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Surviving The Chaos Of Life (Demented Revengers MC: Quitman Chapter Book 4)

Page 14

by Vera Quinn

  “You know you're not helping yourself with that damn attitude. We will take a vote and see what happens, but it will be a vote of all the brothers as it should be. The club will decide your punishment, but did you ever consider just coming to us for help? Never mind, just sit there and try to understand the word brotherhood for a minute.” Shine is full of disgust for the man. “Con, get the prospects to put him in a room and watch him.” I open the door and signal to the two prospects waiting. “Keep your eyes on this asshole.” Shine says coldly. I thought Sin would have a smartass remark, but he stays quiet.

  “Con has made his claim on Faith as his ol” lady and it was voted on and we approved it, but now when Brody and Charity get married he’s going to propose. This is something to be kept to between brothers only, and away from the women, he wants to spring it on Faith at the wedding because she reacts better to surprises then talking it out. When she has time to think about it she reacts by running. We want this wedding to happen. Charity and her sister are both in danger, not only from the community and the Hell Keeperz but also from some of their family in Ireland and we want this handled. We don't want these women to come to any harm and it will keep us from the extra headache if their family come after them. Since we now know that the Hell Keeperz MC and the Possessed Blood Souls MC are one this wedding being pulled off is a win for everyone. We can’t have eyes on everyone and this will lighten our load temporarily.” Shine lays it out.

  “Is this one for real, or is it just like the claiming when we voted? That right there, I'm not down with. Hasn’t this woman been through enough? She doesn't need any more shit, I have daughters and that is not right to put a woman through. I would never want my daughters to go through this, ever. I don't see how we can sit here and say that he can fill her with promises and hopes and then crush her dreams. That’s heartless.” Cue Ball says and letting his emotions be known.

  “I don't think that's your business Brother, she will be my ol’ lady until I say she's not and I'm going to marry that woman. She's going to be mine until I change my mind on it. This is my personal business, this has nothing to do with the club, but I brought it before all of you out of respect. I don't need anyone telling me how to run my relationship with my ol’ lady and if anyone thinks different they can take it up with me, outside. I'm still going to do it, she needs to be protected and I'm going to protect her, end of story. What have we all grown a pussy and think it is alright to sit around talking about a brother’s emotions and feeling? Stay out of my business when it comes to my woman.” I am not mad at Cue Ball for stating his mind, but I also will not stand for his nose in my business.

  “Is that plain enough for you Cue Ball, we back our brothers move. Con wants to protect Faith and he will go to whatever extent that takes. If this relationship with them works, it works, if it doesn't it's not our business. We will be there to help them both like a brotherhood should, we won't abandon Faith if this doesn't work out.” Shine leaves them with that to think on.

  “Sean and Cooper are going to be giving us a heads up when it is time to go after the community and the Hell Keeperz MC. We won’t have much of a warning, so be prepared, have your firepower with you and have plenty of ammunition. I don’t know how long we will be gone and don’t know where. So just be ready.” Shine tells everyone, and I hope everyone gets the importance of this. “On the matter with Cap, is there anybody here that would suggest an action that is to be taken or should we accept his explanation and trust that he did what he thought was right.” This is weighing heavy on Shine’s mind.

  “I say that we give Cap the same support that he’s given us all these years. He’s devoted his life to this club and I think we should pay him back for everything that he’s done. I vote we let it ride and show our support.” Rebel says. The vote goes around the table by show of hands and it carries.

  “By unanimous vote, we vote to let the Cap issue ride and no action be taken. Let’s move on.” Shine finishes. I see the relief on his face. “Sin issue.”

  “I vote that he dies for his betrayal. Brothers are brothers until death and I don’t want Sin as my brother, so it is time for him to die.” It’s the way I feel about it. The motion goes around the table by the show of hands and again it is unanimous. Sin knew before he left the room what the outcome would be.

  “By a unanimous vote we vote for death. Let’s move on.” Shine shows no emotion either, but I know it will be Shine and Rebel that give Sin his punishment. “Next is the question of trusting Sean and Cooper. Zig you are up.”

  “Brothers, I have a confession to make to you all I'm an NSA agent, more a freelance person that does the cleanup work. I've been an NSA agent for the last few years. Everything that Sean and Cooper have told is the truth. There is paperwork that I was privileged to and it has shown that the community and the Hell Keeperz had been working together for a lot of years. The community is the one that put the mobile drug houses in operation. It was Alice’s idea and the NSA want her out of power and dead. Her right-hand man is Samson. That was Charity and Faith’s older sister's husband and he is a ruthless bastard. He wants Charity to pay for bringing all this down on the community. He wants Faith to start repopulating with Connor blood. I know it all sounds whack but they are all crazy. He will torture and kill Charity and then make Faith his next wife.” Cue Ball interrupts Zig.

  “What do you mean you have been a damn NSA agent? What the ever-loving fuck is going on, Brother? Don’t you think that it was our business to know that you were a government agent? Why do you think that we should trust you? You're a government man. Yeah, we've cleaned ourselves up, but everything we do is not above-board Zig.” The mood in the room has gone dark again and it should be. Zig has betrayed us. “We have families to provide for and protect and everyone knows to never trust any government agency that comes sneaking like a damn snake.”

  “I agree with Cue Ball. We need traitors out of our club and Brother like it or not what you did betrayed us. We will never trust you again.” Hawk speaks up and Salty is shaking his head yes too. “Shine, do you trust this Cooper and Sean? That’s all I need to know.”

  “Everything they have given us has checked out and they didn’t need to give it to us. We are depending on them to get our revenge, not the other way around, and they have the manpower to do it without us, so anything they give us is only helping us, but Sarge is helping us double check everything. Sarge will be here for a few more days but Chief has gone home to make sure the BlackPath MC is not hit while he is here. The Possessed Blood Souls MC and the BlackPath MC had a rift a few years back, and Chief is needed at home to watch their own backs.” Shine waits for a second and then goes on. “I know everyone is upset about what has gone on with Zig, but he is here until this is over and then we can have a vote to take his cut or let him keep it.” I see the look of remorse on Zig’s face but only time will tell.

  “I need to put in here that I will be staying until this is over, but then I will be asking for a vote to be let go. I don’t like the way I was assumed guilty until you found out I wasn’t from a damn stranger.” Red Cap has a right to be upset but quitting is not the way to go.

  “Think about it Red Cap, both Trick and Boozer were missing, and we assumed part of the attack. You were out of it and Shield looked at the surveillance feed and he noticed it had been tampered with and several days in a row to boot. We were trying to be cautious. Then we find out that Tisha is part of it. What were we supposed to think? Tisha used you and Sin helped her. He’s been fucking her behind your back for months. I understand it pissed you off but to turn in your cut. Just think about it until this is over and then if that is what you want then we will vote but you remember if we take your cut then we take your ink too.” Rebel gives it to him plain and simple.

  “I vote we trust Cooper and Sean until they prove we can’t.” I know some of the brothers are uncomfortable but they still back my vote, unanimously.

  “Vote carries. We trust Cooper and Sean until we
have evidence not to. Anything else? We will call church again as soon as we hear anything from Cooper and Sean so have your phones on and be ready. Salty, make sure everyone has the firepower they need.” Salty is one of Rebel’s but he has been put in charge of all guns and ammunition. “Meeting is adjourned.” Shine hits his gavel, and everyone can’t wait to be out of the small quarters.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I hear Con and Brody when they walk in the door. Brody moves over to the side of the bed that Charity is lying on and he picks her up. I guess he’s going to take her to another room or they may be going home. I don’t open my eyes all the way so Con doesn’t know that I’m awake. He goes into the closet and he gets some clothes. Then he makes his way to the bathroom and shuts the door. I don’t know what I’m feeling. I want him to want me. I don’t know what to do with my inexperienced self, but I know that I am going to need to open his eyes and show him I’m not a little girl anymore. I’m a grown woman with needs. I get out of bed and tiptoe to the bathroom door and quietly jiggle the door knob to make sure that it’s not locked. When I’m sure that I can get in the bathroom I strip out of my clothes and I hear that the shower has started. I wait and give Con time to get in the shower. I open the door quietly and close it. I walk over to the shower curtain and open it enough for me to step in. He has his back to me and his head is cocked back under the water with his eyes closed. I’m so jealous of the water running down his body. I want to lick his abs dry and his chest is a chiseled piece of art and I just want to touch him. I lay my hand on his back and he jerks around. He looks at me with heat in his eyes that even I can see and then his eyes go cold and he looks at me like I have grown horns and a tail.

  I wait for Con to say something, but instead he grabs my arms and he backs me out of the shower and wraps a towel around me and then he wraps a towel around his waist and his very hard dick. He’s huge.

  “This is not happening. This can't happen Faith, you're not old enough. You're not mature enough and you will regret this. You would. You would begin to hate me for it. I don't want that. I want to respect you, but you need to respect me. I'm trying to do the honorable thing. We are not having sex until you are 18. You get that through your head. I'm not playing games. This is plain and simple, get it through your head, no sex. I will hold you through the night and I will keep your fears away, but for me to be able to look myself in the mirror I cannot have sex with you until you are 18. Please, respect that. I'm not a man of patience and what I have is about to run out with you. I am a hungry man and you are what I want to eat so do not tease me. Now go back in that room and get into to bed and wait on me. Are you listening to me Faith?” I should say something. I should have said a whole lot of things, loud and in his face but I am shocked and hurt by his rejection again. Does this man think I don’t have feelings? I turn to walk away from him and he grabs my hand. “Don’t run from me Faith, just go and put your clothes back on and get in bed and wait on me.” I can’t get any words to come out. I just feel my eyes filling up with tears and I refuse to let Con see them. I turn and leave the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I hear the lock being turned. That’s when I let the tears fall. I pick my clothes up and put them on. The tears streaming down my face. I know that Con is not being honest with me. He doesn’t want me as his ol’ lady but what his end game is, I haven’t figured out. Only time will tell. I need Charity and her baby safe, so I will just stay here and act like I am swallowing every piece of shit that Con feeds me. I will go along with whatever he says and push my feelings for him out of my head, and one day, I can push them out of my heart. I get into bed and try to shut everything out. I close my eyes, but I smell Con when he comes out of the bathroom and my body comes to life. I try to push it out of my head. My body is a damn traitor to me. I pretend like I am asleep. I know he knows the difference, but he won’t call me on it. I hear him open and close the bedroom door as he sneaks out of our room. No doubt in my head he is gone to find a woman that can give him what he needs and wants. My tears roll from my eyes. I toss, and I turn, I think my sleep will never take me and that is the last thing I remember until Con comes back to our bed in the early hours of the morning and just as I thought I he smells of cheap perfume. I try to pull away from Con, but he won’t let me. He pulls me close.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been so harsh, but I care about you, Faith and I never want you to regret a single minute with me. I am trying to give you the respect you deserve but you had me so worked up by showing me that tight body of yours and it was hard for me to control myself.” This would be nice, but I smell the perfume.

  “Let’s just get some sleep. We’ll start over in the morning.” I lie.

  “Come here babe, I need you close where you belong.” I smell the alcohol on Con, but just how drunk is he? I let Con pull me to him and I am half on top of him, and I feel his dick harden. I relax and let myself drift off again.

  Chapter Twenty


  Day of the wedding

  This day has been magical for Charity. She is so darn beautiful in her summery camo sundress. That’s right, camo and she is walking down the aisle barefoot. We all are and we all have matching pink camo sundresses. Something only my sister would come up with. She wanted to wear jeans, but Brody wanted her in a dress. He is going to be shocked, especially since I have already seen him in his suit. He looks very uncomfortable and I can’t wait to capture his face in a photo when he sees her dress. My sister has attitude and she can’t wait for Brody to see her.

  That there is what I want. Someone that gets me and likes my sense of humor. I just want somebody to love me for me. I slept in Con’s arms again and it was the best feeling in the world. I felt safe and cared for, cherished even. The man cares for me but he is fighting hard against it. I don’t want him guilted into making love to me the first time. I don't ever want to have to do that and I know one day I will have to walk away from Con before he hurts me too bad. I don't know if Con will ever be able to love anyone completely. Not the way he loves his club and not the way he loves his brothers. I could accept that, and I could share it with him, but he won't let me in, so the best I can do is take it one day at a time like he said. I need to give him that, and I will trust him until he proves to me that he can’t be trusted. I will trust him with not only my safety, but Charity’s safety, her child’s safety, and Brody safety. This is our new family and I don't want anything to happen when these damn killers are caught. When they are put behind bars, then we can breathe, and I can deal with Con. Right now, it is a day to day thing. I'm just going to accept what he says is best because I don't know what to do. If I walk, I could put Charity in danger. This is weighing heavy on my conscious. I am going to stay right here and do what Con asks of me.

  I see that Sean and Cooper have made it with their 6 handsome sons with them. I want to go have a word with them, hoping they've heard something about my DNA test, or they have heard something about my ma. I make my way across the room and Cooper sees me coming and he stands up and he pulls me into a hug. He leans down and he whispers in my ear, “You're my daughter.” I never thought I would hear those words and be filled with joy, but this man has already shown me more compassion than the man that I thought was my pa. I am overwhelmed, and I grab hold of him and hug him tight. It's not long before he steps back. “Your sister, Charity, she is Sean's daughter and we want both of you to be part of our family. We won’t take no for an answer. I know you're both too old to have your dad telling you what to do, what not to do, but we want to share your lives and we want to be a part of them. We’ll never let Alice hurt you again.” I didn’t even know Charity had taken the test. I look at Cooper and I see the that the truth is shining in his eyes and I know that this man will always be here for me and that gives me hope. A hope that I never knew I needed until right this minute.

  “This is the best news that I could get. I have been lost and I didn't know how lost until you just told me those wo
rds. I want you to meet Charity and I want us to form a bond like any daughter and dad, but I need to get back there and help Charity. This is going be one heck of a wedding because Brody is in for one heck of a surprise.” Cooper smiles at me.

  “I can see that if your dress is any sign of what is to come, it’s not what I would expect at a wedding, sweetness.” Cooper tells me.

  “I will catch you after the wedding. I need to get back to Charity.” He kisses the top of my head and I walk away. I see the longing in Sean’s eye. My sister will meet her dad today. This is turning out to be a wonderful day. I make my way back to the room where Charity is waiting, and I want to share this news with her, but first I want her to have her day with Brody. I make it to the door and I open it and there sits Charity in a chair reading on her phone. She does not seem the least bit nervous, she’s not apprehensive and she's nothing like Brody is. He’s pacing the floors. Are you just not nervous?” she looks at me and she smiles.

  “What do I have to be nervous about? I am marrying the man that I want. I'm going to have his child and today I'm going to share his last name. I just want to get this show on the road.” I look at her and I know she's telling the truth.

  “Are you sure you want me giving you away today? I mean I'm sure somebody else would stand in. It doesn't have to be me.” Charity looks at me as if I have grown a second head.

  “Of course, it does. I belong to you and you belong to me and only we can give each other away. We are sisters to the end and I want you there on my big day and I want you to give me to Brody.” That brings tears to my eyes. I can't believe how happy she is. I pat my cheeks dry and try to clear the tears away. I walk out the door and run up the hall. I wave to Brody, so he will know to start the music. I run back to the room when the music starts playing I can’t help laughing out loud as “Queen of Denial” plays. I go into the room and grab hold of Charity’s arm. I kick off my shoes and we go up the hallway, so I can give her to her husband, to the man she will always love. It doesn't take us long to make it up the aisle, Brody has a smile on his face but everyone else looks confused. When I see that smile on Brody’s face I know that Charity has found her soulmate and I will never need to worry about Charity’s heart again. There's a man standing in front of Brody that I don’t know. This isn’t the man that Charity said was marrying them. I notice Con is walking up behind me and he’s dropped down to one knee. I don't get it, what's he doing? Then it clicks in my head, Con is giving me the peace of mind to know my sister is safe on her wedding day.


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