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Veteran Dreams (Forever Young Series)

Page 7

by Cherron Riser

  “Well, things have been boring lately, so listening to your drama gives me some sort of entertainment.” Oliver followed her. She knew he meant nothing by it, but sometimes his constant snooping was rather annoying.

  “I’m glad you can look at me as your personal reality show, but not today. If I don’t get out of here soon, then I will be late for my date, and I don’t want to be.” Lita turned, gave Oliver the best smile she could muster, and left.

  As expected, the traffic was thick, but at least it was moving. To keep her nerves calm, she had the radio blaring and she was singing along with it. It kept her from thinking about the date. Was it a date? She wasn’t sure. It was better if she just sang her heart out instead of over thinking it.

  It took her nearly an hour to get to the restaurant, which put her there fifteen minutes early. She had already called Papa and told him she was coming in and that she wanted a little something special. When she walked into the door, Papa was already rushing toward her, arms spread so he could pull her into a tight hug. “I have missed you so much. When you come back and work for me? You were happier when you worked here.”

  He wasn’t wrong. She had been happier, but life had been simpler back then too. Now, she had to be an adult, which most of the time sucked. “I love you too, but I don’t think I will be coming back any time soon.”

  “Well, the position is always open for you. Now, tell me, what is going on that you call and tell me you are coming in special?” Papa asked, walking with her over to the table she had requested. It was one that had a little more room and was away from the main part of the restaurant and all of the noise that came along with it.

  “Truthfully, I asked a guy to meet me here. Now before you get too excited, I don’t even know if this is a date. He is an old friend from high school, and he wanted to meet up and have dinner.” Lita held her hand up to stop Papa before he could say anything else.

  “Sounds like date to me. I will put in some fresh cannoli for you. You deserve the best.” Papa started to walk off, calling to the back. “Catalina! Grab that good wine Lita likes. She has a date tonight.”

  She was shaking her head and about to take a seat when she felt someone poke her hand. Jumping from the surprise, she turned to see Alex next to her with the biggest grin on his face. “So, they are breaking out the good wine for your date?”

  Embarrassed, Lita rolled her eyes to cover it up. “I told him it wasn’t a date, but he insisted on making a show of it.”

  Something flashed through Alex’s eyes, a look she couldn’t quite read, but it was gone in a flash. “Well, it could be a date. I just don’t want to push. It has been a long time, and things are different now.”

  Lita wasn’t sure how to respond to that. On one hand, she wanted it to be a date too, but she wasn’t sure if she was ready to take on the baggage that came with Alex. It made her feel a bit guilty for thinking about it, but it was the truth. He had already explained a lot of the reasons his wife had left, and they were hard to deny. “I’m not opposed, but we should probably take things one day at a time. I mean, it has been ten years.”

  “I will grant you that. A casual date, then.” Alex wheeled up to the table, and the waitress came to take their drink order and drop off a basket of garlic knots.

  The two of them sat close enough they could share the same menu. Lita had eaten everything the restaurant had to offer, many times over, so when Alex decided on something, she decided it was what she would order. “I used to work here, back when I was in college. They were like a second family to me. When my grandfather died, they were the first ones there. Even though I had just quit.”

  “That sounds wonderful. I’m glad you had someone there for you. I remember when he got sick. You didn’t take it well,” Alex said. “You are doing well now though. I mean, this may not be California, but you are in the city, and sounds like you have a good job.”

  “It isn’t singing or writing though, so it is far from what I had hoped to be doing.” Lita looked down, ripping apart the garlic knot in her hand.

  “There is still time. You had to do what you needed to do to take care of yourself. You have always been independent like that. When you feel settled, I am sure you will get back to it.” Alex turned her to look at him. “You were always talented, and I’m sure you didn’t lose that.”

  “I don’t know. I tried riding a bike again after over ten years and nearly busted my butt. It isn’t as easy as they say to get back to it.” There was an almost defeated sound in her voice; she just couldn’t keep it at bay.

  “Hey, that is not the girl I knew. I know you can, you just have to try.” It was sad that Alex, after all this time, still believed in her more than she believed in herself.

  The pizza was brought out, which was perfect for distracting them from the conversation. She smiled looking at the gooey pie, fresh from the oven and piled with toppings. It was perfect, and she realized she was hungrier than she originally thought. However, Alex wasn’t giving up so easily. “Lita, I know you can do it.”

  “Well, when I was back home this weekend, I did find a bunch of my old notebooks. It was interesting to read over those old silly stories.” She found herself blushing as she thought about it. Alex had read a lot of the stories she wrote back then, not knowing some of them were about him.

  “Oh yeah, silly stories with their innocent sex scenes. Even after you lost your virginity, your stories were kinda…” Alex started and Lita arched a brow at him.

  “I know, I was very naive back then, but I have a little more experience now. I imagine I will be able to write something a little more realistic.” She grinned as she grabbed a second slice of the most perfect pie.

  Alex had a conflicted look on his face, but it washed away a moment later, and he was back to his old sexy self. “Yeah, I figured you would have. And you can use that and all your other experience to write even more stories and songs.”

  “Well, you were part of what got me thinking about it. When I saw you, I remembered the promise I made to you, and part of me felt a little guilty because I had let my dreams go. A much as I wanted to follow them, life kept getting in the way, and it felt like a sign that I should just give up.” Lita had never talked about what caused her to give up. People often assumed she just moved on and became an adult, but honestly, she just felt defeated.

  Alex had been watching her as she told her story. Though he didn't say much, his face and eyes told her a lot. He didn't see her as a failure. He was sad for her, but he wasn't upset. At least that was what his face said. “A lot of people give up on their dreams, and because of that, they assume everyone else does too. We let life get in the way. We let it defeat us, but we must be stronger than those battles. Maybe you can try starting up some songs at home so you can look at them whenever. Sometimes the first step to finding passion again is starting.”

  Lita liked the way he smiled at her after saying those words. Being with him again after all that time felt natural. Instead of the awkward feeling she got when she was talking to people at the reunion, she felt like they were picking up where they left off. There was heat in his eyes, just as there had been the night of the party when he had kissed her. It was like the stars were pushing them back together.

  Once again, she found herself moving toward him to kiss him, but just as they got close, Papa Gino came and set down a plate of cannoli and two glasses of wine. “Made fresh just for you.”

  “Gino! Did you not see she was about to kiss him? Why would you interrupt them?” Catalina called from the front counter.

  A rush of heat flooded Lita’s cheeks as she moved away and tried to hide behind her hair. “They needed their dessert; besides, I don’t know if he is good enough for our Lita.” Gino gave Alex a piercing look before leaving the table.

  Being an adult did not keep Lita from feeling mortified by what happened, and she certainly did not want to see the look on Alex’s face. It was just her luck Papa Gino would interrupt when she was going for i
t. In her peripheral vision, she saw the glass of wine being slid toward her. She looked to it and up at Alex, who also had a bit of pink in his cheeks. “Well, we can’t let it go to waste. They look amazing.”

  He said nothing about the almost kiss. Instead, he tried to move on and make her feel less embarrassed. It was a nice quality, and something she had remembered about Alex from all those years ago. “So, what do you say about coming over and hanging out with me. We can always take these to go and have them a little later.”

  “I think that sounds like a perfect idea.” Alex’s grin grew to a full-blown smile

  Chapter 13

  Alex followed Lita so he would have his own way to get home after the second half of their date. He hadn’t planned to go back to her place, but after the second missed kiss, he was starting to think it would be the only way for them to have any kind of privacy. Lucky for him, Lita’s apartment building had an elevator, so he had no problem getting up to her third-floor apartment.

  However, the place was a little small with more stuff than she probably needed. It made navigating a little more complex, but he managed to make it to the couch and then transferred himself so he could actually sit with her. Lita was busy getting them drinks while still holding the little plastic takeout box with their dessert. Papa Gino didn’t seem happy they were leaving without eating them, but Lita told him she would as soon as she had room. Lita had been right about the food. It was incredible.

  After a couple of minutes, Lita finally made it back to the living room to sit with him. She had taken off her shoes and jacket but was still dressed nice. “I had no idea what you wanted to drink, but this wine goes well with the sweets. I don’t keep beer or soda, so the only other stuff I have is juice, milk, and water.”

  “Wine is fine, I rather you relax some. Why are you so nervous?” Alex reached out and took one of the glasses from her hand.

  “Maybe because in ten years, I am still the same girl at heart. You always made me nervous.” Lita’s cheeks turned that pretty rosy color they did when she was embarrassed but trying to hide it.

  “I don’t know why. I always liked hanging out with you. It was fun, and you made me feel like I could be myself. It was, I don’t know...” Alex reached out and brushed a strand of hair from her face.

  “Yeah, I know, sweet and innocent, that is how you always saw me. I didn’t want to be that way with you though.” Lita almost looked angry when she said that.

  Alex had been fully aware for a long time that Lita had a crush on him. It was sweet, and maybe he had let it go on longer than he should because he liked the energy it created between the two of them. But he had also been afraid to take that innocence from her. There was just something about it that bothered him. Even now, after all these years, she was still sweet, and he still felt that quality that always made him pull away. He had always messed around, and he didn’t want to taint her with his past choices. Seeing her face, though, he realized it offended her how he kept referring to her in such an angelic manner.

  Tonight, he didn’t want to pull away. People were not often given second chances and certainly not third. Setting his glass down, he decided to be brave. Sure, she might not want to be with him in his current condition. He wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t, but he had to give it a try. As he leaned toward her, his hand moved up to slide through her hair and pull her closer. His eyes homed in on the way her lips were slightly parted and how she licked them softly. She wanted to kiss him as well; he had to believe that.

  He went to close his eyes but found himself forcing them open for a little while longer. Her eyes were closed. She was ready for him. And that was when he closed the distance and pressed his lips to hers. A jolt of electric energy coursed through his body. She scooted in closer to him, and their kiss deepened. This time, there was no one to intrude and no time limits. He could kiss her for as long as he wanted, well, unless she didn’t want to. However, she seemed perfectly happy to continue kissing him as well.

  Their lips moved together, and his arms wrapped tightly around her, pulling her into him. His legs might not work, but his upper body was still strong, and he wanted to feel her warmth pressed to him. Clothes or not, the contact was long overdue. When he pulled her closer, her arms wrapped around him too, and a sexy moan vibrated up from her throat. Damn, did she feel and taste good. He never wanted it to end; however, the truth was, he wouldn’t be able to do much for her, not past making out and foreplay, and the last thing he wanted to do was lead her on.

  Pulling away, he rested his forehead against hers as he tried to catch his breath. She, too, panted and held to him, her body shaking in his arms. The energy between them was intense, and he wanted more of it. Oh, so much more.

  “Alex,” she whispered, her eyes closed and her lips still close to him. There was no tension in her, just a wanton hold on him that made him want to start again. So, he did.

  This time, the kiss had more hunger. He pulled her into his lap and held her tight, letting her feel his strength. Once upon a time, he would never have been able to kiss her like this, but now, now, it was all he could think about. Until seeing her, a part of him had died. She made him feel young again. She gave him hope in one of the darkest times in his life, and she had no idea she was even doing it.

  The kiss changed. He ran his hands up her back and into her hair, fisting the silky strands around his hand as he pulled her head back and started to kiss down her neck, tasting the sweetness of her skin. Deep inside, he knew what he was doing was wrong. It could never be more, but he craved it with everything he had inside of him. He would savor it, as long as she would let him.


  The feel of his lips on her skin was intoxicating. For a long time after graduation, she had imagined a moment like this. However, those were the fantasies of youth and had faded. In that moment, though, she felt like a teenager again. His strength made her feel both vulnerable and protected. She had always known he was strong, but this was something else. With how sweet and playful he was when they were hanging out, when he was overrun with passion, he was fierce.

  However, with how much fun she was having making out with him, she didn’t want to get her hopes up about being with him. Alex had made no promises of being able to be more than what they were. His body didn’t function, and she wasn’t sure it was a long-term situation she would be comfortable with. Time would tell, she guessed. There obviously was still desire there, on both sides of the equation.

  They kissed and touched. Her hands pulled at his shirt so she could feel him skin to skin. Time had not taken away from the muscles he had built. He was still strong, very strong. “Lita, we…” Alex tried to talk, maybe to stop her, but she wasn’t ready to stop.

  Heat rose, and she found herself gasping for air between kisses. His hand moved up her spine, and he moaned with desire. It made her shiver and had her pressing tighter as if it was even possible. “Lita, we need to stop. I need air, and I just...” He kissed her again despite his words. Damn, this went beyond her dreams. “I just need a moment to think. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Hearing his words, Lita finally pulled away. She didn’t want to, but she understood. Her body was already responding to the affection, and, even if he wasn’t injured, she wouldn't want to go too fast. “Yeah, we probably should. Umm, do you want more wine?”

  Alex looked up at her with a heated smile on his face. Damn, that did not help calm her throbbing need. “Yeah, I can have another glass. Besides, I wouldn’t mind trying one of these cannolis.”

  Lita got up to grab the wine bottle and fill up their glasses. “They are the best. I swear I don’t know how I managed to keep from blowing up like a balloon working there.”

  “You are beautiful, curves in all the right places.” Alex waited for her to set down the bottle before pulling her back into his lap. She wasn’t sure if he was planning to start making out again, but she had no complaints either way. “Lita, I don’t want to rush whatever this is. I want you
to be sure before we go too far. I care about you, and the last thing I want is for either of us to get to a point we hurt one another if things don’t go well. It’s been ten years; we can afford to take our time.”

  “So, you want to see if we can make more of this?” She ran a finger across the line of his jaw.

  “Yeah, if you want to. Lita, I haven’t felt this good in a long time. I think we could be good for each other.” He stroked her hair from her face, then leaned in, and started kissing her again. Damn, it was going to be a long night.

  “Alex, I can’t make any promises, but I agree. I haven’t felt like this in a long time either. Hell, tonight, I feel like a teenager again.” Lita smiled before turning and reaching for the dessert and feeding him a bite.

  “I shouldn’t have done that to you. You deserved better than a quick kiss in the car the night before I was leaving.” Alex licked crumbs from his lips.

  Lita found herself blushing once again, and a smile spread across her lips. “That was one of the of the best moments of my life. When things got hard after that, I would think of that night. Dancing for you, that kiss before you left. It was magical, like a dream.”

  The look he gave her was a little confused, and she wasn’t sure why. “I always thought I had hurt you. It actually bothered me for a long time. But I used to think about that dance too. It was far sexier than I thought I would get out of you. It shocked me but in a good way.”

  “I haven’t danced like that in ages. Truthfully, I don’t think I have danced like that since that night,” Lita whispered, letting the images of dancing for him play through her mind.

  “Well, maybe you can dance for me again one night.” There was heat in his suggestion, and she laughed a little thinking about.

  “Let’s see how things go. But, maybe.” She kissed him again, but this time, she didn’t let him stop them. She knew it was just kissing and holding each other, but it was more than enough for her. It seemed to be good enough for him too, because he held her to him with all his passion and strength, and all her stress melted away into the fantasies of her teenage self.


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