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Summoned By Magic

Page 17

by E. M. Moore

  His other hand rested against my breast through my thin tanktop. Gabe’s ferocity didn’t confuse me. I was feeling the same thing now. Him touching me was like making sure I was still here, reassuring myself that I wasn’t going anywhere after I took in that information.

  “You’re not leaving.” Gabe’s fingers bypassed the small shorts I wore and stilled when he noticed I wasn’t wearing any panties. “Jesus, girl.”

  “I don’t have very many clothes,” I told him, my heart thudding inside my chest.

  “We’ll have to fix that.”

  I thought about what Liam and I talked about earlier. About moving my business up here and getting my stuff. Even about moving in with them. I’d been perfectly content with that, but now? Gabe’s fingers dipped between my pussy lips. My hips came off the bed, urging him on.

  “Or you could just wear nothing from now on. I doubt any of us would mind.”

  “Travis,” I said, snorting his name as if it was obvious.

  Gabe kissed his way up my ear and bit the lobe. “Are you kidding? He’s got a hard-on for you, and I notice how jealous you get. Give it a few days and…”

  He kissed his way down my throat. Heat poured between my thighs. “And what?” I asked, breathless, picturing Travis’s stern mouth pleasuring me. It didn’t mean I didn’t want Gabe, it was just the opposite, really. I wanted them all. I wrapped my hand around his wrist and guided him in and out of me.

  “You’ll get exactly what you both want—explosively, I think.”

  My head fell back and Gabe took the opportunity to move my tanktop out of the way, kissing his way up my ribcage to my nipples. His hot mouth latched on as he continued to work my pussy. My hands dipped under his sweats and claimed his dick. I stroked him toward me. “I want you inside me, Gabe.”

  He groaned into the pillow. “I want that too, Love, but I don’t have anything again.”

  “Gabe,” I said more sternly. “I want you inside me.”

  I pulled his sweats down, his cock stood there proudly, thick against his muscled torso. Moving forward, I licked him from base to tip. Gabe swore, his fingers inside me slowing.

  I relieved myself of my tanktop, and Gabe’s eyes hooded over. I brought both my hands up and cupped my own breasts, rolling my nipples between my thumbs and forefingers. “I want you to fuck me. Please.”

  “God, you’re so fucking hot.”

  I moved my hips in time with his fingers pumping inside me. He watched me play with myself, my body arching into his. “Take my shorts off,” I ordered.

  My shorts were off so fast, I’d barely blinked.

  He went to continue with what he was doing, but I pushed his fingers away in favor of my own. With one hand cupped around my breast and the other in my wet pussy, I had Gabe’s dick straining toward me. “Take your pants off.”

  He did so slowly, not taking his eyes away from me. When his sweats were on the floor, he started stroking his dick. Oh fuck. And here I was thinking I was going to tease him. On his knees in front of me, I moved so both my knees were on either side of him, my feet by his calves. I increased my movements, moaning at the pleasure I was giving myself and at the sight right in front of me. Cum had beaded at the top of his dick, and I ached for it, for what it represented.

  “Fuck, Norah,” he groaned, looking from me to his dick.

  “Put the head of your cock inside me. Just the head.”

  “I don’t know,” he said, already angling toward me.

  I threw my head back on the bed. I could feel my orgasm coming. “Gabe, please. I’m begging you. I’m clean. I’m on the pill, and I want so bad to feel your stiff cock inside me, I could scream.”

  “I just respect you,” he said.

  The bed dipped near me, and I worked myself harder, the anticipation of feeling him inside me exciting me even more. “I fucking love that you said that, but right now, I want you to fuck me. Please do as I said.”

  Gabe made a strained noise before his cock nudged me. I pulled my hands away and a second later, felt the glorious expansion of my walls as Gabe’s tip pushed inside. My eyes flew open and my mouth dropped into a silent scream as my orgasm rushed forward.

  “Oh, fuck yes,” Gabe said, slamming into me, pumping into me with everything he had as my orgasm ripped through me. I dug my nails into his back as he continued to thrust inside, my arousal never really going away even after one of the biggest orgasms I’d ever had.

  “I knew there was a beast inside you somewhere,” I moaned. “Mmm. I can’t wait to go to one of your football games and sit back on the sidelines smiling about how your naked cock has been inside me.”

  “Oh fuck,” Gabe said, his body tightening.

  He pulled his cock slowly out of me, backing away. Before I could ask him what was wrong, his hands propped my ass up and brought my pussy to his lips.

  “Don’t worry. You want me to come inside you, and I will, just not yet.” He groaned as his tongue slid around my already sensitive lips. “I can taste me on you. Fuck.” His tongued moved up, caressing my nub.

  “Right there,” I told him, holding his face. “Oh, God, right there. Don’t stop.”

  The room filled with my whispered gasps as Gabe ate me out. His attention to detail was something to be admired as he did just what I said, staying right at my clit, licking, sucking, flicking his tongue over it until my body locked up in pleasure.


  “Jesus. I love how unabashed you are. I think the whole house can hear you.”

  The thought of the other guys listening in on us, sent me over the edge. “Gabe!” My insides clenched, sending me spiraling. Gabe stayed in his spot until I pushed him away breathlessly. He knelt in front of me again, waiting at my entrance, his hand sliding up and down his cock.

  Feeling more than fulfilled, I reached out to take over Gabe’s strokes, urging him toward me. His head pushed inside and again, I bit down on my lip to keep the strangled noise of pleasure at bay. Inch by inch, he pushed inside until he was fully seated. He rocked back and forth. “You really do feel like heaven. I’ve never been inside someone without a condom before.” His face pinched as if he was trying to hold back.

  I grabbed his hips. “Don’t,” I told him. “Don’t you dare hold back. I want all of it. I want all of you.”

  His eyes focused, and he bent over me, his hands fisting the bed as he dove inside me. Again and again, he hammered inside me until we were in a rhythm and remarkably, I felt like I could orgasm again.

  “Jesus, Gabe. I think I’m going to come again. Whatever you do, don’t stop.” Stroke after stroke he urged cries from my throat until I teetered on the edge. “Oh fuck. Oh Gabe.”

  “I’m right there,” he said through clenched teeth.

  My orgasm hit hard and fast as his dick started to pulse inside me. The more I clenched around him, the more he shuddered.

  “Bloody hell, Norah,” he said finally, falling on top of me.

  Still, his dick twitched inside me and I held him to my chest. He kissed my nipple and I trembled. “Round two?” I asked, jokingly.

  “Are you kidding? I need sustenance.” We both dissolved into laughter. He moved up, laying his head on the pillow next to me. “Sorry about that,” he said, his expression turning serious once more. I felt like I was losing you.”

  I placed my hand on his cheek. “I know.” I wanted to reassure him, but what could I say? Who knew what the future would bring?

  That was one of Granny’s favorite sayings. I always thought it was weird considering we were witches. Of all people, shouldn’t we know? What good was magic if you couldn’t do stuff like that? This was one of the times my foresight would come in handy, but it didn’t work on cue. We’d just have to play this story out to see what the end result was.

  “I don’t want to tell anybody else right now,” Gabe said. “I think we should just keep it between us.”

  I changed positions restlessly. On one hand, I didn’t like keeping secrets from the
rest of the guys. On the other, I agreed with him. It was one thing having Granny say she heard something like this happening, it was a whole other thing hearing a former member of the Order say it. It made it all the more real. “For now,” I said. “But Gabe, if it becomes apparent they should know, we should tell them.”

  He nodded.

  Thank fuck we agreed on that. Gabe, Liam, and Randy might not care, but if we were going to drag Travis into this too, he should have an opinion. This affected all of us.

  Gabe pulled me tighter and ran his hands through my hair. I let him soothe my frayed nerves before falling into a dreamless sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The next morning around the breakfast table, we went over our preliminary plan on what to do once we got to the sorority house. I scowled just thinking about it. I wasn’t a fan of sorority houses. To me, they just represented everything I hated about growing up in school. Cliquey bitches. It was unkind, but it was true to my story. So far, the only thing we had was to let Travis do the talking since he was the one who knew Kaitlyn. Oh, did I mention that I really didn’t want to meet Kaitlyn? Because, yeah, that sounded like the last thing I wanted to do. The rest of us were just supposed to tag along, going through the house to see if we ‘felt’ anything. Since Kaitlyn didn’t really know what the guys were, she’d just contacted Travis on instinct. And she was right, he was something ‘other’. Other than nice. Other than… who knew? He just confused the shit out of me.

  Despite my attempts at trying to engage Randy in a conversation considering he didn’t look all that enthused about what we were doing either, he avoided me. Finally, just as the rest of the guys went out to get into the biggest vehicle that could accommodate all of us, I pulled back on his hand, making him face me. “What’s going on? You’re totally ignoring me.”

  He shook his head and tried to walk away.

  “No. Screw that,” I said, pulling back on him again. “I’m pretty sure we all have to communicate here if we want to get through this.”

  He ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t want to communicate right now because I can’t think of a fucking nice thing to say. How’s that for an answer?”

  I took a step back. “Oh.” I’d mistaken his silence for something else, but no, he was straight up pissed with me. “Well, what is it? I can take it.”

  He growled at me instead of answering and I did the absolute worst thing I could’ve done in this situation, I laughed. He turned dark eyes on me. Maple scent filled the room, making me wish we’d had pancakes for breakfast, which only made me laugh harder.

  He marched forward and pinned me against the cupboards, his mouth hitting my neck where he— he— “Did you just bite me?” I gasped. A ping of pleasure shot through me.

  “You are so damn infuriating,” he said, his hot mouth scorching my neck down to my shoulder where he pulled my shirt away. “First, you’re so fucking loud with Gabe last night that I had a major case of blue balls that I thought about storming into your room, throwing you over my shoulder, and taking you back to my own bed. Now, I have to live with the fact that you think that’s funny.”

  His hand came up to cup my breast. “Shit, Randy.” I propped myself up on the counter and wrapped my legs around him. “I didn’t know you could hear me. Gabe said I was being loud, but I didn’t know. I certainly wasn’t trying to tease you.”

  “For the record,” he said, rolling his hips into me and kissing a trail down my chest. “I am trying to tease you.”

  At that, he pulled away and sulked out the door. I fell to the floor, thankful my knees were steady enough to hold me up as I watched him go. Motherfucker. I narrowed my gaze at the empty doorway. He was so paying for that. I didn’t know how, but I’d think of something.

  I took a moment to calm myself and then sauntered out the door as if nothing had happened. Sure, we had more important things to worry about right now, but what harm could a little game do between couples?

  Travis and Randy sat in the front with Gabe in the back while Liam waited for me, holding the door open like a true gentleman. I popped up on my tiptoes and gave him a sweet kiss to the cheek before sliding into the middle. My first thought was to slide right up onto Gabe’s lap and makeout with him just to get revenge on Randy, but that didn’t seem fair to Liam. I’d play along with him, too, except I was worried he wouldn’t like the idea. We were supposed to go out on that date tonight, which I was sure was already going to get postponed due to our little excursion into sorority life. Whether we did or didn’t find anything there, it would be nice to have a normal date and not head out after we got back from “evil hunting” or whatever the guys called it. If I was going to become a coven member, I’d have to brush up on my Order of the Akasha terms and history. I was basically a noob here. That needed to change.

  Liam’s thumb brushed over my hand. I looked up at him and smiled before lacing our fingers together for the rest of the ride into Salem. The countryside between Liam’s parents’ place and Salem was beautiful. Trees lined the backroads with older houses spotted across great green lawns. Gradually, the view morphed and turned more rural—stoplights, pedestrians, runners jogging with their dogs. This part of town reminded me of New Orleans, and despite what Gabe had confessed to me yesterday, I hadn’t changed my plans about moving my shop to Salem—yet.

  Before long, we pulled up to a great big house that matched the other historical structures around the area. It was a clapboard gray with deep blue accents framing the two story house. Travis put the Jeep in Park and jumped out. With my hand still firmly in Liam’s, I let him lead me out of the car as we followed Travis to the front porch. My stomach tightened the closer we got. There was one thing we didn’t think to ask Travis yesterday, and that was if he really thought Kaitlyn was having a problem, or if he thought this was just a ploy to see him again. Now that we were here and a few seconds away from seeing her, the thought kept flashing through my mind. Damn. I didn’t remember being so distrusting before.

  “Feel anything?” Liam whispered in my ear.

  Aw, hell. I closed my eyes as we waited for someone to let us in and took stock of my feelings. Despite the jealousy raging through my veins, there wasn’t anything else. No tightening of my stomach like in the cafe, or pull like when magic wanted me to come to the coven. I didn’t feel a thing.

  I shook my head. His lips pursed. “Me either.”

  The door swung open and Travis said, “Hey.”

  “Hey,” a voice said. Travis completely blocked the girl out so at least I was spared her appearance for a few seconds longer. Hands wrapped around his neck and shoulders, and they stepped together to hug.

  My jaw clenched. A hand came up to rub my back again, but I still stared daggers at the arms around Travis. After a moment, he stepped back. “I brought my friends with me. They’re, you know, like me. Or, most of them are anyway,” he clarified after spotting me. I seriously wanted to kick him. His eyes roamed over me, but then returned to Kaitlyn.

  She stepped back, opening the door wide. “Come in. Thanks, guys, for coming. I wish I knew what was going on.”

  Her gaze trailed up Randy, and I pulled Liam up after me as I stepped in front of him. I wished I could sequester Liam, Gabe, and Randy away or somehow mark my territory. Hell, that just sounded bad, but it was how I felt.

  “Hi,” I said to her since she was staring at me after I’d put myself right between her and Randy.

  “Hey, I’m Kaitlyn.”

  She held her hand out, and I shook it. “Norah.”

  “Norah. That’s a name you don’t hear every day.” My eyes narrowed, and she quickly tacked on. “I like it.”

  The only feelings I was getting around here were ones of harm and they were coming directly from myself. I felt like I could snap and just start punching people.

  Hands came up on my shoulders and a sexy British accent whispered, “Calm down, Love.”

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” I whispered after Kaitlyn
turned away and led Travis further into the house.

  He chuckled. “No?”

  Yeah, yeah. Okay. I knew, but I still didn’t quite understand it. It wasn’t a natural reaction for me.

  Liam pried his fingers away from mine and moved me closer to Gabe. He looked at him as if to say “handle that, would you?”, and then walked up to Travis and Kaitlyn. The whole thing just made me snicker and brought me out of my own head. “C’mon,” I said to Gabe, pulling him forward. “We better hear what Little-Miss-Kaitlyn thinks is going on here.”

  Travis glared at Gabe and I as we approached, then turned to his ex. “So, let’s hear what you told me on the phone yesterday. You said everyone’s just acting weird?”

  She nodded, and bit her lip after looking around the big, empty house. “There’s something very strange going on here. All the girls are skipping class, staying in their rooms during the day. When they do come out, it’s only for parties.” She stepped forward and lowered her voice. “Nightly parties, as in every night. We’re not that type of sorority. Sure, we’re known to have some keggers, but nightly? No. We have GPA’s to keep up, standards to uphold. Travis, you know how hard it is to get in here. None of it makes any sense, but when I try to bring it up to the other girls, they just act like zombies. No, worse, like stoned cheerleaders who are only here to drink and dance the night away.”

  Her voice caught, and Travis put a hand on her shoulder. I was going to have no teeth left by the time we left this place.

  Despite what Kaitlyn told us, and that it did seem odd, I couldn’t feel a thing. I closed my eyes as she prattled on and searched for my magic. I sent it out, not in a fighting way, but in an exploratory way. It left me in purple smoke-like wisps and wandered through the house. It could only go so far before it hit a wall. Most likely my own limitations so I drew it back. I gave Gabe a quick shake of my head to let him know I still didn’t feel anything.

  The sound of heels on the stairs reached us. Kaitlyn looked up, rubbing under her eyes furiously and then looking at her fingers to make sure she didn’t smudge any of her makeup. When the figure came into view, I panicked a bit. It was Mandy, and for a split-second I worried she’d recognize us, but then I remembered Travis stripped her memories. Thankfully.


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