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Swapped And Expecting

Page 2

by Candy Banger

  Lev went crazy for it.

  I felt almost flattered, that my tits worked. It was as though I was a real woman. Fuck, I was a real woman now! He grabbed my breast in his big, manly hand, squeezed it, and then brought his mouth down onto it. Nina, meanwhile, had moved around to the other side of me, had gone delving for my other tit, and now had my other nipple in those big, full lips of hers.

  The effect of having both nipples sucked at once made me explode with lust. My entire pelvic bowl began to crackle, and then my pussy, in seconds, grew drenched. Oh my god! Being a woman felt amazing!

  Lev, sitting over me, accidentally brushed his cock against my bare, moist pussy lips, and I surprised myself by screaming ‘Get it in me! Get it in me now!’

  Lev didn’t speak English of course, and backed away from me suddenly, jumping back like I’d done something wrong. As his cock sprang into the air I saw a droplet of something white and milky on the end of it, forming a thick droplet on the small slit at the top. Fuck! His seed. Don’t spill that, Lev, I thought. Get that cock inside me now.

  Before Nina had a chance to translate, I was pulling Lev’s dick into me, every last inch of the enormous thing, feeling my head slide back and bang the headboard as the hot meat travelled up my passage.

  Nina stroked my hair beside me. ‘Well done, my darling,’ she said. ‘Let my little brother fuck you now. Let him fuck you good.’

  Lev pushed his dick further into me. It just kept going up and up - I couldn’t believe there was so much of it - until, finally, it slammed against the rigid wall of my cervix.

  Fuck, I thought. I didn’t want that to ever stop.

  But just as I felt pissed that it had stopped, his cock began to slide backwards, pulling out of me now, pulling out of my pussy lips, stretching them back over it, stretching them wide with pleasure.

  Oh yeah! I gasped. Keep doing that. Keep pulling back on my pussy lips like that forever. That feels fucking…

  But then he stopped again, the tip of his cock resting on the entrance to my moist, hungry little hole. He looked me in the eyes, with his young, inquisitive, Russian face, and then he pushed his cock back in again, banging my head on the headboard another time.

  He continued to thrust in and out rhythmically now, so I knew when to expect the pleasure of feeling him squeeze up my passage, filling me with meat, and then I knew when to expect the delicious tingle of my pussy lips being stretched away from me, hooked over this giant cock, completely at its surrender.

  While he thrusted away, Nina kissed me on the lips, full, with tongues, eating the inside of my mouth like I was the most delicious food she’d ever tasted. I’d never seen her this horny before. I knew she’d want me to fuck her hard after this tonight. She’d want it to last for hours. I hoped I’d still be able to give her enough pleasure as a woman. It didn’t seem like I’d have a problem. In fact, I think Nina preferred me this way.

  Lev - bless him - kept to his part of the bargain admirably. He just stuck his cock in me, dutifully, that funny little down of hair on his upper lip twitching with pleasure.

  Being polite, he was barely making a sound, trying to let Nina and I share this special experience in private, the magical experience of our baby being brought into existence.

  But I could tell how much he was getting off on this. I could see his brow, smeared with sweat. He must have been burning up under that leather jacket. I could see the tightness in his jaw, see the effort it was taking not to just pin me down, howling, and fuck me like a wild beast.

  Nina, getting really horny now, climbed on top of my face, and pushed her pussy, dripping with honey, over my lips. She tasted amazing. I had never tasted her as sweet as this before. I wondered if the more turned on you were, the better you tasted. If that was the case, she must have been really, really fucking turned on.

  The sight of me eating Nina’s pussy was too much for Lev to take. He let out a yelp, almost like he was in pain, and then rammed his cock into me, banging the entrance to my cervix a couple of times with his rock-hard tip, and then, suddenly, grabbing hold of Nina’s tits, his youthful cock began to throb, swelling up bigger and bigger inside me, and then, in an instance, it was like the banks burst. I could feel it, jets and jets and jets of it, hot and sticky, coating my passage with spunk. For the first time in forty years.

  I loved it.

  So did Nina, by the feel of things. The moment she heard Lev come, I felt the walls of her pussy begin to spasm against my tongue, and her honey dripped all over the back of my throat.

  Finally, when Lev’s cock stopped throbbing, he let out a long moan. Then he said something in Russian with half-closed eyes.

  Nina climbed down off my face, and turned to me, her cheeks glowing with victory. ‘He said he’s been saving that up all week for you,’ she said, running her hand down to my stomach, and leaving it there, as if she was waiting for my belly to begin to swell.


  Amazingly, it worked. I was a real woman, inside and out.

  I was almost disappointed, actually, when I saw the two blue lines appear in the little window on the pregnancy test stick. I think, deep down, I was kind of hoping Lev and I would get the chance to try again. I wanted to fuck him again. Lots.

  As time went by, though, I had other things to worry about. Nina and I had baby stuff to prepare for. Lev left us alone, as agreed, and didn’t make a big deal about it being his or anything like that. Which is fair enough.

  Nina and I bought a cot and painted our spare room baby blue (we weren’t having a girl grow up with pink! no way!). We began to spend our weekends trawling baby stores for tiny little jump-suits instead of spending hours fucking lazily in front of the TV, like we used to do.

  But still it felt magnificent. Having this thing grow inside me. Every morning, as soon as I woke up, I examined myself for signs of change. Had I swelled up in the night? Was my stomach as big as a football yet? Bigger? I loved feeling my skin growing tight and hard over my belly like that. I loved the way my forty-year-old skin looked at it stretched, becoming totally smooth, like Nina’s. I loved the moment I realized my belly-button was starting to pop out, loved rubbing my fingers over it like a sensitive little clit.

  I loved the way I had to start shuffling to move around, the way I had to grab onto my lower back for support when I stood still, all the things pregnant women did. I loved - loved loved loved - my breasts, the fact that they’d gone up not just one cup size, not two, not even three, but four fucking cup sizes. They were big to start with. Now they were the size of melons. No - bigger. Much bigger.

  I also loved the fact it was socially acceptable to run my hands over my stomach in public. I’d just be standing in line at the supermarket, and I’d feel myself getting horny, so I’d place my palms over my swollen belly and rub, gently at first, then harder and harder, in big circles, until I felt my cunt lips quivering, and then leaking out a torrent of pregnant-lady cum, soaking my knickers.

  Now that I was pregnant, I could have an orgasm in seconds.

  Dr. Swopp had been impressed by my progress. Said how healthy the baby seemed. Said it was growing nicely inside me, getting big and ripe. Said I had a little more water retention than was normal, that my belly had swollen up a little larger than was to be expected, that my tits were fuller, that my ducts might produce milk a little earlier than most women. That I was already bigger than the average nine-months’-pregnant woman, even though I hadn’t even reached eight months yet. But it was nothing to worry about. That I should try to relax.

  So relax I did. I lounged around, luxuriantly, at home, while Nina went out to work, to parties, to bars with her friends. I decided what the baby needed, most of all, was to get nice and fat in the privacy of its own home, to let Mummy stay on the sofa, rubbing her stomach and touching herself every time Nina stepped out of the front door, having orgasm after orgasm, enjoying every moment of having this squirming, kicking being inside her.

  I would’ve saved myself for Nina
a bit more, if Nina had actually wanted sex.

  It was weird. She’d been so desperate to have this baby to begin with, but as my body had changed, she’d found it harder and harder to fuck me. She loved me, she said, of course she did, but she was still so young, had so much of her life left to live. She even said once that maybe she had preferred me as a man. Some nights she just stared at my big, swollen tits like she was looking at the tits of her own mother or something.

  So, I’d taken to looking after myself. As much as possible, as hard as possible, as soon as she left the apartment.

  One day, though, I was lying on the sofa, pleasuring myself, when something happened. I was running my hands all over my belly, thinking how amazing it was that I could no longer do up my jeans - even my maternity jeans! - that I had to lie there with permanently unbuttoned jeans, like a beached whale. And I loved how my t-shirt stretched so much over my stomach. It just kept riding up, causing this enormous pink bowl of a stomach to swell out of it, bloated and ripe.

  There was a cookery programme on the TV in the background, and I was vaguely half-listening to it, I suppose, as I played with myself. The female chef, a flirtatious woman with long, dark hair and tits to die for, was showing us how to make a perfect béchamel sauce. I let her words wash over me. Creamy béchamel. White sauce. Extra thick.

  I slid my hands under my t-shirt, and began playing with my nipples. They’d grown thicker and darker since I was pregnant, each one like a perfect baby’s dummy now, ready to be sucked for the next few years, giving my baby its daily snack.

  I ran my fingers in spirals around my nipples, occasionally giving them a small, firm squeeze. That’s when I felt it: something warm and wet, dribbling onto my t-shirt. I looked down at myself, and saw a dark, wet patch had formed over each breast. I squeezed my nipples again, and watched the wet patches grow.

  And then the doorbell rang.


  I hadn’t seen him in months, and although I’d changed so much, he was still exactly the same. Leather jacket. Youthful, inquisitive face. Soft, downy hair on his lower lip.

  ‘Lev,’ I said. ‘Nina’s not in I’m afraid.’

  Lev’s blank face showed that he didn’t understand me, but then a flicker of something showed up in his eyes, and his expression changed. But no, he hadn’t understood me; it wasn’t an expression of comprehension. I followed his gaze with my own, and realized that he was staring at the two dark, wet patches on my t-shirt.

  ‘Oh…’ I stuttered. ‘Yeah, that’s- that’s-‘

  But I couldn’t think of a suitable explanation.

  It didn’t matter anyway. He didn’t understand a word I was saying. I moved away from the door and let him follow me inside, enjoying the feeling of him following me down the corridor as I shuffled, slowly, my pregnant waddle really emphasizing my enlarged ass and full hips. I hoped his eyes were glued on me all the way to the kitchen.

  When I turned around, I was pleased to find him staring. He looked at my bump now, at the baby we’d made together, after he’d coated me in his virile eighteen-year-old spunk, and I thought about how polite he’d been, how shy he’d seemed, and how shy he still seemed now.

  I wanted to put him at his ease somehow, but I didn’t know how. ‘Would you like a drink?’ I asked.

  The words hung in the air between us, but I found myself rooted to the spot, unable to go to the tap to get him a glass of water. Instead I just stood there, as he stared again at the dark circles on my chest. I longed to touch my nipples and squeeze them, to feel them dribble with juice again.

  As he stared, his gaze begun to have a strange effect on me. I felt an overwhelming rush inside me (was it hormones?) and then I felt my nipples started to trickle, the wet patches growing, and the warm, white liquid running down the inside of my top, over my bumpy little navel, and dripping into my wide-open jeans.

  Lev took a step forwards, and reached out to touch my belly. I thought, at first, that he wanted to feel his baby, to see if he could feel it breathing, or kicking. But his hand began to rub the fabric of my t-shirt, so that it was sliding over my milky skin like a jay-cloth.

  Lev lifted my sodden t-shirt up over my head, and I saw rivulets of white liquid, running from my nipples in tracks down my swollen belly. I looked at the milk, then I looked at Lev. Is this normal, I thought? Is it normal to lactate so much, so soon? Is it normal to be leaking like this? Is this what women do?

  As the woman on the TV continued to talk about her perfect béchamel sauce, Lev dipped his fingers in the creamy white substance, and began to paint my stomach with it. He drew lines and then circles, and then made handprints which he slid around me so much my entire belly became coated in warm, white liquid.

  The more he touched me, the more I felt my breasts swell, and the weight of them caused me to sink down to my knees. I put my hands down on the lino, so that I was on all fours. That felt more comfortable. My belly was so huge, it almost touched the ground.

  Lev knelt beside me, and took my breasts in his hands.

  I heard a strange sort of squeezing noise, and then the sound of something squirting on to the lino.

  Lev was milking me!

  Lev milked and milked me, white liquid splashing all over the lino, and I felt my tits, rather than getting smaller each time they were milked, swell up with even more fluid. Like now they knew it was time to be used, they were going to give it everything they’d got. Match production with consumption - and then some.

  Soon, Lev’s hands were dripping with milk, and then he dropped low to the ground. He laid back his head, his hair against the lino, the youthful black curls getting soaked in white milk, and then he put his lips to my nipple, forming a tight ‘O’ around my areola, and he began to suck.


  At first, I felt a tiny tingle, deep inside my left breast, and then the tingle began to spread, radiating outwards across my entire tit. Then I could feel it, the warm white liquid flowing through each and every duct, being drawn out of me by Lev’s hungry young mouth.

  ‘That’s it,’ I said, taking hold of his head, stroking the soft hair, pressing him firmly against my tit. ‘You drink up. That’s a good boy.’

  Lev made a snorting, suckling noise as he drank, holding onto me with his strong, pale arms, squeezing my enormous breast under his palms, expressing the milk out of me as fast it would come. He drank and he drank, guzzling it all up like a starving baby, and then, when he felt the milk begin to slow, he moved onto the other breast.

  He shuffled his body underneath me, so my swollen stomach was pushing down on him, and I felt the bulge in his pants, a full-on erection.

  I found myself undoing his denim pants, pulling out the hard, smooth cock, massaging it a little, enjoying the heat coming off it, so engorged with blood, and then I pulled down my jeans. I searched for the end of the cock with my pussy lips, then, forcefully, I squeezed it into me.

  The more I ground myself against the cock, the more milk I felt begin to flow out of my tits. I couldn’t believe there was so much of this stuff inside me. And how thirsty for it Lev was. Snorting and sucking and guzzling it down while he fucked me. His cock was rock-hard and felt even bigger than last time he’d been inside me.

  I was producing so much milk that Lev couldn’t drink it fast enough. It was spilling out of his lips, running down his cheeks, his necks, and all over the floor. We were fucking in a puddle of lady milk, our bare skin slapping against a pool of white.

  I became aware of the sound of another person’s breath by the door. Fuck! Nina had come home without me hearing. Still overwhelmed with a greedy lust, with milk gushing out of my tits harder than ever, I couldn’t bring myself to stop thrusting my pussy down onto Lev’s cock. I felt an animal urge that I just couldn’t stop.

  But I did manage to turn my head away from Lev for a moment, from his streaming wet face, so that I could catch a glimpse of Nina. I owed her an apology. I knew that. I just couldn’t bring myself to stop fucking
Lev while I did it.

  But when I saw Nina, I knew there was no need to apologize. Nina, in her dungarees, with her blonde hair tied loosely in bunches, was pushing her fingers hard against her crotch, breathing heavily. She undid one dungaree strap, and then the other, and her beautiful young breasts bounced out. Her bare brown stomach rippled with pleasure.

  ‘Nina,’ I said. ‘Get on the floor.’

  Nina stepped out of her dungarees, pulled down her white knickers, and then lay on the floor beside Lev. Lev was still too busy drinking me to notice, so I put my fingers to his mouth and unclamped his jaw, unlatching my nipple from his lips, pulling away. Lev let out a small cry, desperate for more, but I motioned towards Nina.

  He noticed Nina for the first time, and smiled.

  Knowing that Nina deserved to be in on this too, knowing that I hadn’t fucked her in weeks, and it was only right she made up for her dry spell right now, I politely took my pussy off Lev’s cock, nodding at Nina. But before I let them fuck, I held them down on their backs together for a moment, side-by-hand and holding hands, these happy childhood friends, lying in a puddle of milk together, my babies.

  Crouching over Lev’s cock, I looked closely at what I had just been fucking - a thick rod of purple, shiny and bulging, desperate to fuck more. I took hold of my buxom, milky right breast, and squeezed. The creamy liquid streamed over his hard cock, causing it to tremble with pleasure, the fluid running down to his balls, coating the curls of black pubic hair in white liquid.

  Then, taking hold of my left breast in the other hand, I began to squeeze my tit over Nina’s pussy. I watched the milk squirt out of my nipple, and rain down hard onto Nina’s pussy lips, wash over them, some of the milk running into the slit between the lips, going up inside her, some of it running down into her perfect asshole.


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