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Fitzwilliam Darcy, Fugitive

Page 14

by Melanie Schertz

  Gerald Darcy decided to assist the gentleman who had given his son shelter and protection. “Forgive me, Mrs Bennet, but your husband was attempting to protect you from the scandalous event from this morning. My son has compromised your daughter, in front of numerous witnesses. If word was to get out, why, your other daughters, and my own daughter, who is near Miss Lydia in age, could be ruined. We will see to Miss Elizabeth’s needs, either in London, or when we arrive at our estate in Derbyshire."

  Obviously disappointed, Mrs Bennet grudgingly gave in, though she was pleased to be able to brag to her friends that an earl would be in attendance of the nuptials and that her daughter would one day be the Mistress of Pemberley, the largest estate in Derbyshire. And the fact that Mr Darcy invited the family to join them for the holiday season helped to seal the deal.

  Upon his arrival at Longbourn, Colonel Forrester was disgusted to learn of the actions of his lieutenant. He apologized multiple times, especially to Elizabeth, as he could not tolerate any man who was willing to cause harm to a woman. The fact that he had murdered a maid was bad enough, but to openly attack a gentlewoman in front of her family and friends, with the intent to kill her, was beyond comprehension. “I will see that his body is buried in the cemetery in Meryton. He will be no further burden for all of you.”

  “Out of respect for his father, I had thought to send the body to be buried next to his parents, but perhaps it would be best if he was buried in Meryton. The man who died this morning was not the young man I thought him to be, and I know his parents would have been extremely disappointed in his behavior. To think that he believed the lies for so long that he had convinced himself he was a Darcy rather than a Wickham.” Gerald Darcy turned to his son. “I pray you can forgive me for my foolishness.”

  “There is nothing to forgive, Father. The past is over, and I will look towards the future that I believe to be quite positive.”

  Elizabeth held the arm of her intended, giving him a small squeeze. “I tend to believe in the philosophy of remembering the past, only as the memory brings you pleasure. Do not hold on to the pain or anger, it does no good.”

  Gerald reached over, taking hold of his soon to be daughter’s other hand. Raising it to his lips, the gentleman placed a gentle kiss on her skin. “My dear girl, I look forward to many years of you and my son bringing joy to our home. Pemberley has long been in need of a Mistress, and I believe my beloved Anne would agree.”

  Lord Matlock nodded his head in approval. “My sister would have welcome you with open arms, for you are such a unique young lady. Now, if my sons would find such young ladies, life would be perfect.” The mention of his sons brought a redness to Richard’s cheeks, and a smile to his father’s lips.

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~

  Chapter 19

  Lady Catherine de Bourgh was extremely displeased with the news that her parson was dead, and the man she had hired, through Collins, was unable to accomplish his task. She felt betrayed by all of the men in her life, and she was not ready to take their betrayal lying down. No, she would put a stop to all her dreams coming to a screeching halt. Her daughter would be the next Mistress of Pemberley, no matter what her brother and brother-in-law said.

  “Henry, I now require an escort for my return to Rosings. I insist that our nephew be the one to accompany me. My Anne has long desired to visit with her cousin, so I expect Fitzwilliam to make the journey, and spend time with us.”

  “It is not your place to demand such of William. And I know that Anne does not wish to be married to him, as she has told me so several years ago. It is time you accept such and move forward. Allow her to spend time in society, if that is her desire. Allow her to know others who are her age. Let her have a life that is her own, not what you have dictated.”

  “Enough, Henry. My daughter knows I do only what is good for her. It is my wish for her to be set in a future that is best, and our sister wished to have her namesake take her place as the Mistress of Pemberley. Would you deny our sister? She would be extremely disappointed in what you are doing in denying our dreams.”

  “Catherine, I will find you an escort to return you to Rosings, but know your days as the Mistress there are soon to be at an end. You are well aware that Anne is the Mistress, as she is of the age her father stated in his will. If necessary, I will make my way to Rosings, to discuss the matter with Anne. She will likely wish for you to move to the dower house, as she would not wish to place the servants in a difficult position of determining which lady to listen to in decisions.”

  “You would not be so cruel as to forcing me from my home.” Lady Catherine glared daggers at her brother. “Our father would be disappointed with your behavior, Henry. You should never have been the heir, father knew you were too weak. I should have been the heir, as I have known all along how to manage an estate and staff.”

  “And this is why Gerald and I have had to check on your books each year, correcting the mistakes you have made, mistakes that would have devastated the estate if it had been left in your hands. You are foolish in your investments, and indulgent in your spending. But it is Anne’s inheritance, and I will assist her in taking over her role.”

  “I will never forgive you, Henry. No, never. You will see yourself ruined and I will be triumphant, and do not come to me for assistance, for I will not lift a finger to aid you.”

  “Catherine, you will remain here, at the inn, until I send your carriage for the journey to your home. As it shall not be long, I insist your maid pack and be prepared to leave shortly.”

  Lady Catherine huffed and returned to the rooms in which she had been staying. She would be prepared, and she would do everything in her power to take her nephew with her to her estate.

  ~~ ** ~~

  Seeing not one, but two of her nephews waiting beside their horses, awaiting her presence to begin the journey to her estate, Lady Catherine was pleased. She knew they would heed her demands. The two young men gave their aunt a slight nod, and mounted their horses, as Henry Fitzwilliam handed his sister in her carriage, along with her maid. Lord Matlock informed her that her nephew would be making the journey on horseback, so he had a form of transportation, not to mention allowing the ladies the added luxury of not having a large framed man taking up space.

  The trip was well on its way when the carriage pulled to a stop outside one of the inns which was a station for travelers. Both ladies were handed down, and led inside by the postilion. Lady Catherine took tea while her maid saw to a basket prepared for her Mistress to enjoy on the road.

  When Lady Catherine was resettled in her carriage, she glanced out the window of the carriage, noticing her nephew preparing to remount his horse. “Fitzwilliam.”

  The man turned around, and for the first time, Lady Catherine realized that her nephew was not the one she expected. Richard turned to his aunt. “Yes, Aunt?”

  “Where is Fitzwilliam? Richard, where is my nephew?”

  “I am your nephew, and I am Fitzwilliam.”

  Fury began to build. “You know of which nephew I speak. Where is he? Why are you here?”

  Richard had to bite his tongue for a moment. “William is at Longbourn, marrying his betrothed. I am your nephew and Fitzwilliam, so I fill your requirements for an escort. And it has been an age since I last spent time with Anne, so I look forward to visiting with her.”

  “Turn this carriage back to Meryton. I demand to return and make my nephew come with me. His betrothed is my daughter. He cannot marry that chit.”

  Having long wished to speak his mind with his aunt, Richard took a few long strides to come to the side of the carriage. “Your demands are falling on deaf ears. I will not take your orders, nor will I have the carriage return so you could interrupt my cousin’s joy. Unlike my father and uncle, I have no desire to be kind to you. And your threats mean nothing to me. I have fought too many battles to be done in by a bitter old woman. My father has requested I see your removal from Rosings, and moved in the dower house. My cousin, Anne, d
eserves to enjoy her life, without your demanding to get your way. Now, I suggest you sit back, enjoy the fine day we are having, and keep your opinions to yourself. Do I make myself clear?”

  The gulp his aunt gave was easily detected. Having worked a short time for the grand woman, as she went through staff quickly, the maid had a difficult time keeping a smile from her expression. In her mind, though, she was thrilled with the treatment the man was doling out to Lady Catherine. The woman believed herself higher than she truly was, and it was high time someone took her down a peg or two.

  Lady Catherine sat back on her bench and remained silent for the remainder of the journey to Kent. At subsequent stops, she would partake in tea and a little food, never speaking to her nephew.

  ~~ ** ~~

  “Richard, what a pleasant surprise.” Anne de Bourgh exclaimed. All her life, Anne had been in love with her cousin, only not the cousin her mother insisted she was to marry.

  “Why Anne, you look well. I believe there is some color in your cheeks. How are you fairing?”

  Before she could respond, Lady Catherine entered the house, ignoring her daughter, and marched up the stairs to her bedchamber, slamming the door behind her. Anne had never seen her mother behave in such a manner. “What is wrong with Mother? Has she taken ill?” Her eyes filled with concern, as she looked at her cousin.

  “Let me just say, your mother and I have an understanding as to how things will be. She is displeased with many issues, and is frustrated that I will not back down. We have much to discuss, cousin, but first I would ask if there is something to eat. I am famished.” Richard stated.

  With a smile, Anne nodded her head. “I believe we have some cold meat and cheese you might enjoy. And, as you are being kind, I will see if our cook still has some of the biscuits she made. I know you enjoy those.”

  “Ah, Anne, you have always been good to me. While you arrange the food, I will change from these dirty traveling clothes, as I am not fit to sit on furniture at the moment. My batman could not come with me. Is there a servant who could assist me?”

  “Mr Tomlin can aid you. And Richard, it is a pleasure to have you here.”

  An hour later, the cousins were sitting in the small breakfast room, while Richard enlightened Anne of the happenings. In between bites of food, he told of Wickham’s treachery, of Mr Collins’ foolishness, of William’s hiding at Longbourn, and of the love their cousin felt for Miss Elizabeth Bennet. Anne was amazed by the many things that had happened, but the most important part to her was that William was to marry Elizabeth.

  “Then, I am free from the arrangement.” Anne gave a sigh of relief. “It is an answer to my prayers.”

  Richard Fitzwilliam had always found his cousin to be a beautiful young lady, but he had also known her mother’s insistence that Anne was to marry William. He had believed Anne was not as unhealthy as her mother had made everyone believe, as he had caught her outside, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, which was against her mother’s instructions. But Richard had been certain that Anne would do as her mother dictated, when it came to her Darcy cousin.

  “You did not wish to marry William?”

  Anne shook her head. “I have never been able to think of him as a husband. It has been my prayer that he would marry elsewhere, which would free me from this burden. My heart lies elsewhere.”

  It was obvious that the last comment was not her intent to share. Richard was surprised by her statement. “And where does your heart reside, Anne?”

  “I cannot say. You would find me foolish.”

  “Please, Anne, tell me what you are feeling.” He held his breath. Praying she would not declare the name of another man, Richard continued to encourage her.

  Looking down at her hands, lying in her lap, fidgeting with a handkerchief. “My heart has always been with another cousin. William is too difficult for me to be with, as he is far too much like me. We are both too uncomfortable with large groups, especially with people we do not know. Could you imagine the two of us hosting a party?” She chuckled lightly. “No, William is too soft spoken and serious. I wish for someone who can make me laugh. Someone who can share life with me, care for me. William would never be the sort of husband I would be happy with.”

  “You still have not spoken of the man who would make you happy, Anne. Will you not share your idea of who you would prefer as a husband?”

  Anne looked up, seeing the eyes of her cousin upon her. The sparkle in his eyes spoke of his caring nature, yet there was something else there. Something she had not noticed before. Could it be what she needed? Could it be that he cared for her? “You, Richard. I have dreamed for years to marry you. Your humor, your kindness, everything about you has been dear to me. I cannot bear to think of you dying in battle, or if you had married another lady. It would have broken my heart to not have you in my life.”

  After she spoke, she turned her head away from him. She could not understand why she had spoken, as she was certain that he did not care for her. How could he, she was the pathetic daughter of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, the daughter who allowed her mother to rule everything in her life? How could any man love her? But when she looked up a second time, she could not believe what she was seeing. A smile graced Richard’s lips, a smile that warmed her heart.

  “My dear, dear Anne. I had told myself for years that I would have a difficult time standing next to William as he took you as his bride. It would do nothing to create family cohesion if I had throttled him to death at the altar.”

  Tears began pooling in her green eyes. “Truly? You have been jealous of William?”

  Richard nodded. “I never would have imagined we would have this conversation. I have always believed you preferred him, that you would follow your mother’s wishes.”

  “And I have always wished for him to find someone who would make him happy, so that I could be released from this nightmare. But my mother, she will never approve.”

  “Does her approval mean so much to you? You are of age, and are the true Mistress of Rosings. Would you care if your mother did not approve of your decision? You have the right to decide what you wish to do with your life, including moving your mother to the dower house. It is your decision, Anne. Aunt Catherine has no say in your future.” Richard leaned forward, taking hold of his cousin’s hand. “If you wish to find happiness in your life, and allow love in your heart, I would ask if you would be willing to accept my hand in matrimony. Share your future with mine.”

  In less than a second, Richard was granted the most precious gift of his heart’s desire. Anne de Bourgh was nodding her head, before bringing his hand to her cheek. “Yes, Richard, oh yes. I would be honored to be your wife.”

  He swept her into his arms, placing a kiss on his cousin’s lips. When he finally broke the kiss, he noted his intended wore the appearance of one who was intoxicated, intoxicated on love. “You have made me the happiest man in all of England.”

  Anne laughed. “Now, I am allowing you the honor of telling Mother of the future, with you as her son-in-law.”

  Richard shook his head. “We have barely become engaged and you are already torturing me. Anne, Anne, how could you be so cruel? Very well, though I require more of your kisses to bolster my courage. And as your mother is a considerable force, I will be forced to insist on the number of kisses to be very high.”

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~

  Chapter 20

  Elizabeth’s eyes began to flutter, leaving her confused as to where she was. She knew she was not in her bedchamber of her father’s home. She was someplace unfamiliar. Then memories began to flood her mind. She turned her head, finding she was not alone in her bed. Beside her was the man who had taken hold of her heart, who loved her and married her. William. Her husband.

  Fitzwilliam Darcy had made a quick trip to Town, to speak with his godfather, who was the archbishop. He was granted a special license, and sent back to Longbourn. When the engaged couple spoke with the parson of Longbourn’s parish, they were gre
eted with joy. The elderly man had been surprised, having met Mr Denhem, to learn the young man’s true identity. But he had seen Elizabeth and William together, and had held a notion that the young people were falling in love. For a simple fee, the parson was willing to give the couple a license without having the banns read. A wedding was quickly arranged and a simple wedding breakfast was thrown together. Only their family and close friends were invited, including those from Netherfield Park, Mr and Mrs Phillips as they were aunt and uncle of Elizabeth, and the Lucas family. Elizabeth approved her mother’s demand for a dinner party on another date, so that Mrs Bennet could show off her new son in law to her neighbors.

  After the wedding ceremony, and sharing the food that Cook had prepared quickly, the newlyweds were offered a suite of rooms at Netherfield. They made a different decision. Their choice was to spend the first night of their marriage in the cottage that was home for the man who had been the steward for Longbourn. Mr Bennet stated that he considered his new son-in-law to still be his steward, as he teased the young man. “Do not forget that you have to see to the repairs of the tenant homes. It was to begin tomorrow.”


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