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NICK (Carsonbrothers Book 3)

Page 7

by S R Dyble

  "Sawyer and Ted?" Nick asked, taken back.

  "Yeah! And these are my other friends, Luna and Frankie."

  Bloody hell, these lasses looked like models as they strutted over to Nick to shake his hand. This was seriously awkward for me to watch and I realised how little I played in this conversation. Offering a smile, I slid around Nick to walk away but he grabbed my hand, an action not going amiss by Olivia's quick eyes.

  "This is Lilly. Lill', this is an old friend."

  "Before he and his brothers packed up and left without even a word," Olivia teased and beamed before almost yanking my arm off in a far too enthusiastic handshake.

  "Nice to meet you," I said, her eyebrows lifting almost instantly.

  "Your accent," she said, taken back.

  I cleared my throat, "Yeah, slightly different, I know."

  "I'll say," Frankie said from behind her.

  I couldn't figure these lasses out. They seemed so nice when they weren't assessing my badly dressed body.

  "We should be going, but it's been great to see you..." Nick said, getting ready to walk away.

  "We're at the shabby looking house about six houses down. Come visit, okay? We're having a bonfire tomorrow night and it's pretty much party time 24/7. It's not to be missed."

  I couldn't believe she was directing her invitation at me and I nodded like a stunned fool, trying to thank her in the process. I took my turn to leave, leaving Nick with the three of them as I paced back up the few steps and onto the porch leading back to the house. Once inside, I took a deep breath after feeling overly awkward. Then shortly after as I made my way to my room, Nick came into the house, calling my name and I turned to look at him.

  "Food, remember?"

  I nodded. "Just give me a sec, okay?"

  Once inside my bedroom, I took another deep breath and made my way over to the counter and placed my small-sized shell onto the wood. In the bathroom, I tended to my face, realising that I'd let myself go the last day or so in the process of worrying about my parents. I took a bobble and tied my hair up high, then made my way back out and towards the kitchen. It hadn't crossed my mind that I'd hardly eaten at all since being here. Just the odd breakfast bar from my bag and a bottle of water I carried around with me. My body had just realised that it was starving and the smell of the food Nick had prepared made my stomach growl as I ran my hand along the counter. The kitchen was open-plan just like the dining area and the living-room area. The three sections alone stretched two of the outer walls of the house. Nick turned around from the counter, holding a bowl of salad.

  "You ready?" he asked.

  Nodding, I followed him over to the dining table where other bowls and plates were laid out for us. Then two wine glasses sat beside the table mats.

  "You don't drink wine," I stated.

  "Figured I'd give it a go," he shrugged.

  "You tryna impress me?"

  Smiling at me, I expected a smart reply from him but like earlier on the beach, Nick seemed on edge. I headed over to the fridge, took out two bottles of beer and found the bottle opener in the drawer before making my way back to him and handing him a bottle. As I sat, he stared at me longer until I stopped to ask what he was staring at. Then he sat down and helped himself to food.

  "Thank you for cooking," I said, after tasting the food.

  "I figured you'd starve if I didn't. The house was fully stocked for our arrival so I figured I best take advantage of the ingredients."

  "The house was fully stocked?" I asked and he nodded. I'd never heard anything like it. Except for maybe celebrities or billionaires. I eventually nodded and silence swept over us as I wondered what it was that Nick wanted to talk to me about. I had a pretty good idea, but instead, he turned the conversation in a different direction.

  "How are you feeling after seeing your parents?"

  "Let's not talk about my parents," I said quickly, picking up my beer and taking a sip.

  I didn't like how Nick was looking at me, it made me so self-conscious. He ignored my wishes completely.

  "Have you spoken to them about it?"

  I frowned. "About what?"

  "How being alone all the time, isn't what you want," he suggested.

  "How do you know what I want?" I cleared my throat and took a drink. "I mean, there's nothing to tell them."

  "Maybe if you tell them, they'll understand and they'll stop," he continued.

  "Nothing I say will stop my parents nearly killing themselves to get the next best story."

  "You don't know that," he persisted.

  "Then why haven't they stopped already? Why aren't I already enough for them to stop?" I snapped.

  "Lilly, I didn't mean… I'm just tryna understand—"

  "Understand what? There's nothing to understand," I said, getting up. I thanked him once again for the meal before walking away with my beer.

  I planned on spending some more time on the beach, maybe I'd make my way over to Olivia's house like she'd suggested and drift into the party spirit.

  "Lilly, baby, wait. I'm sorry, please don't—"

  "Baby? Why are you calling me baby?"

  "Does it matter?" he asked. "I'm trying to apologise."

  "There's nothing to apologise for, I mean, you really don't know what you're talking about… You barely know me." I stared at his face for only a few seconds, noticing the change in his expression and the way he looked down. Then I opened the door leading outside and made my way to the sand. Right now, this was my favourite place to be. The longer I sat on the beach watching the sunset and hearing the sweet lullaby of the waves, the more my body cleansed. It had been about an hour when I glanced back around at the house, only to see Nick standing in the window, watching me. He had a phone to his ear and I could see his lips moving. I wondered if he was talking to one of his brothers, or if he'd received a call from Delta. That reminded me, I had to ring Eves. Although we were in constant communication via Messenger, it wasn't quite the same as talking on the phone.

  The next day I woke up ready to do some sight-seeing. I wanted to clear my mind of my parents long enough to actually enjoy myself. I wandered around the house tryna find Nick but he was nowhere to be seen. Even after calling his phone, there was no answer from him. I figured he was still pissed at me after our conversation the night before. I'd spent all night outside and when I'd come inside, Nick had been sitting on the couch surrounded by empty beer bottles and hadn't spoken to me at all as I'd headed to my room. As I waited for any sign of him, I took the time to ring Eve, although not sure of the time back home…

  "Hey!" Eves answered. "Wait, won't it cost you a fortune ringing from your mobile?"

  "Crap, I hadn't even thought of that… Sod it, it doesn't matter. I'm gonna talk to you anyway, I need to know how Erin is. And you, of course."

  "She's perfect, the no sleep thing is kinda hard, not gonna lie... But it's worth it because I get to stare at her beautiful face."

  "Aw, Eves," I smiled.

  "I'm sorry, I know that sounds so soppy. I just love her so much."

  "Don’t be daft, it’s lovely," I told her.

  "Tell me all about your parents. Your message was brief..."

  "Yeah, I sent that message after meeting with them and I didn't wanna worry you... They told me about their plans. They're heading back out to sea in a couple of weeks."

  "They're what!?"

  On the phone I could hear someone shushing her, and I figured it was Kit.

  "Can we expect anything else?" I asked.

  "I can't believe they're being that delusional!"

  I kicked my feet through the sand as I continued to walk down the beach.

  "One second, I'm just heading downstairs to be alone. I don't wanna wake Erin up."

  I nodded, although she couldn't see me.

  "I seriously hope they change their mind, surely they have to see sense," Eve continued.

  "They haven't seen sense all this time… I doubt it's gonna start now." I answered. "
Anyway, I don't wanna talk about that. The next two weeks I'm on holiday, okay?"

  "If you say so… Should I ask how it has been going alone with Nick?"

  I rolled my eyes, not at her question but the situation I found myself in.

  "I dunno, Eves. I'm just tryna move on after everything that's happened, you know?"

  "Well, I don't because you've never told me, but I understand."

  I sighed and took a few moments, I searched along the beach for any sign of listening ears nearby. Then as I admired the view, it dawned on me that I had to be honest with Eve. She deserved that more than anything and I couldn't conceal it any longer. Not because it was getting beyond belief, but because Eve was basically my sister and had shared everything with me.

  "You know I fell for him... I'm just trying to forget those feelings, knowing they were stupid and that I got caught up in something that wasn't real."

  "How do you just forget feelings like that?" she asked, but I didn't know how to answer that question. "Especially considering you're living in a house with him…"

  "I'm trying, Eves."

  I spent the next thirty minutes explaining from the very beginning, everything that had happened between me and Nick. Silence was all I received in return for a short while, making me nervous for her reply.

  "I know what you're thinking: I told you so," I said, rolling my eyes.

  "Is that why you didn't tell me because you thought I'd say I told you so?"

  "I think I was afraid you'd tell me how much of a complete idiot I was being. That you'd tell me to stop."

  "You got caught deep, Lill'. I understand, but is being in a house with him really helping?" she asked, concern clear in her voice.

  "I'm tryna work to a level with Nick so I won't wanna kill him anymore, honestly. He said he wants us to be friends."

  "Wow… he's a bloody idiot," she concluded.

  "No, it's actually really smart, I think. If we're gonna see each other regularly, we need to be civil. He said we started as friends before he fucked it up."

  "When you put it like that… He's still a fucking tool. I love him, but Jesus, Nick. Idiot."

  Eve continued talking to herself as if Nick could hear her telling him how much of an idiot she thought he was.

  "Just promise me you won't mention any of this to him?" I asked.

  My request was met by silence and I begged for her to promise me.

  "Fine. I'll let you both be, but I'm not happy about it..."

  I smiled. "You're such a mother bear now."

  "Just don't be a fool, Lill', okay?"

  "I'll try. Is that everything, Mam?"

  "Enough of that, you're making me feel old. The lack of sleep alone I swear has aged me drastically..."

  I laughed and shook my head, "I can only imagine how beautiful you still look, even sleep-deprived."

  I would know… I'd seen Eve in a horrific state before. The loss of her parents and brother had destroyed her, and I was there to witness it. Despite that, she still always looked naturally beautiful.

  "I love you, Lill'. Stay safe over there."

  "I love you, too. Tell Erin I love her. And tell Kit I say hey."

  "I will. Should I tell him you love him, too?" she teased.

  "Not love… more like a brotherly bond I'm keeping my eye on and will detonate at any given time should he hurt my best friend…"

  "Right… I'll just say hey then," she chuckled.

  I snorted. "You do that. Bye, Eves."

  "Talk soon."

  Once I'd hung up, I went back in search of Nick again but couldn't find him. I was determined not to open his bedroom door but I had to make sure he was okay. I peeked my head around the corner of his door and saw him sprawled across his bed as if he'd collapsed there only in his boxers. He was breathing peacefully and I had to fight everything inside of me to walk away and shut the door behind me. So that was it. I was going alone today. By the front door, I placed my backpack on my back and made my way down the beach. On my way, I passed the house Olivia and her friends were staying at. It was completely quiet and I figured it was way too early for their hungover selves to make an appearance to see me. I was thankful, I really didn't wanna talk. I walked for about thirty minutes until I recognised the beginning of the town. The beach was starting to fill up with people as I headed up the steps and towards the first rows of shops. I was in search of sunglasses because I'd left mine at home in the mad rush and my eyes couldn't strain in this sun any longer. Then I caught sight of the rows of bikinis lined up, all made from beautiful fabrics. As the shop started becoming busier, I wondered if it would be worth buying one. I did want to go swimming though I didn't really meet the criteria that every other girl my age met around here. I wasn't bothered about fitting in and I did want one of these bikinis. A short while later, I left with my much-needed sunglasses on and my bikini in my bag. I spent the next few hours wandering around the shops, taking in the surroundings and enjoying the peace and quiet. I hadn't even thought to check my phone once and that much was clear as I made my way back to the beach house. It had been almost five hours since I left but I wasn't expecting Nick to almost charge towards me down the beach as I neared.

  "Where the hell have you been!?"

  "Where the hell have I been?" I repeated his question in confusion. "I went down the beach to the town."

  "Why the hell didn't you tell me? I've been ringing you non-stop for hours!"

  "You have?" I asked, pulling my phone out of my pocket. "I feel like a child being yelled at here, what the hell is your problem?"

  "You're my problem. You can't just wander off alone, Lilly, you know this!"

  "I went for a walk to the town, calm the hell down."

  "You just don't get it, do you?" he snapped.

  "Yes, you think some bad men may somehow be interested in kidnapping the likes of me. I get you're under strict orders from Delta to watch me, I get it... Let's pretend the friend thing you were talking about actually exists and that you're not just playing me so you can watch my every move on behalf of them."

  "I watch your every damn move anyway, regardless of their orders, stop acting so fucking clueless."

  My frown deepened. "You are confusing the hell out of me."

  "Forget it. Just do me a favour, next time you wake up early and decide you wanna toddle off down the beach—or anywhere for that matter—let me know first, will you?"

  "It wasn't that early… if you weren't shitfaced last night, you'd have likely been up to see me off."

  He narrowed his eyes at me, then left me standing there alone.

  I placed my bags on the bed and strolled over to my window, still feeling bewildered by Nick. Maybe me being here with Nick was never gonna work. Perhaps it was time to just admit that and leave. I decided to get ready for the bonfire we'd been invited to tonight. If I had any hopes of wearing a bikini, I needed some serious grooming. First, I spent a few minutes calling the hospital to check in on my parents. I was thankful that I didn't have to actually speak to my parents. The nurse gave me a quick update, sounding rushed and in a hurry. She explained to me how eager they were to leave and I rolled my eyes before thanking her and eventually hanging up. I stood with my hands on my hips, feeling even more pissed after Nick's lecture and now the update I’d gotten about my parents. I raked inside of my bag and was thankful I had at least managed to pack my razor. I headed for the shower. About to lather myself up, I realised my shower gel had run out and I cursed. I was supposed to grab some today on my errands. I saw Nick's mint shower gel sitting on the side and eyed the wording. Minty fresh.

  Two seconds later and completely lathered up, I made quick work of shaving until I felt a crisp sensation between my legs and against the lathered up skin. True to the wording on the bottle, it was indeed refreshing, until the cold sensation turned into something else—hot burning directly on the sensitive parts I'd just shaven. In a bid to calm the hot slashing, I directed the shower head towards the area. The pain came f
ast and harsh, like hot wax being ripped from my vagina flaps. I full-on yelped, gripping at my private parts and jumping from the shower. I almost slipped like a naked Bambi, skating across the floor until I caught my balance and wrapped my towel around me. Then a knock at the door sounded, followed by Nick barging in. I screamed, forgetting that I was wrapped in a towel.

  "What's the matter?" he asked, searching around the large bathroom.

  "Nothing!" I yelled, telling him to get out.

  "Why are you holding yourself like that?"

  "Because you owe me a new vagina! Get out!"

  He eyed me, making himself comfortable.

  "What?" he pressed himself up against the door.

  "Jesus, what the hell is that stuff?" I asked, picking up the bottle and shoving it at him.

  "You used my shower gel? Why didn't you just use your own?"

  "I ran out, obviously!"

  Again, he eyed me up and down. "It makes me feel fresh, doesn't it you?"

  "Fresh? Yeah—fresh skin my body has to regrow!"

  He smiled, finding this rather funny.

  "It says: tested on humans, not animals. What human did they test it on, some leather-skinned mutant?!"

  I stormed past him with my towel wrapped around me. He stood still holding onto the doorframe and smirking at me as I passed. When I glanced back around, I could see him checking me out as I walked away.

  "Put your eyes back in your head, you pervert."

  "Yes, Petal."

  Not long after, Nick knocked on my door to ask if I was still going with him to the bonfire. I was thankful that he didn't open my door because I was a wreck. I told him I'd meet him on the beach and spent the next fifteen minutes trying to convince myself that I looked decent enough to flaunt my bikini. Perhaps I had been a bit too daring. I'd picked a peach-coloured bikini that had frills over the top line of the bra and knickers. It wasn't overly dramatic, and it wasn't the first time I'd worn a bikini, but I felt overly paranoid in this one. I tugged at the bra, trying to make my cleavage look less distinct. This level of self-doubt wasn't something I was used to. Normally I wore what I wanted, when I wanted and just focused on having a good time. It pissed me off that I felt so paranoid after meeting Olivia and her friends. I didn't even know anything about them. So fuck them and their judging eyes. I pulled on the lacy beach cardigan that I'd bought with my bikini and walked down the hallway to the imaginary beat in my head, nodding my head like an overly confident twat. I could have given Bee Gees a run for their money with my strut, humming the intro to stayin' alive with each step. I've got this, I thought, pouting my lips confidently.


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