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OMEGA Rescue

Page 2

by Stephen Arseneault

  I replied, "I don't think that to be a viable option either. We all have space travel. With that comes both trade and greed. Instead of one war for control of it all, you will have a thousand small wars continuously running. One side will win, the other will rebel. Wars would continue in an endless cycle."

  Go said, "Well, let me ask you this, if the Tamarin win, who’s to say their form of government won't work?"

  I frowned. "I had the same thoughts when we first signed that contract with them. As it turned out, when they saw an opportunity to stab us in the back for what they considered a big profit, they took it. I believe our best bet would be another system similar to the AMP, only with safeguards in place to prevent any one individual, family, or group, from becoming too powerful. As we have already witnessed, for many people, power corrupts."

  Go winced, "I don't think you can say that about everyone. I don't think it would corrupt any of us."

  Jack said, "You take that kind of power and wealth, and even the most moral of us can be broken down over time. The limo turns into the private ship, which turns into the private colony, which turns into, 'OK, you people all have to move because I want that planet.'"

  Go laughed, "Wow, Jack, you corrupted yourself in four steps."

  Jack replied with a grin, "What can I say, I want my own planet."

  Joni yelled, "We have ships coming in! And they aren't from a portal!"

  I growled. "They opened the portal beyond our sensor range. How many ships are there?"

  Joni replied, "Five thousand and counting... eight... twelve... fifteen. Still coming! And they are spread out!"

  I said, "You two make use of your guns, Go and I will keep doing what we're doing."

  Jack said, "I have missiles coming up from Ralton. Only looks to be half of what they sent last time."

  I sighed as I pressed the portal button. "It's probably all they have left."

  Joni said, "Missiles are impacting. Wow, that didn't last long. They just took out seven thousand ships. That leaves about thirty thousand. Jack and I aren't making much of a dent in their numbers."

  Jack said, "That force is all moving on the planet. I think this is it. That must have been the last of their defenses."

  Go yelled, "Whoop, whoop! I have ion bolts coming up from surface weapons! We aren't done yet!"

  I stopped pressing the portal button. "We're done here. Those guns won't last long, just as they didn't last on Alpha."

  Joni said, "Well, let's not just sit here and watch. I say we make a tour of the capital worlds and destroy what ship factories we can. I know it's futile, but maybe we can catch that portal ship at one of them."

  I replied, "You and Jack jump ahead. Send us back any locations that have cesium ships. We now focus on those freighters. That ship has to refuel."

  Jack sighed. "I only see one problem with that plan."

  "What's that?"

  Jack said, "It looks like they are starting to position those cesium freighters everywhere. That's going to make our jobs a lot harder. We need that archive restored so we can fuel the Ares. We'll be non-stop jumping for the foreseeable future."

  Joni passed a set of data to Jack. "You take these six capitals, I'll take the others."

  Go sat back in his chair. "I guess I just became obsolete again. I feel like a one-armed Gornian monkey with no trees to climb. The lab on this ship is lacking. I wish we had the Garmon back."

  Jack replied, "You and me both, kid... you and me both."

  Joni portaled to the first of the capital worlds. "I have a ship factory that looks to be about half complete. And two ore carriers."

  Jack asked, "Joni, how many of those QE tags do we have left? If we could put a tag on some of these ore freighters, we might just get lucky and catch that portal ship when it's filling up."

  Joni replied, "I have three left. And until Quan gets his archive restored, we won't have any more."

  Quan stated, "That is not true, Joni. I only lack the equipment to produce them. Since those were constructed recently, the designs are still in my short term memory."

  I said, "You provide us with a list of what you need and we'll get it."

  Quan replied, "The list is coming your way."

  Chapter 2

  * * *

  After a short deliberation, we decided our next course of action would be taking control of the cesium supplies. Our first jump was to Bastion. Two ore freighters were swept away. Scans through portals were performed and new targets identified.

  Go was given the list of items Quan required to make more QE stealth tags. As the major planets were visited, arrangements were made to secure the needed cesium-processing technology. After a handful of jumps, a critical part was identified as being available on the planet Wallingrad. A jump was made and Joni was given the task of retrieving the item.

  Go said. "You're looking for a box about this size. It's a quantum sensor that can be used to identify when a particle pair has become entangled. We need this box. So be careful with it once you get your hands on it."

  Joni replied, "I tell you what, you watch on the video stream, identify it, and then Knog can sweep it out safely. That way I don't have to expose myself."

  Go nodded. "Even better. I'm punching in the coordinates to the science building. Stay where you are and I'll sweep you down there."

  Joni shook her head. "Don't bother. I want to stay near this ship in case I need to jump after a portal ship. I'll take myself down, identify the equipment, and you sweep it out. I can hop right back in my ship after."

  Go shrugged. "OK, works for me."

  We watched the video stream coming in from Joni's helmet. After reaching the ground, she powered out and into the main research building of the Wallingrad Science University.

  Joni said, "Funny that this is even here. Under the AMP this research would not have been allowed."

  I replied, "If we're successful in our mission, perhaps that is something we can change."

  Joni laughed. "You mean when we are successful."

  I nodded. "Yes, Joni Salton. When is what I meant."

  Joni drifted into the building. "I don't see anyone walking the halls. Wallingrad doesn't have some strange holiday going on do they? I would expect people to be here doing their research."

  Go said, "Data says this should be a normal day. Maybe the Tamarin shut this kind of stuff down."

  Darba Wampros replied, "I don't believe that to be the case, Go. Scientific research is a critical undertaking where profits are concerned. I would have to believe my people would be pushing forward with whatever research was being done. At least until it has been determined that there is no potential profit in it. However, they would not shutter all programs at once."

  Joni stopped in front of a lab before powering through the locked door. "Lots of boxes in here, Go. You'll have to help me with identifying what it is we need. I'll start over here to the left and work my way around."

  Three labs were searched before a fourth was entered. A dozen bots stood over an operating table where a male of the local species, a Wallman, was lying.

  Joni moved closer. "Wow, they have this guy cut wide open. And it looks like they are replacing parts."

  Go said, "Is that an artificial lung? I'd like to get the designs for that if possible."

  Joni looked over the organs that were spread out on a table. "Something tells me he didn't undertake this voluntarily. I recognize a heart, a pair of lungs, intestines, and I have no idea what that is, but it looks like they have a replacement."

  Jack said, "What purpose would they have for replacing your internals."

  Go answered. "If the organs are communicated to, as I suspect they are, it would be an effective way of keeping control of someone. If they aren't cooperating, you could really mess with their insides without killing them."

  Joni replied, "I would think they could embed a simple device attached to a nerve bundle and get the same results. Dish out a little pain to keep people in line."

/>   Jack frowned. "You insert something simple like that and people will figure out how to remove it. You can't live without your organs."

  Joni replied, "True. It just seems excessive, though."

  I said, "Without knowing their thoughts we have no way of knowing their intentions."

  Jack held up a hand. "That's not entirely true. We do know how to intercept their comms. Quan? Would it be possible to listen in on any conversations?"

  Quan replied, "It would, but those conversations may not be recognizable to you. They are machines. Comms between them will be in a machine language."

  Jack raised an eyebrow. "So what you are saying is that you would volunteer your time as an interpreter?"

  Quan replied, "I could if so desired. I cannot guarantee a comprehensible result."

  I said, "Please capture the comm stream and do your best to interpret it."

  Quan replied, "Very well."

  Quan repeated, "Lung, 47 percent. Liver, 68 percent. Heart online. Heart, 52 percent. Most commands are merely instructional for the operation. One moment... Joni, I am sending you an application. You may use it with your sensors to track comms between AIs. Select an AI and you will see which AI it is receiving a command comm from."

  Go said, "Aren't they all communicating with each other?"

  Quan replied, "They are, but commands for this operation are coming in one way. I find that curious."

  Go asked, "And what do you find curious about it?"

  Quan continued, "The AIs are supposed to be connected and synchronized at all times. Any that are in contact with another, know what the other knows. I find it odd that commands would be coming in from elsewhere. Joni, perhaps an investigation is warranted?"

  Joni nodded. "I'm up for that. Maybe this will lead us to a Tamarin connection, as they would be the ones running this."

  Quan replied, "Precisely."

  Joni powered through a wall and into a new room. The AI located within was following commands from another. A short trek downtown brought Joni to a portal gate.

  Joni said, "Comm is coming through the gates. Is that something you can track, Quan?"

  Quan replied, "I can. One moment... That comm stream is coming from Alpha Prime."

  Joni powered back to her ship. "I'm jumping to Alpha."

  The slight rumble of the small fighter's portal engine signified a jump. Seconds later Joni powered into the portal station on Alpha Prime. An AI was identified as sending the commands. The signal was tracked to another AI at the Salton compound.

  As Joni powered across the compound, she said, "This place took a real beating. Only a third of the buildings are still standing. All the exterior defense guns are little more than pits in the ground. Dead bodies are everywhere. Looks like they don't have the decency to at least clean them up."

  Joni powered into Harden's control center. "OK, now we're talking. We have half a dozen Tamarin sitting around a conference table. Hang on, I'll patch through translated audio with the video."

  A holo-image of the subject of the operation, floated above the conference table.

  A Tamarin doctor stood as he talked. "No, the nerves must be reattached here and here. The Wallman intestinal system requires both sets to properly function. Make those attachments and run the test procedure again."

  The doctor sat.

  A second doctor said, "If we are successful we can be assured of this procedure going corporate-wide. Imagine the profits to be had from any single organ, let alone a whole system! Doctors, we are going to be fabulously wealthy!"

  A computerized voice came over the comm as alerts blared on the holo-display. "I am sorry, doctors; the patient has expired."

  The first doctor to speak leaned his head over the table, propping it up on his hand as his elbow rested.

  The doctor to his right spoke into the comm. "Bring in the next patient and begin again."

  The doctor looked around the table. "That's four. I believe we need to increase the nerve inhibitor. It may be too much of a stimulus hit for a Wallman brain to handle."

  A third doctor quipped, "Well, we at least have another billion or so subjects to attempt this on."

  The first doctor raised his head and pounded a fist on the table. "We don't have time to waste on this. There are four other research labs out there attempting the same. The first to market will take the major share of any market. You all know how this works. Now, come up with a solution! We can't afford any more delays!"

  Joni shook her head. "These Tamarin are cold blooded."

  Darba Wampros replied, "These doctors do not represent all Tamarin, Miss Salton. Most are kind and caring individuals. We may receive extra motivation with the prospect of turning a profit, but we have morals as well."

  Joni frowned. "Well, don't complain to me about my opinion. If you think it's wrong, then the targets of your criticism are sitting around that table. Spend your breath on them."

  Darba slowly bowed his head. "I am sorry, Miss Salton. Given the situation, I should have remained silent. All that has happened is not from the Tamarin people I know and love. It's as if all morality and compunction for honesty were tossed to the winds."

  Joni sighed. "Guess I shouldn't pounce on you, Darba. You have been nothing but honest since we brought you aboard."

  Quan said, "Joni, I am detecting a portal alarm coming from your ship."

  Joni powered out of the room. "Got it. Do we know where it's coming from?"

  Quan replied, "A comm is being passed through from... Parmesen."

  I said, "Jumping. Joni, we'll meet you there."

  Jack said, "On my way also."

  The three ships arrived in Parmesen space within seconds of each other.

  Jack yelled, "Got it! Parked by Gargos Elite station. Scan says... no bios aboard. It's jumping!"

  Joni said, "I see Kral. It's heading to Kral."

  The three ships followed quickly after. Jack managed a jump to just inside weapons range. Two ion bolts managed to scorch the ship's exterior before it could jump again. Our efforts kept us close for another four jumps before our scan could not place the ship's portal destination before the portal closed.

  Joni banged her fist on the armrest of her chair. "Why, why, why! I just want one decent shot at that thing."

  Go said, "I have a question. We've been picking off cesium freighters. And we've been chasing that portal ship without much success. Meanwhile, those AIs continue to spread. How do we stop them? That would be the key to ending the Tamarin's power."

  Jack said, "I have a suggestion."

  I replied, "Go ahead."

  Jack sent a diagram of an AI. "This replicant looks just as the others. It performs just as the others as well. Only, it contains the kill-switch programming. If we could tweak its programming to make that dominant when it comes to replication, we might be able to seed any AI factories they have with it. Might come in handy at some point."

  Quan replied, "There are two issues with this plan. The first is that any AI having control of a bot and resources can replicate itself. These are not being produced in large factories like ships. They are generally produced in much smaller areas, making them difficult to find and infiltrate. Second, the kill switch is only temporary. The AIs only require reprogramming, which can be done in a matter of seconds."

  Go said, "Is there any way for us to change their comms instead, to put out the blocking signal?"

  Quan replied, "That would be possible. I would suggest that I be asked to begin on this immediately."

  Go laughed. "You may begin."

  Quan asked, "Should we not get back to acquiring the Quantum sensor equipment we seek?"

  I said, "I believe that to be an excellent idea."

  Three portals opened to Bastion and three ships moved through. After an hour of searching, Joni recovered the final piece of quantum gear Quan needed.

  The gear was swept through to Effica.

  Quan said, "I will have QE tags for you in twelve hours."

i shook her head. "Someone explain to me again how those work exactly."

  Go said, "Using the equipment we just gathered, Quan will have the ability to entangle particles together at the quantum level. You can then separate the particles by a great distance and yet they remain paired, or entangled. If you spin an entangled particle here, its twin will spin in the same direction, no matter where it is. Through a combination of several of these quantum entangled pairs, we are able to communicate over any distance.

  "The AMP founders took it a step further by incorporating one set of those particles into a small bio-mass that could be implanted in your neck. That's what was embedded just behind your ear. The other particle to that pair is here on the Ares. That's why we lost our QE comm with Quan when the sentinel ships were destroyed. Those ships were the other end of his pair. And another pair connected the sentinels to the Ares."

  Joni said, "So... could we have pairs that go directly from Human to Human?"

  Quan replied, "Yes. However, it does come with a loss of privacy. If you have multiple QE channels and accept an incoming comm, that comm is shared with all other QE channels. Some species, particularly Humans, have difficulty with the psychological aspects of such a connection."

  Joni shrugged. "Who cares?"

  Jack laughed. "So you don't mind if the rest of us listen in on your private conversations with Garrett?"

  Joni thought for a moment. "I can see where that could get awkward."

  I said, "I understand your concern, Joni. At the moment, the Ares is a single point of failure for us. If the ship is disabled or destroyed, we lose our ability to communicate with each other."

  Joni replied, "How about this... we bury a bunch of the QE endpoints on Effica, implant more in ourselves and add more to our ships, all tied to a hub at Effica. And if we bury it deep, we never lose those connections."

  Go frowned. "We have a lot of issues we need to address as well as this. Like, what is our overall strategy? I know we want to find Garrett, but we keep changing directions. We need a strategy for fighting the Tamarin. They are cementing their hold on our worlds. I would bet that almost every day we have thousands of new AIs, and potentially millions of new bots, to fight. We are losing this war and losing it fast."


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