Cameron at 10

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Cameron at 10 Page 65

by Anthony Seldon

Black Wednesday, 537

  Blair, Cherie, 78, 394

  Blair, Tony

  admiration for Dalai Lama, 358

  and advisers, 159, 542

  compared with Cameron, 286, 487, 535, 543

  and constitutional reform, 231

  and development spending, 479

  and education reforms, 395, 402

  and election (1997), 11

  and election (2005), 287

  and election (2010), 29

  and fuel strikes, 211

  and health reforms, 184, 187, 189, 297

  Heywood and, 4, 33

  and HS1 rail link, 350

  and immigration, 453

  and Iraq War, 105, 257, 541

  and Northern Ireland, 47–8

  Number 10 operation, 151

  and Olympic Games, 221

  publishes memoirs, 77

  relations with Brown, 35–6, 535

  relations with Campbell, 87, 394

  relations with China, 361

  relations with Gaddafi, 99, 110

  relations with Juncker, 437

  relations with News Corp, 91

  relations with US, 68, 196, 464, 466, 489, 542

  and ‘sofa government’, 541

  and Thatcher, 320, 322

  Blanchard, Olivier, 311, 315

  Blond, Phillip, 280

  Bloody Sunday inquiry, 48–53, 76, 90, 540

  Bloomberg, Michael, 199, 422

  Bogdanor, Vernon, 319

  Boko Haram, 465–6

  Boles, Nick, 217, 339, 347

  Bonar Law, Andrew, 520

  Bone, Peter, 390

  Bonham Carter, Helena, 196

  ‘Boris Island’ airport, 161, 218, 247

  Bosnia, 56, 101–2, 111, 330

  Boston marathon bombing, 321

  boundary changes, 24, 236–40

  Bowie, David, 411

  Bowler, James, 7

  Boyle, Danny, 223

  BP oil spill, 64, 68

  Brady, Graham, 26, 117, 219, 260, 265, 280, 293, 382, 502, 518, 533

  Brand, Russell, 513

  Brandt, Willy, 429

  Branson, Richard, 199

  Brien, Dr Stephen, 298

  British Medical Association, 187

  British Red Cross, 300

  Brogan, Ben, 286

  Brooke, Alan, 60

  Brooks, Charlie, 88, 91

  Brooks, Rebekah, 88–91, 94

  Brown, Gordon

  admiration for Dalai Lama, 358

  and Afghanistan, 56–8, 68

  and defence spending, 487

  and economic crisis, 9–11, 13–16

  and election (2010), 1, 3–6, 23, 26–7, 523

  and EU, 167–8, 170

  and health reforms, 186, 297

  Heywood and, 4, 33

  and immigration, 453

  and Ivan Cameron’s death, 77

  and Northern Ireland, 47

  Number 10 operation, 151

  and possible snap election, 220

  premiership style, 71

  relations with Balls, 12, 15, 376

  relations with Blair, 35–6, 535

  relations with Darling, 498, 500

  relations with Juncker, 437

  relations with News Corp, 91

  relations with US, 66–8, 196, 489

  and release of al-Megrahi, 99

  and Scottish referendum, 126, 132, 417–19, 421

  and tax credits, 39, 301

  and Thatcher, 318, 320, 322

  and Treasury officials, 33–5, 37, 301

  and TV debates, 19

  Brown, Jennifer, 77

  Brown, Sarah, 1, 3, 10

  Bryant, Chris, 83, 88

  BSkyB bid, 86, 88, 90, 92, 227

  Buckingham Palace, 2, 84, 196, 221, 320–1, 414, 531–3

  Budd, Sir Alan, 36

  Budget (1981), 319

  Budget (2010) (Emergency Budget), 25, 33, 38–40, 500

  Budget (2012) (omnishambles Budget), 203–15, 234, 247, 278, 352, 383, 497, 499, 538–9

  Budget (2013), 307–10, 313–14

  Budget (2014), 373–6

  Budget (2015), 493–8

  Building Schools for the Future programme, 398

  Bullingdon Club, 78

  Bumgardner, Randy, 198

  Burke, Edmund, 233

  Burrowes, David, 280

  Bush, George H. W., 196, 321

  Bush, George W., 68, 113, 196, 331, 466, 489–90

  Bush, Jeb, 220

  Butler, Robin, 482

  Byrne, Liam, 36, 513

  Cabinet reshuffle (2012), 226–9

  Cabinet reshuffle (2014), 393–4

  Cable, Vince, 25, 38, 41, 86, 122, 157, 240, 308–9, 447, 454

  Caine, Jonathan, 49–50, 52

  Cambridge, Duke and Duchess of (Prince William and Kate Middleton), 196, 224

  Cameron, Alex, 71, 75, 79, 91

  Cameron, Arthur, 76

  Cameron, Clare, 71

  Cameron, David

  appoints first Cabinet, 28–9

  and ‘aspiration’, 248–9

  asserts leadership qualities, 445

  assessment of premiership, 535–44

  booed at Olympics, 225

  and Boris Johnson, 217–20, 247

  and coalition crisis, 239–42

  commitment to two terms, 519–20

  and ‘compassionate Conservatism’, 275

  deficiencies as strategic thinker, 487–8, 537–8

  dislike of property tax, 206

  dislike of reshuffles, 407

  and election (2010), 1–7

  and election (2015), 505–34

  ‘essay crisis’ prime minister, 347, 409

  and final Cabinet meeting, 502–3

  and foreign policy, 62–3

  foreign policy failures, 345, 369–70, 486–91, 541–2

  inexperience, 10–11

  and Ivan’s death, 77–8

  liking for routine, 78–9

  love of monarchy, 221

  and military matters, 55–6, 60–1

  and next-of-kin letters, 68–9

  and Northern Ireland, 47–53, 76

  and ‘One Nation’, 529, 531

  and ‘Plebgate’ affair, 246–7, 251–2

  relations with Obama, 64–8, 76, 195–200, 489–90, 542

  relationship with Clegg, 27–9, 73, 79, 210, 240, 501–2

  relationship with Gove, 393–4

  relationship with Hilton deteriorates, 155–6, 158–62

  relationship with Merkel, 105, 170–2, 265, 490–1

  relationship with Osborne, 10–12, 35, 79, 211, 257–8, 286, 498–9, 538–9

  relationship with Putin, 364–5, 489

  relationship with Sarkozy, 72–3

  and religion, 75, 274, 479

  ‘selfie’ with Obama, 352

  and Thatcher’s influence, 10, 19, 318–20

  upbringing and pragmatism, 74

  Cameron, Florence, 75–7, 358

  Cameron, Ian, 71–2, 74–5, 78, 352

  Cameron, Ivan, 77–8, 250, 348, 352

  Cameron, Mary, 71–2, 74, 79

  Cameron, Nancy, 76

  Cameron, Samantha, 67, 126, 137, 144, 225–6, 250, 331, 358

  and election (2010), 1–3

  and election (2015), 522–3, 532–4

  friendship with Sarah Vine, 394

  and Ian Cameron’s death, 75–9

  and US visit, 197–9

  Cameron, Tania, 71

  Campbell, Alastair, 87, 394

  Campbell, Menzies, 25, 132

  Capello, Fabio, 63

  Cardiff NATO summit, 468, 483

  Carmichael, Alistair, 410, 413

  Carney, Mark, 226, 313–14, 497

  Carswell, Douglas, 168, 260, 388–91, 441, 451

  Case, Simon, 50, 192, 222

  Casey, Louise, 144, 153

  Cash, Bill, 23, 168–9, 177, 260, 341

  Casson, John, 98–9, 224, 265, 336, 341, 365

  CBI, 252, 261, 293

  Centre for Cities, 378

  Centre for Social Justice, 298

  Chambers, Max, 452

  Channel Tunnel, 350

  Charity Commission, 402

  ‘charity tax’, 209–10, 212

  Charles, Prince of Wales, 221

  Charlie Hebdo attack, 475–6

  Chartres, Bishop Richard, 321–2

  Chatwin, Tim, 148, 150

  Cheney, Dick, 321

  Chilcot Inquiry, 105

  child benefit, 210, 297

  Child Poverty Action Group, 300

  China, 105, 357–62, 458, 489, 500, 542

  Chinese currency, 360

  Chote, Robert, 447

  Church of England, 212, 232, 277

  Churchill, Winston, 60, 321, 503, 520

  cigarettes, plain packaging of, 292

  City of London, and EU, 167–8, 173, 437

  Civil Service

  Conservative distrust of, 34

  and constitutional reform, 234

  and Hilton reforms, 151–2, 157, 159

  neutrality of, 170

  Clacton by-election, 390, 451

  Clark, Greg, 377

  Clarke, Ken, 13, 24, 34, 93, 228, 308, 333, 407, 457, 498

  and EU, 265, 269, 385, 433, 436

  and Libyan intervention, 101, 108

  Clegg, Nick

  and Afghanistan, 58

  and anti-terrorist legislation, 473–4

  and AV referendum, 116, 118–22

  and Budget (2012), 205–6, 209–10, 214

  and Budget (2013), 309

  and Budget (2015), 493–4, 498

  and coalition crisis, 239–42

  compared with Cameron, 487

  and constitutional reform, 231–9

  and Dalai Lama meeting, 357

  and development spending, 481

  and education reforms, 399–401, 404

  and election (2015), 511, 514–15, 532–3, 537

  and EU, 167–8, 172–4, 176, 178, 258, 269

  and formation of coalition, 1, 21, 24–7

  and gay marriage, 277, 281

  and health reforms, 184, 189–91

  and immigration, 452

  and leadership challenges, 231, 240

  and Libyan intervention, 102, 106

  and Northern Ireland, 49

  and Northern Powerhouse, 378–9

  opposition to Hilton reforms, 154, 156, 161

  and phone-hacking scandal, 84, 92

  relationship with Cameron, 27–9, 73, 79, 210, 240, 501–2

  relationship with Osborne, 493, 500–1, 503

  and riots, 139–40

  and rise of UKIP, 383, 386

  and Scottish referendum, 128, 133, 411–12, 415, 418, 420

  and spending cuts, 36, 38–9, 447

  stands in for Cameron, 73, 76

  and Syria, 329, 331, 333–8, 340–4

  and tuition fees, 41, 121, 481

  and TV debates, 19

  Clinton, Bill, 68, 196, 464, 466–7, 489–90

  Clinton, Hillary, 7, 104, 106, 466, 489

  Clooney, George, 199

  Coalition, The: Together in the National Interest, 241

  Coalition for Marriage, 277, 281

  coalitions, European, 25

  COBRA meetings, 139, 141, 192, 211, 261, 320–1, 353–4, 470, 474

  Cochrane, Alan, 130

  Coe, Sebastian, 129, 217, 222, 225

  Colbourne, Tim, 176

  Collins, Philip, 29, 298, 405, 425, 497

  Commonwealth Games, 417–18

  Conservative Party

  and constitutional reform, 233–8

  Crosby’s view of, 391

  ‘detoxification’ drive, 148

  and Europe, 165–78, 257–70

  and gay marriage, 273–82

  and leadership challenges, 213, 219–20, 520–2

  ‘nasty party’, 391, 453, 479, 494

  representation in Scotland, 132

  and Thatcherism, 319–20

  Conservative Research Department, 147, 318

  ConservativeHome website, 118, 285, 297

  Cook, Robin, 105

  Cooper, Andrew, 117, 133, 155, 159, 177, 247–8, 387, 411

  and Budget (2012), 207–8, 213

  and election (2015), 510, 516

  and gay marriage, 275–6, 282

  and health reforms, 188–9

  and rise of Crosby, 291–2

  Cooper, Yvette, 455

  Core Knowledge Foundation, 396

  corporation tax, 207–8, 253, 310, 348, 494

  Côte d’Ivoire, 105

  Coulson, Andy, 22, 28, 36, 61, 66, 75, 122, 183, 188

  antipathy to Cummings, 398, 400

  and Crosby’s arrival, 286, 293

  and election (2010), 4–5, 7

  influence on Cameron, 17–19

  opposition to gay marriage, 274, 276, 282

  phone-hacking scandal and departure, 77, 79, 81–94, 100, 109, 117, 155, 409

  relations with Hilton, 17–19, 153–4

  counter-terrorism, see terrorism and counter-terrorism

  Counter-Terrorism and Security Act, 474, 494

  Cowper-Coles, Sherard, 57–8

  Crick, Michael, 246

  cricket, 224

  Crimea, Russian invasion of, 367–8

  Cromwell, Oliver, 72

  Crosby, Lynton, 249, 303, 312, 354, 419, 442, 491, 495, 497

  arrival of, 285–93

  and Boris Johnson campaign, 218, 220, 287–9, 292

  and election (2015), 505–6, 508–10, 512–15, 518, 527, 530

  and Gove’s departure, 403–4

  and immigration, 452–3, 460

  increasing influence on Cameron, 347–9

  opposition to gay marriage, 279, 282, 285

  and rise of UKIP, 386–8, 391

  Crossrail, 44, 350–1, 500

  Cruddas, Peter, 118–19

  Cummings, Dominic, 397–401, 404

  Cunliffe, Jon, 9, 170, 172–3, 426, 455

  Cunningham, Fiona, 404, 458

  Curtice, John, 286, 390, 528

  Daily Record, 417–18

  Dalai Lama, 357, 359–61, 489

  Dale, Iain, 286

  Daly, Fr Edward, 51

  Dannatt, Richard, 55, 487

  d’Ancona, Matthew, 106, 185, 203, 257, 290, 303, 382, 455

  Darfur, 105

  Darling, Alistair, 10–11, 13–16, 34–6, 204, 214, 315

  relations with Brown, 498, 500

  and Scottish referendum, 132, 410–13, 417, 420

  Darroch, Kim, 173–4, 176, 330–2, 336, 365, 464

  Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act, 474, 493

  Davey, Ed, 529

  Davidson, Ruth, 412

  Davies, Howard, 312, 351

  Davies, Philip, 482

  Davis, David, 23, 152, 165, 219, 260, 341, 438, 520

  Davis, Evan, 378

  Dawlish railway line, 353, 355

  D-Day commemorations, 370

  de Bois, Nick, 336

  Dear, Lord, 281

  defence spending, 41–3, 56, 465–6, 479, 482–7

  DEFRA, 44, 355, 406

  Deighton, Paul, 226, 312

  Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), 48, 239, 486, 518, 522

  Denning, Lord, 358

  Dennis, Ron, 359

  Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), 37, 43, 229, 295–304, 375–6, 395

  Derry/Londonderry, 50–1

  development spending, 41, 43, 246, 479–82, 537

  Devereux, Robert, 302

  Diamond Jubilee, Queen’s, 75, 129, 221, 225

  Diana, Princess of Wales, 221

  Dimbleby, David, 527

  Disability Living Allowance, 295, 297

  Donilon, Thomas, 104, 490

  Dorrell, Stephen, 522

  Dorries, Nadine, 212, 341

  Dowden, Oliver, 7, 89, 92, 192, 212–13, 246, 276, 388, 419, 452

  coins the term ‘omnishambles�
��, 212

  Dowler, Milly, 88

  Draghi, Mario, 314

  Duffy, Carol Ann, 401

  Duggan, Mark, 137

  Duncan, Alan, 277

  Duncan Smith, Iain, 129, 144, 187, 252, 265, 374, 395, 400, 405, 410

  appointed to coalition Cabinet, 29

  battles with Treasury, 40, 43–4

  and Cabinet reshuffle, 228–9, 296, 299

  and gay marriage, 275, 278

  and welfare reforms, 295–305, 501, 539–40

  Dunlop, Andrew, 130, 410, 417

  Eastleigh by-election, 383

  Ebola outbreak, 482

  Edinburgh Agreement, 134, 410–11

  Edmondson, Ian, 86

  education reforms, 184, 186–7, 304, 393–403, 406, 539

  education unions, 400–1

  Egypt, 97–8, 195

  Elizabeth II, Queen, 52, 197, 221, 361, 429

  and election (2015), 531–3

  and Scottish referendum, 414, 422

  Elliott, Matthew, 117, 119

  Elysée Treaty, 260–1

  Emanuel, Rahm, 66

  Emergency Budget, see Budget (2010)

  employment tribunals, 156

  Emwazi, Mohammed (‘Jihadi John’), 471

  energy prices, 322, 347, 442

  ‘English Votes for English Laws’ (EVEL), 419–21, 443

  Ennis, Jessica, 224, 226

  Environment Agency, 355

  Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 196

  Etchingham, Julie, 512

  European and Global issues Secretariat, 312

  European Arrest Warrant, 456

  European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), 165, 427–8, 431

  European Convention on Human Rights, 430

  European Court of Justice, 174, 455

  European elections, 168, 258, 278, 285, 384–7, 429, 431, 501

  European Financial Stability Mechanism, 169

  European Fiscal Compact Treaty, 171, 177

  European People’s Party (EPP), 5, 165, 170, 174, 426–7, 431, 438, 490

  European Union (EU)

  and British renegotiation, 429–30, 437–8, 443, 518

  and British veto, 165–78, 263

  budget negotiations, 260, 262, 267–9, 490

  and Commission presidency, 425–38

  proposed British referendum, 247, 257–70, 330, 384–6, 391, 394, 432, 451, 463, 467, 533, 537, 543

  Spitzenkandidaten process, 426–8, 431–2, 434–6

  and Ukraine crisis, 362, 366–70, 490

  eurozone crisis, 167, 171–3, 177, 195, 252, 262, 312, 314

  Evans, Jonathan, 473

  Falklands War, 113

  Fall, Kate, 22, 79, 83, 137, 213, 220, 249, 307, 347, 422, 453

  and Cabinet reshuffle, 226

  and election (2010), 1–4, 6–7

  and election (2015), 509, 512, 518, 522–4, 527, 529

  loyalty, 542

  opposes mansion tax, 206

  relations with Hilton, 18, 85, 155, 158, 161–2

  and rise of UKIP, 388–9

  supports gay marriage, 276

  and Syria vote, 343–4

  Fallon, Michael, 483, 533

  ‘family friendly’ policies, 151


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