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Dancer of the Nile (Gods of Egypt)

Page 11

by Scott, Veronica

  All his senses on fire, Kamin surged from the pillows, bending to take her hand and pull her into his arms. He kissed her, crushing her body to his, hands roaming over her back, the perfect curve of her bottom. He unfastened the simple knot on the upper garment and yanked it out from between them, his hand going to caress and savor the soft curves of her breasts. “Gods, woman, you’ve driven me insane.”

  She peeked at him through her long lashes. “My dance pleased you?”

  “I’ve never seen anything to rival the performance you gave.” Picking her up so she wrapped her legs around his waist, as he had fantasized so many times since they’d met, he carried her the few steps to the pillows and laid her tenderly on the soft surface. Tearing off his confining robes, he unwound his loincloth to let his erection spring free.

  She lay on the pillows, smiling at him, only the scanty loincloth remaining to her. Kamin’s knees trembled ever so slightly with the sheer effort it took to restrain himself from coming just admiring her body displayed for him. Nima reached up one hand to him. “Is something wrong?”

  “No, everything is perfect. You’re so beautiful, I want to take my time, admire every inch of you.” He lay on the pillows beside her, cupping one breast with his hand, relishing the weight and the satin feel of her skin, kneading the nipple until it was a bud, then lowering his head to tease and suckle. She held him close, one hand tracing the pattern of his muscles, gliding over his chest, past his waist, to curl possessively around his jutting cock.

  Kamin groaned, raising his head. “Nima, stop. Your dance has me so hot, I’ll finish before I can make love to you properly if you keep touching me.”

  “We have all night,” she answered, rubbing his cock in a slow, circular motion from root to tip. “Although I can’t perform an encore, since Andrios only lent me the services of his musicians for the space of one song. Grudgingly.”

  “A repeat performance of your amazing dance would probably kill me right now.” He captured her mouth again. Sliding one hand along her body, enjoying the feel of her supple dancer’s muscles under his palm, he caressed the curve of her hip before sliding his fingers under the edge of her loincloth, parting the silky curls and finding to his delight and relief that she was wet and slick. The discovery was so pleasing, arousing him even more, it was a moment’s work to rip the fabric away from her body, Nima lifting her hips to make the process easier.

  Pushing her thighs open, he slid down her body, admiring the effect of his darkly tanned hands on her soft thighs and exploring her with his tongue, licking, savoring the essence of woman. She tunneled her fingers in his hair and arched her body as his skillful massaging of her most private places brought her closer to climax. Convulsing under him, she screamed his name. As her tremors of pleasure diminished, he withdrew, taking her in his arms again and gazing tenderly into her face.

  “Good?” He kissed her on the lips, smoothing her hair away from her face.

  “Mmm.” She nodded, one hand trailing down his back in a light caress, leg hooked over his.

  “Well, then, as this is finally the right place and the right time, let me improve on the beginning we’ve made.”

  He reached to guide his throbbing cock into her body, now thoroughly ready to accept his girth. The sensation against the head of his shaft was intense as her soft sheath expanded, and he had to stop for a moment, breathing deeply, to keep himself from thrusting hard and coming too soon. Impatient now, she shimmied her dancer’s hips a bit and drew him further inside, clenching and releasing, in the most erotic pulsation he’d ever felt.

  Closing her eyes, Nima apparently concentrated all her attention on goading him past the point of no return. Her hands stroked his back while her legs were locked, holding him, urging him to plunge deeper. She was hot, slick against his hard cock, and Kamin stopped resisting the demands of his body, plunging deep, then almost withdrawing in a rhythm that intensified as his control slipped. She met him move for move, her trained core muscles contracting in ways he’d never experienced before, massaging his cock as he penetrated her until he found release in one long, exuberant moment. From the way she was moving against his-still rigid shaft, he could tell her own pleasure was not quite complete. Reaching with one hand to where their warm, sweaty bodies joined, he found the tiny pearl he knew could send a woman over the edge and massaged firmly as he thrust in and out.

  Nima’s second orgasm was even more powerful than the first, paroxysms of muscle tremors driving him to another release of his own, jetting his seed deep into her.

  Spent, he collapsed, rolling with her in his arms so they lay together on their sides, joined, hot and sweaty, but satisfied. Nima’s eyes were closed. Tenderly, Kamin traced his finger over the apple of her cheek, bringing his hand to her breast and circling the nipple with his fingertips. He lowered his head, catching the rosy tip gently in his teeth before he suckled, his tongue swirling around the sensitive spot. She squirmed, trying to get even closer to him.

  Releasing the nipple, he blew a soft breeze across the pebbled surface. Nima shivered.

  Raising his head, he met her gaze, and words he’d never uttered before came from deep within his soul. “I love you.”

  Her face softened into a tender smile. “And I love you, my brave soldier.”

  “I’ve longed to hear that declaration on your lips.” He rolled over, semi-erect cock sliding out of Nima’s warmth. He positioned her with her head pillowed on his broad shoulder and pulled the nearest blanket over her. Hooking one leg across his thighs, Nima ran her hand across his taut abdomen, tracing the muscles, then sliding her hand to his cock. She gently massaged his balls for a moment, rolling them in her hand, before stroking the sensitive area directly behind them. Kamin took in a long breath, pleasure tingling in his every nerve, as she paid fascinated attention to his manhood. Nima changed her position, moving to pillow her head on his thigh, reaching to take possession of him. Holding his shaft firmly in her hands, she licked the head in a swirling motion, softly blowing air across the sensitive surface as he had done to her body earlier. He clenched his fists in her hair, restraining himself. He wanted her mouth on him more than he wanted to breathe, but the choice had to be hers.

  Nima took him in her mouth, lush lips holding him in place as her tongue played. The warm wetness of her mouth and skillful swirling of her tongue on his cock was exquisite torture.

  Grasping at the last shreds of self-control, Kamin fought not to release his seed no matter how his body strained. His voice was hurried, a bit breathless. “Nima, I’m going to come if you don’t stop.”

  She applied the suction of lips and tongue to him one moment longer before raising her head and licking her lips, smiling. Her hand stroked the length of his throbbing shaft, applying light but teasing pressure.

  Kamin pulled her up and positioned her under him in one rapid motion, seeking the hot core of her body as they moved together, knowing she was more than ready to accept him again. He brought her to climax at the instant he himself was losing control, and they locked around each other in a fierce, passionate embrace. He reveled in her pleasure even as he was satisfied.

  “You, my dancer, are an amazing woman. I’ve never met anyone to equal you,” Kamin said, kissing her thoroughly before rising to get a pitcher of water and cloths stacked in the corner of the tent. The water was warm, and he bathed Nima’s body with loving care as she drowsed. He washed himself rapidly and rejoined her on the pillows, curling up together as close as they could get.

  “You were more than worth waiting for,” he whispered in her ear.

  Pulling the cover up over them both, Nima made a small “mmm” sound of satisfaction and contentment as she drifted to sleep, nestled against him.

  Chapter Seven

  In the morning they made love again, quickly, with no time to properly savor the moment, as the sounds of the caravan preparing to leave could be heard all around them. As he lay back on the pillows, Kamin stroked Nima’s hair away from her flushed
face and kissed her cheek. “Not exactly the way I wished to greet the morning, my love, but I have a feeling if we don’t leave this bed soon, they’ll start taking the tent down around us.”

  She kissed him back. “Agreed.”

  They both got up, searching out their clothing, and made hasty work of dressing.

  “Must you work again today?” she asked while he was buckling on his weapons.

  “No. I told the loadmaster I’d only give him two days of labor, since we depart the caravan midday.” He held out his hand. “Shall we go see the baby camel after grabbing some breakfast rations?”

  As they strolled out of the tent, four men standing by immediately brushed past them and began taking the poles and fabric down. Nima blushed a little but kept her head high as Kamin escorted her away from the crew. While he gathered some dates and hard rolls from the caravan cook for their morning meal, Nima returned the borrowed clothes to Thala. Kamin watched from afar as she exchanged hugs with various dancers. Munching on his breakfast roll, he tried not to grin at the obviously sour look on Andrios’s face.

  He held his tongue when she rejoined him. A wise man learns from his mistakes.


  They’d been marching for several hours, hand in hand, chatting about inconsequential things, when suddenly the rhythm of the caravan stuttered, camels ahead of them jerking to a stop with much cursing on the part of the drovers. There was mild chaos.

  Kamin stopped, looking around with his eyes narrowed. “I don’t like this. The one thing a caravan never does all day is come to a halt before the appointed hour or at the desired destination. Even if a camel died under its load, the others would be walked around it. Something must be seriously wrong.”

  Nima clutched his arm. “Could it be the Hyksos?”

  “Perhaps.” He checked the nearest drovers but didn’t see anyone he recognized, much less someone he’d trust with Nima’s safety. “I should go reconnoiter, but I hate to leave you here alone.”

  “I have my dagger.” She showed him.

  “Someone comes.” He shoved her behind him and drew his sword.

  “It’s only Thala.” Sighing in relief, Nima stepped away to greet her friend.

  Face set in worried lines, Thala was swathed in her cloak, walking as fast as she could without breaking into an attention-drawing run. “You’ve got to flee,” she said as soon as she drew near. “There’s a party of Hyksos determined to search the caravan. Their leader is a man by the name of Amarkash, and he seems sure you’re here.” She thrust a parcel at Nima. “Water, some food. A map. Ptahnetamun is trying to delay the enemy commander, saying they’ve no right to search his caravan. He passed the word to his men to make as much confusion with the camel strings as they could, while I came to find you.”

  “But he’ll have to submit eventually,” Kamin said. “He won’t get embroiled in a fight on our behalf.”

  Nodding at his assessment of the situation, Thala gave Nima a hug. “Ptahnetamun said to tell you to go due east for an hour or two until you reach a large rock formation taller than two men and then the map will help you find the actual track he spoke of, the one that has wells and an oasis. Quickly now, you haven’t a moment to waste.”

  Kamin shook her hand. “Thank you for everything.”

  “I hope we meet again someday, in better circumstances,” Thala answered. “And another thing you should know. The Hyksos have one of their filthy priests with them.”

  “A priest of Qemtusheb? Are you sure?” Kamin was dismayed by the news.

  “I recognize the robes.” She spat. “I’ve seen them before, when we traveled outside of Egypt. They practice human sacrifice and black magic so you must avoid him at all costs.”

  “Where did he come from?” Nima’s voice shook, and her eyes widened in horror.

  Shrugging, Kamin shook his head. “I wouldn’t be surprised if another group of Hyksos has joined Amarkash, like the men who captured me did.” He held out his hand. “Let’s go.”

  Staying low and using every ounce of cover he could find in the barren wasteland, Kamin led Nima away from the caravan, expecting any moment to hear enemy war cries, but luck or the gods favored them.


  The sun rose higher, and the day heated up inexorably as their journey continued. After a while, Kamin slowed the pace, glancing at Nima occasionally to make sure she was doing all right. He brought them to a halt in the shade of a few gnarled, spindly trees and handed her the water skin.

  Before packing the water away, he kissed her, licking the water droplets from her lips. “We’d better keep moving.” He offered her his hand, and reluctantly she rose to step away from the meager shade.

  Pausing in midstep, Nima jerked her head in the direction they had come. “Did you hear something?”

  He loosened his sword in its sheath. “No. What do you think you heard?”

  Hesitating, Nima struggled to describe the sound with certainty. “Like a dog’s howl,” she said finally. “Far away, though.”

  “Perhaps a band of nomads is in the vicinity. One of their herd dogs. We’re traveling toward some water source, according to Ptahnetamun,” he reminded her.

  “No dog I ever heard howled in such a tone.” Nima shook her head.

  “I didn’t hear the noise, but as long we don’t hear it again, I don’t think we need be concerned.” Kamin squeezed her hand in reassurance, but left his sword ready to draw rapidly if necessary.

  They hiked, soon increasing their speed to an easy run, Kamin holding his pace to hers.

  Every couple of minutes, he checked the empty landscape behind them, walking backward for eight or nine paces, scanning the horizon.

  After the fifth time he performed this ritual, Nima challenged him. “What’s wrong?”

  He frowned. “I can’t shake the feeling something is following us. Even if we haven’t heard howling for a few minutes now.”

  Eyes wide, she glanced at the horizon behind them. “Why would anything follow us, except for the Hyksos?”

  He rolled his shoulders. “I don’t know. The common predators out here on the open desert should be afraid to tangle with humans, at least in broad daylight.”

  Cutting across his words was a definite howl, from more than one animal’s throat. Kamin gave Nima a gentle push to urge her to run, sprinting hot on her heels. Not breaking stride, Kamin unslung the bow from his shoulder and nocked an arrow to the string, ready to defend his woman.

  The terrain subsided abruptly, leading to a small stream running through the narrow vee at the bottom of the hill, before rising again on the other side. Kamin helped Nima balance as she skidded down the slope, the shale and gravel loose under her feet. At the bottom, they waded through the shallow water hastily and began the strenuous climb up the other side.

  Nima glanced back the way they’d just come and a scream tore from her throat. Losing her balance on the crumbling hillside, she clutched at Kamin to keep from tumbling all the way to the bottom, ending with a dunking in the stream. One arm around her waist, he checked to see what was behind them to frighten her so, and his stomach clenched.

  A huge dog-like creature watched them from across the river divide. The head was unusually small for the body and round, with a pointed muzzle and pointed ears, pricked up as it stared at them. The animal’s back sloped to muscular hindquarters, and its hair or mane stood upright along the spine, its bushy tail wagging slowly as it bared fangs at them. Stripes ran along the creature’s spine, with spots on its hindquarters. A second joined the original animal. By Kamin’s estimate, they both stood about four feet tall at the shoulders, and each probably weighed as much as he did.

  “What are they?” Nima whispered.

  “Could be hyenas , although I’ve never seen any so big. The beast has the appearance of some kind of demon spawn—see the reddish eyes?” Kamin gave her a gentle push. “Keep going. Get to the top of the hill.”

  Obediently, she adjusted her burden and took a few steps.
  The animal snarled, red, viscous drool dripping from its bared fangs onto the sand. It gathered its haunches as if to spring across the small valley at them. Kamin lifted the bow and took aim. It can’t believe it can make such a leap. No sooner than the foreboding idea flashed through his mind, then the hyena launched itself into the air, clearly possessing the power and agility to jump the distance. Kamin shot his arrow, striking the beast between the eyes.

  Moving with practiced skill and speed, he nocked another arrow, aimed and shot while the hyena shrieked defiance and crumpled in midair. The animal landed hard on the incline below him, red, rage-filled eyes locked onto his, front paws scrabbling at the dirt as if to pull itself toward its prey. Kamin shot again, hitting the center of the throat. The hyena fell on its side, sliding into the stream, where it twitched once before dying.

  Black ooze foamed from the animal’s wounds, eating into the ground, and where it had fallen into the stream, the water boiled away, noxious steam rising to the sky. Keeping his eyes on the second hyena while he climbed the hill in a sideways motion, like a crab, Kamin made his retreat, bow at the ready.

  Nima caught his arm when he reached the top. “Did you see what happened when it died?”

  He nodded, moving her behind him. Lifting its head, the other hyena howled, a long mournful cry, then loped away, back across the dunes.

  “Killing its pack mate must have scared the creature off,” Nima said.

  “Not likely.” Kamin checked the carcass in the stream, which continued to deteriorate, becoming mangy fragments of skin and gray bones. “At least they can be killed.”

  Renewed howling from more than one throat sounded in the distance.

  “Oh, goddess, there must be a whole pack of them,” Nima moaned.

  “We need to run.” Kamin suited action to the words, pushing her ahead of him. “We’ve got to find somewhere defensible. If they catch us on the open plain, we’re done for.”

  Nima risked one quick, sidelong glance at him as she ran. “How many arrows do you have left?”


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