Cameron at 10

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Cameron at 10 Page 66

by Anthony Seldon

  Farage, Nigel, 168, 270, 382, 384–7, 389–91, 421, 425

  and election (2015), 511–12, 533

  and focus on immigration, 451, 459–60

  Farah, Mo, 224

  Farr, Charles, 404

  Featherstone, Lynne, 275–6

  Feldman, Andrew, 21, 78, 86, 161, 193, 217, 220, 225, 227, 238

  analysis of gay marriage, 278

  and AV referendum, 117–19

  and Budget (2012), 206, 210

  and Cameron’s ‘inner Semite’, 250

  and Crosby’s arrival, 287–8

  and election (2015), 506, 510, 523, 530

  opposes mansion tax, 206

  and rise of UKIP, 382, 388, 391

  and Reckless defection, 444

  and Scottish referendum, 415

  female genital mutilation, 481

  Fergusson, James, 57–8

  Ferrari, Nick, 381

  Field, Frank, 153

  Field, Steve, 85, 177

  FIFA World Cup, 67, 221, 363, 436

  Financial Services Authority, 17, 312

  Finkelstein, Danny, 229, 249

  Finucane, Pat, 52

  First World War debt, 496

  Fisher, Antony, 149

  fixed-term parliaments, 24, 116, 536

  Fletcher, Tom, 1, 4–7, 48–9, 66, 72–3, 170

  Fletcher, WPC Yvonne, 98–9

  floods, 353–5, 480

  Foges, Clare, 247–8, 347–8, 352, 417, 442

  and election (2015), 522–3

  Foley, James, 471

  food banks, 300

  Foreign Office, and spending cuts, 43–4

  Forestry Commission, sale of land, 188

  Forsyth, Lord, 127, 133

  foundation hospitals, 187

  Fox, Liam, 59, 62, 97, 165, 219, 237, 382, 438, 484, 520

  and Bloody Sunday inquiry, 49–50

  and defence spending, 42–3

  and Libyan intervention, 100, 101–2, 105

  and opposition to gay marriage, 280

  France, 57, 196, 267, 359, 369

  and Libyan intervention, 106–8, 111–12

  and Syria, 338–9, 344

  Francis Crick Institute, 44

  Fraser, Simon, 266

  free schools, 396, 398–9, 402, 443, 539

  FTSE 100, and Scottish referendum, 415

  fuel duty, 253, 310

  fuel strikes, 92, 211

  ‘Funding for Lending’ scheme, 214, 308, 314, 499

  Gaddafi, Muammar, 98–104, 106–12, 541

  Gale, Roger, 280

  Ganesh, Janan, 204, 257, 404, 499

  Gardner, David, 101

  Gates, Robert, 104

  gay marriage, 273–82, 351, 366, 383–4, 446, 482, 537

  Gaza blockade, 75–6

  Geidt, Sir Christopher, 414, 531

  Geldof, Sir Bob, 415, 481

  General Strike (1926), 222

  Georgia, Russian invasion of, 362, 369

  Germany, 25, 172, 265, 267–8, 359, 458, 460

  and Libyan intervention, 105, 108

  G4S scandal, 223

  Gibb, Nick, 397

  Gibbs, Robert, 5

  Gilbert, Stephen, 117, 119, 121, 188, 227, 237

  and election (2015), 508–9, 513–16, 530

  Gill, Ameet, 50, 213, 247, 347, 403, 442, 458

  Gladstone, William, 496

  Gleneagles G8 summit, 479–80

  Global Investment Conference, 252

  ‘global race’, 162, 248–50, 289, 347

  Glover, Julian, 131, 349

  Godson, Dean, 397

  Goldthorpe, Yorkshire, 321

  González Durántez, Miriam, 399, 501

  Goodlad, Alastair, 395

  Goodman, Clive, 83

  Goodman, Paul, 118, 285

  Goodwin, Fred, 204

  Goodwin, Matthew, 382, 385

  ‘Google tax’, 446

  Gordon, Philip, 330

  Goschen, George, 496

  Gove, Michael, 34, 41, 89, 97, 116, 160, 219, 239, 347, 390, 442

  attack on private education, 403

  and Cabinet reshuffle, 393–5, 403–6, 441

  and Cameron’s conference speech (2012), 249–50

  and Cummings’s influence, 397–401

  and education reforms, 184, 186–7, 304, 393–403, 406, 539

  and election (2015), 519–22, 533

  and EU referendum, 269

  and fight against ISIS, 469

  and immigration, 452, 456

  and Libyan intervention, 101, 111

  publishes Celsius 7/7, 404, 472

  relationship with Cameron, 7, 393–4

  and school sports, 226

  and Scottish referendum, 129, 131, 415, 421–2

  spat with May, 404

  and Syria, 334, 340, 404

  and Ukraine crisis, 368

  GP commissioning, 182, 186–7, 189

  Graydon, Michael, 487

  Grayling, Chris, 29, 228

  Greece, 23, 171, 264

  Green Party, 460, 511

  Greening, Justine, 228, 480–2

  Grey Coat Hospital school, 403

  Grieve, Dominic, 49, 105, 111, 279, 333

  Griffin, Nick, 119

  Grybauskaite, Dalia, 432

  Guantanamo Bay, 58

  Guinea, 482

  Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC), 105

  Gummer, Peter, 528

  Gurria, Angel, 252

  Haass, Richard, 52

  Hague, Ffion, 25, 407

  Hague, William, 7, 44, 219, 235, 248, 319, 502, 535

  and Afghanistan, 58–9

  and Cabinet reshuffle, 406–7

  and China, 357, 360

  and coalition crisis, 240

  and election (2015), 518

  and ‘English Votes for English Laws’, 421

  and EU, 166, 169, 172, 174–5, 258, 260

  faces pressure to resign, 343–4

  foreign policy achievements, 488–9

  and formation of coalition, 22–5, 29, 116

  and formation of NSC, 61–2

  and health reforms, 184

  and Libyan intervention, 100, 104, 108–9

  relationship with Hillary Clinton, 466–7, 489

  revises party rules, 521

  and Russia, 362

  supports gay marriage, 279

  and Syria, 326, 329, 333–5, 337, 339, 342–3, 406

  Haines, David, 471

  Haines, Joe, 87

  Hammond, Philip, 15, 34, 37, 265, 333, 350, 407, 457, 467, 483–4

  and gay marriage, 275, 279

  and Lee Rigby killing, 474

  remains as foreign secretary, 533

  Hancock, Matthew, 12, 15, 33, 36, 40, 226, 247

  Hands, Greg, 226

  Hannan, Daniel, 168

  Harding, James, 93, 511

  Hardman, Isabel, 445

  Harman, Harriet, 72

  Harper, Mark, 234–5, 533

  Harper, Stephen, 5, 321

  Harrison, Rupert, 15, 18, 40, 155, 253, 303, 319, 352, 442, 445, 447

  and bad economic news, 307–8, 311

  and Bank of England, 313–14

  and Budget (2012), 200, 203–4, 208–10

  and Budget (2014), 376

  and Budget (2015), 493

  Eton education, 403

  and immigration, 452, 458

  Osborne’s chief of staff, 7, 11–12

  Harry, Prince, 224

  Hart, Colin, 281

  Hayek, F. A., 397

  HBOS, 9

  Heathrow Airport, 247, 302, 350–1

  Heffer, Simon, 319

  Helmer, Roger, 234

  ‘Help to Buy’ scheme, 310, 443, 496

  Henderson’s crisps, 503

  Henning, Alan, 471

  Herbert, Nick, 228

  Heseltine, Lord, 121, 153, 378

  Heywood, Jeremy, 30, 214, 247, 286, 297, 498, 531

  and coalition crisis, 240

  and election (20
10), 1, 3–4, 7

  and health reforms, 184, 187, 189–91, 297

  and implementation of Plan A, 33–6, 252

  and phone-hacking scandal, 84, 87, 89, 91–2

  relations with Hilton, 151–2, 155, 158–60

  and riots, 137–8

  and Scottish referendum, 414, 419, 421

  succeeds O’Donnell, 129, 208

  High Speed One (HS1), 350

  High Speed Two (HS2), 228, 349–51, 500

  High Speed Three, 378

  Hill, Lord, 437–8

  Hilton, Steve, 29, 35, 42, 79, 166, 213, 297, 320, 361, 441, 498

  and ‘Big Society’ agenda, 17–19, 143–4, 149–62, 209, 249

  and Budget (2012), 207–9

  and Crosby’s arrival, 286–9, 293

  decentralisation agenda, 158–9

  and education reforms, 398, 400

  and election (2010), 4, 7

  and formation of coalition, 21–2

  and gay marriage, 273–4, 276–7

  and health reforms, 185, 188, 190–1

  and immigration, 453

  influence on Cameron, 147–62

  and phone-hacking scandal, 83–6

  returns to Number 10, 249, 347–8

  Hirsch, E. D., 396–7

  HMS Ark Royal, 484

  HMS Bulwark, 460

  Hodge, Margaret, 295

  Hollande, François, 170, 196, 265, 267, 269, 317–18, 328, 368, 482, 542

  Hollingbery, George, 325

  Holloway, Adam, 169, 390

  Home Office, 28, 37, 43, 228, 404, 458, 520, 540

  Hong Kong, democracy demonstrations, 361

  Houghton, Nicholas, 55, 60

  House of Lords reform, 24, 221, 226, 231–4

  Howard, John, 287

  Howard, Michael, 148, 287, 291, 453

  Howarth, Gerald, 279, 456

  Howe, Earl, 191

  Howe, Geoffrey, 11, 13, 235, 319, 321

  Hu Jintao, 357, 361

  Hugo Young lecture, 148

  Huhne, Chris, 23, 120–3, 231, 240, 383

  human rights, China and, 358

  Human Rights Act, 25, 443

  Hunt, Jeremy, 86, 88, 90, 92, 192, 223, 227, 407, 502, 540

  Hunt, Tristram, 394, 443

  Huntman, Jamie, 385

  immigration, 384–5, 387, 451–61, 497, 521, 536

  immunisation, in Africa, 480

  income tax, 13, 24, 200, 204–8, 253, 310, 373, 443, 494, 500, 539

  Independent Commission on Banking, 38

  India, 58, 75, 105, 361

  infrastructure projects, 214, 349–52, 500

  Ingham, Bernard, 87

  inheritance tax, 15, 24–5

  Institute for Fiscal Studies, 12, 205

  Institute of Chartered Accountants, 507

  Institute of Civil Engineering, 161

  Institute of Directors, 204, 252

  Institute of Economic Affairs, 149, 351

  International Institute for Strategic Studies, 486

  International Monetary Fund (IMF), 211–12, 252, 308, 311, 315

  Iran, 58, 195, 198, 264, 326, 485

  Iraq, 57–60, 64–5, 257, 345, 490, 541

  and Libyan intervention, 101–3, 105–6, 109, 111

  and rise of ISIS, 463, 467–8, 471, 502, 542

  and Syria vote, 333, 338, 342

  Ireland, 25, 196

  Irish Free State, 125

  ISAs, 375, 496

  ISIS, 327, 343, 345, 463, 465–9, 471, 485, 502

  Islamic extremism, 470–3, 490, 540

  Isle of Jura, 126

  Israel, 196, 198, 264, 404, 502

  Ivens, Martin, 286

  Izzard, Eddie, 415

  Jackson, Mike, 483

  Jackson, Stewart, 169

  Jahan, Tariq, 142

  Javid, Sajid, 226

  Jenkin, Bernard, 168, 177, 260, 485

  Job Centres, 300, 303

  Johnson, Alan, 44

  Johnson, Boris, 82, 129, 139, 141, 329, 360, 385, 433

  and Carswell resignation, 388

  elected in Uxbridge, 529

  leadership ambitions, 520, 535

  and Lee Rigby killing, 474

  mayoral election, 217–22, 287–9, 292

  and ‘Plebgate’ affair, 246–7, 251

  Johnson, Helen, 470

  Johnson, Jo, 220, 348, 377, 403, 452, 510

  Jones, David, 279

  Jones, Marcus, 528

  Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 118

  Journal of Public Health, 301

  Jubilee Line extension, 350

  judo, 224, 364–5

  Julius Caesar, 134

  Juncker, Jean-Claude, 425, 427–37

  Karzai, Hamid, 55

  Katainen, Jyrki, 170

  Kelly, Chris, 390

  Kennedy, Charles, 25, 132

  Kenny, Enda, 427

  Kerr, John, 464

  Kerry, John, 331, 344, 467

  Kerslake, Bob, 159–60, 302

  Kettle, Martin, 17

  Khaybulaev, Tagir, 365

  Kiddell, Tim, 50

  King, Andy, 311

  King, Julian, 51

  King, Mervyn, 11, 17, 25, 38, 308, 312–13

  Kingman, John, 312, 377

  Kinnock, Neil, 121

  Kirby, Paul, 13, 15, 155, 159, 213, 226, 312

  Knapp, Bill, 512

  Korean War, 61

  Korski, Daniel, 483

  Labour Party

  and AV referendum, 117–20

  and education reforms, 395–6

  and election (2015), 513–19, 522, 537

  and fight against ISIS, 468–9

  and immigration, 452–3, 455–6

  and Scottish referendum, 132–3, 410, 416–18, 421

  and Syria, 333–9, 341, 463

  Lagarde, Christine, 311, 315, 432

  Lamb, Graeme, 58

  Lamb, Norman, 183

  Lamolinara, Franco, 470

  Lamont, Norman, 13, 33, 35, 235

  Lampard, Frank, 67

  ‘land of opportunity’, 348–9

  Landale, James, 519

  Lang, Lord, 127

  Langsdale, Philip, 295, 302–3

  Lansley, Andrew, 14, 227, 251, 395, 401, 405, 497

  and health reforms, 181–93, 296–7, 304, 540

  Lapshyn, Pavlo, 474

  Lavrov, Sergei, 344

  Lawrence, T. E., 113

  Laws, David, 23–4, 28, 34–7, 41, 241, 493, 507

  relations with Gove, 396, 399–400

  Lawson, Nigel, 13, 35–6, 159, 270, 321, 374, 482, 500

  Leese, Richard, 377

  Left Foot Forward blog, 300

  Lehman Brothers collapse, 9

  Leigh, Edward, 280

  Letts, Quentin, 250

  Letwin, Oliver, 7, 11, 16, 18, 38, 61, 93, 130, 166, 252, 260, 368, 452, 502

  and AV referendum, 122–3

  and ‘Big Society’ agenda, 149–50

  and Civil Service reform, 159

  and coalition crisis, 240–1

  and constitutional reform, 232

  and election (2015), 518, 532

  Eton education, 403

  and formation of coalition, 22–4, 26, 29, 158

  and health reforms, 182–5, 187–8, 190

  and welfare reforms, 297, 302, 304

  Leveson Inquiry, 88–94, 197, 221, 227, 536

  Levita, Emile, 250

  Levitte, Jean-David, 73

  Lewis, Damian, 199

  Lewis, Leigh, 297

  Li Keqiang, 358, 360–1

  Lib Dems

  and anti-terrorist legislation, 473

  and Budget (2012), 205–7, 209–10

  and Budget (2015), 493–8, 500–1

  commitment to electoral reform, 115–16

  and constitutional reform, 231–9

  and education reforms, 396, 399–400, 403

  and election (2015), 507, 515–16, 518–19, 522, 527–8, 530, 537

  and figh
t against ISIS, 468–9

  and formation of coalition, 21–30, 122–3

  and gay marriage, 275–6, 279

  and health reforms, 183–4, 188–9, 191

  and immigration, 452–5

  and Leveson Inquiry, 89–90, 93

  relations with Hilton, 152–4

  and rise of UKIP, 382–3

  and Scottish referendum, 127, 129–32, 410, 416, 418

  and Syria, 338–9

  and tuition fees, 41, 45, 120–1, 238

  Liberia, 482

  Libya, 68, 75, 118, 173, 195, 264, 326, 333, 345, 488, 491, 541

  British intervention, 98–113

  Putin and intervention, 329, 364, 367

  life sciences, promotion of, 157

  Lisbon Treaty, 165–6, 177, 257, 259, 262–3, 265, 382, 385, 426–7

  Litvinenko, Alexander, 362

  Liu Xiaoming, 360

  Livingstone, Ken, 217, 222

  Llewellyn, Ed, 18, 49, 56, 61, 65, 67, 79, 122, 151, 190, 213, 246, 313, 475

  and bad economic news, 307–8

  and Cabinet reshuffle, 226

  and constitutional reform, 236, 239

  and Crosby’s arrival, 286, 288–9

  and election (2010), 1, 4–7

  and election (2015), 509–10, 512, 518, 522, 524, 527, 529–30

  Eton education, 403

  and EU, 166, 170, 173–4, 176, 258, 260–1, 265–6

  and formation of coalition, 22–3, 27

  and immigration, 452, 459

  and Libyan intervention, 101–2

  loyalty, 542

  and Olympics, 222

  and phone-hacking scandal, 83, 87, 89, 91–2

  relations with Hilton, 155, 158, 161–2

  and riots, 137–8

  and Scottish referendum, 126, 134, 411, 422

  supports gay marriage, 276

  and Syria, 331–2, 336, 365

  and Thatcher’s death and funeral, 317–18, 322

  and Ukraine crisis, 368–9

  Lloyds Banking Group, 314, 415

  local elections, 123, 219, 234, 385

  Local Enterprise Partnerships, 378

  Lockerbie bombing, 99

  Lockwood, Chris, 377

  London Olympics, 75, 92, 129, 217, 221–7, 250, 312, 331, 350, 541

  and economic benefits, 222, 307

  and meeting with Putin, 224, 364–5

  opening ceremony, 223–4

  Lough Erne G8 summit, 330–1, 366, 470

  Lyall Grant, Mark, 336, 338

  McCann, Madeleine, 88

  McChrystal, Stanley, 64

  McDonald, Simon, 57, 60, 170

  McKay Commission, 420

  Mackenzie, Polly, 152, 154, 183

  McLoughlin, Patrick, 6, 116, 169, 227–8, 234, 279, 351, 393–4

  Macmillan, Harold, 35, 319, 404, 537

  McManus, Chris, 470

  Macpherson, Nicholas, 25, 33–4, 38, 42, 252–3, 301, 311–13, 374, 412

  McVey, Esther, 406

  Mais lecture, 18

  Major Projects Authority (MPA), 295, 300

  Major, John, 35, 47, 165, 196, 219, 395, 437, 458, 467, 498, 536

  infrastructure legacy, 350

  Thatcher and, 267, 319, 322


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