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Men of Anderas II: Dak the Protector

Page 6

by Cheryl Johnson

  He wouldn't bother with using a washing cloth. He’d work the delicate soap into Kierin’s snow-white hair, massaging her scalp until she relaxed against his chest. He'd start at her shoulders, working in long slow strokes until every pale inch of her skin was slick, especially her breasts. Are your nipples brown or dusky pink, little witch?

  She was a tiny thing but rounded in all the right places. He could almost span her waist with his hands. Was she too small to take him? He would have to be gentle with her--go slowly until her body adjusted to him. He would make love to her in the tub with the swirling, bubbling jets of water stimulating their skin. Later, after they rested, he would gently dry the water from her skin with towels heated by the energy stone. Knowing his own sensual nature, the bath would be just the beginning of the pleasure they would give each other.

  Raucous laughter and foul cursing jerked Dak back to reality. With a snort of disgust he shook off the illusion. What the fuck are you thinking about? You can't perform with this rock. You can’t take Kierin back to Anderas and you won't stay around here long enough to get that friendly. Still … the thought of her in his world. Forget it and her. The law forbids it. Remember?

  "Dak, will you back up so I can reach my clothes?"

  Obeying her request, he moved until he could feel the warmth from the water. He followed her movements by the sounds she made. The rush of water when she stood. The splash when she twisted the water from her hair before wrapping a towel around her head. The soft plop of water dropping from her foot when she stepped over the edge of the tub.

  It was her sharp gasp that spun him around to grab her around the waist when the unstable stool tipped, threatening to topple her into the mud.

  Dak flexed his fingers against the soft skin above her hips. Taking his time, unable to look away, he stared into her startled aqua eyes before letting his gaze drop. He traced the dewy softness of her mouth, the slender column of her throat, her breasts.

  "Pink.” He whispered, strangely pleased when the objects of his attention hardened before his eyes.

  Continuing down her body, he paused, drawing a deep breath into his lungs, at the sight of the pale curls below her waist. Unlike the tight curls he was accustomed to seeing, the silky strands lay in damp waves inviting a man's attention.

  "So beautiful." He whispered.

  Acting on instinct alone, he pulled Kierin’s wet body against his and covered her mouth with his own. When she pushed against his shoulders, he stroked her back, gentling her until she gave herself up to his kiss. When she opened her mouth on a sigh, he deepened the kiss, stroking his tongue along hers. When the need for air forced him to break off the kiss, he nipped along her jaw to the shell of her ear.

  Tracing the delicate shell with his tongue, he whispered into her ear. "Remove the stone, little witch. This is why you bought me, isn’t it? Let's finish it."

  Dak's words had the effect of cold water on her heated skin. Falling back on the only stability she knew, Kierin focused on her crystal, sending a jolt of energy to his hands.

  "Damn it!” He yelped, flexing his fingers. "A simple no would have worked."

  "Give me my clothes and leave me to dress.” She hated the husky, breathless way her voice sounded. She needed to be strong against him. It would be too easy to give in to him. Not just his passion--by the Goddess Jovena how did he continue to defy the stone--but to the essence of the man himself. He embodied all that she lacked in her world. Security. Caring. Someone to share the burden she guarded. She couldn't afford to need him on a permanent basis. It would mean his death.

  Dak jerked her cloak from his shoulder but there was no anger when he handed it to her. There was no emotion at all. He was back under the control of the amulet. Kierin clutched the fabric against her chest and wanted to cry.

  "I told you I'm not leaving. Get dressed."

  In less than ten minutes, she was dressed and even managed to twist her wet hair into an orderly knot. The silky material of her loose trousers and matching tunic felt wonderful after so many days in the same traveling clothes. Luckily, the swirling pattern of blues and greens helped hide the wrinkles. If Dak was aware that she was dressed, he didn't show it. He didn't offer to carry her through the mud this time. With a heavy sigh, she stepped off the stool and sank to her ankles in the mire. She had no one to blame but herself.

  “I’ll wait for you outside.” Kierin mumbled as she walked past his rigid body.

  “I’m not getting in that tub unless you’re stupid enough to order it.” He growled.

  Chapter Seven

  It took Smiley closer to four hours to deliver their supplies and another hour before Dak had them loaded onto the pack animal. At best, they would have three--maybe four--hours of daylight before they had to make camp for the night.

  He was stalling. He knew it. Kierin knew it. Other than an occasional glance at the small stack of supplies and the slowly setting sun, she hadn’t said anything about it. Yet. He just couldn’t come up with a good reason to stay here--at least one that would persuade Kierin. He didn’t know how long it would be before they reached another town with a Communications Center. Here was his best chance of contacting JarDan. His crew was out there. Somewhere. And he was their only hope of rescue or survival.

  Adjusting the cinch for the third time, he struggled with his options. The familiar actions of preparing for mounted travel required no conscious effort. It was as natural to him as walking. It left his mind free to think. To plan. Here was his best chance for escape, but Kierin was determined to return to her home. He’d tried and failed to free himself from the power of her amulet. And Talon, who was willing to kill him to free him from this nightmare, risked injury trying to help. There was a lot more to his crystal witch than he thought.

  Just be grateful she’s good-hearted. You could be in serious trouble if she were like Morandoni.

  Dak’s nightmares often contained images of the evil Oracle who imprisoned JarDan’s mother for over twenty years while everyone thought her dead. His death caused little grief to those who remembered him. No, she wasn’t evil, just driven by some pretty powerful demons of her own. If he could just figure out what they were he’d have another piece of this puzzle.

  He was back to the same circle of questions. Why did she buy him? Why the need for total control? The bodyguard theory only worked with Draagon in the picture and he wasn’t much of a bodyguard when she controlled most of his actions. Almost everyone they encountered since she appeared on Safe Haven seemed to be terrified of offending her. If she were capable of administering a stronger jolt of energy than Talon received on the shuttle or what he experienced at the bathhouse, he’d just as soon not be around to see it. His fingers still tingled.

  She said she needed an Anderan. Why? We’re no different from any other humanoid race. Since the plague, we aren’t considered worthy candidates for the marriage-minded. So what did she need with him?

  Dak reluctantly admitted that only Kierin knew the answer to his questions and only she could remove the stone. All he had to do was come up with a good enough reason for her to make that choice. Brute force was obviously not an option--even without the power of the stone. It just wasn’t in him to pit his greater strength against a woman. There had to be another way.

  “Dak, we really need to leave. It will be dark before we know it.”

  “Yes, Kierin.” Her look of surprise was almost enough to restore his good humor. If nothing else, he was keeping her off balance. Swinging himself into the saddle, he sought the balance of an unfamiliar mount. He was accustomed to the larger warhorses of Falcon Tor but the mare seemed content to carry his weight. Kierin was apparently satisfied with his riding skills. She turned north and headed out of town. It was bitter irony that he, trained from birth to lead men, now followed a woman. No weapon. No supporting patrol. Not even a plan of action if anything went wrong. And it was his experience that something always went wrong if you weren’t prepared.

  Once clear of the
city gates, she set a steady pace toward the line of trees in the distance. At least there would be some cover in the heavy growth. He couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching. Was it Draagon and his killers? Talon? He knew by the prickling of hairs on the back of his neck that someone followed Kierin, but which one was it? By the Beard of the Prophet, this endless barrage of questions was driving him mad.

  Kierin headed for home, constantly aware of the disturbing man behind her. He continued to surprise and confuse her. He was under the control of the stone yet he managed to do things without her directives. Animal Control Units used the same stones to control the largest wild animals without harm to themselves or the beasts. Animals twice Dak’s size became meek and docile. He shouldn't be capable of even simple actions, like feeding himself, without her specific instructions. Her Anderan managed much more than feeding himself.

  She should have seen it coming from the beginning. He had a strength of will, a determination unlike anyone she'd ever encountered. Admittedly, her experience with men was limited. Her father and brother sheltered her from the harsher realities of life. Draagon's threat only intensified their protectiveness. Now, when she needed all her focus on getting them safely to her fortress, he kept slipping past her guard right to her heart. She had to remember that he wouldn’t be in her world long no matter how badly she might want him to stay. If she started thinking about a future that might include him, she’d only be hurt. He was already more important to her than she ever intended for him to be.

  She overreacted to his kiss this morning. It was her only excuse for what she’d done to him. His actions didn’t warrant the use of her power. Those remarkable brown eyes had the power to turn her common sense to mush. The approval she saw when he looked at her made her feel very special, but scared her to death. She didn’t know how to deal with him nor his effect on her. When he touched her she couldn’t get enough air. When she finally did manage a deep breath, she couldn’t let it out. And his kisses. If she could bottle those kisses there would never be another cold woman on the entire planet!

  "Is there a problem little witch?"

  Dak’s slow drawl, so close beside her, startled her out of her mental rambling.

  "What?” She asked, glancing around. The late afternoon sun was barely above the treetops, gilding the meadow around them with golden light. The blossoming grasses, swaying in the gentle breeze, filled the air with their delicate scent. The myriad colors attracted insects and birds intent on an afternoon meal. She didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.

  "I asked if anything was wrong."

  "No, everything’s fine. Why?"

  "You’ve been stopped in the middle of the road, staring off into space for about ten minutes. I was just curious."

  A furious blush exploded across her face, which only raised Dak’s eyebrow even higher.

  "You’re exaggerating."

  "Am I?

  "He continued to stare at her, daring her to contradict him.

  "I was lost in thought for a few minutes at most."

  "Minutes? Take a look at the sun, Kierin. It’s almost to the tree line. It won’t be long before we have to find a place to make camp for the night. What were you thinking about?"

  Kissing you.

  Dak heard her answer in his head but before he could absorb the implications she was urging her horse into a trot. She had her head tilted in what he recognized as her ‘I-dare-you’ angle. Just as on the transport, it was all the proof he needed that what he heard was the truth.

  So, little witch, you liked my kiss, did you? I can do a lot more than kiss you senseless if you’re interested. She was aware of him as a man. He’d suspected as much since the first night on Safe Haven. He wasn’t an untried boy. He recognized female interest on the most primitive male level. Did her awareness indicate desire? Was that desire enough to make her remove the stone? He kept coming back to the same point in his endless quest for answers. Could it be as simple as stud service? Everything he thought he knew about women rebelled at the idea but nothing else made any sense. Murdock alluded to the possibility, but Kierin didn’t seem the type to buy sex.

  For the sake of argument, suppose he was right. It was possible she didn’t want an involvement with anyone she knew. Or her powers did, in fact, scare the pants off any man who knew about a crystal witch. For what this trip and his purchase cost, she could spend several months at a pleasure station getting all the action she wanted. Safe. Healthy. Unencumbered. He supposed she had her reasons for doing things this way and he never claimed to be an expert on the thought processes of the female of any species.

  Okay, she wanted him for sex. He had no problem with that. She was a beautiful, desirable woman and he hadn’t visited a pleasure station in a long time. He could still feel the softness of her skin beneath his fingers. And her mouth. A man could die happy with nothing more than a constant diet of her mouth. Every part of his body responded to the little crystal witch--except the one part that was necessary to finish what his kiss started. They both knew he couldn’t get a hard-on as long as he wore the amulet. If he had the time, he had no doubt he could kiss her into removing the stone. Could he arouse her enough to remove the stone without being able to touch her? To whisper words shared by lovers in her ear? Trouble was she was already expecting him to try getting close to her again and after that jolt of energy this morning, the next time he touched her it would be by invitation.

  He wished he knew more about the powers of a crystal witch and how far he could push them. The more time he spent with her, the more he had to alter his initial assumptions. Her power wasn’t the stone itself. She didn’t touch it when she zapped him or Talon. The more he thought about it the more convinced he was that her crystal was an amplifier or targeting device. Her power was her own. Like her telepathy. Now, there was a new wrinkle to his little crystal witch. If she could actually read minds she would have known Talon meant her no harm long before he explained himself. He figured her power was more thought projection--which would also explain the dream.

  He would have jumped and shouted with excitement if not under the control of the amulet. The pieces of the puzzle were beginning to fall into place. He was on the right track, he knew it and a plan was already forming in his agile mind. Kierin was telepathic whether by genetic design or crystal enhancement really made no deference. Her power made her receptive to the thoughts of others. What would happen if he seduced her in his mind? All he had to work with was the one kiss they shared in the bath tent, but he could be very creative. Was it enough to make her remove the stone?

  With a final inspection of the road, the meadow and the increasing number of trees for possible ambush, Dak let his mind slowly ease into the fantasy he was about to create. He would have to be subtle or she’d know what he was up to and put an end to the game--and be on her guard for any further intrusions from him.

  Slow and easy. Not your usual style but how hard can it be? If it works when she’s not touching her own crystal. Hell, let’s just see what happens. So, little witch, what’s your pleasure?

  Dak stroked the cool rock, remembering the scene Kierin planted in his head aboard the shuttle. Since it was already part of her memory, maybe he could use it--refine it--expand on it--without setting off any of her internal alarms until it was too late. He quickly discarded the idea. That image was too much, too soon. Slow and easy.

  He smiled when he caught sight of her stretching her back and rolling her shoulders to loosen muscles unused to long hours in the saddle. He knew just what she needed.

  Dak settled Kierin into the cradle of his legs, taking her slight weight from the saddle onto his lap. She held the reins, leaving his hands free. Covering her hands with his own, he stroked his thumbs across her delicate wrists. Sliding his hands slowly up her arms, he urged her to relax against his chest. Her hair smelled of soap and sunshine and he filled his lungs with its fragrance. Using the sensitive pads of his fingers, he sought the areas tight with strain. Wi
th firm pressure, he massaged until each muscle was once again soft and pliable. From her neck to her shoulders, his hands healed the healer.

  She rested her head against his shoulder with a soft sigh. He nuzzled the tender skin beneath her ear, placing whisper soft kisses along the slender column of her neck until he could feel the blood pounding through her veins and see her increased heart rate in the pulse fluttering at the base of her throat.

  As slowly as he began the fantasy, he eased them back into the real world, surprised when he realized she was once again stopped in the middle of the road. The surge of protective tenderness that washed over him when he saw her confused expression was completely unexpected--and not entirely appreciated. He didn’t want to care about her. She was his captor--his owner. She was keeping him from finding a way home.

  "It will be dark soon. We need to find a safe place to make camp."

  She blinked several times before he was sure she was really seeing him in the present and not still caught up in his fantasy. Every time she glanced in his direction her cheeks flushed a bright pink.

  "We’re still more than an hour from the public camp. I don’t think we can make it before it gets dark.” She glanced at the setting sun and the thick forest only a few miles in front of them.

  "Why in the name of all the planets do you stay in a public area? With the bounty on your head, every greedy bastard for a hundred miles could be waiting for just such an opportunity to grab you. I’m surprised you’ve managed to stay alive this long."

  "There’s safety in numbers, and Draagon doesn’t like witnesses. I admit I’ve been fortunate in that anyone I’ve happened to encounter has been more afraid of me than of Draagon. My father and brother …."

  "Are dead. What makes you think Draagon would refrain from killing a camp full of strangers if they stood between you and him?"

  Dak’s softly spoken words twisted painfully through her heart. "You don’t understand. There are too many things you don’t know."


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