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Latvis Security Services

Page 21

by Lexie Ray

  Chapter Nine

  Hours had passed since they had all gone home for the evening, and Andrea was still trying to understand what had possessed her to touch Dwayne like that. Actually, she understood the what well enough. It was the why that got her. She knew better than that.

  You don’t touch your models. You keep focused. She had been around a dozen pretty faces and a thousand perfectly formed bodies. At the time, she had told herself it was to help him. If he wanted to walk like he was sexy, he had to feel sexy. And the best way to feel like that was to get riled up.

  And it had worked. When they had resumed, almost everyone noticed the change. Dwayne had a predatory swagger in his step, a look of fiery desire in his eyes. And Andrea hadn’t been immune. Every time he had looked at her, she was assaulted by the memory of how he had felt against her palm and her lips. It was as if the heat of his gaze flooded through and made the pit of her stomach flutter. By the time the day was over, she was burning with the desire to touch him again.

  Andrea had hoped that the urge would die away when they all parted for the day. She hadn’t waited around to see if he would follow her home, but instead had rushed out the door, trying to put as much distance between them as possible. But it wasn’t a matter of out of sight, out of mind. With every step, all she could think about was him.

  It had been a while since she had been given the opportunity to get close to someone. Longer still since she hadn’t had to worry that any person she took to her bed might end up sabotaging her. Business was fierce when every opportunity could make or break you. Morality often took a back seat. While Andrea didn’t like it, she understood it.

  But with Dwayne, there wasn’t any risk that her models would be poached or her designs destroyed. There was just the promise of fun. And right now, she hungered for a little fun like she was starving.

  When she got home, she showered and tried to put all other thoughts aside. It didn’t work. She had just finished getting changed when there was a sharp knock on the door. At first, she tried to ignore it. She didn’t want to talk to anyone. Didn’t want to do anything. Unless of course, it was something rather dirty with a certain wall of a man.

  “Go away.”

  “Oh, come on, Cupcake.” Dwayne laughed. “I brought food. You have to let me in. That is the rule we have established.”

  In her head, Andrea asked what he had brought her. She drew it out to make him work for it. Sweat a little. Her body had other thoughts. She ripped the door opened and grabbed him by the front of his shirt. It was easy to pull him in. Perhaps she had thought that she was just going to drag him inside like before. But then she grabbed the back of his neck and yanked him down. His startled grunt was muffled by her lips.

  He wasn’t still for more than a moment. Looping one arm around her waist, he easily lifted her off the ground. Two steps in, and he kicked the door shut. The whole time, she ravaged his mouth, licking and sucking at his lips, letting his beard tickle against her palms as she tilted his head to a better angle. He met her with the same unhinged need. When they parted, they were both panting. She felt every heave of his chest press to her breasts, spiking her need anew.

  “I don’t know what this is,” he smiled, “but it’s awesome.”

  “This is just two adults having a little fun.”

  She met his eyes, searching for any hint that he wasn’t entirely happy with that kind of relationship. But he just grinned.

  “What kind of fun are you thinking of?”

  Wrapping her legs around his waist, she was instantly grateful that she had chosen her satin nightgown. It slid up her legs sinfully. It would have been so much better if there wasn’t a layer of material between them. She would have loved to feel the ripple of his muscles against her thighs.

  “I thought I made that pretty clear.”

  “There are a lot of ways to have sexy time,” he chuckled before he stole a swift kiss.

  He pulled back before she had a chance to deepen the kiss. Each time she tried, he pulled back a little more, keeping his lips close enough to tempt but too far for her liking.

  “Are you teasing me right now?” she snapped. “Seriously?”

  “I’m down for playing the game, Cupcake. You just got to tell me the rules.”


  “Yeah, I get all that, and it’s boring to talk about,” he cut in. His gaze took on that burning, needful heat as he looked at her. “I mean, what game to you want to play? If you don’t know, I have a suggestion.”

  A part of her wanted to scream at him that they should already be writhing on the floor by now. But there was far too much within her that wanted to know just what he had in his head. Whatever it was, it was bound to be fun. Since she was being reckless, throwing aside her every ounce of common sense, it seemed fitting that she do something completely different.

  “What have you got in mind?”

  “Ever played hide and go screw?”

  She had to laugh. “It makes sense that you would name everything.”

  “Is that a no?”

  “That’s a no. And a very mocking I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She rolled her hips against him, desperate for some kind of contact.

  A huge smile crossed his face, delight dueling with need in his eyes. He licked his lips as he pulled her closer. “Do you have something you don’t mind ruining?” he asked.

  Realization dawned on her, and she found herself matching his smile. “I think I’ve got it. One of us hides. The other one looks for them, and when they find them, they rip their clothes off?”

  “Essentially. We can even up the stakes if you’re feeling competitive.”

  “How are you competitive during sex?”

  The plastic of the takeout bag rustled as he lifted his other hand to cup her rear. He groaned when he found that she hadn’t put on any panties. Slowly, he began to stroke her with one questing finger. Back and forth. A barely-there touch. A tease that only needed seconds to make her slick. She tightened her hand on his shoulders and let her head tip back.

  “We put a time on getting the other one naked. Winner gets to orgasm.”

  She grabbed hunks of his flowing hair and pulled him closer. “How about winner gets to decide if the other one orgasms? I kind of like the idea of tormenting you all night.”

  “Oh, you’re evil,” he whispered. “I love it.”

  Chapter Ten

  Andrea had been worried that she would lose her nerve the second Dwayne was out of her sight. But he had insisted, for the good of the game, that she get changed into her ready-to-be-ripped-off clothes out of his line of sight. She hurriedly picked out a few items, let her hair down, and hurried back to meet Dwayne.

  At the sound of the door, he sprang off the sofa and turned around to meet her. A huge grin crossed his face.

  “Those are your old clothes?”

  She looked down at her satin pajamas. “I’m a designer. We don’t do casual.”

  His eyes trailed over her with a heat that poured deep into him. It sent a flash of warmth flooding under her skin, her knees weakening a little as her heartbeat picked up. He licked his lips, and she suddenly wanted to feel that tongue slid over her naked skin.

  “So,” she said, her voice catching slightly. “Who’s it first?”

  While he kept his words light and playful, an intensity slipped into his eyes.

  “Lady’s choice.”

  She felt, in that moment, that he had truly forgotten that the rest of the world existed. There was only her and all the filthy thoughts in his head that he wanted to put into practice. She let her eyes trail over him, taking in the vast difference between them, along with the perfectly controlled power he wielded.

  She smirked. “You’re it.”

  His huge grin took on a feral edge. The next second, he hurdled the couch, and apparently, the game had begun. Andrea scurried under his arm and darted out of his grasp. Spinning around, she walked backward, a smirk on her face.
r />   “You’re going to have to do better.”

  “I’m just warming up, Cupcake.”

  He darted forward. For a man of his size, he could move surprisingly fast. Within a second, he had looped one arm around her waist and heaved her off the ground. Andrea tumbled onto the sofa with a surprised gasp. The moment was taken over by a fit of giggles as he loomed over her, goofy grin still in place.

  “Aren’t I supposed to hide first or something?” she asked between gasped breaths.

  The front of her shirt opened with a loud rip of fabric. Dwayne instantly curled over the back of the sofa to ravage the newly exposed skin. His beard scraped across the tender flesh of one breast as he sucked on her nipple. Sparks wove through her and made her back arch. He slipped a hand under her and pulled her closer to his mouth. She shoved at him, but her utter lack of conviction didn’t produce much in the way of results.

  She had only ever been with clean-shaven men before. Breads were a novelty, and the pull and scrape offered the slightest twinge of pain that sent her pleasure to a whole new level. She ran her hands against his cheeks, relishing in the sensation of the hair against her palms.

  “You’re supposed to be trying to get away,” he mumbled as he switched his attention to her other breast.

  She hummed and tightened her grip on his hair. “Oh, right.”

  His chuckle rattled down her now-hardened nub, vibrating through her to pool as heat between her legs. The hand against her spine slipped down to cup her butt with near reverence. He damn near giggled with delight as he tightened his grip.

  Andrea pulled him back so she could meet his gaze. “Do you have a thing for all butts, or is mine special?”

  “I wouldn’t say special.” He plunged in to take a quick but filthy kiss. “More like divine.”

  Andrea laughed and decided that it was high time for him to work for it again. She shoved him and rolled off the couch. Dwayne pouted and playfully narrowed his eyes.

  “Really?” he almost whined.

  “You wanted to play.”

  “Then you better start running.”

  He hurdled the couch, almost toppling the furniture over in his haste. Andrea’s giggles were broken by a startled shriek as she scurried away. She hadn’t made a sound like that since she was a schoolgirl, and she felt a thrill she hadn’t experienced in years. She could barely breathe through her laughter, and Dwayne was quick to make it harder. Suppressing his natural grace, Dwayne fumbled and staggered, making each of his attempts to grab her easy for Andrea to avoid.

  She slipped around the corner into her kitchen, and Dwayne was a split-second behind. He grabbed her with both arms, looping them around her waist and pulled her off her feet. She kicked wildly, her ribs aching as she tried to stifle her laughter. Vaguely, somewhere in the back of her mind, she thought that she might have neighbors to apologize to soon.

  In a move perfected over time, Dwayne brought them both down onto the ground without knocking their teeth against the tiles. She squirmed in his grip, making a half-hearted attempt for freedom that only managed to put her on her back. He loomed over her, his weight a delightful pressure that was steadily claiming her body. Still, she put her hands on his shoulders and gave him a little push.

  With a warm smile, he placed his hands over her own, the touch gentle and his hands swallowing up her own. He worked his fingertips down her arms, the barely-felt contact making her shiver and gasp.

  “If you really want to keep me at bay, you need to lock your elbows.”

  “Really?” she teased.

  Dwayne released her arms only to grab her thighs and yank her toward him. Her slick pajamas slid across the tiles easily, helping him to draw her butt onto his thighs. He pulled her closer until she could feel the thick, hard outline of his cock pressed between her legs. A slight gasp escaped her at the sudden sensation.

  She arched her spine, relishing the feel of it, her head dizzy with imagining how the sensation would change if the denim layer of his jeans was gone.

  Dwayne groaned as his fingers began to shift and squeeze along her thighs. He slipped his hands under her, but if it was to help her move or just to grab her ass, Andrea had no idea.

  With a wicked smile, Dwayne began to double over, edging forward to steal a kiss. Hands still on his shoulders, Andrea locked her elbows. He had been right about the move. As much as he tried, this position kept him from being able to bear down with his weight. She’d slip away before he ever got close to claiming his kiss.

  Andrea felt light all over. Dwayne only added to the sensation as his swift, nimble fingers sought out her every ticklish spot and abused them ruthlessly. All the while, he had taken over the grinding motion. She was left trembling with laughter and lust, her giggle only interrupted by a gasp when he pushed with just the right amount of pressure. Wrapping her legs around him, she locked her ankles at his lower spine, keeping his cock as firmly pressed against her as she could.

  “I can’t breathe,” she somehow managed to force out.

  Dwayne’s tickling instantly ceased, but his slow push and drag against her crotch didn’t. It was driving her insane. The touch was tantalizing, but nowhere near enough to be satisfying. Her chest heaved as she looked up into his soft eyes.

  “Come on, Cupcake. One kiss?”

  The tip of her tongue flicked out to wet her lips, and he mirrored the motion. Dwayne watched her mouth with an unparalleled focus, as if kissing her was the sum total of his ambition in life. It sent fire pulsing through her veins, and she let her elbows give.

  Dwayne dropped his weight down onto one forearm that he placed by her head. Their height difference would have made it too awkward to kiss in the position they had been in, and she instantly ached at the loss of his cock between her legs.

  The distraction of his kiss soothed some of the pain, keeping the fire raging within her to something bearable. She ran her fingers against his beard and used it to pull him into just the right position. She adored the scrape of it against her skin. It they weren’t careful, the coarse hair could redden her skin, leaving a mark on her body where he had been.

  The thought sparked something inside her she hadn’t known was there and left her begging for contact. She deepened the kiss, moaned her pleas into his mouth, and somehow, he made sense of it all. His hand slipped between her legs, playing against the now soaked material to offer her some relief.

  She buried her fingers in his long hair as she thrashed eagerly against him. Dwayne moaned into her mouth and pulled back with a gasp.

  “You sure know how to work a guy up,” he panted.

  She bit back a playful smile as she teased, “I can’t say the same.”

  Dwayne’s eyes widened in mock horror. “Are you saying I haven’t got you begging for it?”

  “I don’t recall begging. I do, however, recall you pleading.”

  The rest of her words were lost to a startled squeal as Dwayne pushed her forward. He easily spun her over the tiles. It was like she weighed nothing at all as he heaved her off the ground by her thighs. He dropped her legs onto his broad shoulders.

  She heard the rip of material as he tore her pants apart at the crotch and felt the tug as he shoved her panties aside. And then it was just his hot mouth, his swirling tongue, and the steady suction as he greedily began to lick at her folds.

  He held her up like that, so only her shoulders touched the tiles. She couldn’t squirm away, and his tight fingers kept her from thrusting against him. All she could do was moan and gasp as he devoured her. His beard scraped against her thighs as he grazed a tooth over her clit.

  Sparks of pleasure made her legs tremble and her spine arch. Every slight bit of encouragement spiked a new desire within him. He pulled her tighter, swiping and flicking and swirling on every part of her he could suck between his lips.

  “Dwayne,” she almost screamed as she struggled to find anything to hold on to. “Please.”

  The onslaught instantly stopped. She snapped her head up
to glare at him as he lowered her legs to secure them around his thighs. A huge grin covered his face. The sight of it, with his lips slick from her folds, was too much, and she let her head flop back down.

  “That sounded like begging to me.” He punctuated the words by opening his fly.

  The drag of his zipper made her breath catch, but she didn’t look up. The suspense heightened each sensation until she was sure that the next touch would break her. Andrea vaguely heard the sound of a condom wrapper opening, but that was quickly forgotten as the heavy, thick weight of Dwayne’s shaft pressed against her. Apparently frustrated with her clothing, he widened the gap in her pants until they severed from the waistband. She gleefully awaited the same treatment for her panties, but he instead yanked them down to her mid-thigh.

  At first, she couldn’t understand why. Then he flipped her over. On all fours, the material of her panties became her bondage. They hindered how wide she could open her legs and made it difficult to move. Dwayne didn’t give her long to contemplate it. He yanked her hips back and shoved the tattered material of her pants aside. The crown of his shaft wiggled against her opening – teasing, but never going in.

  She bit back a moan, determined not to beg again. In retaliation, he tapped the rounded tip against her clit. She could feel the tips of his fingers against her as he reached around and shook his cock against her clit, fast enough that the vibration forced a broken mewl from her throat.

  “You want me, Cupcake?”

  His voice was a hot breeze against her neck a second before he rubbed his beard against her skin. Apparently, she hadn’t been all that subtle in her newfound appreciation for his facial hair. Her embarrassment was lost under the crushing waves of her lust. Every cell of her being was screaming for release. Letting her head flop down between her arms, she nodded.

  “What was that?”

  His weight shifted, and the head of his cock slowly parted her folds. He kept it there like a promise, refusing to go any further even as she thrust her hips back toward him.


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