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The Nutcracker Reimagined: A Collection of Christmas Tales

Page 38

by Le Veque, Kathryn

  “I’d rather do this alone. It’s one of those things, gotta see if I feel the tug.”

  It made sense to her. If he didn’t bond with the land, it was useless to purchase it. “As long as you let me know as soon as you decide. I’m not in a big hurry to sell, expected to hire a realtor in the spring. Right now, I don’t have a place to move to.”

  He followed her into the kitchen with his dishes, and silently cleaned off his plate and placed it along with his silverware into the dishwasher. The close proximity made Kennedy uneasy. Not because she didn’t like it, but because she liked it too much.

  The guy had to leave, because if he stayed much longer, she wasn’t sure it would be possible to keep from asking him out.

  And then why not?

  His gaze moved to hers, it was almost as if he read her thoughts by the darkening of the normally light blue eyes. “So, you’re single right now?”

  She knew her eyebrows lifted. “Yes. I am. You?” Were they really entering that song and dance? The one where two people tried to assess possibilities?


  Not sure what to say, she took a step around him to get her wine glass. His hand on her lower arm stopped Kennedy’s progress.

  “I know this is fast, but would you be interested in going out sometime?”

  And in typical Kennedy fashion, her mouth fell open. Yep, not exactly a good impression. “Ummm…” She was a master of words all of a sudden.

  Rick held both hands up. “Hey if you’re not interested, no hard feelings.” He leaned close to her ear. “But, I would like to explore the possibilities.”

  Whoa, so he was definitely bold.

  “I’d…I think it would be nice to do something.” Wow, she was totally screwing this up. “I mean, yes, I’m interested too.”

  His lips curved and it was impossible to look away. How she wished to be bold enough to kiss him in that moment. Because she knew she’d spend the rest of the night wondering what they would feel like over hers.

  What the hell. Kennedy cupped his jaw with her right hand and guided him down closer. “I am very interested in exploring the possibilities.” Heck yeah, now she was talking.

  His mouth was perfect as it covered hers. She held on to his shoulders, head tilted back, lips parting as his tongue dove past her lips. It was not a chaste kiss, it was a perfect first kiss. The man definitely knew what he was doing as his hand held her around the waist ensuring to keep just the right amount of distance from the waist down, while holding her against his chest.

  His lips trailed to the corner of her mouth before he straightened and smiled. “Thank you for dinner.”

  And then he was gone.

  Okay so he didn’t just turn and make a grand exit. They talked a bit more as he drained his glass of wine and placed it on the counter. She walked him to the door and once again he pressed a kiss to her lips. This time more of a promise of what was to come. But damn if she could remember anything said or could think straight after that first kiss.

  “We kissed. I can’t believe it,” Kennedy blurted out to Lucy the next day.

  Lucy hurried to the dining room table and dropped her tote. It fell sideways, her notebooks and planner sliding across the surface. “What happened? Who’d you kiss?” Lucy held up both hands. “Don’t tell me you and that hunky guy Rick already hooked up?”

  In typical Lucy fashion, her friend wiggled in an attempt to do some sort of sexy dance, which reminded Kennedy more of a snake. “You are such a slut.” Her friend threw her head back and laughed. “I would’ve tapped that too, if I were single.”

  “No. I didn’t tap anything. We had dinner and kissed. That’s it.”

  “Oh.” Lucy shrugged looking disappointed. “Maybe next time kiddo.”

  It was hard to put thoughts into words, so Kennedy stirred creamer into her tea and then poured coffee into another cup for Lucy.

  “It’s too fast. I practically just met the guy. But he asked me out…and well…”

  “Whoa,” Lucy shook her head, brows drawing together. “There is nothing wrong with being proactive. You like something, go after it. Besides, if you’re both single, what the heck. I’m proud of you Ken. You’re always regretting not taking action. This time you did it.”

  “But with him working here and also a prospective buyer….” She left the rest unsaid. Of course, she considered he’d only come on to her in hopes he’d get a better deal on the ranch. Or worse that he was some sort of con.

  “Besides, I’m almost thirty-three, I want to get married and have a kid before it’s too late. This guy seemed more like the hit and run type.”

  Lucy went around her and poured creamer into her coffee. “Yes he does, but damn, he can get away with it. So how was the kiss?”

  They worked for several hours and one by one, Lucy dispelled all of Kennedy’s misgivings about going out with Rick. Worse came to worst, they could always part as friends. No matter what happened between them, she would keep the business aspect of their relationship separate.

  Her phone jingled just as Lucy left. She answered it while pushing Arnold out the door.

  “Hey. We need to talk. Can I stop by? I’m in the area.”

  Kennedy let out a long sigh at her ex’s voice. “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “You and I, we have some unfinished business. I’m coming by. Just listen to me alright?”

  When he ended the call without waiting for her to answer, she swore out loud. Rick walked in her direction, his dogs on each side running in circles in attempts to get his attention. He’d not spotted her, so she moved back and watched.

  Laughing and saying something she could not hear, he pretended to chase after one of the dogs. The delighted dog barked and dashed away, while the other lowered to the ground, his rear in the air in a playful stance waiting his turn to be chased.

  The man was a delight to watch. Lean and muscular, she couldn’t even begin to imagine what he looked like bereft of clothing. Yeah, that was one place she didn’t need to go, especially not with Steve heading there.

  Suddenly Arnold dashed toward where Rick and the dogs were. Kennedy held her breath, terrified the dogs would attack the much smaller goat.

  “Arnold!” she called out and Rick looked up just as the little goat joined the melee. Arnold hopped in circles and at first the dogs stopped and studied the goat, who continued playing. Just as Kennedy reached them, the dogs sniffed at Arnold. They seemed to accept him, as they began a game of chase and dodge.

  “They’re pretty friendly,” Rick told her with a grin. “Seems they like him.”

  Arnold dashed around her legs with the dogs in pursuit. Kennedy lifted her arms as they circled her and then ran towards the corrals.

  “How are you doing?” Rick neared. “Good day?”

  Kennedy nodded. “Productive yes. You?”

  His gaze moved over her face and of course her cheeks heated. “Mine was good. Got a good lay of the land. Nice acreage you’ve got.”

  She wasn’t sure if it was meant as a double entendre. “Thanks. It is beautiful.”

  “About our date. Want to suggest a place?” Just then Rick turned toward the ranch entrance.

  Kennedy’s stomach sank. Shit. Her ex was there. Talk about horrible timing. “Let’s talk about it later, I best go see who this is.” She turned away and hurried toward the front of the house hoping to get Steve indoors before he did or said something stupid.

  Chapter Seven

  Steve was tall, slender and very attractive. For the entire time they’d been together, she’d never once considered seeing anyone else, as he appealed to every part of her. Now after not seeing him for weeks, it was so very different.

  The wall she’d built was as tangible as the air entering and leaving her lungs in rapid succession. Not sure why, she glanced from the porch to where Rick continued to stand. Although he didn’t look in their direction but instead was bent paying attention to his dogs, she had the impression he watched.r />
  “Come inside.” Kennedy took a step back when Steve reached for her, both arms outstretched.

  That was so not happening. Kennedy turned away.

  His gaze slid towards Rick and for a few moments the men sized each other up. Steve was the first to look away and studied her face. “He seems protective. You dating already?”

  “Whether I am or not is none of your business.”

  Kennedy groaned out loud when once again he looked toward Rick, brows lowered. “Looks familiar.”

  “What do you want?” She finally managed to get him to follow her inside. She didn’t close the door, nor did she sit. Instead feet planted apart, she crossed her arms and lifted a brow. “You don’t have anything left here. Harvey said he took your stuff to your mom’s place.”

  Steve focused past her on the Christmas tree she and Lucy had decorated just the day before. It was the same tree she put up every year. However instead of the usual green and red decorations she and Steve had purchased together, the tree was decorated in white. One less reminder of their life together.

  As if understanding, he lowered his gaze for a moment before meeting hers. “I want to come home. I love you Kennedy. I made a horrible mistake.”

  Was there an apology anywhere in there? Did she miss him asking for forgiveness? He’d cheated on her.


  Once again he reached for her. When she stiffened, he pressed his palm on her upper arm just for second. “I’m sorry. I messed up big time. Tell me what I can do to make things right.”

  Always a self-assured, cocky guy, it was strange to see so much vulnerability in him when he once again met her gaze. When his lips trembled, Kennedy swallowed, her throat constricting at the uncharacteristic show of emotion. And yet, her heart never once faltered.

  “I can’t Steve. It’s over. I don’t feel the same anymore. Maybe it was meant to be. A way for me to realize I am not in love with you. We need to move on.”

  “Is it him?” The question was loud, forceful. “Is that why you’re not even taking the time to think about it?”

  Here was the guy she knew. Not going to take no for an answer easily. “It’s me. I am moving on. You should too.”

  “Damn it Kennedy. We have ten years. It should count for something…”

  “Did it count when you were fucking around?” she yelled, unable to keep the anger from her voice. “I bet you didn’t consider it when you cheated on me.”

  “It was stupid of me. I don’t know why I did it. Can we please try again? I promise…”

  Kennedy held up her hand and took a step backward. Why was she still listening to him? Her shield cracked when pictures of them together began forming in her mind. Seeming to know he was gaining ground, Steve took a step toward her. “Please Kennedy. I love you.”

  Shaking her head, she swiped at a tear that rolled down her cheek. “Please leave.”

  “Listen to me. Let’s have dinner.”

  The day she’d found out he cheated had started out great. She and Lucy were shooting pictures just outside the kitchen when her cell had dinged. At first she ignored it, but when it kept chiming, she hurried inside fearful it was some sort of emergency.

  The pictures were from one of her ranch hand’s girlfriend, who’d gone to the cattle auction with Steve and her boyfriend. The upset woman had happened upon Steve and a blonde kissing and had snapped several pictures of the oblivious couple.

  Kennedy had asked her to find out more and later that evening, after Steven called and told her he was heading to bed, she’d gone to the hotel to confront him.

  Thinking it was room service, the blonde had answered his room door.

  She’d not made a scene, instead turned around and headed back to her car. Steve had chased after her pulling his pants on and making all kinds of excuses of how it had “just happened”.

  “Get out.” Kennedy let out a long breath. “We are never getting back together.”


  “You heard her.” The familiar voice behind Steve made him jerk around.

  Harvey’s steel blue eyes met Steve’s. “Go on now. I don’t want this to get ugly. She’s asked you to leave. I suggest you do.”

  Although Harvey was older than Steve, he was built and was definitely intimidating in a quiet, I’ll kick your ass without breaking a sweat, kinda way.

  “Come on Harvey. You know me. I am trying here.”

  Moving his head side-to-side, Harvey left no room for arguments. Just then one of Rick’s dog burst into the room. With happy yelps, he circled Steve’s legs demanding attention.

  Kennedy almost laughed at Steve’s confused expression. When the second dog entered and rushed to the water bowl in the kitchen, she almost groaned.

  If the owner appeared next, she’d scream. There were too many men in her presence. Could things grow more awkward?

  Steve narrowed his eyes. “What’s going on with you?”

  Unable help it, she closed her eyes and screamed, “Get out!”

  Harvey motioned for Steve to leave, his stern expression giving no room for argument.

  Just as Steve reached the door, Rick appeared.

  “Are the dogs in here?”

  “Who the fuck are you?” Steve’s jaw tightened, his lips pressed into a thin line.

  Rick didn’t bother replying, instead he whistled and the dogs rushed to him.

  Without looking at her, he turned on his heel and left.

  Great. Just fucking great.

  Chapter Eight

  Rick had purposely sent the dogs to the house after hearing the voices grow louder. The sneaky suspicion the guy was Kennedy’s ex had unsettled him more than he’d ever want to admit.

  All they’d shared was a kiss, nothing more. Besides, he had other issues to deal with. His sister’s runaway groom was still…running and before Christmas, come hell or high water, the guy was going to be married to Clara.

  Kennedy’s ex was almost his height, although Rick had about twenty pounds on him, it didn’t mean anything.

  Rick stood beside the porch in case Harvey needed him. “Everything all right?”

  “I got it handled,” Harvey murmured. “Steve was just leaving.”

  Steve. Okay, so that was the guy’s name.

  Moments later the car sped away, a trail of dust in its wake. Rick considered if he should check on Kennedy when Harvey walked past toward the stables.

  When she came around the corner and stopped short, it surprised him. Her mottled face, a clear indicator she fought to keep from crying, made his chest constrict.

  It tightened all right when he opened his arms and she rushed to him pressing her face into his shoulder. There was shudder of her body followed by a warm wetness on his shirt. Kennedy was crying.

  The bastard had made her cry. He should’ve punched the arrogant guy’s face in.

  “Hey want to come up to my place? We can watch Netflix and chill.”

  His attempt at humor had the right effect. She let out a sigh and looked up at him, her lips curving. “I’m sorry to be such a mess. I wish Lucy was here.”

  “I can eat ice cream and bitch. You got any?” He took her hand and led her back to her front door. After instructing the dogs to settle on the porch, they went inside.

  In his forty-some years of life, he’d never become accustomed to women crying and needing comfort. It seemed no matter what a guy did, they would either keep crying or act as if he was a complete moron.

  Kennedy did neither. She brushed tears away and went to the refrigerator. With a quart of chocolate ice cream in one hand, she opened a drawer and pulled out two spoons. She put the items on the kitchen table and plopped down in a chair.

  “So much for our first date.”

  He wasn’t sure what she meant. Did this mean she considered this a date? Or did she want to cancel the date they’d not gone on yet. Shit, he hated not knowing what to say.

  “This isn’t a date. It’s me listening to you complain. A d
ate consists of you prettying up and trying to impress me.”

  Kennedy rolled her eyes and her lips twitched. “You still want to go out with me?”

  He leaned forward and ate the ice cream from her spoon. “Hell yeah.”

  Kennedy’s gaze moved to his mouth and her cheeks flushed. “Oh.”

  Once again he was lost in translation. He dipped his spoon into the ice cream. Not a fan of chocolate, he ate the small amount and put his spoon down. “Unless you’re having second thoughts about him.”

  Fuck. What was he doing? This was not a made for TV movie. In his experience, this was the perfect time to take advantage of her moment of weakness. Pounce on the opportunity. It was perfect timing to get her in bed. At the direction of his thoughts, Rick grimaced. He was an idiot.

  “I want to sleep with you.”

  Her blunt comment made his eyes round. Had she read his mind? Damn, he shifted in his chair. Okay so he had a hard-on, but she couldn’t see it through the table.

  Cupping the back of her head, he pulled her forward and covered her mouth with his. The kiss, meant to be soft, went a bit too long, but he managed to drag himself back. “This is not a good time. You’re upset and probably not thinking clearly.”

  Kennedy nodded. “This is embarrassing. Forget I said anything.”

  “Nope, don’t be embarrassed. I want to sleep with you too. I tell you what. Think about it and if you still want to be with me, you know where I live.” He pressed another kiss to her lips, this time taking her mouth fully to convey how much he wanted to see her again.

  Somehow he managed to stand and hopefully keep his hard-on hidden as he walked out.

  Had he been an idiot to turn her down? Would the opportunity present itself again? Was he a complete moron?

  An hour later, the knock at his door answered the question.

  Okay so the last one was still up in the air. But when he opened the door to the beautiful woman, he forgot all about vulnerability, the quest for the elusive groom, and even Christmas.


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