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A Fair Trade

Page 2

by BA Tortuga


  "How would you say? As the crow flies?"

  They started laughing, just cackling, and it had him grinning like a fool. He got plumb tickled, hooting a little as he fixed up three biscuits, lickety-split.

  Both of them moved at the same time, standing and letting the blanket drop to the ground. They came right on over, sniffing the air.


  "...Smells good."

  "Uh... uh-huh." Look at them - dark curls and fine, heavy cocks below. They was fine.

  They both smiled at him, one open and friendly, one more mysterious, somehow. More I've got a secret. Lord, they were sweet looking creatures.

  "Here. Here, there's one for each of us." His voice was damn near a croak itself. Lord, listen to him being a pervert over a couple of... magical man-birds.

  "Thank you." Kasa took one of the biscuits and started nibbling right away, humming a little. Kaya was slower, sniffing at it first.

  "Y'all are welcome." He ate a few bites, watching them eat, move. Hell, he was just watching.

  They shared a few nibbles, licking each others' fingers, which made things down south take even more of an interest. Lord, he was gonna have to go away from the fire tonight and abuse himself a little.

  Like they'd heard his thoughts, they moved closer, one to either side of him. One pork greasy hand landed on his chest, the bold one, Kasa, touching him. "We have pretty stones, too. At home. To trade."

  A low groan slipped out of him, his muscles going all tight. "Yeah? I... I wouldn't mind seeing that."

  He wouldn't mind that one little bit.

  "We could take you there." He felt Kaya's breath on his shoulder, his throat. Heavens above, these two were like warm honey, flowing right over him.

  "I. Yeah. Yeah. I'll go." He found himself leaning, wanting something he shouldn't oughta want.

  "Will you go now?" That hand moved down to rest over his belly, fingers spreading out to touch places he'd not been touched in a long while.

  "Yes..." His chin ducked, hat brim hiding his face. Lord have mercy, he was gonna just turn to stone. "Lemme drown the fire."

  "Oh, yes..."

  "...Never let one go here."

  "No. That wouldn't work a bit." He managed to step back, his heart beating like Comanche drums in his chest. "Just gimme a second."

  "We can do that," they said together, both of them staring at him like hungry coyotes while he worked.

  It wasn't nothing like anything he'd ever felt before, not really. He'd been stared at when he was in town by folks, but they was scairt. These two? They weren't scairt of him one little bit.

  As soon as he had put out the fire and packed up they surrounded him again, arms linking with his. They chattered softly, babbling in their own language, touching him like it was their god given right.

  He didn't know what to do, beyond pack Bonner up and grab the reins. "Y'all want to ride?"

  "Will you carry our trades on your horse? Then we can fly!" Kasa bounced, and wasn't that warm and fine against his side.

  "Sure, darlin'." Fly. He hadn't lost his mind. Goddamn. He swung up in the saddle, opening up a saddle bag for them to drop their little bag into. It sure seemed it, still. Kaya dropped the baubles into his saddlebag, touched his leg high up on his thigh, then sprang into the air. It was like Kaya shrank and grew wings all at the same time, sending a rush of air over him as those feathers swept the air.

  Kasa laughed out loud and clapped. "Follow us!" he said, before doing the same trick, coming to light on his saddle horn for the barest moment.

  Good lord.


  They flew and flew, up high, then down low, both of them reeling and swooping, playing with the man. Not that they wouldn't take him right to their home. They would. They just wanted to play. The man was Cotton. Kasa thought that was a fine name. Even in his bird voice he could almost say it, and he cawed it over and over as he flew. Such a pretty man. Even Kaya said so.

  They needed their most special trades for Cotton. They needed the blue stones the men called turquoise that would match the stones in the Gran Daddy Luck Buckle, and the pretty bits of metal and maybe some of their best feathers.

  Kaya finally called that he was getting tired. Silly brother. Silly bird. Kasa let the wind take him for a moment before spiralling down to flash right in front of Cotton's eyes, showing off his wide wings.

  They were close to home, now. It was time for the man to walk.

  Kaya chittered at him, landing on the ground, his claws turning to feet just as he landed so he stood as a human.

  The Cotton-man stared at them, just looking and admiring their fineness. "Y'all are something else..."

  Kasa smiled as he thought man thoughts and landed, too. Walking was not as fun as flying. But he would do it for the Cotton. "Here. You must leave the horse and walk."

  "He'll be safe out here? Y'all don't have too many wolves?"

  "None will harm him," Kaya said. Just what he was thinking. No one would dare.

  "Okay, then." Cotton grabbed the bags from the horse, gave them both a smile. "Lead the way."

  They bounced off each other when they both tried to lead the way, and Kaya tried to peck at him, forgetting he had a man nose now. They clunked heads and he cursed in their own tongue, hitting Kaya hard.

  "Easy, y'all." Warm, callused hands landed on their shoulders, easing them apart.

  They turned to him, both of them sliding their arms around him in thanks. Oh. He felt good. Warm and strong. Kasa made a low noise of pleasure, one that Kaya echoed.

  Those hands moved on them, holding them both, fingers wide on their backs. "Oh, look at y'all."

  He nuzzled at Cotton's chin, feeling rough whiskers over the skin. "We are looking at you."

  "Yeah. Yeah, I guess you are." Cotton shivered, the scent of desire strong on the air, musky and male.

  "Come," Kaya said, tugging.

  "Yes." Kasa nodded, leading Cotton up through the rocks on the narrow path to their little cave.

  Cotton picked his way through, boots clicking on the stones.

  The entrance would be hard to find from below, but they knew the way, and before long they slipped inside, their little house dug right into ground and rock. They couldn't live in the sky.

  "Oh, goodness. Look at this!" Cotton sounded pleased, happy to see their little house.

  They had a fine home, filled with all of their things. A nest, just for them. There were shiny metal parts and sparkly rocks and feathers and bits of cloth and leather. They had nothing like what Cotton called his spurs, though.

  "Y'all got yourselves some stuff." Cotton took his hat off, hand smoothing out his hair.

  "Told you," Kaya said, twirling around.

  "We have good things to trade." He smiled, stroking the hat with his fingers.

  "You do." Cotton let him take the hat, let him touch it, inside and out.

  He even sniffed it before Kaya took it away, glaring at him. "He needs a hat. His head will burn. We will only want the spurs."

  "I don't want my damned fool head to burn, that's for sure." Those pretty eyes seemed to shine in the moonlight, just a little. "I might get addlepated."

  "No. No addling." They pulled him to their bed, which was a pile of blankets and other soft things they had traded for, and sat him down.

  The Cotton-man stared up at them, smiling at them, his fingers sliding over their blankets. They both cuddled close, one on either side. Kasa stared around at Kaya. "You should get the stones and shiny metal."

  Kaya stuck his tongue out. "No. I am warm. You do it."

  Those rough hands began stroking them again, warming them, smoothing over their skin.

  Kasa melted against the Cotton's side, smiling, his hand reaching out to play with the buttons on Cotton's shirt. They were not shiny, but they were smooth and cool. His fingers liked the feel of them.

  He could see the way Cotton's shaft jerked and filled, trapped in the heavy cloth that hid it.r />
  So pretty.

  Kaya surprised them both by touching, hand sliding over Cotton's hip and around to the hard bits, pressing down. Kasa moaned, the sight of his shy brother's fingers testing the Cotton-man making him hard. The Cotton-man grunted, pushing up toward the touch with a shudder.

  "Look, Kasa. Look how sweet." Kaya grinned, leaning in and kissing the side of Cotton's mouth, daring him to take the other side.

  So he did.

  The sound their kiss drew from Cotton vibrated inside him. He had never heard need sound so... big. So lonely. They had been lonely, but they had each other. Cotton seemed to have no one, and it made him sad. Made him want to give pleasure. Together they pushed, easing Cotton down so they could cover him, kissing in earnest now. Salt. Cotton tasted like salt and sun and Kasa made a low noise, the feel of skin all around him making him so happy.

  "This can't be real..." Cotton moaned, hands cupping their heads, drawing them close so the kiss could go deeper.

  Oh. It was so. Kasa chittered at Kaya, low in his throat, and got an answering sound, agreeing. Then they set out to prove that they were as real as anything Cotton had ever seen, their tongues coming out to taste. Cotton made a sound, almost as if the man was answering him, speaking to them. It made Kasa want more of those noises, of those sounds.

  Kaya did too, he thought. He'd never seen his brother so fascinated with anyone. Except for him. Kaya was opening Cotton's clothes, giving them skin to tease. Cotton's skin was scarred and multicolored - pink nipples, tanned arms, pale belly, white scars. He was like all of their favorite things wrapped up in one. While Kaya traced each scar, Kasa made right for that white belly, nuzzling against it, breathing Cotton's scent.

  Those hands tangled in his hair and the most shocked sounds floated up in to the air. "Y'all..."

  That voice was like warm honey, right from the tree. He and Kaya liked that. They certainly did. So of course they liked it when Cotton called to them. That fascinating, special buckle was smooth and warm to his fingers, the shaft beneath it throbbing and even hotter.

  Kaya slapped his hand away for a moment, hissing about the pretty shiny thing, but Kasa reminded him they could not have it. They could have Cotton, though.

  Cotton was a better prize, male and strong, wanting them. "It's okay, pretty birds. Don't bicker."

  Kasa laughed, a long, happy trill. "There is enough of you for both of us, yes? You are much prettier than the blue stones."

  "I reckon..." Cotton offered over a grin. "Though I ain't pretty, honey. I'm an old cowboy."

  "Not old," Kaya said, sounding very firm.

  "Not at all." Now, if he could just remember how that buckle opened. He'd seen Cotton put it on. He tugged and pulled and. Oh. Oh, just like so. He crowed as the buckle came free, the leather belt loosening.

  Chortling, Kaya pulled the cloth under the buckle apart, delving in with one hand. Kasa watched, wanting to see, wanting to feel, too. Cotton's flesh was swollen, full and heavy, the shaft red and hard and wet-tipped. Kaya started stroking, pulling at it, and oh...the scent was too good to resist. Leaning down, Kasa put his cheek to Cotton's thigh, breathing deep.

  Their new treasure - for he was a treasure, to be shared between them - shivered, shifted on the blankets. Impatient Kaya finally let go to pull all the cloth away, leaving Cotton bare as a newborn. Then they could both touch anywhere they wanted, from Cotton's nose to his toes, and everywhere in between. Cotton had hair leading to his heavy shaft, gold curls growing wild and thick above it. So unlike his brother. Neither of them had much hair anywhere but down there, and that wasn't so much. Kasa combed his fingers through, testing the springy texture.

  That earned him a chuckle, Cotton's tan skin going a warm rose.

  Kaya's hand joined his, both of them touching, both of them stroking and teasing. Their fingers joined for a moment, Kaya squeezing his hand, letting him know he wasn't alone in this.

  "Y'all... this is good?" Cotton's hands stroked his hair, brushed over Kaya's.

  "Very, very good," Kaya said, smiling up at Cotton.

  "Yes, good." Loving how dark Kaya's skin looked against Cotton's pale belly, Kasa licked some at Cotton's skin, tasting salt.

  "Hell, yeah. So fine." Cotton's cock jerked and bobbed, knocking at Cotton's belly.

  His nose tickled and twitched when he buried it in Cotton's curls, and Kaya laughed as he twitched and almost sneezed. No sneezing.

  "Oh, my stars..." Cotton leaned back, body arching up in a bow. It brought Cotton's shaft right to his lips, and Kasa kissed it, licked it, murmuring to Kaya about how he should try. Cotton started making the best sounds - shocked and wild, deep and needy, matching the motions of the long, lean body. Kaya worked down to help, touching and licking, finally settling on pulling Cotton's legs up to nuzzle the heavy balls in their sac. Kasa had never seen anything so pretty. Not even the spurs.

  The soft skin wrinkled, drawing up tight, moving with each tiny touch, every single breath.

  "Kasa. Look. See how good."

  How good, how hot, how sweet. Such a wonderful feast. Kasa licked harder, his tongue sliding against Kaya's when his brother moved up to kiss him over Cotton's flesh.

  "Y'all..." Cotton sounded like he'd found the finest treasure ever.

  Kasa tilted his head to smile up at Cotton. "You taste good. We might have to keep you."

  The man laughed, the sound warm and husky. "And what would you do with me?"

  "What we're doing now."

  "And we would feed you," Kaya added, before lowering his mouth all the way down Cotton's shaft.

  From Cotton's cry, Kasa didn't believe the cowboy was concerned about food. Neither was he, though. He was more interested in fighting Kaya for that sweet flesh, sucking hard when Kaya had to come up for air.

  Swollen and wet, salty and male - Cotton's cock was a feast, all by itself. Kasa loved it with his tongue, needing more, needing to hear Cotton make more noise. He almost sounded like Kaya did...

  Cotton jerked, called out from them in sounds he almost understood, could almost hear. He and Kaya worked harder, giving Cotton more pleasure, demanding that he give them everything he had. They needed to see and taste and smell him when he spent. Kasa began to believe Cotton was more like them than he seemed, with the deep cries, the harsh caws and calls as Cotton's shaft swelled, the tip going impossibly red just before the seed pulsed from it.

  Oh...Yes. He and Kaya fought to taste it, not arguing really, just both wanting it. So salty, like a summer in the desert.

  Cotton's muscles jerked and shivered for them, the man all melted in the blankets, all soft.

  Kaya went to kiss Cotton, the wet sound their mouths made unbearably exciting. Kasa let his mouth trail from Cotton's hip to Kaya's, the texture of their skin so different. One of Cotton's hands landed on his head, fingers tracing his ear, his lips as he tasted his Kaya.

  He kissed Cotton's fingers, then Kaya's hip, making happy little noises of his own. Kaya knew. Kaya understood, shifting his hips to let Kasa have his shaft.

  "Oh, that's... I got to see that." Kaya shifted a bit, Cotton's eyes burning down at them.

  Kasa smiled up at Cotton before sucking Kaya in, letting his tongue flick out to lick the shaft. Oh, that taste he knew. That taste was his own, something he reveled in as often as he could.

  Kaya groaned and twisted as Cotton's fingers slid up his brother's belly and chest, going to draw lazy circles around Kaya's tight little nipples. He'd never been able to watch from this angle before. Never been able to see someone pleasuring Kaya. He thought he might explode, it was so fine. Cotton's lips were on Kaya's shoulder, teeth testing the skin, but not hurting. Those eyes, though, they stared down at him.

  He gave Kaya the same pleasure they'd given Cotton, listening to his brother moan, watching the dark hands so like his clutch at Cotton's back. The man's hands slid down, pushing over Kaya's belly, framing the hard prick, cupping Kaya's sacs.

  He moaned, the sight too much. Too good
. The sounds that came from Kaya's throat were his, but he found that he didn't mind sharing. He could feel Cotton's fingers moving, rolling, making Kaya's pleasure all that much bigger.

  When Kaya shot, his cry was that of a hunting bird of prey, loud and strong and almost strident. But so beautiful.

  "Oh, good lord. Y'all are something special." Cotton moaned the words against Kaya's skin, eyes burning down at him.

  Kasa stood, kissing Cotton, then his Kaya, his shaft thumping and burning. He moved his hips, pure abandon taking him, working toward his pleasure. Cotton's fingers found him first, the rough touch dragging all along his shaft and making him go up on tiptoe. Kaya's hand joined in, not fighting Cotton, just helping, and Kasa yelled at the top of his lungs, his seed shooting out of him. Oh. Bliss.


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