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With This Forever

Page 5

by Debra Clopton

  “Oh, really, no real rush on that one.”

  He pulled her to her feet and into his arms. He gave her a quick hug and a gentle kiss to the top of her head. “It’s going to be fun. We’re going to make your gram proud.”

  She chuckled. “She would have loved you.”

  “That sounds like very high praise. Thanks.”

  “It is. She would also wish you luck.”

  He chuckled. “Won’t need it. You’re going to love it.” As they headed back to the boat, he got the feeling something significant had just shifted in his world and it revolved around Sammy Jo.

  Sammy Jo got her shop opened by the end of the week. She was pleased with the look of the place, with the accessories and her designs; she felt excitement that shoppers would love them too. She had Jake on her mind every day since he’d taken her out in his boat. She barely knew him, and yet she felt as if she had always known him. How was that?

  Her gram had said the first time she’d seen her granddad on the beach at the Windswept Bay Resort, that something about him had called to her. Not one to believe in love at first sight, she wouldn’t let herself believe in it at first. But her gram soon changed her belief when she couldn’t stop herself from spending every moment with Grandad and she didn’t want to. From that moment of realization, until the day he died he was the love of her life.

  Sammy Jo couldn’t get that off of her mind as she sat on her little balcony at night and worked on projects and enjoyed her new life…but she also ached for her grandparents. But her thoughts always went back to Jake. And it had done so from the moment she’d first met him. Or first saw him, leaping over the railing and rushing to her rescue. But did she believe in love at first sight? She wasn’t ready to do that. She knew she liked him. So, she totally believed in like at first sight. She didn’t really know him…or did she—the voice in her head protested. She knew he was kind, compassionate, a strong hero. He made her laugh and he’d gone out of his way to help her in every way he could.

  What was there not to like? Something about him spoke to something inside her and that couldn’t be denied. Right now, she ached to see him getting off his boat, waving at her and smiling broadly up at her.

  On Tuesday evening, Jake took her to a pool as they’d decided to do after the snorkeling adventure. She was really nervous about it but wouldn’t admit it to him. He really wanted to help her. He taught her how to wear the mask and the oxygen tanks and, despite the fact that her chest felt as if it were going to explode, when she actually crouched down in the pool beneath the water’s surface, she managed to hold her panic in and not completely freak out.

  She would do this. She would. It just might not be as easy as Jake made out that it would be.

  When he drove her back to her apartment after their lesson, he walked her to her door.

  “I was wondering if you’d like to go out?” he asked. “For dinner, on a date?”

  A date. She had been enjoying his company but this totally took her by surprise. Probably because no matter how she sometimes thought he looked at her, she just couldn’t believe that he was actually interested in her in that way. They were so different. She was, after all, kind of living a lie. She was playing at becoming adventurous. She wasn’t really and surely he understood that.

  She was an impostor, pure and simple, and she needed to remember that in order to keep her head from living in the clouds. This amazingly capable, handsome, unbelievable guy could not really be interested in dating her. “A date? Me?”

  “Of course, you.” He looked baffled now. “Who else would I be asking?”

  Her cheeks warmed. “I don’t know. You just caught me off guard. Sure, that would be fun.” Her pulse raced and panic threatened. Once he realized she was not adventurous enough to keep up with him, he would move on and then what would become of their friendship? It was a risk on so many levels that started with the risk of being hurt when he realized that she was just an ordinary female who truly had nothing in common with him. The man could have any woman he wanted. Women probably melted at his feet. What did he see in her?

  It was one thing to dream about a man like Jake but another to actually believe it could happen. It was dangerous and risky.

  “Can you go tonight? I know it’s last minute, but I just found out a great band is playing at Paradise Grill later tonight. I thought it would be fun and a way to welcome you to the community now that you’re settled in after a week of a lot of hard work on your part. My friend, Bert, owns the place. It’s on the beach, has great food and entertainment. And it’s going to be a gorgeous full moon tonight.”

  Her heart skipped. “Could we walk on the beach?” She smiled, because she had been looking forward to fulfilling that particular bucket list item. She knew it would be a stretch to get the kiss but a girl could hope.

  “You’re reading my mind. I thought we could mark another item off your bucket list.”

  “I can be dressed in an hour. Is that good?” She was going for this. If by some miracle he snuck in a quick kiss, she could probably die and go to heaven. This was craziness. But she suddenly felt very reckless. And that was just so not her. Could it be that he was actually rubbing off on her?

  “Perfect. I’ll go clean up and be back.” And with that, he turned and walked away.

  And Sammy Jo melted right into the chair by the door.

  Her insides muddled together in knots. She was going walking on a beach with Jake on a moonlit night. And if God were smiling down on her, maybe she could mark off being kissed by a man on a moonlit beach.

  Specifically, kissed by Jake. Because suddenly she knew no other man would do.

  Chapter Six

  Paradise Grill was busy as Jake held open the door and let Sammy Jo enter. She looked beautiful tonight in one of her soft pink creations. He gave the hostess his name, having made a reservation for the outside deck. As they were following the hostess to their seat, he paused at the bar area where Bert was visiting with customers.

  When Bert saw him, he excused himself and came over. “Jake, what’s up, man?”

  “Just came out for some good food and entertainment. This is Sammy Jo. She’s new in town.”

  “Nice to meet you. But are you sure about hanging out with this fella?” Bert grinned. “Maybe you need to look into this a little bit better. A lot of good guys in this town, but I’m not sure about the one that you’re with.”

  “Thanks a lot. With friends like you, I don’t need enemies.” Jake grinned.

  “I think I’m doing okay.” Sammy Jo laughed. “But thanks for the advice. I’ll keep an eye on him.”

  “Aw, I’m just giving him a hard time. Jake’s a good guy.”

  “Finally. Thanks for the endorsement.” Jake then placed a hand on Sammy Jo’s back and nudged her to follow the hostess. “Talk to you in a bit,” he said to Bert, who grinned and gave him a thumbs-up.

  They were just sitting down at their table when his sister Cali and her husband Grant came up. His sister had a gleam in her eye that told him she was very happy to see him.

  “Hi, I’m Cali Ellington, Jake’s older sister, and this is my husband, Grant. You must be Sammy Jo.” She held her hand out to Sammy Jo.

  “I am, but how did you guess?”

  Cali smiled from Sammy Jo to Jake. “He told me about your boutique. And he even said your clothing was really pretty. Do you know how much that got my attention? For Jake Sinclair, macho man himself, to say clothing is pretty was a very strong endorsement.”

  Sammy Jo blushed the color of her pale-pink dress. “Thank you.” She looked at Jake.

  “I’m just stating facts. She’s wearing one of her dresses right now,” he said looking at Cali.

  “And it is beautiful.” Cali’s gaze swept over the dress. “Would you ever care to put some things at the gift shop at Windswept Bay Resort? We’re always looking for specialty items and would love to give you some exposure.”

  Sammy Jo’s expression was of shock. “You would
do that? That would be amazing. I read about the resort before I moved here. My grandmother had described it to me in detail because she actually met my granddad at that resort. And they came back later and were engaged there. It’s been a long time, but I planned on coming and visiting to see where their love story began. I just haven’t had a chance yet.”

  “That is a wonderful story,” Cali said. “Our grandparents started the resort and then our parents took over. It’s just in the last year and a half my sisters and I took it over. We’ve done renovations but essentially kept the essence of how it looked from the beginning. So hopefully it will resemble what your grandmother described to you. So, let’s have lunch and talk, and not just business but as friends. We’d love to welcome you to the area. It’s a wonderful place and we’re glad to have you as a new neighbor.”

  Sammy Jo was touched. “I’d love that.” This was the reason she wanted a physical store: for the companionship she might find in a community. She’d been isolated enough and an online business was, at least for her, a solitary endeavor.

  “Shame on you, Jake. You should have taken her to the resort for dinner.”

  He laughed. “You know as well as I do that if I’d come to the resort, it would be all over town that I’d taken Sammy Jo out.”

  Grant gave a dry laugh. “You think your sisters weren’t going to hear about it anyway?”

  “A guy can only hope.”

  “And so can your sisters. I’ll call you tomorrow, Sammy Jo. Or better yet, if I can, I’ll drop by. You two enjoy your evening.”

  After they walked away, Jake leaned back in his chair with a sigh. “I guess you figured out I have some nosy sisters. And yes, I try to have a little privacy but it is not easy with four sisters. Cali is the oldest and then I have Jillian, Shar, and Olivia. They’re triplets.”

  “Wow, triplets. I think it would be wonderful to have siblings.”

  “Don’t forget that I also have four brothers. I could easily share a few with you.”

  He was funny. “Your parents might mind if you did that.”

  “If Mom and Dad thought they could find out anything serious about my love life, they’d be all for it. At this point, I’m the last holdout.”

  “I hardly qualify as your love life. This is our first date and it does fit in with helping me achieve my bucket list. I’m guessing that means they’re pressuring you?”

  He stared at her for a long moment, contemplating whether to touch her love life comment or let it ride for now. “They wouldn’t say so, but I’m feeling the pressure. But I’ll do that when I’m ready. No rush. This is our first actual date, and I’m not disappointed in it so far. Are you?” He’d said more than he’d planned but giving the same answer he always gave just didn’t feel right. He was feeling something new and different with Sammy Jo. Just the slightest touch of her hand sent his adrenaline into warp speed and he felt as if he were skiing down a mountainside on one ski without poles. And they’d yet to make it to the romantic walk on the beach. Anticipation held him captive and had him forcing himself to take his time eating and listening to the music in the background.

  But he was ready to be done with this meal and head out there now.

  Dinner had been so nice but there was a tension between them that had Sammy Jo’s insides knotted up. As they walked from the deck out onto the beach, she paused to just take in the way the moon shimmered on the water. She’d walked on the beach in the daytime already and loved to feel the sand beneath her bare feet. She slipped her sandals off and let them dangle from her fingertips while her toes sank into the gritty sand.

  “I just can’t get over how beautiful it is,” she said as they walked to the water’s edge.

  She struggled with the knowledge that he’d read her bucket list and knew that, embarrassingly, being kissed on a moonlit beach by a man was part of the list. Her nerves were shaky and now, she shot him a hesitant smile. “Now that I’ve felt sand beneath my feet, I can’t get enough of it.”

  “The beach fits you,” he said, over the sound of the surf. He caught a strand of her hair being buffeted by the wind and tucked it behind her ear. “You look happy.”

  She couldn’t move. “I am. I mean, I miss my grandparents something fierce, but I’m happy.” She had a vision of kissing him and heat swept through her. She was thankful for some protection in the low light, because she was pretty certain she’d just turned scarlet.

  He reached for her hand. “I’m glad you like the sand and the beach. It likes you. You’re a beautiful woman, Sammy Jo, and in the moonlight, you’re breathtaking. So, let’s walk.” He shot her what could only be described as a wicked smile. “That is on the bucket list.”

  She would have laughed but she was stuck on the fact that he just said she was beautiful. Heat from his touch sent tingles along her arm and his words had her mind stumbling. She could fall so hard for this man. Don’t get carried away, Sammy Jo. You’ll get your heart broken.

  They walked in companionable silence, listening to the ebb and flow of the tide and following the glow of the moon. They passed other couples enjoying the evening, some walking and some enjoying a kiss.

  She was glad the crashing waves were loud because they helped cover up the drumbeat of her heart.

  “You said your grandparents met on the beach at the resort.”

  “Yes. My gram was there for a work-related weekend. My granddad was visiting friends. They met looking for seashells. Somehow, they shared their first kiss on the beach later and fell in love.

  “When they left here, they continued the romance then came back and got engaged then married soon after. They always held a special place in their hearts for Windswept Bay, even though later it just wasn’t possible for them to return.”

  “So, do you think that you’re here in Windswept Bay to relive your grandmother’s dreams for her or is there part of you that would be here if it were strictly for you?”

  She thought about that. His hand tightened on hers. “I think it’s a little of both. I’m trying to start my own history. Yes, much of my bucket list was created by me and Gram as a fun project and there really isn’t much on it that is really risky. However, by making that bucket list, I think I was also looking for the fresh start it might give me if I could find the courage to achieve just some of the items on it. Beginning here on these beautiful beaches where my grandparents’ love story began seemed fitting. It makes me happy. So, I have no regrets about coming here.”

  “I’m glad. You fit here. You’ll like my sisters and they’ll help you get to know the business community. They know everybody.”

  “I’m excited. So, tell me about your family. Everyone is married?”

  “Yep. It started with my brother-in-law, Grant Ellington. He came to paint some sea life murals at the resort and, much like the story of your grandparents, he and Cali fell in love. And it seemed after that, my siblings started falling like dominos. It’s been a really busy time. But…” He paused and turned toward her, gently tugging her toward him. “Right now, I’m kind of understanding everything a little more than I had. I think you are lovely, Sammy Jo. And I’m glad you’re here.” His eyes sparkled in the moonlight and her knees melted. “There is a kiss on your bucket list, right?”

  His words sent a tingle up her spine. She froze, despite having barely thought of anything but that kiss on the list. She now was so embarrassed. “Yes, but it doesn’t matter.”

  He frowned. “It doesn’t? Are you sure about that?” He bent his head toward her.

  Her breath caught. “N-no. It feels…it feels like begging.”

  He cocked his head to the side and his gaze got a predatory glint in it. “You’re not begging. And believe me, I’m not feeling charitable at the moment.”

  She was having a hard time keeping her breathing steady. Her pulse pounded in her temple. “You don’t have to—”

  He cupped her face. “Yes, I do. I’ve had this moment on my mind ever since I first saw you. Believe me, I do have
to be the one to fulfill that item on your bucket list.” And then he dipped his head to hers.

  The world started spinning, and she reached for him to steady herself. One of his hands dropped as he wrapped his arm around her and held her steady. He pulled her close while his other hand tangled in her hair. Her shoes dropped to the sand as her fingers dug into his sides and her knees went weak.

  Emotions crashed like waves as her lips parted for his lips and she found herself being swept away by the feel of his kiss. Every fiber of her body burned as she melted against him. This was better than anything she could have imagined. More than she’d known to expect. She wanted…she wanted what?

  Her brain couldn’t form coherent thoughts. And then suddenly, Jake tensed then pulled away. He looked as dazed as she felt. The moon played across the hard planes of his face, casting shadows in his eyes.

  She was sure she was imagining the dazed part. She might be new to this kissing game but he certainly wasn’t. After a moment, he blinked. “Well, we wiped that one off your list.”

  The list. Right. “Yes,” she said, still breathless and trying to regain some sense of composure. “I think we did, or you did. You could go into the bucket list business with that kind of kiss.” Lame but it was all she could think of. She couldn’t say what she was really thinking, which was wow, just wow.

  His brows met and his expression grew serious. “That was some kiss. Maybe we better go back.”

  He picked up her sandals and handed them to her then took her other hand and they started back. It had been some kiss but that was all he had to say? She was confused. They walked back in silence, the spell broken. Was he having second thoughts about having kissed her?

  She told herself not to overreact. It wasn’t as if he had told her he was going to walk around the beach kissing her and fall in love with her. No, he had just said he was going to help her fulfill her bucket list, or at least part of it, and it was a moonlit walk and the kiss had been part of that.


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