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You Don't Own Me: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance (The Russian Don Book 2)

Page 27

by Georgia Le Carre

  People are terrified of Dominic because he has such a ready and explosive temper, but I know he is the only one who can stand up to Jake if necessary. So I decide to very gently put out some feelers.

  ‘I was out with Ria last night,’ I say stirring sugar into my coffee, ‘and I was curious. What was the feud with the Pilkingtons actually about?’

  ‘I don’t know. I don’t think anyone knows. It was centuries ago. These things start for small matters and carry on through the generations. Each generation hating each other without knowing why.’

  ‘I see. So now our families are friends?’

  He takes a sip of orange juice and studies me over his glass. ‘I guess so.’

  I have to be careful. Dominic is a hot head but he is very intelligent. Very quick to catch on.

  ‘Do we do business with the Pilkingtons?’

  ‘Not really. We have our territories clearly drawn up so there are no misunderstandings. BJ doesn’t mess with us and we don’t mess with him.’

  ‘So why did Jake and BJ fight then?’

  ‘It was a misunderstanding.’

  ‘Right.’ I pause. ‘So technically there’s no reason why our families shouldn’t do business or socialize?’

  ‘Technically? No.’ His voice has become still and his face watchful.

  ‘Well, I think you’ve done a fine job with this place. It’s beautiful. Ah… and here comes the food.’

  The waiter puts the food on the table. After a flurry of questions about whether we want black pepper or more drinks, we are alone again. I pick up my knife and fork. ‘Bon appetito,’ I wish heartily.

  ‘Layla.’ Dominic’s voice is too quiet.

  I put my fork and knife down and slowly lift my eyes up to his.

  He is staring at me with disbelief. ‘Who did you really go out with last night?’

  I lean back against the bright peacock and foliage upholstered chair. ‘BJ,’ I admit quietly.

  His hand comes crashing down on the table. The cutlery and plates jump. I jump. I have never seen Dominic get angry with me.

  My hand covers my mouth.

  ‘Fuck!’ he swears loudly.

  I stare at him. He puts his palm over one eye. ‘What the fuck, Layla?’

  ‘Please,’ I beg. ‘Please don’t tell Jake.’

  At the mention of Jake’s name, Dominic erupts into another litany of loud curses. Fortunately, the place is not yet open to the public. I can hear the staff in the bar scurrying out to the back.

  I sit it out until he gets a hold of himself. ‘How far has the relationship gone?’

  ‘I’ve only met him a few times. It’s not really a relationship. It’s just a sex thing.’

  ‘Don’t fucking tell me that! I’m your fucking brother.’

  ‘Sorry,’ I apologize quickly.

  ‘BJ! Why? Why on earth did you have to choose him? He’s such a fucking dog. He’s gone through all the women in Shane’s club.’ He stares at me. ‘Every fucking one.’

  I look down. I know I should be ashamed. I should be mortified that I’ve given myself to a man who is so obviously a man-whore, but I’m not. And that thought gives me sudden strength. I won’t sit here and let my brother abuse BJ. I have something with BJ and I don’t want to be disloyal to that thing, whatever it is. I reach out my hand and place it on my brother’s arm. It pulls him out of his rage.

  ‘He’s not like what you think.’

  My brother groans. ‘How can you even say that? He’s got you going behind all our backs and lying! Shit! He’s havin’ a laugh at our family’s expense. I thought he was more honorable than that!’

  I flush to the roots of my hair. ‘It’s not his fault. He wanted to confront Jake, but I begged him not to. It’s the wrong time. Jake is so happy at the moment. In less than a month he is going to be a dad. I don’t want to spoil it for him.’

  I see Dominic’s expression change and I press my advantage. ‘Besides, if BJ is the dog you say he is, it will all be over in the next couple of weeks. Why worry and upset Jake unnecessarily?’

  ‘You deserve better than that barbarian, Layla.’ He looks sad when he says it.

  ‘It’s just an experience, Dom. I’m not planning to marry him or have a family with him. I’m all grown up now and I’m just spreading my wings, living my life.’

  ‘If he fucking hurts you …’

  ‘I am not going to get hurt. I’m going in with my eyes wide open. But if I do get hurt, then I’ll pick myself up, dust myself off, and I’ll be wiser for it. I won’t shame our family.’

  ‘I’ll give you until the baby is born. If you’re not finished spreading your wings by then I’m telling Jake,’ he says sternly.

  ‘Thank you. I know it will have died away by then.’

  ‘It better fucking have,’ he says morosely.

  After that we eat our breakfast, but my news has put Dominic in a foul mood and by the time he drops me off I too have been affected by it.

  I call BJ.

  He answers on the first ring. There is tension in his voice. ‘Hi. Everything OK?’

  ‘Not really. I stupidly asked Dom a few questions about the feud and you, and he immediately guessed. So I had to tell him. He didn’t react very well, but he did promise not to interfere and to let me tell Jake when I’m ready.’

  ‘Want to do lunch?’

  ‘Yeah, but let’s go somewhere no one knows us.’



  I have my stockinged feet up on the radiator and the radio is on as we drive away from London to BJ’s country house. Outside, the rain is lashing down in sheets making visibility poor. It makes me feel we are in a bubble. Lost Frequencies comes on.

  ‘This is my most favorite song in the whole wide world,’ I tell him and turn it up as loud as it will go.

  He smiles.

  My lips are painted red and I feel happy. The kind of happy that makes you feel like you can jump up and touch the ceiling. When you think you love the whole world and everyone in it because you are so happy.

  The electric gates open and we drive into Silver Lee. It is only two o’clock, but it is already dark and all the lights have been lit. BJ opens the door and I precede him.

  ‘Is no one in?’

  ‘No, I asked my housekeeper to make himself scarce until later tonight.’

  I grin. ‘So we are totally alone?’

  ‘Not quite. There is someone I have to introduce you to.’

  I raise my eyebrows.

  ‘He’s a bit of an old fart and doesn’t like people, but he’s kind of important to me so let’s see what you make of each other.’


  We walk down through the house with its curving glass frontage. A storm is raging outside. He pauses by a door. ‘He can be quite foul mouthed,’ he warns.

  Then he opens the door and a nasal voice screeches, ‘Did you fuck him?’ My mouth drops open. BJ makes an after-you gesture with his hand. ‘Bitch, better have my money. Bitch better. Bitch better. Pay me what you owe me.’ I enter the room and there is no one in there. There’s just a grey parrot with a red tail.

  ‘Meet Jeremy Thomas,’ BJ says walking towards the bird. He holds his hand under it. ‘Step up,’ he says and the bird climbs on to his hand and looks at me with its head cocked to one side. ‘Cunt.’

  I laugh. ‘Did your bird just call me a cunt?’

  ‘Yeah, I forgot to say he’s a bit of a misogynist. My mother hates him.’

  ‘Has he called her one too?’

  ‘I’m afraid so. He used to belong to a Jamaican pimp so he generally has a very bad opinion of women and he’s always asking them for money.’

  ‘Give Jeremy a nut. Give Jeremy a nut,’ the bird squawks.

  ‘What kind of a bird is he?’

  ‘An African Grey.’

  ‘And how on earth did you get him?’

  ‘His owner owed me money and had to leave the country in a hurry. So I took the bird.’

  Jeremy fixes
me with a belligerent eye and flaps his wings. ‘You’re wet.’

  I gasp.

  BJ turns to me with a glimmer of laughter in his eyes. ‘It’s not what you think. He just wants a bath.’

  I laugh.

  ‘Want a cookie.’

  BJ gives him something from his pocket and the bird holds it in his claws and eats it.

  ‘Oh BJ. I think he’s gorgeous.’

  BJ grins happily and there is nothing to outshine his smile. I about melt into a puddle right there and then.

  ‘God only knows why I care so much for this stupid bird,’ he says.

  ‘You’re a wimp,’ Jeremy says and begins to laugh like a human.

  It is funny and we both laugh.

  ‘Kiss. Oops, bad birdie. Bite the dog. Bad dog.’

  ‘How old is he?’

  ‘Not sure, but older than you and me. He’s maybe 40.’

  ‘Wow. Can he fly?’

  ‘Give me the money, bitch,’ the bird squawks.

  ‘Yup, he can fly.’

  ‘Do you take him outside?’

  ‘I have in the past, but he doesn’t really seem to like it.’

  I watch Jeremy get a bath. It’s the cutest thing ever. It is fun and we both laugh. I look at BJ with his bird and I can hardly believe that this is the same aggressive fighting monster I saw in the pit.

  I offer Jeremy a nut. He takes it from me and quickly flutters away screeching, ‘Where’s my money, bitch.’

  I laugh and BJ catches me by the waist. I look up at him, tall and broad-shouldered, and the laughter dies in my throat.

  ‘Time my cock was inside you,’ he says.

  I hop on to his body and wrap my legs around his hips. ‘Carry me to your bed and ravish me then,’ I whisper daringly.

  We go up the stairs and he opens the door to the bedroom where I had received my spanking. He puts me at the edge of the bed. Outside the wind howls. Inside we are absolutely silent. I cannot even hear my own heartbeat. The only sound is the fire crackling in the fireplace.

  He starts off by kissing me. By the time he raises his mouth I am totally nude.

  ‘That’s a clever trick. Now show me my cock,’ I whisper hoarsely.

  He throws aside his t-shirt and unbuttons his trousers. I drink in the inked, tanned skin, the barely leashed strength in his coiled muscles and follow the line of straight black hair on its epic journey down to his crotch. The last scrap of cloth slides to the floor and I fix my gaze on his cock. Have me with a side order of caviar, or a maraschino cherry and two scoops of ice cream, or just me on my own, but fucking eat me, it screams aggressively.

  I love his raging cock.

  I grab his hips and slowly slide my puckered mouth over the thick roll of meat. He groans with pleasure. The heat of his lust flows from him onto my skin. I love sucking his cock. I’ll make all the other women who have taken him into their mouths a memory that never was. It is a lazy, dreamlike thought.

  Outside the storm passes. The sky becomes milky white, shadows move, but I do not stop. Every time he is about to come, I pause, I change my rhythm. He hisses with frustration. I understand. It’s annoying. But there is a point to it all. My lips grow as numb, but I do not stop. As if sucking his cock is an old tradition that can bring bad luck if broken.

  But he has other ideas.

  He seizes my head, fully determined that I will no longer have the reins, and starts thrusting lustily towards his climax. I taste the salt in my mouth and jerk my head back so his cum sprays onto my face, my open mouth, my chin, and my throat. There is nothing he has done to another woman that he cannot do to me. When the last drop has been squeezed onto me I slip my tongue out of my mouth and slowly lick his cum from my lips.

  He smears the rest on my face, neck and breasts.

  Then he pushes me onto my back and presses his naked flank into my softness, crushing it beautifully, and thrusts into my body as it arches up to receive him. The sensation is magic. My loins ache. My insides feel raw. A gasp. A cry. A stiffening. His muscles strain and ripple urgently. We move together, slick and sliding against each other. My breath comes faster as his cock swells inside me. The whole time his gaze never leaves mine, his eyes smoldering and rapt. The moments lengthen into technicolor dreams: rich like wine. I sigh at his gentle hands, his velvet mouth.

  Afterwards, I slip on his t-shirt and we drink apple mojitos. He is funny. I laugh. We have sex on the floor. Then we drink more mojitos and eat cold chicken and popcorn. I feel myself become lazily drunk.

  ‘You up for a fuck?’ I ask. There is a definite slur in my voice. An elongation of the vowels.

  ‘Is Fukushima leaking radiation?’

  I fling off his t-shirt and hair trailing down my naked back, crawl around the food towards him.

  He puts a dark hand on my pale exposed shoulder.

  I push him to the ground and climb atop him. His strong hands curl around my ribs to keep my body steady as I impale myself on his cock. I know I’m tipsy and without a steady rhythm. Despite that, we come quickly. I lie on his body and listen to the dull beat of his heart. I love simply having him inside me.

  ‘I could fall asleep like this,’ I whisper.

  ‘Get on your hands and knees, woman.’

  Hours later, the fire has burned down to embers and ashes. I lie weary and trembling beside him in the dark. I reach out a hand and touch him, a gesture that is both a question and reverent. My eyes are wide and filled with a strange new perspective, an awareness, an impossible intensity, as if I have never been truly or fully alive before.

  ‘I have to get back to London soon.’

  He turns towards me, his face drugged and slack with desire. ‘Not yet. I’ve not had enough of you.’

  ‘Ahhhhh,’ I gasp, my juices splashing into his mouth.



  ‘I got the job,’ I crow into the phone.

  He laughs. A good sound.

  ‘You are now talking to a member of Vincent & Prestige’s Studio’s team of interior designers. I start my first design and fit-out assignment on Monday!’

  ‘Want to celebrate over lunch?’

  I feel the disappointment inside my body, like a wave passing through. ‘I can’t. I’m going shopping with my sister-in-law. We’re buying baby stuff.’

  ‘How’s Lily?’

  ‘She’s quietly freaking out after convincing Jake that she should have a totally natural childbirth in their bathtub. She’s actually going to give birth without an epidural! Apparently she’s going to be sucking on sugar pills the whole time. I told her I think she’s bananas. When I have a baby I want to be put out. And I don’t mean just an epidural. I mean general anesthetic. I don’t want to know nothing! Nada. I want to wake up to my husband holding a pink baby all clean and wrapped up in blankets.’

  The silence on the other end is so thick you could have spread it on a slice of bread. Then it hits me how I must sound to him. A crazy woman banging on about babies three days after having sex with him. And with him being a player—yeah, even then I resisted the words junkyard dog.

  ‘Thank God it will be at least ten years before I am in such a position,’ I rush into the treacle of silence.

  ‘We should celebrate your job offer,’ he says evenly.

  I breathe a sigh of relief. ‘Yeah, we should,’ I agree.

  ‘Where do you want to go?’ he asks.

  My response is immediate. No need to think about it. ‘Silver Lee.’

  ‘Don’t you want to go somewhere nice? It’s a celebration, after all.’

  ‘Nope. I still haven’t had a proper tour of your house, remember?’

  Strike two. I hear his reluctance, like sandpaper on my skin. He doesn’t want to give me a tour. Why on earth not? ‘If you don’t want to it’s OK.’ Oh my God! I am becoming a doormat.

  There is a pause. Then. ‘All right. I’ll show you around. Pick you up at 3:00?’

  ‘See you then.’

  I slip into the pass
enger seat of BJ’s carbon-edition Aston Martin, close the door, and turn toward him. Wow! He’s rocking a sexy five o’clock shadow, which makes him look all moody and brooding. His eyes graze over me slowly, but being so dark they give nothing away.

  ‘Hi,’ I greet breathlessly.

  He leans over and kisses me. I’ll say this for him: the man can kiss. In seconds I want to throw my arms around his neck, curl my fingers in his hair, and climb over to his side of the car to lower myself on to his thick cock. My skin tingles. My head starts buzzing. My hand strays to his hard chest.

  ‘What was that for?’ I whisper, when he breaks away.

  His eyes are smoky with desire. He places his finger on my lower lip and drags it along my skin. His voice drops to a faux whisper that caresses my skin. ‘Because you’re so damn beautiful.’

  I drop my eyes and go all hot and red with sheer happiness.

  He places a finger under my chin and lifts my face. ‘Isn’t that what all the boys who aren’t afraid of your brother tell you?’

  My stomach flips. ‘I think there are more boys afraid of my brother than you think.’

  ‘Since I’m not in the firing line yet, let me tell you, Layla. You’re one hell of a beauty.’

  ‘You’re not so bad looking yourself,’ I say shyly.

  ‘Me? I’m an ugly mug. You, you’re another matter. You truly are the beginning of intoxication.’

  ‘That reminds me, how is it you know so much about my name. Even I thought Layla meant of the night in Arabic.’

  ‘Because I researched it, Princess.’

  ‘Is that why you bought a tiepin with the word Layla on it?’

  His face closes over.

  I frown. ‘What?’

  ‘Nothing.’ He turns away and starts the engine. ‘So Lily is having a homebirth. When?’

  ‘Well,’ I say settling myself into the seat. ‘The baby is not due for another three weeks.’

  ‘And Jake is OK with a homebirth?’

  ‘Oh, he didn’t like it one bit at first, but being the total control freak that he is, he went out and offered the best midwife in England so much money she is going to uproot her entire family, 3 kids no less, to go and stay at his house two weeks before the baby is due. From what I understand, the poor woman will be virtually a prisoner until the baby is born. Of course he’s also hired a whole medical team to be on standby just in case there’s any kind of complication.’


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