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Surviving The Chaos Of Life (Demented Revengers MC: Quitman Chapter Book 4)

Page 19

by Vera Quinn


  Captain said Lil is scouting for more family members and has found what she hopes is a daughter. Love that woman like a mom. She can find more stragglers to bring into our family. If her and Captain had been able to have children, they would have had a house full. Instead she has all but adopted Con and me, and now this new girl. Lil has a heart of gold and plenty of love to go around. Her and Captain now have a farm full of stragglers, too. Everyone jokes with Captain and tells him he is old McDonald. He doesn’t care if it keeps Lil happy. They have dogs, cats, horses, and chickens.

  I make it to Mt. Pleasant and find the hospital without any problems. As soon as I get inside I see Captain talking to Con. Captain is shaking his head as Con is relaying something from the phone to him. I know that look. Captain is pissed about something. I approach them, and I hear Con giving him information about this girl, I’m guessing.

  “She doesn’t have any family that Zig Zag can find, but he’s still digging. He’ll give you an updated report as soon as he can get it. He thinks her truck will be a total loss. Lil’s SUV needs major front-end repair. That’s all he has so far.” Captain nods his head yes.

  “Tell him to get me a preliminary report and then do an extensive background check. She may be around for a while.” Captain looks deep in thought. Just as I thought, it starts with Lil and then Captain gets in on it. Next thing you know, the girl will be moved in. It’s their way. It’s the way our club has grown.

  “What’s up, Captain?” Con hangs up and smiles a big smile.

  “Lil is bringing, or trying to bring, another one into our family. At first, I thought it was a bad idea, but I think she may be right. Katie needs our help.” Captain is in and whether knows it or not.

  “Katie is her name? What do you know about her?” Captain sits down in one of the empty chairs in the waiting area. Con and I do the same. Captain is talking in a hushed voice.

  “She was in the other vehicle hit last night. She has a concussion and some bruised ribs. She has no one we can find to help her. She just turned twenty and is working and going to school. She lives in Tyler. Her truck is a loss and that’s about it. Zig Zag is looking into her background.

  “One of you take my truck and get us all some food. Lil is still with her. She’s all but got her moved in to our house and she hasn’t even asked Katie yet.” Captain is still thinking it over. I can tell by the look on his face. “She is a little thing. She could use our help. As soon as we get that report back, we’ll see what we can do.” Yep, he’s sold on the idea.

  “So, what does she look like? “Captain gives me a look I know too well.

  “Shine, if you go near that girl with your dick Lil will cut it off. There’s plenty of club girls for that. Hands off.” He looks from me to Con. “That goes for everyone.”

  “Sure, Captain. She looks beat the hell up right now Shine, but you can’t tell nothing in that hospital gown.” Con says with a smirk on his face. I’ll check her out myself. “Everyone okay with burgers? I’ll go so I can get some air and stretch my legs some more.”

  “Burgers are fine. You know Lil will want a salad. If you need help, text Shine and he will be down to help. Con, after that you can get back home and come back tomorrow to relief Shine. Bring the report with you. Zig Zag should have it by then. We’ll stay at the motel again. I’d try to get Lil to go home, but I know that’s not happening, and after the wreck she’s not getting out of my sight for a while.” Captain gets up when he is finished, and hands Con some money. Time to go meet this Katie….

  We step off the elevator and I see this curvy little nurse stepping on. I give her a wink and the sexiest smile I can. She looks me up and down and licks her lips. Maybe, this trip won’t be so boring. I could play doctor with her. Captain clears his throat to get my attention when the elevator doors open, and I follow him down to the second door on the right. We try to be quiet going in.

  I see Lil sitting in the chair in the corner and she is fast asleep. Captain goes and sits on the couch close to her. I see the young woman lying in the bed. She has a black eye, but there is something about her that looks lost and vulnerable. She has long dark hair and her face looks thin.

  “Shine remember what I said downstairs.” Captain is getting into his protective mode.

  Just then she opens her eyes. She looks a little startled. Three people she doesn’t know in her room. Two of us bikers. I guess that could be scary.

  “Hey, little lady. It’s okay. We’re friends, or we’re going to be. We just want to help.” I try to reassure her. She reaches for the bed adjuster and brings her bed up. I can see in her eyes that it is painful for her. She reaches for her water cup, and I go over and see it is empty, so I fill it up and hand it to her. She takes a slow sip like she is savoring it.

  “Who are you and why do you want to be my friend?” Her eyes are taking in what she can.

  “Darling, it just seems like you could use some friends. We just want to help.” Captain has come up to the other side of the bed. “My wife, Lil, wants to help you.”

  “But why? I have nothing I can give you in return. She doesn’t know me, or anything about me.” The girl looks like she is on the verge of tears.

  “Your name is Katie Walton. You’re twenty years old as of two days ago. You work and go to school. You live in Tyler close to us. You were in a wreck last night. You have no family to help you. You only have a working relationship with your boss. How am I doing so far?” Lil has stepped forward to stand beside Captain and has taken Katie’s hand in hers.

  “Wow. You’ve gotten all of that out of our short conversations. All I know is your name is Lillian Duncan and your husband calls you Lil and you say you want to be my friend.” Katie smiles at Lil and she is beautiful, even with her bruises.

  “Sweetheart, we want to help you through this. You look like you may could use some more friends and we live close. Who knows, we may be neighbors already. Where in Tyler do you live?” Lil is already working her magic with Katie. I can see in her face she has relaxed some.

  “I live on MLK in a little garage apartment. It’s small, but it’s mine. It’s all I can afford right now. It’s a like a studio.” That’s not good and I see the disapproval on both Lil and Captain’s faces.

  “Do you live alone? That’s not a real safe part of town for such a young person.” Lil is trying to stay calm, but I can see it isn’t working.

  “What do you mean for a young person? It’s not safe for any woman by herself. Young lady, do you have a security system or at least good locks?” Now Captain is getting pissed.

  “No. I can’t afford a security system. I keep a bat close at night and the locks are adequate for my needs. I’ve never had any trouble. I keep to myself. I don’t really own anything worth stealing.” Katie looks a little embarrassed.

  “Darling, I’m not worried about your things being stolen. I’m worried for your safety. Is it okay if I have one of my brothers go over and check it out and bring you some things?” I can see the brothers will be visiting her place today, even if she doesn’t agree.

  “That would be very kind of you. Are you sure they won’t mind? At the top of the stairs, on the ledge of the railing there is a potted plant, and, in the dirt, my spare key is hidden.” How original. “It’s a fake plant, but it’s real dirt, so it’s easy to find the key.” Easy for anyone. Katie is too innocent for her own good. “Do you know how much damage was done to my truck? It’s the only means of transportation I have. It’s not much to look at, but she always starts for me.” She’s going to get more unwelcome news.

  “I was told it was pretty bad, but I will have it checked out for you.” Captain already knows it’s in bad shape. He has already decided she will be part of our family or he would have just told her.

  I’m watching, but not really contributing to the conversation. I am observing Katie to see if she is trying to play Lil and Captain. I see no deception. She doesn’t look like she is trying to milk it. There’s a
slight knock at the door and I take the few steps to open it. Con steps in with his hands full of fast food bags.

  “Con, thank you. My stomach was starting to growl. Katie are you hungry?” Lil is trying to put Katie at ease.

  “It’s all very nice of you, but I can eat whatever they bring me in. I don’t want to take your food. I’m sure mine will be here soon.” That’s not working for me. She’s going to eat our food.

  “You can eat our food and we aren’t taking no for an answer. I can’t believe you would rather put hospital food in your stomach, instead of this delicious smelling food. So, I don’t want to hear anything else. You look like you could afford to gain some weight. So, you will eat.” Katie looks at me like I have grown a second head.

  “I’m fine, so I’ll wait.” Katie is being stubborn.

  “Katie, I have no patience for stubborn women. You will eat, even if I need to feed you. We take care of our women.” Where the hell did that come from? She’s not mine or ours. I do get a smile out of it, but it’s not a good smile, more like a sarcastic smile.

  “Well, it’s a good thing I’m not one of your women. I’m not being stubborn. I just like to pay my own way, and even though all of you have been so kind to me, I really don’t know you. I appreciate all the help you are trying to give me, but I have no way of repaying you and I have to stand on my own two feet.” Katie is going to be stubborn. Captain, Con, and I all look at each other. Lil takes control.

  “We just want to help. Please eat with us. Next time we will ask first, but we don’t want to waste this food. Con bought way too much for us. So please eat.” This is the way Lil always gets her way. She gives you no way to say no without being rude. She knows exactly what she’s doing.

  “Okay, if you’re sure, I can do that. Thank you.” Lil hands her a salad and a sandwich.

  We eat in silence. Each of us looking, but not knowing exactly what to say. Con is the first one finished.

  “I’ll be getting back to the clubhouse. I’ll be back tomorrow first thing.” Sure, he will, if he doesn’t party too much tonight.

  “Con, I want you to go to Katie’s apartment and bring her some things tomorrow when you come. I’ll text you the address. I’m going to have Lizard go by there tonight to check the security. Also, go by Brown’s ranch and let him know Katie won’t be there for a few days. Do you know where it’s at? Out on old Jacksonville highway.” Captain knows that we know where it’s at.

  “I could just call Mr. Brown if I could borrow a phone. I guess mine was lost in my truck.” Katie is most definitely worried about that job.

  “It’s okay, Katie. This is best taken care of in person. That way Con can update him on how you are.” Captain is never this calm with us.

  Just as Con is getting ready to leave there is a knock at the door. We all look at each other and Katie says, “Come in.” Con is right beside the door, so he opens it to see a DPS officer holding papers. He gives Captain, Con, and I a look of disapproval and walks in.

  “Ms. Walton?” Like he doesn’t know exactly who she is.

  “Yes, Sir. Are you here about my truck?” Katie is eager to get the update.

  “Yes. I also need to get a statement of anything you can tell me about the accident.” This room has suddenly become too small. I always try to stay on the right side of the law, but sometimes it just doesn’t work. Captain has cleaned up our club mostly, but that doesn’t mean if someone steps out of line we won’t get our own retribution. About that time Captain’s cell goes off with a text alert.

  “We are just going to step outside and talk while the officer is here. Katie, Lil is here if you need her.” With that Captain, Con, and I step outside the door.

  As soon as the door is closed behind us Captain flips open his phone to read the text. “Shine, you’ll be returning to check out Katie’s apartment with Lizard. It looks like Katie really is alone. Dad deceased four years. Mom deceased. Grandmother deceased. She has been enrolled in school this semester only and works. No criminal record. It’s like she lives a ghost life. She has a checking account with eighty-nine dollars and sixteen cents in it and a savings account with two hundred-thirty-one dollars in it. No credit to speak of. She’s lived in the same place for two years and worked at the same place for two and a half years. Only vehicle she has registered in her name is the 1994 truck. Lil is right. This girl needs our help and she is going to get it.” Captain flips his phone closed. “Shine go back with Con. I can handle this. Help Lizard. Con, go to Brown’s and explain and let that jackass know he is doing the club a favor by holding her job. I’ll figure out later if she’s going back. Okay. Get to it. She’s under our protection now. Let everyone know. I’ll call a meeting when we get home, so we can get an official vote.” Looks like we just got a new family member. I won’t mind getting to know this one, at all.

  “This should be interesting.” We haven’t had anything but club girls around for a long time. Lil is the only old lady at the club. Looks like she has company now, and we have a princess.

  Chapter Four


  When I step back into the room the DPS officer is leaving and Katie is noticeably upset. She has tears in her eyes. I know he told her about her truck. Lil is trying to comfort her, but it is not doing much good.

  “It’ll be okay, Katie. We’ll figure it all out.” Lil has climbed up in the bed with Katie and is holding her.

  “I can take the city bus to school, but I don’t know what I will do about work. I knew this was too good to be true. Every time I get ahead something happens.” Lil is eyeing me, and I know she is going to dive in head first to help this girl.

  “Katie, I am going to ask you to trust me.” Lil is now looking straight into Katie’s eyes. “I have a business proposition for you that it will help us both. Can you trust me?”

  “I really don’t know you but for some reason I have a good feeling about you.” Lil shakes her head at that.

  “That’s a start. I need someone to help me around my house. Not just for housework, but I rescue animals. You said you work on a horse ranch, so you must like animals.

  “Anytime I know about animals needing a home, I take them in. Some get adopted, eventually, but if not, they always have a home with us on our farm. If I have help, I can take in more. We have plenty of room for a lot more animals, but I can only take care of so many. With your help we can expand.

  “We could pay you a wage and keep insurance for you and add some vacation time. There’s a room above our barn that we could turn into an apartment. You could live there as part of your benefits package. We have plenty of vehicles and you could use one to get to school until you save to buy one. How can you say no to that?”

  Lil has a big grin on her face. She is thinking on her feet, but it seems like a promising idea for Katie to check it out. “Please think about it. You win, I win, the animals win, and you still stand on your own two feet without asking for help.” Katie looks unsure, but I can see she wants to believe it’s possible.

  “Young lady, the arrangement would help me out too. I am always wanting to take my woman away for the weekend to have some alone time, but she’s too damn worried about those animals. The pets are her babies and she won’t leave them if she doesn’t have someone she can trust.” I know she trust the boys with them, but she says they don’t love them like she does.

  “Can I think about it for just a little while. My head is still fuzzy and I can’t afford to make a wrong decision. Once I leave my apartment I would have nowhere to live if it didn’t work out, also, I don’t have a truck to live in now, so it would not be good.” Katie is smart to at least think it out, but I did not miss the part she said about living in her truck. Katie hasn’t had it easy.

  “You can think it over Katie, but you are coming home with us one way or another. I have a truck you can use to get to school. But you can bet your sweet ass we are helping you.” I’ve said it and it is the way it will be. I’ve been the President of the Demented
Revengers MC for going on twenty years and I don’t take no for an answer.

  “Mr. Duncan I--” I cut her off real fast.

  “Captain is the name, sweetheart. Mr. Duncan sounds too old for me.” I smile at her to take the edge off.

  “Okay. Captain. I just want to think it over tonight. I will need to give Mr. Brown and the guy I rent the apartment from notice. It’s only right. They both took a chance on me when they didn’t have to.” I can see she is considerate and tries to do the right thing. I like it. I respect that.

  “Okay, it is settled. You think on it, but you are definitely staying with us until you are better.” Lil knows I will get my way, but she is trying to sooth it over.

  “Agreed.” Katie will agree to it all. I noticed the way she relaxed when she realized she’s not alone any more. I feel my phone vibrating with a text coming in.

  “I’m stepping outside for a few minutes.” Both the women nod their heads and I go out to the hall. I look at the time and I know Shine has had time to get to Tyler, so it must be him. I flip my phone out.

  Shine: Apartment is barely as big as a box. Hardly anything in it. Looks like she owns nothing. Locks are shit. Didn’t need a key to get in. Lucky she wasn’t killed in her sleep. All she had to eat is noodles and peanut butter.

  Me: Clean it out. Get the brothers on converting barn storage room into small apartment. Give notice to landlord. Don’t take no for an answer.

  Shine: Good. Don’t want her staying here. I wouldn’t live here. Where do I store her things?

  Me: Personal stuff and any electronics in our spare room. Everything else garage.

  Shine: It’ll take a week to convert with everyone helping.

  Me: Just do it.

  With that I disconnect. No, this girl is not going back there. She will adjust to us.

  Chapter Five



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