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Heart Raider (Heartthrob Series, Book 1)

Page 14

by Knightly, Sophia

  “What evidence do you have?”

  “I have a paper trail that incriminates Elizabeth from the trust company she used in Grand Cayman to the bank account in Macau.”

  “Where’s the paper trail? In New York?”

  “No. It’s here. I have hard copies of everything.”

  “Here?” He stared at her incredulously. “You’ve been sitting on this information since you got here and you waited until now to tell me. Why?” he demanded, accusation sharp in his voice.

  “I couldn’t do it before, Nick. I was waiting for one more document before I could tell you.”

  “And now you have the document? How is that possible?”

  “I don’t have it in my hands yet. I’m supposed to pick it up in Miami. I have the rest of the files in my room.”

  He grabbed her hand and dragged her inside the house. “I want to see the papers. Now.”

  She wrestled out of his tight grip. “Gladly, but stop acting like a caveman. No need to kill the messenger,” she said stalking ahead of him, her head high and her back stiff with indignation. She needed to cool her temper or they’d be at each other’s throats and all because of his evil, greedy ex-wife.

  He whirled her around and kissed her hard. “I’m mad at myself, not you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  She kissed him back just as hard. “Good! That’s how I feel about you.”

  “And that’s why you’re off the investigation as of this minute,” he said, his mouth set in uncompromising lines.

  Did he actually think she’d let him take over when there was so much at stake? “No way! This case is too important to me—to us. I’m going to be right beside you all the way. I have the information you need, the contacts, the—”

  “Forget it. Whether that gunshot in Miami was random or not, the killing of your cat wasn’t,” he said bluntly.

  Her chest hitched. “I know and that’s another reason why I’m not backing out. I need to avenge Slinky’s death.”

  “And get killed in the process? I am not going to risk losing you,” he said, his tone resolute.

  She crossed her arms and thrust her chin high. “If you refuse to cooperate, I’m not giving you all the information.”

  “You play dirty.” Nick’s eyes narrowed into dangerous slits.

  “I have to. I’m a reporter,” she said smugly. “And besides, I love you. I’m not about to back down out of fear, not when we’re this close to breaking the case wide open. You need me.”

  “I need you alive.”

  “Exactly, but if you won’t work with me, I’ll do it alone. I started this investig—”

  “Damn it. Why do you have to be so pigheaded?” he bellowed, rubbing a hand over his face.

  “I’m not being pigheaded. I know what I’m doing, Nick!”

  “I know you do, Ronnie. But you’re a target now. Aren’t you the least bit afraid?”

  “No,” she said emphatically. “If I let fear get in the way of my work, I’ll never get anything done.”

  “Aren’t you afraid of anything?”

  “Yes, but not physical danger. I’m afraid of the emotional stuff,” she said, wishing he hadn’t asked it.

  He studied her with curious eyes. “What do you mean?”

  “Nevermind. This isn’t the time to get into it.” She couldn’t tell him her biggest fear was that he’d change his mind about wanting her. “I am not backing down on this case, Nick. Work with me or you get nothing.”

  Nick swore under his breath. He looked up at the ceiling, dragged in a deep breath and expelled it forcefully. When his blazing eyes met her eyes, his face and neck were crimson. “I don’t like your tactics. We’re wasting valuable time arguing.”

  “So quit arguing already.” She stood before him, square-shouldered and inflexible, with a determined gleam in her eyes.

  His jaw clamped tight and the skin on his face tightened as he grasped her shoulders and hauled her upward until his steely eyes bored into hers. Standing before him on tiptoe, she raised her chin and stared him down.

  “You think you’re invincible, Ronnie, but you’re not,” he said, shaking his head. “You’re good at what you do, but I refuse to be the source of your danger. If I agree, you have to follow my lead to stay safe. Agreed?”

  She stared at him, speechless with exasperation. He was acting like she was an amateur and all because he wanted to protect her. She was damn good at her job, had always managed to stay out of harm’s way.

  His fingers tightened on her shoulders. “Agreed?” he urged.

  “Agreed,” she said, backing down only because she’d already pushed him to the limit.

  “I’ll hold your feet to the fire,” he warned, releasing her shoulders.

  “Fine. But just remember we’re partners.”

  While he didn’t agree to the “partners” part, he didn’t disagree either. She took that as a good sign.

  “We’ll leave for Miami first thing tomorrow morning,” Nick said.

  “Okay. I’ll make the travel arrangements.”

  “Good. Now show me those papers. Don’t wait up for me. I’ll probably stay up all night reading them,” he said evenly.

  Chapter Nineteen

  While Nick retreated to his office with the files, Veronique called her childhood campmate and hotel heiress, Theodora Behr.

  “Hey, Teddy. It’s Ronnie,” Veronique said, missing her Heart Sister the minute she heard her cheery greeting.

  “Ronnie!” Teddy squealed. “It’s about time you called! Where the hell have you been?”

  “I’m on the Gulf Coast of Florida, and I just survived Hurricane Abby.”

  “Ha, I’ll bet. Nothing ever changes. Where there’s a story, Veronique Whitcomb is on the scene. When do I get to see you?”

  “Actually… I was calling because I need a favor.”

  “Okay, what’s up?”

  “I’m heading to Miami with a friend.”

  “A friend? Male or female?” Teddy asked with a chuckle in her voice.

  “Male, but I can’t get into it,” Veronique said quickly before Teddy wanted details. There was nothing she enjoyed more than discussing romance.

  “Aw, why not?”

  “Because it’s complicated.”

  “When isn’t it complicated?” Teddy teased.

  “I know, right? Anyway, I was wondering if you can get us a room at The Riviera for tomorrow night. I tried booking one, but there are no vacancies.” The Riviera Hotel was Teddy’s family’s luxury oceanfront hotel in South Beach, Miami.

  “Hmm, could be because they’ve just started a massive renovation. I’ll call Sylvia now and make sure she works her magic to get you a room.” Sylvia was Teddy’s father’s executive secretary and Teddy’s surrogate mother since she’d lost her mom at a young age. “In whose name should I make the reservation?” she drawled playfully.

  “Mine,” Veronique said, wishing she could say, “Make it in Nick Cameron’s name” instead. Teddy would’ve jumped up and down for joy and then gleefully tormented and teased her.


  “Thanks a million. Where are you living now?” Veronique asked.

  “I’m in Paris for the fall. After that, who knows?”

  “Oops, sorry for calling so late. It must be way after midnight there.”

  “It is, but no worries. You know I’m nocturnal.”

  “Are you coming to Miami anytime soon?”

  “Probably not. I have a few trips planned around some weddings I’m invited to.”

  No surprise there. Teddy was the quintessential “it” girl, traipsing through the world, learning new languages and making friends everywhere she went. It would take a lot to make her frisky feet touch land one day. Without knowing her as well as Veronique and Natasha did, anyone would think she was shallow, but there wasn’t a shallow bone in her body. Teddy had a heart of gold and was generous to a fault, but her penchant for partying hard often landed her in trouble.

  “Let’s plan a reunion over Christmas. I’ve missed you and Tash,” Veronique said. They always made it a point to meet at least once a year.

  “Yes, let’s!” Teddy cried enthusiastically. “Anywhere you want to meet up. You know I avoid going home since the amoeba put a hex on my father,” she said in a droll voice. “The amoeba” was Lola, Teddy’s young bombshell stepmother, who’d swooped in and married Teddy’s father when he was grieving over his wife’s death. “We could go skiing and stay at Daddy’s Swiss chalet or go someplace warm like St. Bart’s.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll see what Natasha wants to do and get back to you,” Veronique said, even though she hoped she’d be spending Christmas with Nick. Maybe the girls could come to Starfish Island instead…

  Stop being a dreamer, she thought, mentally slapping herself. It was going to take a lot of perseverance and trust to get there, but she wouldn’t go down without trying.

  “Sweet!” Teddy blew noisy kisses into the phone. “Talk to you soon, Ronnie. Can’t wait for our Heart Sister reunion.”

  “Me too. Bye, Teddy,” Veronique said, grinning at Teddy’s smooches. With keen anticipation of their trip to Miami, she opened her suitcase and began to pack.

  Nick’s hands formed white-knuckled fists as he stood stock-still before his desk. His head pounded and his gut roiled as he read the files containing evidence of Elizabeth’s fraudulent activities. As everything became clearer, his body shook with rage at his ex-wife and her lover’s treachery, but mostly he was livid with himself. He’d been a damn fool all these months, retreating from humanity to lick his wounds when he should have been at the forefront protecting his foundation from piranhas like Elizabeth and Zack. There was no doubt in his mind they were smugly syphoning the charity funds to Macau, and planning to laugh all the way to the bank when Zack got out of jail.

  He should have done what Ronnie had done, investigated Elizabeth’s activities, going down to the schools and checking on them himself. He’d been too busy reeling from his own pain, feeling sorry for himself, to act on anything else. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. He felt like kicking himself ten times over for being so blind and self-centered. If Ronnie hadn’t gone with her sixth sense and investigated Elizabeth, it might have been too late to save his foundation. He owed her big time. He would never call her a snoop again or tease her about being so inquisitive. Her inquisitiveness had saved his ass.

  He poured himself a two finger shot of Scotch. Taking a satisfying pull of the amber liquid, he began to formulate a plan on what he needed to do. As soon as they got the crucial piece of evidence in Miami, he’d call his lawyer, Fred Golden, and give him instructions. He’d have Fred meet with each board member individually, present the evidence and suggest a motion to dismiss Elizabeth as CEO. If they balked, Fred would then threaten to go to the authorities, which could result in very damaging information and charges of fraud, money laundering and tax evasion. That would harm the foundation and scare the crap out of the trustees. In addition, they could potentially be charged with negligence of duties resulting in loss of resources to the foundation. By the time he finished with Elizabeth, she’d be dismissed as CEO and compelled to return every last dime to the foundation.

  Then, he’d resume his rightful place as CEO.

  Early the next morning, Nick stuffed the papers into their respective files and threw them in a briefcase along with several wads of cash and his passport. Adrenaline pumped through his veins with an overload of drive and pure grit for restitution.

  After a quick breakfast, Veronique headed to her room while Nick packed his suitcase. She was running around the room, straightening it up and throwing things in her suitcase, when he came by later.

  “Meet me upstairs when you’re finished. I’ll be in my office,” he said.

  His office? That was huge validation and cause for celebration. When he left, Veronique hugged herself ecstatically. Nick had just invited her into his private man cave. He trusted her. She’d been worried sick when he never came to bed last night, wondering if he was upset with her.

  The door was open when she approached Nick’s office. The room was a large rectangle, lined on three sides with floor-to-ceiling book shelves filled with an impressive collection of books. The fourth wall was all windows. A large, sleek mahogany desk and a coffee colored leather armchair stood front and center. The room smelled of leather and Scotch, masculine and virile just like Nick. She saw the open bottle of Scotch and the glass beside it on the sideboard. She glanced at the large leather recliner on the far side of the wall, next to one of the bookcases. He must have slept there last night.

  Nick stood in front of a panoramic window, his legs braced apart, shoulders squared and hands in his pockets. In deep contemplation, he gazed out at the large expanse of Turquoise Bay.

  “Wow, that’s some view you have up here,” she said, coming up behind him. She put her arms around his waist and leaned her cheek on his broad back.

  He turned and looped his arm around her waist nestling her against his side. “The gulf is as still as glass today. Shame we have to leave,” he murmured, staring out at the ocean.

  Her eyes followed his gaze. Sun rays lit the calm sea, turning it shimmering shades of turquoise. The sky was a clear cerulean blue, with no clouds in sight. A flock of pelicans flew in sync in the horizon.

  “It’s so beautiful here. I’d much rather spend the day on the beach again,” she said. “With you.”

  He tilted her chin and gave her a toe-curling kiss. “When we get back, we’ll have time to linger at the beach.”

  Her heart leapt with joy. He was planning on bringing her back!

  “Promise?” she whispered, her breath catching with excitement as a familiar, restless ache began to build inside her.

  “Yeah.” He kissed the tip of her nose and pulled away. “If we don’t leave now, you’re going to end up on that desk,” he taunted with a sexy smile.

  Seductive images of them making love on the smooth mahogany desk sent ripples of desire coursing through her. How would the smooth wood feel against her skin? Her legs nearly buckled as she watched Nick’s confident, long-limbed stride when he ambled to the door. Powerful and so damned sexy, even in the way he walked, Nick made her mouth water and her palms grow damp.

  “Wait!” she called out. “Is this your mom?” She stopped next to his desk and lifted a silver frame with the picture of a slim young woman beside a little boy, holding an infant girl in her arms.

  “Yeah. She was about your age in that picture,” he said, his blue eyes turning vulnerable.

  “She’s so beautiful. You look like her, Nick, with your blue eyes and dark hair.” Veronique smiled warmly. “Except that you’re twice her size.”

  “Do you have pictures of your sister?”

  He took a framed picture from his bookshelf. “This is Angela, my little sis,” he said, showing her a picture of a young woman with the same coloring, startling blue eyes and long dark hair.

  “She’s so pretty. How old is she?”

  “Thirty-one. She’s a middle school teacher in New York.”

  “My hat’s off to her. That’s a tough age to teach. Is she single?”

  “Yes. No more questions now. We need to leave.” He ushered her out of the room and locked his office door.

  “We’re all set with hotel reservations. I also have a flash drive of everything that’s in the files,” she said, descending the stairs with him.

  He paused at the bottom of the stairs. “Good. Where are the originals? Not in your apartment, I hope.”

  She put her hands on her hips and tilted her head, her eyebrows crinkling over narrowed eyes. “Of course not. They’re in a bank vault. I only brought the hard copies because I figured you might lose power and then I wouldn’t be able to show you anything.”

  “Good thinking,” he said, punctuating it with a sound kiss. He held her shoulders and gazed deeply into her eyes. “I’m very proud of you. And impressed. You’re o
ne hell of a reporter. Thanks for everything.”

  “You’re more than welcome, darling,” she drawled, smiling at him. “Too bad we couldn’t have stayed in your office and finished what you suggested.”

  “There’s always tonight,” he said, sliding his hands down her waist and cupping her buttocks.

  The feel of his solid desire pressed against her sent ripples of desire coursing through her flushed body and her knees nearly buckled.

  Nick gave her another slow, thorough kiss that made her tingle to her toes, and then he released her with a lusty slap on her bottom. “Okay, partner. Let’s go move mountains.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Veronique couldn’t believe how quickly and efficiently everything went the remainder of the afternoon. They arrived in Miami by noon and then sped over to Maya’s brother’s loft apartment in the downtown area near the American Airlines Arena. Nick stayed in the car while Veronique went upstairs to meet with Maya. As promised, she texted him the minute she left the apartment so he knew she was safe. She wasn’t used to working with a partner and it was hard accepting Nick’s insistence on her safety above all else. For now she’d go along with his precautions.

  “How did it go?” Nick asked when she got in the car.

  “It went well. Maya gave me the document signed by Elizabeth and she filled me in on what she was dealing with at the office. She’s very pretty and nice. Unfortunately, her boss sexually harassed her from the moment she started working there. When she complained, nobody took her seriously. No wonder she left.”

  Nick shook his head. “Can’t blame her. Was her brother there?”

  “No, she was alone. When she contacted me about the document, I told her not to tell anyone about it.”

  “Good. I hope she listened to you.”

  “She told me nobody knows besides us, not even her brother or her fiancé. She was pretty relieved to hand over the document.”

  “I’ll bet.”


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