by Rachel Slade
District 7 center (See District 7 Search and Rescue Command Center)
doomsday preppers and, 168
El Faro scheduled for watch list of, 98
El Faro’s modifications and, 94, 95, 173–74, 314
El Morro inspected by, 36
El Yunque inspected by, 358
establishment of, 254
hurricane response regulations of, 292
inspections of ships and, 260–62
investigation of El Faro casualty (see investigation)
motto of, 241
Office of Investigations and Casualty Analysis, 259
original mission of, 253, 254
report of, 356–60
safety recommendations of, 358–60
search-and-rescue operation (see search-and-rescue operation)
Code of Federal Regulations, 278
Coggeshall, Todd, 212, 213–14, 250–51
Cohen, Perry, 205
Colombian drug cartels, 144
Columbus, Christopher, 44–45, 130
ConocoPhillips, 112, 115
conservatives, 257
containerization, 88–89, 90, 95, 171–72
Costco, 297
Cournia, Ben, 221, 222–27
cranes, 12
crewing manager of TOTE, 116–19
crimps, 255–56
Crooked Island, 5, 105, 212, 249
Crooked Island Passage, 104, 162
Crowley, 175, 176
CURV-21, 271–72, 274–75, 311–13, 331–33
CVS, 176
cyberattacks, 34
damage stability index, 314
Danny (El Morro steward), 32
Davidson, Michael C., 17, 24–27, 40–44, 61, 111–20, 161–62, 195–200, 251, 313, 337, 358, 359, 360
abandon ship order given by, 200, 341
appearance of, 15–16
authority guarded by, 113, 122–24, 129–33
autopilot disabled by, 186
background of, 111–12
Baird’s texts to, 55, 57–58
blame assigned to for El Faro casualty, 356
BVS relied on by, 22, 102, 107, 108, 123, 129–30, 153, 166, 181–82, 185–86, 357
concern with arrival time, 152
courage valued by, 41, 133
course changed by, 130–33, 147–48, 153, 165, 186, 187–88, 191
email to El Yunque captain, 71–72
emergency center called by, 3–4, 198–200, 305–6, 307
emergency message ordered by, 197
Erika detour and, 24, 41, 75
experience in storms, 41–43
family of, 113
fired from previous job, 112, 115
general alarm and, 197, 198, 341
Hamm encouraged by, 341–43
Hamm given steering commands by, 186, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193
insists they will survive, 200
as Joaquin hits, 185–93
Joaquin underestimated by, 19–22, 24–25, 31, 40–41, 59–60, 99–100, 153, 189
job evaluation overdue for, 290, 301
last minutes on ship, 339–43
Lawrence’s conversation with, 199–200, 206–7, 213–14, 268–69, 301, 306–9
leadership shortcomings of, 113–15
Marine Board hearing testimony on, 290, 301, 305–9, 320, 321
money worries of, 113
promotion denied to, 115–20, 299–300
Pusatere’s exchanges with, 151, 183, 187–88, 340, 341
Randolph’s alternate course rejected by, 164–65
Randolph’s comforting of, 192
Randolph’s dislike of, 57, 59–60, 67, 71, 97, 163
Randolph’s sexual harassment allegation against, 67
remains in cabin, 164–66, 356
return route altered by, 71–78, 104–5, 305–6
Riehm’s discussions with, 30–31, 40–41, 42–44, 142–43, 147–48, 152–53
Riehm’s support of, 155
Riehm’s warning to, 156–57
Shultz’s discussions with, 19–22, 25–27, 104–5, 121–24, 129–32
Shultz’s support of, 178–79, 186
survivalist beliefs of, 168–69
worries about job with TOTE, 24, 121, 130–33
Davidson, Sam, 112
Deadliest Catch (television program), 267
Deep Survival (Gonzales), 273
Deepwater Horizon, 266
Delaware River, 82, 84, 95
District 7 Search and Rescue Command Center (USCG), 203–14, 215, 217, 218–19, 220, 242, 262, 266. See also search-and-rescue operation
doomsday preppers, 168–70
downflooding angle, 278–79, 281–82, 314, 341, 360
drug smuggling, 32–34, 35, 36, 144, 206, 259, 320, 355
ECMWF. See European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
Edmund Fitzgerald (ship), 260, 272–73
El Faro (ship)
ABS’s oversights and, 362
age of, 15, 35
anemometer of dysfunctional, 72–73, 178, 187
autopilot alarm of, 178, 186
baffles of, 282
barometric pressure drop, 181, 186, 188, 192
bilge alarms of, 179–80, 340
boilers of, 152, 174, 180
cargo of, 7, 37, 165, 171–76, 182, 196–97
on collision course with Joaquin, 69–79, 121
collision with ocean floor, 5, 214
crane of, 12–13
crew list, 365–66
damage stability index of, 314
Davidson appointed captain of, 112–13, 120
delay leaving port, 8–9
in disrepair, 98, 152, 176
earlier names of (see Northern Lights (ship); Puerto Rico (ship))
elevator of, 14–15
engine of, 148–49, 150–52, 180–81, 187
English translation of name, 347
environmental standards and, 35, 116
EPIRB alert from, 210
fire dampers of, 314–15
fire pump of, 196–97
flooding of, 189–92, 195–97, 339–41
fuel costs of, 24
Glanfield’s analysis of casualty (see Glanfield, John)
hearings on (see Marine Board hearings)
Hearn’s fondness for, 35–36
insurance on, 34, 357
intoxicated crew member incident, 119–20
investigation of casualty (see investigation)
lashings of, 25–26
last minutes on, 339–43
lifeboats of, 94, 95, 152, 173–74, 197, 247, 249, 359
El Faro (ship)
listing of, 178, 182, 190, 198, 307, 308
lube system of, 182–83, 187–88
media coverage of casualty, 267–68
modifications of, 94–95, 171–74, 314, 359
number of casualties, 285, 348
officers of, 39, 125, 285–86
officially designated a major marine casualty, 263
oil level at departure, 183
onboard technology of, 16
pinger of, 269–70, 362
Polish contractors of, 60, 69, 70, 73, 304
propulsion lost by, 193, 195, 213, 308
reason for building, 143
remains of found, 249–51, 313
replacement of, 35
report findings on casualty, 356–60
returned to service, 37
scuttles of, 127–29, 181, 189, 192, 296, 359
search-and-rescue operation (see search-and-rescue operation)
ship-in-a-bottle models of, 278
sinking of, 342–43
size of, 11
soul-searching in wake of casualty, 355–56
speed of, 11, 176
splash shape made by, 271, 312
travels into eye of Joaquin, 185–93, 352
unlicensed crew of, 20, 39–40, 117, 124–25, 285, 320
VDR of (see voyage data recorder)
vulnerabilities of, 175, 313–15, 322
El Morro (ship)
Davidson as captain of, 112
drug smuggling on, 32–34, 35, 37, 320
poor condition of, 35–37
Randolph’s service on, 60, 198
scrapping of, 176
El Salvador, 51
El Yunque (ship), 24, 132, 154, 268, 278, 294–97, 300, 304, 314, 356, 357–58
Davidson’s email to captain of, 71–72
in disrepair, 37, 176, 358
encounters remains of El Faro, 294–95, 297
during Joaquin, 100, 101–2
scrapping of, 358
speed of, 176
Emanuel, Kerry, 50
Emerald Express (ship), 211–12
emergency position-indicating radio beacon. See EPIRB
Empire State (steamship), 325, 328
environmental regulations, 35, 115–16
EPIRB, 161, 205, 210, 273
Erika, Tropical Storm. See Tropical Storm Erika
Essex Junto, 139
Estonia (ship), 91
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), 353–54
Exxon Valdez, 266
families, 266
Facebook page of, 267, 278
Glanfield’s gifts to, 278
Marine Board hearings and, 285–86, 321, 326
notification of, 229–39
reaction to end of search and rescue, 267
spiritual connection with loved ones, 345–49
TOTE’s settlement with, 288, 357
Fantome (schooner), 51
Fawcett, Keith, 296
Fisker-Andersen, Jim, 78, 118, 300–301
“flags of convenience,” 142
Florida, 124, 125, 203, 351
Franklin, James, 51–52
free surface effect, 281
fuel, 115–16, 148, 257
Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown, 170
George III, King of England, 138
Georgia, 203
Glanfield, John, 82–83, 85–86, 89, 92, 93, 277–82, 314
on downflooding angle, 278–79, 281–82
model-building hobby of, 277–78
tour of El Faro, 295
Global Forecast System, 353
global warming, 116
Gloria, Hurricane, 313
Gold Rush, 255
Gomorrah (Saviano), 32–33
Gonzales, Laurence, 273
GPS systems, 16, 18, 181, 185, 210
Great Bahama Bank, 22–23, 103
Great Inagua (GI), 206, 215–20, 248
Great Lakes, 272–73
Great Land (ship), 233
Green, Robert, 39, 40, 285, 347–48
Greene, Philip, 119–20, 302
Davidson interviewed by, 299
Marine Board hearing testimony of, 288–94
Griffin, Keith, 151, 180
Guatemala, 51
Gulf of Aden, 34
Gulf of Mexico, 23, 51, 132
Gulfstream IV, 52
Haiyan, Typhoon, 53
Haley, Paul, 32, 33, 153
Hamilton, Alexander, 139, 140, 254
Hamm, Frank, 102–5, 178, 195, 197–98, 285
Davidson’s encouragement of, 341–43
Davidson’s steering commands to, 186, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193
health problems of, 102
helmet of found, 347
Shultz’s discussion with, 126–27
Hamm, Rochelle, 102–3, 285, 347, 359
Hanjin, 34
Harvey, Hurricane, 351
Hawaii, 170
hearings. See Marine Board hearings
Hearn, Jack
career with TOTE, 320
firing of, 32, 33, 35–36, 112, 320
Marine Board hearing testimony of, 319–21
Hearst, William Randolph, 141, 257
heat, hurricanes driven by, 53–54, 351
high-water alarms, 358
Holland, Michael, 180, 190, 195–96, 229–32, 267, 278, 349
Homeland Security Department, US, 355
Honduras, 51
Horizon Shipping, 35, 36, 37, 175, 176
Houston, 351
Huffman, Steve, 168
Hug, Chris, 287
Hughes, Howard, 85
Hughes, Richard, 128–29
Hughes Glomar Explorer (decoy drilling rig), 85–86, 278
Hull number 670, 81. See also Puerto Rico (ship)
hurricane(s), 55–57, 351–54
Buys Ballot’s Law on, 72–73, 102, 360
Category 3, 33, 147, 164, 165, 215
Category 4, 212, 219, 241, 245
Category 5, 51, 53, 351
cost of season 2017, 351
dynamics of, 47–49
earliest European descriptions of, 44–46
force of, 55–56
heat and, 53–54, 351
naming of, 48
power of, 47
regulations on responding to, 292–94
science of predicting, 352–54
3-2-1 rule, 50–51
uncertainty of forecasting, 50–52
wind speed and, 55–56, 72–73, 352
Hurricane Gloria, 313
Hurricane Harvey, 351
Hurricane Hunters, 52, 106, 212, 352, 354
Hurricane Ike, 215, 217–18
Hurricane Irma, 53–54, 351
Hurricane Joaquin, 5. See also Tropical Depression Eleven; Tropical Storm Joaquin
bar of, 61
as Category 3, 33, 147, 164, 165
as Category 4, 212, 219, 241, 245
Davidson’s underestimation of, 19–22, 24–25, 31, 40–41, 59–60, 99–100, 153, 189
demise of predicted, 49
ECMWF on, 353
El Faro on collision course toward, 69–79, 121
El Faro travels into eye of, 185–93, 352
evolution of, 49–50
forecasts/advisories on, 19–20, 48, 49–50, 51, 54
meaning of name, 347
media coverage of, 267–68
Neubauer’s tracking of, 262
origin of, 49
path of, 54
rainbands of, 246, 248
reasons for forecasting problems, 51–52, 107
search-and-rescue operation delayed by, 211–12, 219, 220, 245
speed of, 44, 352
strength of, 352
Hurricane Katrina, 48, 355
Hurricane Maria, 53–54, 144–45, 351
Hurricane Mitch, 51
Hurricane Patricia, 53
Hurricane Sandy, 48, 53, 65, 260
Hustace, Jeff, 245–47
Ice Age, 23
Ike, Hurricane. See Hurricane Ike
IMO. See International Maritime Organization
Inmarsat C alert message, 207–8, 213
inspections, ship, 260–62
insurance, 34, 254, 255, 357
International Maritime Organization (IMO), 91, 115–16, 173, 292–93
International Maritime Safety Code, 292–93
International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots (MM&P), 256
investigation, 263, 265–75. See also Marine Board hearings
Irma, Hurricane. See Hurricane Irma
Isla Bella (ship), 301
Jackson, Glen, 13, 285, 346
Jackson, Jack, 13–17, 30–31, 40, 100, 147, 153–57, 161, 285, 345–46
appearance of, 13
complaints about ship management, 153–55
family background of, 13
increasing concern about Joaquin, 153, 157, 159
magnetic personality of, 14
Riehm’s discussions with, 37–39, 43–44, 153–56, 159
Jackson-d’Entremont, Jill, 13, 285, 345–46
Jacksonville Port, 33
Japanese earthquake, 170
Jefferson, Thomas, 140
jet stream, 47
Joaquin, Hurricane. See Hurricane Joaquin; Tropical Depression Eleven; Tropical Storm Joaqui
Jones, Jackie, 60, 69, 72, 73, 97, 98, 100, 101, 105, 109, 161–66, 178
Jones Act, 140–45, 171
juracánes, 45
Justice Department, US, 175
Katrina, Hurricane. See Hurricane Katrina
Keller, Peter, 319–20, 323–27
Kryer, Dennis, 312
Kucharski, Mike, 304
Kuflik, Mitch, 180
Lake Superior, 260, 272–73
Langewiesche, William, 142
lashings, 25–26
Lawrence, John, 77–78, 198–200
background of, 77
conversation with Chancery, 209–10, 220, 309
conversation with coast guard officer, 207–8
conversation with Davidson, 199–200, 206–7, 213–14, 268–69, 301, 306–9
email from Loftfield, 294–95
Marine Board hearing testimony of, 301–9
liability, 286–88
lifeboats, 94, 95, 152, 173–74, 197, 247, 249, 358–59
Lightfoot, Gina, 285
Lightfoot, Roan, 285
Limitation of Liability Act, 287–88
liquid natural gas (LNG) powered ships, 37, 57, 67, 115–16, 120, 143, 176, 286, 299, 324
Little Bahama Bank, 22–23, 103
Lloyd’s of London, 255
LNG-powered ships. See liquid natural gas (LNG) powered ships
Loftfield, Earl, 278, 294–97
Loftus, John, 36, 175
Log from the Sea of Cortez, The (Steinbeck), 36
Lorenzen, Rich, 217–18, 219–20, 241–43, 245–46, 248
Madison, James, 139–40
Maersk, 34, 78, 120
Maine Maritime Academy (MMA), 61–63, 112, 229, 230–31
Malacca Strait, 34
Mansell, Doug, 332–37
Maria, Hurricane. See Hurricane Maria
Marine Board hearings, 283–97, 299–309, 319–29
Fisker-Andersen’s testimony, 300–301
Greene’s testimony, 288–94
Hearn’s testimony, 319–21
on hurricane response guidelines, 292–94
Keller’s testimony, 319–20, 323–27
Lawrence’s testimony, 301–9
on liability, 286–88
location of, 283–84
Loftfield’s testimony, 294–97
moment of silence at, 285
Morrell’s testimony, 286–88
Nolan’s testimony, 299–300
report on findings, 356–60
Marine Electric (ship), 260–61, 273, 355, 358, 360
Marine Safety Center, 174
maritime laws, 138–45, 171–76
Marlins, 115–16
Martin, Trayvon, 125
Massachusetts Bay Colony, 136
Massachusetts Maritime Academy, 69
Mathias, Barry, 234
Mathias, Hayden, 233
Mathias, Jeff, 69–71, 73, 131, 149, 187, 190, 191, 347
cranberry farm of, 70, 234
family notified, 232–35
family of, 69, 70
flooding of ship and, 340–41
Mathias, Jenn, 232–35, 346–47
Matthews, Don, 320–21