The Confusion
Page 69
"I had supposed he was home," said Daniel.
"Home is Leipzig," said Eliza. "It is a long story—much longer than that of de Gex and the harpoon."
"I wonder if I might engage in some tit-for-tat by telling you a bit of news from my side of the water."
"Monsieur, I should be fascinated," exclaimed Eliza, suddenly coming alive. "How unlike you to volunteer something!"
Daniel blushed at this, but went on: "When I was at university I was terrorized by the Earl of Upnor—Louis Anglesey. Of course he has been dead since the Battle of Aughrim. But a few days ago I phant'sied I spied his ghost standing atop a bastion of the Tower of London. Then it came into my head that he must be Upnor's brother, Philip, Count Sheerness, who has not set foot in England for almost twenty years—he fled during the Popish Plot. England has forgotten him. But perhaps he has not forgotten England, and came back over at last to play some role in the complot to assassinate William."
"Then England certainly will not forget him again," Eliza said. "I wonder if he'll be suffered to leave the Tower alive."
"Were I a betting man, I'd bet yes. I'd bet he'll be back on this side of the Channel before summer. Oh, he'll be kept close for a while. Perhaps he'll even be tried. But no proof will be found that he was involved in the plot."
"What is your reason for telling me the story?"
"As it happens, I once was imprisoned in the same place. Some murderers were sent in to do away with me. But they were intercepted by a veteran sergeant of the King's Own Black Torrent Guards, one Bob Shaftoe, who I believe is known to you."
"He and I made a sort of compact. He would be of aid to me in doing away with my bête noire—the late Jeffreys—if I would assist him in recovering a certain young woman—"
"I know the story."
"Very well. Then you know she is a slave, once owned by the Earl of Upnor, but distributed to Count Sheerness as a part of Upnor's estate when Upnor was killed at Aughrim. I presume she has been on this side of the water, serving in Sheerness's household."
"Indeed. What is it you would have me do, Dr. Waterhouse?"
"The Black Torrent Guards have been in the Spanish Netherlands for some years, fighting the war, whensoever the Juncto could scrape together money for balls and powder. I thought perhaps you might know of some way of getting word to Sergeant Shaftoe that the owner of Abigail is in a tight spot just now, and unable to defend his properties on the Continent. Between that, and the lull in the fighting, there might be opportunity—"
"Other such opportunities have come his way in the past, but he has not been quick to take advantage of them," said Eliza, "because he has been looking after his nephews, and could not see a way to fulfill so many obligations at once. But his nephews must have reached the age of manhood by now. Perhaps he is ready."
"That must have vexed their uncle to no end," Daniel mused.
"Yes. But it must have made his life a good bit simpler, too," said Eliza. "So, consider the message delivered and your obligation discharged, Dr. Waterhouse."
"Thank you, your grace."
"You are most welcome."
"Is there anything else?"
"Nothing that I would dream of mentioning to any ordinary Duchess—or woman, for that matter. But as you have an interest in money, here is a curiosity for you."
Daniel reached into both hip-pockets at once. From each he drew a sheaf of printed bills, and held them out, rather like the two pans of a balance, so that Eliza could inspect them. The offerings on left and right were similar, but different. Clearly there had been a lot of work for engravers in London lately, for these documents had been pressed out by copper-plates of awesome complication: miles of line folded up into inches of space, like the windings of testicles. One depicted a goddess gripping a trident and sitting upon a great mound of coins. "Even by Barock standards, the most vulgar thing I've seen," Eliza pronounced it. BANK OF ENGLAND, it said; and below that was printed a florid and verbose assertion that it—which is to say, this piece of paper—was money. The bills on Daniel's opposite hand said LAND BANK and supported like claims—if anything, even more pompous.
"Whig," said Daniel, shaking the BANK OF ENGLAND bills, "and Tory," shaking the LAND BANK bills.
"You even have different money!?"
"The Bank of England was, as you must know, set up two years ago by the Juncto after it won the election. It is backed—these bills are backed—by the ability of the government to raise money from taxes, lotteries, annuities, and whatever other schemes the big brains of the Juncto can think up. Not to be outdone, the Tories set up their own Bank, backed by—"
"The land of England itself? How Tory-like."
"They are nothing if not consistent."
"Curious. Are these worth anything?"
"As always, you go to the heart of the matter. In the absence of any other money, these do circulate in London. The Marquis of Ravenscar, who gave these to me, asked that I present them to you, and try to—to—"
"To exchange them for specie?" Eliza laughed. "Cheeky fellow! So it is an experiment! A little foray into Natural Philosophy. He wishes you to gather some data on your Continental tour—to see if anyone outside of England heeds the promises stamped on these bills."
"Something like that. I am relieved that you take it in such good humor."
"Let me ask you this, Doctor: what is the exchange rate between Whig and Tory money?"
"Ah. At the moment, one of these—" he held up the Land Bank notes "—buys rather a lot of these." He indicated the Bank of England notes. "For many are of the view that the Bank of England has failed already, and the Land Bank is ascendant."
"Which amounts to saying that the Juncto will be cast down in the next election, and Harley will lead the Tories to victory."
"I dare not disagree—as much as I'd like it otherwise."
"Then I shall buy a few of these, in exchange for a Bill of Exchange, denominated in thalers, and payable at the House of the Golden Mercury in Leipzig," said Eliza, indicating the Land Bank notes, "but I shall exchange them immediately for a lot of these." She licked a finger and began to count off Bank of England notes.
"You place your trust in the Whigs? Roger shall be overjoyed."
"I place my trust in Newton," Eliza said.
"You refer to his new position at the Mint."
"I had more in mind the calculus."
"How so?"
"This is really a matter of derivatives, is it not?"
"Financial derivatives?"
"No, mathematical ones! For any quantity—say, position—there is a derivative, representing its rate of change. As I see it, England's stock of land represents a fixed quantity of wealth. But commerce I see as a derivative—it is the slope, the speed, the rate of change of the nation's wealth. When commerce stagnates, this rate of change is small, and money founded upon it is worthless. Hence the lopsided exchange rate you told me of. But when commerce thrives, all goes into rapid movement, the derivative jumps up, and money founded on it becomes of much greater value. Once Newton goes to work at the Mint, the supply of coin in England can only improve. Commerce, which has been frozen for lack of money, will surge, at least briefly. The exchange rate between these two currencies will swing the opposite way, long enough at least for me to take a profit."
"It is a way of looking at the thing I had not considered before," said Daniel, "and it sounds right to me. But if you ever have an opportunity to expound your theory to Isaac, I hope you'll use the word fluxion in place of derivative."
"What's a fluxion?"
"That," said Daniel, "is the problem in a nutshell."
MARCH 1696
"I DO HOPE YOU'LL RECONSIDER, now, all of the unpleasant things you have had to say in the past about Satan." This was how Anne-Marie de Crépy, duchesse d'Oyonnax, greeted her cousin when his eyelids—which had been closed, three days ago, by a Jesuit father in Versailles—twitched open.
Édouard de Gex looked up at a black sky, framed in the aperture of his coffin. It was an uncommonly plush model, for a Jesuit. The brothers of his order had loaded him at first into a Spartan pine-plank box. But Madame la duchesse and her entourage had appeared just in time, and put a stop to it. "Imitation of Christ is all well and good during life, but my cousin is in Heaven now, and nothing prevents me from treating his earthly remains with decent respect; besides, I must accompany him all the way home, and I'd have the casket well sealed." And she had caused to be brought in to the sick-room a coffin so heavy it took four men to lift it: a coffin of oak, lined with lead, and cushioned better than most of the beds that courtiers slept on in Versailles. And so cunningly had it been wrought that even the pallbearers who carried it and its contents out to the street and set it on a flower-strewn gun-carriage would never have guessed that not only was it not sealed, but ventilation-slots ran all the way round the lip where the lid overhung the sides.
Oyonnax was now waving a phial of smelling-salts around under her cousin's nose. He tried to fend it off, but his arms were sluggish, and pinned to his sides by the overwhelming cushions. Finally he sat up, or tried to and failed and regretted it all in the same instant. The contraction of his abdominal muscles had ramifications as far down as the wounded thigh. The pain must have been desperate, for it brought him out of his stupor better than any smelling-salts. He managed to get an elbow under him, and Oyonnax reached in and rearranged cushions to prop him up. Then he was able to relax and look about himself. He could not have seen this from the satiny depths of the coffin, but: the gun-carriage, with him and the coffin on it, had been dragged up the aisle of a burnt-out church. The servants of Oyonnax had lifted the coffin up and set it crosswise on the altar—a granite plinth with all of its decorations burnt, weathered, gnawed, and looted away. The stone walls of the church stood mostly intact, though smoke had rendered them charcoal-black. The great beams of the roof had crashed to the floor as they'd burnt, and still lay there, like so many charred pews strewn around a floor that was knee-deep in shards of roof-tiles. Though from place to place, especially nearer the altar, wicker mats had been laid upon the burnt timbers so that well-dressed persons could sit upon them without soiling their fashions. Around the altar itself, the floor had been shoveled and swept clean, creating an open space where a pentagram had been daubed out in something that had dried to a thick brown crust. The altar, and de Gex, stood at the center of the pentagram.
"Holy Jesus, what I have I done—" said de Gex, and tried again to move; but the pain in his leg nearly killed him. He fell back and crossed himself.
Oyonnax laughed indulgently, and reached out to cradle her cousin's head in her hand. "I wondered how you would react."
"I had to escape from Versailles," said de Gex. "I was an imbecile before—it took me so long to understand the enormity of this conspiracy. Madame la duchesse d'Arcachon, of course, is at the center—but she is in league—always has been—with L'Emmerdeur. The Baron von Hacklheber was her enemy, but is now her friend. She operates with the Juncto hand-in-glove. Newton—the recoinage in England—all part of the same conspiracy! What could I do? D'Avaux displeased her, and was sent packing to Stockholm! Lucky he was not poisoned—or harpooned, as I was!"
"This sounds," said the Duchess, "like a little speech that you memorized, before you swallowed my sleeping-draught, so that you could recite it to St. Peter if you never woke up. I am not St. Peter, and this is the gateway to Hell, not Heaven. But if it pleases you to recite the speech anyway, pray continue."
"You must understand, cousine, that if there was nothing more to the conspiracy, I needn't have troubled you. For my Order is not without resources of its own; and when conjoined to the Office of the Holy Inquisition there is little in heaven or earth that could not be accomplished. But that was before I came to understand that she had seduced none other than Bonaventure Rossignol himself!"
"As much as I loathe her, I must admit this was a master-stroke. For who, other than le Roi himself, could be a more powerful ally for a subtle and conniving bitch like Madame la duchesse d'Arcachon?"
"Just so! I realized, then, that I was trapped like a fly in her web. For there is nothing that I do in this life that is not observed by hundreds of courtiers, all of whom gossip, and many of whom write letters. In consequence Rossignol must know everything I do, and must pass it on to Madame la duchesse d'Arcachon while they are fornicating! I then saw myself to be helpless, as long as I remained in this life—in this world. The failed assassination had given me—praise God and His mysterious ways—a convincing pretext for dying young. Hence the request I whispered into your ear—which must have struck you as very strange."
"Look about yourself, having been resurrected in this of all places, and tell me what is strange," said Oyonnax.
"Our Savior, having died on the cross, descended to the very pit of Hell before ascending once more into the light," de Gex remarked. "Still, I must know, cousine, if you invoked any of the Fallen ones—if my death and resurrection were effected by dæmonic necromancy or—"
"Dæmonic necromancy is so tedious, and fraught with unintended consequences," said Oyonnax, "when syrup of poppies does the job perfectly well. It is all a question of dosage—tricky to calculate, especially for one like you who was weakened."
"Why did you choose to bring me around here of all places, then?"
"It was ever my plan that if I were to miscalculate the dose, and if I opened the coffin to find you dead in fact as well as in appearance, then I should employ the arts of the necromancer to bring you back to life."
It took de Gex some moments to absorb this.
"But, cousine, I had always believed that you had only affected an interest in the Black Arts, when it was fashionable, years ago, when you were young and foolish. That you considered it all perfect nonsense."
"You have been furious at me, Édouard, for deeming it all nonsense! For to call Satan a figment of man's phant'sy is but one step from saying the same of God, is it not?"
"Indeed, cousine, I should rather you were a sincere Satanist than a pretend one; for the former recognizes God's majesty, and may be reformed, while the latter is an atheist, and doomed to the Lake of Fire."
"Then look about yourself, and draw your own conclusions."
"I see the relics and signs of the Black Mass, the candles still burning, the inverted cross. I conclude that there is hope for you. But I do not know yet whether there is hope for me."
"What do you mean, Édouard?"
"You have been strangely reticent on the question of whether I was alive or dead when the lid came off the coffin; whether, that is, I am alive now because of smelling salts, or because you used necromancy on my corpse."
"Perhaps I shall tell you one day," said Oyonnax. She lifted a bundle of clothes off the floor and dropped it into his lap. "Change out of those Jesuit weeds and into these."
It was too much, in too short a time, for the opiated mind of de Gex. "I do not understand."
"Understand this: You ask too many favors of me. Perhaps I'm not as different as you phant'sy from Eliza. She is a businesswoman—she does nothing for free. You, cousin, have put me to an immense amount of trouble and expense. I have given you death, a splendid bespoke coffin, resurrection, safe transit out of Eliza's web, and now a new identity." She patted the bundle: it was a clerical robe, but light gray, not the black of the Jesuits. "You are now Edmund de Ath, a Belgian Jansenist."
"A Jansenist!?"
"What better disguise for a Jesuit than to become a Jesuit's nemesis? Put these on, shave your beard, and the transformation is complete. You can go on your quest to the East a new man. I'm sure the Jansenists in Goa, Macao, Manila, will be glad of your company!"
"The disguise should serve," said de Gex. "I thank you for it. For it and for all the rest."
"Have I not done much for you?"
"Obviously you have, cousine, but—"
"Then shave, put on your new garments, and let
us be on our separate ways."
"I want only to know whether it was a chymist's receipt, or the Powers of Darkness, that brought me back to life!"
"Yes. You have already made that plain."
"And I thought I made it clear to you, Edmund de Ath, that I do not wish to answer your question at this time."
"But it is a simple thing for you to do! And it makes all the difference."
Oyonnax smiled and shook her head. "You contradict yourself—how like a Jansenist! Because it makes such a difference, it can never be simple. Édouard, apply your Jesuitical logic for a moment. If I brought you to life with necromancy, it means you belong to the Legions of Hell now—and that I am a necromancer—which means I believe that both Satan and God are real—and therefore have hope of redemption, if only I agree to switch sides. Am I correct so far?"
"Indeed, cousine, you have reasoned as soundly as any man."
"On the other hand, if I did it all with drugs from the apothecary, then your soul belongs to God as it ever did. These trappings—" she indicated the pentagram, the candles "—are stage-props, nothing more—fetishes and relics of a ludicrous pseudo-religion that I hold in contempt, which I trotted out only to throw a fright into you—much as priests frighten peasants at church by prating about hellfire. In which case I am a cynical atheist. Am I correct?"
"Yes, cousine."
"And so one of us shall go to hell, the other to heaven. But we cannot both end up in the same place. I know which, you do not. I have the power to tell you, but I choose to withhold the knowledge. You may embark, whenever you feel ready, on your quest to recover the Solomonic Gold, but you'll do so not knowing the answer to your question."
De Gex shook his head, too a-mazed to feel the horror of his predicament. "They say necromancers hold in thrall those whom they have brought back to life," he said, "but I never thought it would work this way."
"To me a more apt similitude is the way a priest enslaves the minds of his parishioners," said Oyonnax. "But that is neither here nor there. I have lost count of the number of times some courtier has minced up to me and claimed he was enthralled by my beauty, wit, or perfume; of course it always turns out in the end that they are not enthralled at all. Still and all, I have often wondered what it would be like to have a thrall; and as you have so much hectored me, ever since we were children, about the prospects of my immortal soul, I can't think of anyone who more deserves it. Know that your empty coffin shall be interred with all due ceremony in the family mausoleum at Gex. Where Edmund de Ath shall lie one day, there's no telling; and where his soul shall end up is my secret."