow her.

  "Feodor, have the same idea I did?" A man's voice questioned as he emerged from the woods. Jurisa sighed internally. It was another alpha. Broad-shouldered and golden skinned, Dragos came from a community down in the valley, one that dared risk living close to humans. She didn't know much about him or his character. Jurisa hoped this wouldn't turn into a battle. She wouldn't be able to stop it. Only run as fast as she could to the village.

  Feodor grunted at Dragos, turning to face him and blocking the man's view of Jurisa. Undeterred, Dragos walked right up to Feodor and clapped him on the shoulder.

  "About a quick dip in the river?" Dragos said happily. He nodded politely at Jurisa and turned back to Feodor. "Looks icy. I wouldn't risk it if I were you. Too much of a shock."

  Uncertain of his position in these new developments, Feodor glanced back at Jurisa in the water. She'd submerged herself up to the neck, treading water in the middle of the river.

  "It does look icy," Feodor muttered. His stance changed, and Jurisa could see him visibly standing down. Relief flooded her.

  "Yes, it does. I'd rather head back and dig into another roast," Dragos said.

  "Eh." The large man seemed unsure what to say.

  "I'll walk back with you," Dragos interjected. "Jurisa," Dragos said to her, sweet as you please, before slapping a hand on Feodor's shoulder to urge him to the woods.

  With one last look back at the submerged Jurisa, he relented, stalking off with Dragos. Jurisa listened to them leaving. If she didn’t know any better, she’d swear Dragos just stepped into protect her honor. She slapped the water with a hand. More likely he was protecting his chances with a potential mate.

  Jurisa didn't get out of the water for a long time. When she did, she changed into wolfen form and ran full tilt all the way back to the village, berating herself the whole way. As the only alpha in her community, she'd gotten used to walking around freely. Her status and her mate meant she was protected from unwanted attack. Having so much power made it easy to forget the dangers inherent with being a rare fertile female.

  Now, she didn't have a mate and she didn't have protection. It was stupid to be alone with so many alphas from other communities around. They had different social codes. Some didn't afford females much in the way of freedoms. She had to remember that, especially now when things were so critical. Her people were counting on her to find an appropriate mate and also prevent their tiny community from being destroyed by the tense relationships her community shared with other certain lycans.

  Jurisa slipped into her cottage with a sigh. Home felt safe. It was the one place she could be herself. She grabbed a leather cloth by the door and dried herself of the few droplets of river water that hadn't dried during her run. Placing the cloth pack in its spot, she went into her room to pull on a chemise and loose dress. The dress would come off again later, so no need to worry about looking her best. By the end of tonight, none of them would look very good.

  Dragos convenient arrival by the river bothered her. He must have also been following her, or at least following Feodor. Given how suspicious males could be of one another during mating, that was a possibility. It didn't necessarily mean he had her best interests at heart. Dragos could simply have been protecting his right to claim her as a mate later on in the run. Still...

  Jurisa went into the living area. On the rough hewn table before her fireplace, she found a still warm pot of deer roast with root vegetables and some bread. Alexandru's lingering scent told her that her son had left the meal behind. Jurisa smiled, resting her hand on the handle of the lid for just a moment. Her proud son was having a difficult time adjusting to this whole plan. He'd made himself scarce these past few days. She could only imagine what he thought about another male entering her household. He would likely want to begin building his own home soon. If only to get some space from her and the new mate. Yet another sacrifice she was making for the sake of her people.

  Jurisa lifted the lid and set it aside. No regret. No time for pity. She was the leader of this community and she would have to act like it. With that, Jurisa found a plate and tucked into a large portion of roast.

  She was nearly finished with her meal when Beryx knocked on the outside door. She called for him to enter and he came in, bringing an air of tension with him like a cloak.

  "What is the matter?" She asked.


  "Beryx," Jurisa said.

  He shook his head. "I dismissed Cami from my service."

  Jurisa's eyebrows rose. She knew the young transplant from the Western River community was difficult, but hadn't expected Beryx to get tired of her so soon. Cami had all of the makings of an alpha, but she often used her will to cruel ends.

  "What happened?"

  Beryx snarled, his face partially changing into its wolfen form before shaking himself and returning to normal. A look of fury and disgust remained imprinted there. "She interfered with Sanda."

  Ah, that would be a problem. Jurisa took in Beryx's stance, the tension in his shoulders and decided that tonight's run would probably be good for him. It would burn off that anger before Beryx could let it fester any longer.

  "Very well," Jurisa said. She drank from a small cup of tea she'd brewed a few minutes ago. "I'll see to her training."

  The muscles in his jaw tensed, but he didn't say anything. This dismissal, though understandable, was a negative mark on his abilities as second to wield influence over others. Beryx looked at the fireplace, waiting while Jurisa finished her meal.

  Jurisa focused on keeping herself calm. Outside night fell and the run was dangerously imminent. She would soon flee from a pack of lust-mad alpha males, using all her wits to evade and stay ahead of them, until only one was left. Her mate.

  She sincerely hoped that male wouldn't be Feodor.

  "Did you make sure the sedative was added to the food?" She asked.

  "Yes," Beryx said, returning to her side, "All those you wanted out of the running have been slipped the drought. It's not enough to knock them out completely."

  "I know."

  Outside, the long low howls of many wolves echoed over the mountains. It was time. Jurisa stood, noticing how suddenly, wet warmth spread between her legs in anticipation of the mating. She damned her body and it's inconvenient timing once more. Beryx inhaled sharply, stepping a good distance back from her. He's picked up on it, she thought. Her body's readiness must be obvious now.

  Jurisa brought her dishes to the counter to clean later, while Beryx tamped down the fire to keep the coals warm. She pulled off her dress and hung it by the door, running her hands over the moisture covering her full breasts, pebbled nipples and flat belly. Already she'd broken out into a nervous sweat.

  They left the cottage, changed into their wolfen forms and jogged out to the edge of the pine forest where the entire community waited for them. Jurisa
felt their nervous agitation in the air when they arrived. The alpha males were already present, jostling and snarling at each other, a few clawed hands pulled back to swipe at furred skin, but no major fights broke out. When Jurisa came into the group, several of the alphas stopped to stare, pacing back and forth to get a better look. Her own community gathered round her in greeting, forming a protective phalanx. She did her best to calm their nerves, exchanging nuzzles with whining members of the pack, allowing the most anxious to loll at her feet while they licked her muzzle. It did calm her to know her people were here and committed to her as the alpha. They would intervene if she asked. They would also stay back at her command.


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