by Rachel Slade
McCain, John, 141
McCarthy, Dave, 216–18, 220–23, 225–27
McLean, Malcom, 89, 90, 95
media, 267–68
Meklin, Dylan, 180
Melville, Herman, 49, 122
Mendoza, Juan Escalante de, 45–46
Merchant Marine, US, 39, 122, 124, 142
Merchant Marine Act of 1920. See Jones Act
Mexico, 53, 144
Miami-Herald, 284
Minouche (ship), 220–27
Mitch, Hurricane, 51
MMA. See Maine Maritime Academy
Moby-Dick (Melville), 122, 135
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 138, 139
Morrell, Phil, 118, 119–20, 286–88
Morse code, 257
National Hurricane Center (NHC), 22, 40, 43, 51–53, 69, 72, 99, 101, 102, 153, 156, 160, 161, 181, 185
Davidson’s dismissal of reports, 123, 186
forecasts/advisories of, 19–20, 48, 49–50, 51, 54
on Hurricane Mitch, 51
imprecision in hurricane forecasting, 352–53
inaccuracy of Joaquin forecasts, 106, 107, 166
Randolph’s plotting of forecast, 105–6
self-tracking of errors, 52–53
Tropical Cyclone Discussions, 108
unequivocal reports on Joaquin, 121
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 16, 20, 23, 52, 212, 354
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), 77, 150, 250, 263, 265–66, 268, 269, 275, 285, 313
Edmund Fitzgerald investigation, 272
El Faro investigation (see investigation)
Lawrence interviewed by, 307
report of, 356
Roth-Roffy’s resignation from, 328
National Weather Service (NWS), 63, 108, 272–73, 353, 354
Navieras de Puerto Rico Steamship Company, 93–94
Neeson, Tim, 131, 304
Nelson, Bill, 268
Neubauer, Jason, 170, 259–63, 265, 268, 272, 355–56, 358
background of, 259
Marine Board hearings and, 285, 291, 306, 327
New England, 47, 136–37
New Jersey, 53
New York, 53
New Yorker, 167
New York Maritime College, 313
New York Times, 145
NHC. See National Hurricane Center
Nicaragua, 51
Nichols, John P., 111–12
NOAA. See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Nolan, Tim, 299–300
Northeast Providence Channel, 103–4
Northern Lights (ship) (originally Puerto Rico, then El Faro), 94–96, 304, 320
Northland (cutter), 248, 249
Northwest Providence Channel, 23
NTSB. See National Transportation Safety Board
NWS. See National Weather Service
Obama, Barack, 125
Odom, Mike, 243–44, 261, 291–93
Office of Investigations and Casualty Analysis (USCG), 259
officers of El Faro, 39, 125, 285–86
O’Hara Corporation, 61
Old Bahama Channel, 24, 41, 163, 164
description of, 23
as El Faro return route, 71–78, 104–5, 305–6
open lifeboats, 94, 95, 173–74, 197, 358–59
Operation Bootstrap, 143
Orion (side-scan sonar), 270–71
Osnos, Evan, 167–68
Outlaw Sea (Langewiesche), 142
Patricia, Hurricane, 53
Perfect Storm (film), 127, 233
Persian Gulf wars, 94, 96, 171
Pew, J. Howard, 83–84
Pew, Joseph N. (son), 83–84
Pew, Joseph Newton (father), 83–84
Pew Charitable Trust, 83
Pew family, 82
Philadelphia Inquirer, 84
Philippines, 53
Phoenix International, 332
Phy, Scott, 219, 221, 226, 247
Pinta (ship), 130
piracy, 34
Pittman, Charlotte, 204
Plimsoll, Samuel, 174
Plimsoll mark, 174, 255, 272, 304
Poet (ship), 260
Polish contractors of El Faro, 60, 69, 70, 73, 304
Ponce-class ships, 94, 95–96, 280, 295–96, 322. See also roll-on/roll-off ships
Ponce de Leon (ship), 92–93
port captains, 258, 287
Port Clyde, 61
port engineers, 258
Porter, James, 235–37, 285, 347
Porter, Marlena, 235–37, 285, 347
Post, Rick, 216–18, 220–23, 225–27
price-fixing lawsuit, 175
Prime Osborne Convention Center, 283–84
privateering, 140
Project Jennifer, 85
Providence Channel, 104
Puerto Rico, 19, 22, 37, 49, 92, 94, 115, 203, 286, 320
bankruptcy forbidden to, 144
economic collapse of, 33, 34–35
Hurricane Irma and, 53–54
Hurricane Maria and, 53–54, 144–45, 351
importance of ships to, 24, 170–71, 297
Jones Act and, 142–45
monopoly on shipping services to, 176
Puerto Rico (ship) (later Northern Lights, then El Faro), 81, 92, 93–94
Pusatere, Frank, 149, 349
Pusatere, Josephine, 150, 349
Pusatere, Lillian, 149, 349
Pusatere, Rich, 149–51, 197, 198, 286, 349
background of, 149
flooding of ship and, 189–90, 191–92, 339, 340
problems with lube system, 182–83, 187–88
propulsion loss and, 193, 195
Shultz’s conversation with, 340
Queen Mary (ship), 56
racial tensions, 114, 124–25
rainbands, 246, 248
Randolph, Danielle, 17, 38, 54, 59–67, 69–71, 97–101, 109, 132, 177, 186, 193, 195, 198, 267, 336
abandon ship alarm sounded by, 200
alternate course plotted by, 162, 163, 164–65
background of, 61–62
cats of, 238–39, 348
conservative politics of, 98
Davidson comforted by, 192
Davidson disliked by, 57, 59–60, 67, 71, 97, 163
Davidson’s course change questioned by, 191
Davidson’s return route plans and, 73–74
disillusionment with job, 57, 65–66, 97
emergency message prepared by, 197
family notified, 237
final emails of, 182, 237, 239
increasing concern about Joaquin, 70–71, 122–23, 160–66
last sighting of, 341
Mathias’s conversation with, 70–71
memorial service for, 348
NHC forecast plotted out by, 105–6
onshore life of, 64
on-the-job accident of, 65
sexual harassment of, 63, 67
Reagan, Ronald, 95, 141, 257
Reddit, 168
red sky, 27
report, 356–60
Republicans, 257
Rescue Swimmer Training Program, 223–24, 355
Resolute (cutter), 248, 249
Riehm, Jeremie, 29–32, 99, 152–57, 197, 198
alternate route search of, 162
appearance of, 29
background of, 31
Davidson’s discussions with, 30–31, 40–41, 42–44, 142–43, 147–48, 152–53
Davidson supported by, 155
Davidson warned of peril by, 156–57
family of, 31–32
frustration with increased workload, 37–39
increasing concern about Joaquin, 41, 43–44, 147–48, 152–53, 156–57, 159–62
Randolph’s discussions with, 59–60, 160–62
Shultz’s discussion with, 29–30
technological prowess of, 31, 32
Rivera, LaShawn, 39–40, 285, 3
Roberts, Deb, 267, 278
flight to Jacksonville, 237–38
notification of, 229–32
spiritual connection with son, 348–49
Robinson, Jim, 98–99, 183
Rockefeller, Jay, 269
Rockefeller, John D., 83
roll-on/roll-off ships, 87, 89–96, 281. See also Ponce-class ships
design of, 90–91
vulnerabilities of, 91–92
Rose (ship), 65
Roth-Roffy, Tom, 265–66, 272
background of, 265
as a folk hero, 268
Marine Board hearings and, 288, 290, 300, 324–29
on mission to find VDR, 270–71, 273–75, 312, 317
resignation from NTSB post, 328
TOTE lawyers’ confrontation of, 268, 327–29
safety management system (SMS), 292, 293, 302, 303
salaries of ship personnel, 40, 113
Saltchuk, 94, 171, 286, 299, 323
Samana Cay, 208
Sandy, Hurricane. See Hurricane Sandy
San Juan, 9, 24, 144
San Salvador, 54, 130–33, 147, 148
Saviano, Roberto, 32–33
Scattoloni, Korinn, 64–65
Schorsch, Eugene, 86–87, 89–92, 95
Schwartz, Stuart, 45–46
scuttles, 127–29, 181, 189, 192, 296, 359
Seafarers International Union (SIU), 39, 256, 290–91
SeaLand, 89, 90, 92
seamen’s hospitals, 257
Sea of Storms (Schwartz), 45–46
search-and-rescue operation, 203–14, 215–27, 241–51
body from El Faro found, 249–50
coast guard informed of El Faro’s plight, 206–8
coast guard stories of, 204, 243–44
decision to implement, 241–46
delayed by hurricane conditions, 211, 219, 220, 245
emotional toll of coordinating, 205
inability to pinpoint El Faro’s position, 210–14
initial attempt, 245–47
for Minouche, 220–27
official end of announced, 266–67
remains of El Faro found, 249–51
risk assessment, 219, 242–43
Sea Star Lines, 94, 171, 289, 323
SENTRY, 315, 317, 318
September 11 terrorist attacks, 258–59
sexual harassment, 63, 67
Sherman Antitrust Act, 175
shipping, 135–45, 253–58
in colonial era, 135–38
corporal punishment abolished in, 253
costs of, 257
dangers of, 253–56
downsizing in, 257–58
importance of to modern world, 167–68, 170–71
inspections in, 260–62
peacetime casualties in, 260
profitability of, 255
rebellious seamen in, 138
regulation of, 138–45, 171–76
shipbuilding industry, 137
US north-south divided opened by, 136
Shultz, Steven, 18, 121–27, 147, 177–79, 188, 195, 286, 337
appearance of, 20
barometric pressure monitored by, 181, 186
concerns about lashings, 25–26
conversation with El Yunque chief mate, 101–2
Davidson’s discussions with, 19–22, 25–27, 104–5, 121–24, 129–32
Davidson supported by, 178–79, 186
difficulties managing crew, 124–25
family of, 26
flooding of ship and, 190, 192, 339–40, 341
Hamm comforted by, 189
increasing concern about Joaquin, 121–24, 126–27
Riehm’s discussion with, 29–30
“Sister’s Journey, The” (Loftfield), 294–95
SIU. See Seafarers International Union
slavery, 136
Smith, Jamie, 361
SMS. See safety management system
Somalia, 34
South Carolina, 21, 108, 203, 267–68
South China Sea, 34
South Street Seaport, 65
Soviet Union, 85
Spanish explorers, 44–46
Spanish galleon treasure, 23
SSAS alert message, 207–8, 213
St. Croix, 171
St. Johns Bar Pilot Association, 7
St. Johns River, 8, 9
steam engines, 150–52
Steinbeck, John, 36
Stephanos, Austin, 205
Stith, Kevin, 102
Stolzenberg, Eric, 313–18, 334
StormGeo, 357
Straits of Florida, 23–24, 103, 132
Sun Oil Company (later Sunoco), 83–84
Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock shipyard, 81–95, 277
author’s grandfather employed by, 84–85
discontinues operations, 95
employees cared for by, 83, 84
founding of, 83
historical marker for, 82
leveling of, 81
SUNY Maritime, 149
supercargo position, 137
survivalism, 168–70
Taíno, 44–45
tariffs, 138–39
Thomas, Paul, 262–63
Thompson, Ray, 116, 118, 119, 120
3-2-1 rule, 50–51
Thurmond, Strom, 144
Titanic (ship), 256, 267, 271, 277–78
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 254
TOTE, 15, 32–37, 57, 72, 207, 314
crewing manager of, 116–19
Davidson denied promotion in, 115–20, 299–300
Davidson hired by, 112
Davidson’s calls to emergency center, 3–4, 198–200, 305–6, 307
Davidson’s Erika detour and, 24, 75
Davidson’s return route alterations and, 74–77, 305–6
Davidson’s worries about job with, 24, 121, 130–33
downsizing in, 35, 117, 258, 321, 323–25
drug smuggling on ships of, 32–34, 35, 36, 37, 320
family notifications by, 229–32, 234, 236–37
financial goals and concerns of, 24, 34–35, 175
introduction of by Sun, 94
Jackson’s criticism of, 153–54
liability issue, 286–88
Marine Board hearings and, 286–97, 299–309, 319–29
maritime laws and, 171–76
official name of, 94
overtime cutbacks, 125
perceived lack of job security at, 97, 98–99, 102
price-fixing lawsuit, 175
report findings on, 356–60
Roth-Roffy confrontation and, 268, 327–29
service violations received by, 357
settlement with families, 288, 357
subsidiaries of, 286, 299–300
vessels and storm not tracked by, 77–78
TOTE Maritime Alaska, 286
TOTE Maritime Puerto Rico, 286, 299–300, 323
TOTE Services, 286, 299, 300, 324
TOTE Shipholdings, 299
trade, 87, 95
Transamerican Trailer Transport (TTT), 90, 93
treasure, sunken, 23
Tropical Depression Eleven, 48, 49–50, 217–18
Tropical Storm Erika, 24, 41, 75
Tropical Storm Joaquin, 19–27
detour around considered, 19–22
evolution from depression to, 49–50
forecasts/advisories on, 19–20, 49–50
speed of, 20
troposphere, 48
Trump, Donald, 125, 144–45
Turks, 20
TWA flight 800, 269
Typhoon Haiyan, 53
underwater communication cables, 30
unions, 39, 87–88, 141, 256–57, 290–91
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 354
unlicensed crew of El Faro, 20, 39–40, 117, 124–25, 285, 320
VDR. See voyage data recorder, 211
; Vietnam War, 216
Villacampa, Pete, 32, 153–54
Virgin Islands, 351
Vittone, Mario, 243–44
voyage data recorder (VDR), 309, 331–37, 356, 360
coast guard installation recommendations, 359
cost of recovery missions, 312, 313, 331, 333, 362
data recovery, 334–36
recovery of, 331–33
search for, 269–75, 311–18
transcript of audio, 337
Walbridge, Robin, 65, 260
Walmart, 176, 297
War of 1812, 62, 139–40
Washington, George, 82
Washington Post, 354
Watson, James, 361
waves, 56–57, 164, 188
Weather Channel, 100, 153, 164
Weather Underground, 147, 186
Webb Institute, 89
Weisenborn, Bill, 258, 320–21, 322, 324
whaling ships, 137–38
whistleblowers, 36, 175
wind heel, 178, 179, 189, 190
wind speed, 55–56, 72–73, 352
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 315
World Bank, 34
World Economic Forum, 141
World War I, 83, 84
World War II, 82, 84–85, 142, 216
Yankee (magazine), 278
Young, Brian, 150–51
Zimmerman, George, 125
About the Author
RACHEL SLADE is a Boston-based journalist, writer, and editor. She was a staff writer at Boston magazine for ten years, and her writing earned her a City and Regional Magazine Award in civic journalism. She splits her time between Brookline, Massachusetts, and Rockport, Maine.
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INTO THE RAGING SEA. Copyright © 2018 by Rachel Slade. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the nonexclusive, nontransferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.
Ship illustration by Michael Chan
Cover design by Allison Saltzman
Cover photograph © Mike Hill/Getty Images
Digital Edition MAY 2018 ISBN: 978-0-06-269971-8
Print ISBN: 978-0-06-269970-1 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-0-06-287032-2 (international edition)
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