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Surviving The Chaos Of Life (Demented Revengers MC: Quitman Chapter Book 4)

Page 22

by Vera Quinn

  “Yes, and I already have. Never made you one promise. Told you exactly what we were. Now get over it or leave.” It’s that cut and dry for me.

  “She can be your wife, but I will be your old lady. I can stay here in the club. I don’t mind sharing, but I won’t give you up.” This bitch is crazy.

  “You never had me DaVine. We were what we were. You have fucked every one of my brothers and I don’t want you. I want her, and I will have her. Stay the hell away or I will put you out. Now get away from me and do not try to touch me again, or there will be consequences. End of story.” I move to the other end of the bar by Zig Zag and Con. She sulks over to a table with Dizzy and Bubbles. Maybe she’ll get it the first time.

  “That was kind of harsh brother.” Con is riding me again.

  “Con, I don’t believe in threatening women, but I want Katie. I won’t let anyone stop that from happening. DaVine was not going to take no for an answer. I had to make her believe I would be harsh with her. I just don’t want it to come to a big confrontation and scare Katie away.” He shakes his head.

  “You have it bad, brother. I hope it works for you.” Con is being serious, which he hardly ever is.

  “I hope she is what you expect. Her background would make you think she is an innocent. You may have to take it slow.” Zig Zag is right, and I can do that. I have all the time in the world to be patient. I watch Cap and Shark come out of Cap’s office and make their way over to us.

  “Did you square it away, Shine? Katie will meet everyone tomorrow so everything needs to be handled.” Cap wants to be sure everything will be good when Lil and Katie get to the club tomorrow.

  “You missed it, Cap. Shine got up on top of the bar and declared his every lasting love. It was heartwarming.” Con is being a smartass again.

  “I don’t care if he got up there and sang it as long as it is taken care of.” Cap sounds like he is ready to get out of here.

  “It’s done. I’m ready to get back to Katie.” I want to be there before she turns in for the night. I’d like to talk to her.

  “Let’s get out of here then. It’s been a long few days and Lil has Christmas on her mind and that means she is going to keep us busy.” Cap slaps Con on the back and the two of us head out to be with our women.

  Chapter Eleven


  I decide to turn in early, but I am just laying here thinking about what Lil said. I am determined to at least try to make this my home. I’ll feel better when I am in my apartment and working, but Lil makes me wants this. Shine makes me want it more. This may be the best Christmas in a long time. I am just trying to nod off when I hear a light tap at my door.

  “Come in.” I hope I am loud enough for whoever it is to hear me.

  “Hey, babe. I thought we might talk if you’re up to it.” Shine opens the door and walks in and comes to the end of the bed.

  “I would like that, Shine.” I sit up on the bed, but keep the covers gathered around me.

  “Do you mind if I get up there beside you? I swear it is just to talk. You can trust me, Katie.” I’m nervous but as I look in Shine’s face I know he is telling me the truth.

  “Sure, if you want.” I don’t know what else to say. He takes off his boots and climbs up beside me, but he stays on top of the covers, so we have blankets between us.

  “Thanks, babe. How was your evening with Lil? You two are in bed early.” It’s not early for me. I look at the clock beside the bed and it is ten.

  “This is my normal bedtime, but I am used to getting up around five a.m. I work a little before school. I did sleep most of the day. I guess maybe the wreck took a lot out of me.” I never sleep so much.

  “You must need it, babe. Take all the time to get well you need. We have you now. You’re not alone anymore.” I hope that is true.

  “Do you mean that, Shine?” I think about my question. “What is your real name and why does everyone have nicknames?”

  “My name is Gage Lawson. Only you can call me that. When you get your cut and become a brother you get a road name. Cap gave Con and me ours. It’s what we are known as from then on and what matters. You can call me Gage. I would like that.” I like that name Gage. I’ve never known a Gage.

  “How did you get the name Shine?” He is smiling. He is so sexy when he smiles.

  “My favorite drink. Cap said I was always full of Shine. It stuck.” He looks like he is thinking. “Con’s real name is Billy Lee. Well, William Lee, but was always called Billy. His story is a true for sure. You see, he is what Cap calls a lady’s man. Cap said he could con any woman out of her panties in less than an hour. Con stuck. Do not repeat that and don’t call him Billy. He said he rightfully earned the name Con.” Shine is almost laughing. Con is hot, but he can’t compete with Shine.

  “Lil said you were warning the club girls to stay away from me. They are not going to like me much. It’s okay. I may be shy, but I can take care of myself. I have been doing it a long time.” I don’t want Shine, well, Gage, to think I can’t stand on my own.

  “I did, but that doesn’t mean they will listen. DaVine is the main one. I promise you, I never made promises to her or any woman. I’ve never had feelings for any woman. I am drawn to you and I am claiming you in front of the club. I did that tonight. I know you need to get used to the idea, but you are mine. I will also be sleeping next to you every night. We’ll take it further when you are ready, but I will be here from now on. I also will be kissing you before we go to sleep tonight. Just a kiss. Can you deal with that? Because I can say you don’t have much of a choice. I’m not going anywhere except next to you.” I know I should be offended Gage is talking to me but I’m not. In fact, I am looking forward to that kiss. I want it. I’ve never been kissed by a man before.

  “Are you sure Gage? What if I’m not what you want? I have no experience with men. I’ve never been on a date or even been kissed. I may not be able to give you what you want.” Gage looks surprised and a little shocked.

  “You are twenty years old, right?” I don’t know what my age has to do with it.

  “Yes, but I never had time for fun. I’ve worked since I can remember and there was no time.” Gage has a look on his face I can’t make out.

  “I don’t date, but we can do things together. Just be together. Katie, will you be mine? It’s not like you have a choice, but I want you to want it. I want you to want it as much as I do. I don’t have a family except Lil and my brothers, but I want to have one with you.” Gage is speaking from his heart and I want exactly what he is offering.

  “Yes, Gage. I want that as much as you do. I can’t promise you won’t have to help me along the way, but I want it so bad. I’ve been alone for so long and I want what your offering. I want what Lil is offering. I want this big crazy family.”

  I move closer to Gage and I turn and take his face in my hands and kiss his cheek softly. Before I know it, Gage has me turned on my back and his body is half way over me and his mouth descends on mine.

  At first it is an innocent soft kiss on the lips, but when he licks across my mouth and I open for him and his tongue enters my mouth, he deepens the kiss. He has a minty taste mixed with wintergreen. Our tongues tangle and he dominates me while he is enslaving me with his loving caresses. My palms are beginning to sweat, but I move them to his leather vest and pull him to me. I feel butterflies in my stomach and I know my panties are wet from this one kiss.

  I hear him groan and I horrified. Did I do something wrong? I try to push him away. His mouth leaves mine and I am breathless. “Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I told you I didn’t know what I was doing.”

  “Babe, you did everything right. Those weren’t groans of pain, only want and need. You taste so damn good. I’m going to undress and get under those covers with you, so we can sleep. Is that good with you? No more kissing for tonight. I am already rock hard for you and I can only be so good.” Gage sounds breathless and that is good because tha
t is exactly what I am. I want more. I want something. Sleep is not what I want.

  “That sounds good. My heart needs to slow down. You taste good yourself, and that kiss was so good. I want more, but I know you’re right.” Gage has gotten up and he is undressing. When he gets down to his jeans he hesitates.

  “Just so you know. I don’t wear underwear, so you are going to see my cock and it is hard. I just wanted to warn you before I drop my jeans.” Dear baby Jesus. This man is going to kill me.

  I turn over the other way and I feel him dip the bed down as he gets in bed. I hear him laugh and then I feel him behind me as he pulls me into his arms. I feel his big cock poking me. I move away a little, but I turn into his arms and he pulls me close. We get sorted out and comfortable as we can be, and it feels natural. It feels like I have always belonged here. “Goodnight, Gage.”

  “Goodnight, babe. Get some sleep before my cock decides to not be good tonight.” He half turns and turns the night lamp off. How did I get so lucky? I am so comfortable, and I feel completely safe for the first time in a long time.

  Chapter Twelve


  It has taken Katie and me most of the day to decorate the tree and house. We did some baking while we took care of the house, so I am bringing cookies with us to the clubhouse along with some more decorations I know we will need. There’s a few bikes out front, so I know most of the brothers are busy somewhere. There was a couple of cars out there, so I know some of the club girls are here. We’ll see how this goes. I’ll just keep an extra eye out for trouble. DaVine and Dizzy are here, and they are the two worst. “Katie let’s get this done so we can get home and I can start dinner.”

  Katie grabs the cookies. I already warned her about lifting anything. I get the box out of the back of the truck and we make our way in. I spot Zig Zag at the end of the bar with Dizzy, DaVine is pouring herself shots. Looks like she is starting early today. I walk up to the bar and Katie follows and puts the cookies down. I walk over and set the box on the floor beside the tree in the corner. I see DaVine has noticed us and she takes another shot and slams the glass on the bar and makes her way from behind the bar over to us. I can tell she is already on her way to being drunk.

  “You’re the bitch Shine is fucking now, aren’t you? He’ll come back to me. There’s no way you can handle the man he is. I will be his old lady.” DaVine is slurring her words.

  “Get your drunk ass away from us and stay away, or I’ll have Jethro bar you.” I won’t put up with her mouth.

  “Mrs. Uppity has spoken. Really, Lil? Your man is not going to bar me. He likes what I can do with my mouth too much.” DaVine is way too drunk. She knows better than to mouth at me and to lie on Jethro. This will not go well for her. I know Jethro doesn’t cheat.

  “You just made your worst mistake. Jethro will throw your drunk ass out for spewing lies about him.” DaVine may be drunk but she moves up beside Katie before I can stop her. What she does next shocks everyone. She grabs Katie by her hair and tries to hit her, but Katie surprises the hell out of me. She knocks DaVine’s hand down and pushes her back against the bar by her throat.

  “I don’t know you or why you think you can bully me. I may be quiet and not good in crowds, but I have always had to take care of myself. If you touch me again I will kick your ass out of this clubhouse. Are we clear on that?”

  Zig Zag has moved over by DaVine and is standing there in case it gets out of hand. “Shine has decided he wants me and I want to give it a try, so leave us alone.” With that Katie lets DaVine go. Zig Zag takes DaVine by the arm and I nod for him to take her out. Jethro will deal with her later. I am amazed Katie does not seem affected at all until she winces, and I know those quick moves hurt her ribs.

  “Are you okay, Katie?” She’s nodding her head, but I know it caused her pain. I smile at her. “I think you are going to fit in here just fine. You handled that in just the right way.” Katie smiles back.

  “Are you sure? I didn’t want to make anyone mad. Shine asked me to be his and I agreed. I’m not going to let anyone interfere with us. I want to fit in here.” Katie doesn’t know just how happy she has made me.

  “Thank you, Katie. DaVine overstepped and the brothers will take care of her. You are family now and I know Shine is over the moon happy. Never let a club girl run over you. I was worried you couldn’t handle this life, but you just showed me you can. Now, let’s get this finished so we can get home.” Yes, Katie is family now and that is the best Christmas present I could get.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Katie has been here two weeks and she is a more than I could have ever hoped for in an old lady. It’s Christmas Eve and today we went ahead and moved all of Katie’s stuff in the apartment over the barn. I want her in my house, but we are taking it one step at a time. If I know she is mine, that is all that matters. After the altercation between them at the clubhouse, Cap banned DaVine. That’s not a headache I have to worry about anymore. Katie starts work right after New Year’s. She’s already doing housework for a paycheck, but her farm duties start then. Not that she hasn’t been attached to the animals already. I picked up her two perfect Christmas presents this morning. It’s a major surprise. She gets one tonight at the clubhouse and one in the morning at Lil and Cap’s.

  Katie finished her first semester of college and is already pre-enrolled for the next one. We got her fixed up with another old truck. She had her pick of the extra vehicles Cap and Lil had and she picked the oldest truck they had. She said it had character.

  All the brothers are getting restless and our stomachs are growling with the smells coming out of the kitchen. The clubhouse is festive with almost everyone here. Lil and Katie have been cooking for three days. Lil finally comes out of the kitchen and waves Cap in to get the bird out of the oven. All the brothers make their way to the table. Cap sets the turkey in the middle of the food table and makes his way back over to have his say at the head of the table.

  “We have had a good year this year. Everyone is healthy, and we haven’t lost any of our loved ones. We’ve added Katie, so everything is good. We are expanding our territory and our businesses are prosperous. All in all, a momentous year. Thank you, ladies, for doing a fantastic job on our meal. Let’s eat.” Cap grabs a plate, and everyone follows him. It was a great meal. The ladies cooked, so the prospects clean.

  After everything is cleaned and put away we make our way over by the bar and the tree. It’s full of presents. Lil makes sure everyone has at least one for tonight and one for in the morning. She’s our own Santa. Katie’s present for here, I took care of.

  Everyone has a gift wrapped present in front of them, so I take the envelope out of my pocket. I try to straighten it, but it really doesn’t matter. I hand it to her and she stares at it. I think she will love it, but now I have doubts. She is going first, or my nerves will kill me. “Katie, you get to go first.” Katie is still shy, so she looks to me and I nod my head. She rips the envelope open and she gets the biggest smile on her face.

  “You got me a puppy. Thank you. I’ve never had a pet of my own before. I’ve never been in a situation that I could take care of one.” Katie has tears in her eyes.

  “Katie Bug, are you okay? I didn’t mean to make you cry. I will get you something different if you want me to.” I just wanted to make her happy. She loves Lil’s pets.

  “These are happy tears. I have a home, so I can take care of a dog of my own. When can we go to the shelter to get it?” She likes it.

  “They won’t be open until Monday. You can pick the one you want. I paid all the fees. You just need to find the one right for you. I thought it would be better that way.” Katie comes over and sits in my lap with a big smile on her face. My baby is happy. She stays in my lap most of the rest of the night until it is time to leave. Everyone else opens their gifts and we celebrate, but after a couple of hours the club girls start to arrive, and I know it is time to take my baby home. I want to go home and curl u
p with Katie in her new apartment.

  Chapter Fourteen


  My life has changed so much in a few weeks. I have a new family, an apartment, a job, and a boyfriend. I am truly blessed. Tonight, I am hoping Gage and I finally make love. We have been sleeping in the same bed since my first night here, but besides a few heavy make out sessions, we have abstained. It didn’t feel right considering we were in someone else’s house. Plus, I am very nervous. What if I am not enough for him? I have no experience with men. He says he values my innocence and will wait if I need, but I want to really belong to Gage. Lil explained to me that is how a biker truly claims his woman and I want that so bad. Gage is so sexy and when he kisses me I lose all my senses. I have never felt that way before, much more and I may internally combust with the want I have for him. It’s more of a need now.

  I see the drive for my apartment up ahead and I feel the butterflies in my stomach. It is cool out tonight but when I am sitting behind Gage on his bike so all I feel is his warmth and my nervous anticipation. Gage parks the bike and helps me off and finally breaks our silence.

  “Babe, you know you have nothing to be nervous about, right? I mean, if all I do is hold you in my arms all night long that is perfectly fine. I am not pressuring you for anything. I said this goes at your own pace and I meant it.” Gage is always so thoughtful. His kindness and the way he shows me every day he cares for me is why I have fallen in love with him.


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