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Forever My Earl

Page 2

by Dawn Brower

  Garrick stepped back before he did something even more foolish. What was done wasn’t irreparable. They could walk away from each other, as no real damage had been done. At least none that could be seen by the naked eye—his heart would never be the same again.

  “I shouldn’t have done that. Forgive me,” he said.

  She brought her hand to her lips and nodded absentmindedly. “Of course.” Miss Knight glanced up at him and smiled. “Please excuse me, my lord. I must go prepare for dinner.”

  With those words she brushed past him her scent filling him. He memorized it for the long nights to come. It was a memory that would haunt him for many years to come as much as he cherished it. Miss Hannah Knight would never be far from his thoughts again.


  Ten years later...

  Hannah woke up with a start. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest. Something wasn’t right... She stared around her room and made note of everything. Nothing was out of place that she could see. The bed sheets were tangled around her legs. She pushed them away and leapt from the bed. Creaking floorboard echoed in the hallway indicating someone was nearby.

  “Who’s there?” she called out.

  Her bedroom door swung open and banged hard against the wall. A large figure filled the entrance. Hannah’s breathing became heavier and the pounding of her heart filled her eardrums. She glanced around her room for a weapon. Nothing stood out as useful. She was going to be murdered or worse... A large tome was sitting on a nearby table. With quick movements she grabbed it and swung it at her would-be attacker. He grunted when it hit him in the head and slumped to the floor.

  “Gads, Hannah,” the man said. “I always knew that your infernal book addiction would be the death of some unwitting male, but I never thought it would be me.”

  “John?” she said confused. “What are you doing in my chamber?”

  “Your chamber?” He laughed. “This is my house now. Nothing in it is yours.”

  That still didn’t give him the right to enter her rooms. Did it? Oh drat, it probably did. Why did her parents have to leave her alone with such a wretch in charge of her life? Their deaths had left a hole in her life in more ways than one. At least he wasn’t her guardian in truth. The solicitor handled her inheritance and approved what money she had access to until she reached her thirtieth year. Four more years and she could wipe her hands of her cousin.

  She would kill for a candle to see better in the dark. John Witt, her cousin and the new Viscount Redding hadn’t thought it was economical for her to have one. He said he’d not waste any unnecessary funds on her. She was already too expensive to feed and asked the solicitor for more funds to feed her. The solicitor had replied with a stern letter and accounting of exactly how much it should be for Hannah’s upkeep. John hadn’t been happy about it and took it out on her in any way he could. Hence the lack of candle... Hannah walked across the room and drew the curtains wide to let light in from the moon. It surprised her to find out the sun was already beginning its rise in the sky. Trust John to wake her at the start of dawn.

  She turned to him and lifted her chin. “Did you wish to speak to me about something to wake me so early?”

  “Yes,” he rubbed his head. “Today is your last day you’ll reside in my house. Pack your bags and be gone by the midday meal.”

  He mouth fell open in shock. How dare he... “But the solicitor already gave you my stipend for this quarter. How am I to live?”

  “That isn’t my problem and thankfully neither are you. Don’t be in this house when I return or you’ll regret it.”

  The awful, awful man—she hated him so much. Why couldn’t a decent man have inherited her father’s title? She had little choices and no idea where to go. Her pin money wouldn’t last her long and she had three more months until she the solicitor would release more funds. Everything she owned was in her room at Redding Manor. Anything of value had been stripped away when John took over. At least he had no right to her jewelry or clothing. She could sell some of it if she needed to.

  “I only regret that we somehow share the same blood,” Hannah spat out. “You’re a rotten man and I’m glad I’ll never have to see you again.”

  “You bitch,” he said and slapped her face. “For that I want you gone before we break our fast. I’ll not waste any more food on the likes of you.” He sneered. “The world doesn’t need any more bluestocking wallflowers in it. No wonder you couldn’t find a husband.”

  He spun on his heels and left the room. Hannah lifted her shaking hand and wiped her mouth. A drop of blood fell onto her fingertip. What had she done? Her mouth got her in trouble again. Time was of the essence and hers was running out fast. She pulled out a trunk and began to fill it with all her items. She folded her gowns, her extra chemise and undergarments. She had three day dresses and one evening gown. She didn’t entertain often and balls—no one invited her to them anymore. Her jewels and smaller items went in last. She left one of her day dresses out to wear. The last things she added to the trunk was a miniature of her parents and a stack of correspondence. Those were her most treasure items.

  Hannah left her hair styled in a long plait down her back. There was no time to do it up properly. It would have to do until she figured out where she was going. She dressed quickly and then lugged her trunk to the top stairs. How was she ever going to manage to get it anywhere outside of the house? She stared down the stairs and chewed on her bottom lip. It seemed so impossible.

  “Miss Hannah,” a deep voice filled her ears. “Whatever are you doing?”

  Hannah turned to see the butler’s kind eyes. A lot of the staff had quit or been dismissed by John. The only original servant that remained was Grimly. “The new Viscount can’t be bothered with me. I’ve been given my marching orders.”

  “That...” His face scrunched up and he whispered something under his breath. Hannah knew better than to ask what he’d said. “Where are you going?”

  She shrugged. “I’m still trying to figure out how to take the trunk down the stairs on my own.”

  “I’ll handle that for you. Let me order you a carriage too.”

  Hannah smiled at him. “He won’t like that. You could lose your position here for disobeying his orders.”

  She didn’t want to be responsible for Grimly losing his employment. He didn’t have any place to go and a servant wouldn’t be hired in another household without a letter of recommendation. Society was cruel and ignored those that needed help the most.

  “The only reason I’ve stayed this long was to look out for you,” he said. “If you’re leaving so am I. Besides you’ll need someone with you wherever you’re going.”

  Hannah smiled sadly. “You’re a dear, but you know I can’t pay you. I don’t even know where I’m going.”

  An idea formed in her mind as she said it. There was one place she could go. Lady Manchester would help her if she went to the castle. She was her goddaughter after all. Why hadn’t she thought of it sooner.

  “I wonder if John would miss his carriage for a few days...”

  Grimly’s lips tilted upward. “Do you care if he does?”

  She shrugged. “Not particularly. Let’s take one of the unmarked ones. I wouldn’t want to take the one with the family crest on it and have it easier for him to hunt us down.”

  The butler grabbed her trunk and hefted it over his shoulder. “Where are we going?”

  “The wilds of Kent,” she said happily. The last time she’d been there was ten years ago and it had been one of the happiest times of her life. Unfortunately the person who had made it so wonderful wasn’t there anymore, but that didn’t matter. It was her last hope and she’d take it.


  Garrick rubbed his thigh with his hand and grimaced in paid. The saber that had sliced through had left its mark and the muscles still burned from time to time. Especially when he rode more than he should... The horse he was on snorted and shook his head. “Yeah I know,” he replied absentminded
ly. “I’m tired of this journey too.”

  They were close to his ancestral home. He wasn’t especially looking forward to returning. He’d left on a happier note, and was returning on a miserable one. When he’d purchased his commission he didn’t think he’d ever have to take up the responsibilities of the earldom. His brother should have had at least one son in the last decade. Had he? No, of course not. Then the bastard had to go and die on him too. He still couldn’t believe it. Nathaniel was dead and buried. By the time the letter had tracked him down it had been six months and it had taken another half a year for him to return. He’d been injured in battle and had to have time to heal. His mother had written again after that upbraiding him for his tardiness in taking up his responsibilities. He wasn’t particularly looking forward to listening to that same tirade in person.

  Garrick kicked the horse’s side with the heel of his foot and the horse started to trot again. A few more miles and he’d be home again. Then he’d have more than he liked to deal with. His body was weary but not as much as his soul was. War had buried its way deep inside of him and hardened him in ways he’d never thought possible.

  The distance between him and the castle fell away and it rose in the horizon. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Even he had to admit that. It was a fantasy come to life from the pages of a story book. If he was a whimsical person it would have warmed his heart. Instead it filled him with anger the likes he’d never experienced before.

  “Damn you Nate,” he roared. “Why did you have to go and die on me?”

  It hurt him more in that moment than it had ever before. His death hadn’t seemed real until that moment. Seeing his home had sucker punched him into reality. It was time to face his family and repair it however he could. He whistled and pushed his knee into the horse to indicate he wanted him to go faster. The horse took off and sped toward the castle at a breakneck speed. The wind felt good on his face and filled him with an exhilaration he hadn’t felt in a long time. His blinding need had distracted him and he didn’t see the carriage until it was too late. The horse whipped by it and the driver lost control. The carriage tipped over on its side and crashed down one of the rolling hills. The fastening on the horses had ripped away and they ran wild.

  “Damn it,” Garrick yelled. This was all his fault. When would he ever learn?

  He slowed his horse and ran to the carriage. The driver had fallen from the carriage and rolled to safety. The woman inside though, was knocked unconscious. She was a tangle of brown hair and muslin. He pulled her out of the carriage and sucked in a deep breath.

  “Hannah,” he whispered.

  God please let her be alive... He breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her chest rise and fall.

  “We need to get her to the castle,” the man said. “And call for a doctor.”

  Garrick nodded. “I’ll take her on my horse. It’ll be faster. Once I’m up on its back hand her up to me.”

  The driver nodded. Garrick hopped back up on his horse and reached for Hannah. He could have killed her. If she’d died—he’d never have forgiven himself. She was the only bright thing in his life and he’d rather die than ever hurt her. He slid her comfortably into his embrace and then gestured for the horse to trot. At least they were close to the castle. When he came to a stop in front the door swung open immediately. The butler came out and bowed.

  “My lord,” he said. “It’s good to see you again.”

  “I don’t have time, Bentley. Help me with her she’s been injured.”

  The butler reacted immediately and helped Garrick with Hannah. They took her upstairs to a room and laid her on a bed. She was so white...

  “Summon a doctor immediately,” he said.

  “Yes, my lord,” Bentley said and left the room.

  His mother stormed into the room. “What have you done now?”

  Garrick flinched at the tone in her voice. “Not now mother. I don’t have time for a lecture.”

  Hannah was more important that anything his mother had to say to him. She had to live and he would make sure of it. Even if it was the last thing he did. If not for her he might not have survived the war.

  She glanced at the bed and gasped. “Oh dear, it’s Hannah. What was she doing here?”

  “You were not expecting her?”

  She shook her head and frowned. “I’m not surprised though. Both her parents are gone now and the cousin who inherited the title is a wastrel.” She sighed. “Her mother has been gone for years and her father passed away last year. It was only a matter of time before she came here. I should’ve sent for her but with Nate’s death...”

  Poor Hannah. Everyone that she cared about in the world was gone and those that she usually depended on had abandoned her. He should have come home sooner—sold his commission and come home. Maybe if he had he could have done something for her. He’d help her now. It was the least he could do for almost killing her with his recklessness.

  “I sent for a doctor,” Garrick said. “Can you sit with her until he arrives. It’s not right I’m in the room.”

  “Of course.” His mother nodded. “You just arrived, go rest. I’ll let you know when the doctor is done.”

  Garrick spun on his heels and left the room. He had a lot of questions but they could wait. He wanted to know why Hannah was fleeing her cousin and once he had all the answers he’d pay the man a call. If he was a proper relation he’d have taken better care of her. Garrick wanted blood and wasn’t above seeking justice.


  Garrick stared out the window at the sweeping hills leading toward the sea. He was itching to go for a ride or long walk. The castle was suffocating on a good day—today wasn’t a good one. Hannah still hadn’t awakened and he needed to beat on something anything to let out the anger boiling inside of him. He hated that he was so helpless and couldn’t do anything for her. What would it take for her to open her eyes? The doctor said she didn’t have any broken bones, but her head had hit the side of the carriage rather hard. There was a huge purple and blue bruise on her forehead that was slowly receding. Hopefully as it healed so would whatever was keeping Hannah asleep.

  He brushed his hand through his hair and sighed. There was more than Hannah that he had to be concerned with. He’d gone over the books with the steward and somehow his brother had driven the estate into heavy debt. To say his management skills were lacking was an understatement. Nathaniel hadn’t any talent for running the estate. Garrick would never have imagined his brother could be so bloody careless with the family fortune. The little he had wouldn’t cover what was needed to bring their books into the black. It would take a miracle for that to happen. Although his funds would help to discourage the creditors from coming for blood—it would buy him time to figure out what his next move should be.

  “Garrick,” his mother said as she walked into the study. “We must have a conversation. You can’t keep avoiding me.”

  He could very well try. His mother was concerned. He understood it, but that didn’t mean he was ready to face her. She had always favored Nathanial over him and must be disappointed that her perfect son had died. Now she was stuck with the flawed one as the earl and head of the family.

  “I apologize mother,” he said and turned toward her. “I’ve been remiss in seeing to your needs. How may I be of assistance?” Garrick raised a brow.

  “It’s Amelia,” she said. “The girl needs help and I don’t know what to do about it.”

  “She’s an orphan,” Garrick said matter-of-factly. “It can’t be easy for her. She never knew her mother and her father...” He let his voice trail off. It would not do to poke the hurt and make it grow. “Honestly I don’t know what you expect me to do. I know nothing of little girls.”

  His brother didn’t fulfill his duty to have a son to carry the title, but he had managed to father a daughter. A small little girl of no more than five summers, and unfortunately Lenora had died giving birth to her. All she’d had since the moment she had taken h
er first breath was her father. From the tales the servants told that hadn’t been much either. Nathanial hadn’t taken much interest in the child. He’d been too aggrieved at the loss of his beloved wife. Garrick couldn’t really blame him for that. If he’d lost the love of his life he might have become lost to the grief too. Amelia had deserved better though. He wanted to do right by his niece but he hadn’t lied. Girls were an enigma and he had no clue how to proceed.

  “I sent for Lady Corinne,” his mother said. “Perhaps Amelia will respond to her maternal aunt.”

  “Fine,” Garrick said with a wave of his hand. “It sounds as if you’ve handled it nicely. What do you need me for?”

  His mother remained silent as she stared at him. It unnerved him and for a moment he felt like a small boy again. She’d always had that affect on him. Somehow his mother could make him return to a time where he had no control with an ease he hated.

  “It’s a temporary solution,” she finally said. “Corinne can’t remain here forever. We must decide what to do with Amelia once she leaves.”

  “And this must be decided today?” he asked exasperated. Bloody hell... His mother was going to drive him to an early grave. No wonder Nathanial had drowned himself in his favorite liquor. He lost his wife and had to deal with their mother on a daily basis. Perhaps it was time to recommend she move to the dowager house.

  “I’m sure we have time,” she said softly. “But not too much. She’s already lost more than any little girl should. I do have an idea what might help.”

  “What?” he asked. At this point he was ready to agree to anything so she’d leave him in peace.

  “You need to marry.”

  Except that. Garrick didn’t ever want to marry. He wouldn’t make a good husband to any lady. He was battle scarred on the inside and out. Any woman who tied herself to him would grow to regret it. Nothing his mother could say would make him believe that marriage was a good idea.

  “That is out of the question,” Garrick said emphatically. “The title can die with me for all I care.”


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