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Say You Love Her

Page 9

by Z. L. Arkadie

  “The next party I’m going to is my funeral, and I’ll be dead and in the coffin.”

  “Don’t say shit like that, Jo,” Jacques snarls.

  Angelina appears right in the nick of time. She’s wearing a light cotton sundress that gently clings to her body. I get a flashback of that look on her face when she climaxed. My tongue is remembering the taste and feel of her nipples, which are pressing against the fabric.

  She smiles at me, and I grin back. “Good morning, sleepy head,” she says, repeating exactly what her mother said. She even sang it out in the same tone.

  “Good morning.” I can’t stop grinning. She’s radiant.

  Angelina sits beside me and takes a biscuit out of the basket. “You should see all the fuss going on over at Karina’s.”

  “Y’all have fun,” Josephine says.

  Angelina stops in the middle of spreading grape jelly on her biscuit. “You’re not coming, Mama? She thinks you’re coming.”

  Josephine touches the scarf on her head. “Everybody’s going to be having a good time. There’s no need to have me around. I can’t do nothing but be in the way.”

  “That’s not true. Karina is going to make it extra comfortable for you. Lynette and Louis are already over there. All your friends are going to be there. They want to see you. These are relationships you made over the years. You’ve been hiding from them for four years. Don’t you think it’s time for you to come out of hiding so they can see you, give you hugs? You owe them.”

  I’m impressed by Angelina’s hard sell.

  “Is the party for me?” Josephine asks snappishly.

  Angelina and Jacques give each other looks. “Yeah… It’s supposed to be a surprise, but it’s for you,” Angelina says.

  Josephine twists her mouth into a frown and shakes her head. “Do you see me? I already look like a corpse, and smell like one too. I’m dying, and you can’t keep walking around here acting like it ain’t happening. My album. You play that during my funeral march.”

  “Mama, stop talking about funerals. And nobody’s going to care about how you look,” Angelina says. “These are your people. They love you.”

  “I am sick!” Josephine bangs on the handrails of her wheelchair. “Nobody wants to see Madame Beauchamp that way.”

  “But remember those parties? The fun we had? Our friends? That was our life. You think cancer will keep Karina from throwing those parties? Do you think it will keep Lynette and Louis from driving up so they can have a good time? Are you really that vain?”

  “Angelina!” Jacques says. “Don’t lose respect.”

  I feel the urge to say something. “I think you’re still a beautiful woman, Madame Beauchamp,” I say.

  Angelina widens her eyes at me as if to say thank you.

  “Do not patronize me,” Josephine hisses.

  “I’m sorry, Madame Beauchamp, but I don’t know the first thing about patronizing anyone. All I know how to do is give it to you straight. Yes, you’re ill, but it hasn’t diminished your beauty. You’re radiant, and that’s undeniable.”

  Angelina squeezes my thigh. Once again her hand is too close to my dick. I also want to thank Madame Josephine Beauchamp for birthing a beautiful specimen of a woman, who’s unique in every way imaginable and sexy as hell, but now would not be the time.

  The silence is filled with expectation.

  “How about I stop by for a little while,” Josephine says. “I’ll rest some, and then Dorothy will take me over.”

  “Thank you,” Angelina mouths to me as Dorothy rolls Josephine out of the dining room. After breakfast, Jacques walks over to Karina’s to visit with Lynette and Louis. Angelina takes me for a walk on the grounds. They have to have at least an acre of land here composed of mostly trees, grass, streams, and small ponds. Every scene is like a snapshot on a postcard.

  Angelina has just explained why she really wants her mother at the party.

  “But she’s seen you dance before, hasn’t she?” I ask.

  “Not dance dance. Not like what I’m going to show her tonight.”

  “But why does the party start so early?”

  “Because it’ll go on all night. You’ll see.”

  We reach the edge of a small pond that’s dwarfed by feathery trees. The grass beneath our feet is perfectly green and spongy.

  “This is my favorite spot,” Angelina says, gazing into the dark and shallow water.

  “How good of a dancer are you?” I ask.

  “I’m great.” She smiles.

  “Can you kick your leg up like a ballerina?”

  “Mm hmm.”

  “Can you show me?”

  “Mm hmm.”

  Just the suspense alone stimulates my dick. Angelina shimmies the hem of her dress up her creamy thighs. She’s wearing the black lacy panties that she twirled around her finger before folding them into her suitcase the other day. My eyes are glued to her pussy in those panties.

  “Ta-da!” she sings. I’ve been so focused on her sweet spot that I didn’t pay attention to the leg lift. It’s extended straight up in the air above her head. She’s bobbling because she’s trying to keep her balance on grass.

  “Shit,” I say, nearly out of breath. I take her by the extended leg and trail kisses up her thigh all the way to her calf.

  Her moans tell me that she likes it.

  “How about this?” I mutter and slide my fingers under the crotch of her panties. I thrust two fingers into her pussy and circle my thumb around her clit.

  Angelina loses her balance, but I hold her steady. She drapes her extended leg over my shoulder. I carefully lay her down on the grass. I’m going to put my dick’s needs on hold for a while and take my time with her sexy body. The moisture from her pussy lubricates my fingers. They slip against the inside of her pubic bone. I’m searching for her sweet spots. This is an intelligence-gathering mission. I find what I’m looking for when she moans louder and her warm walls swell around my finger.

  “Ah!” she whimpers when she comes.

  Shit, I’m wet with pre-come. My dick wants in, but I’m not giving it access. Not yet. I lick her stomach, tasting her skin. I have to work hard to contain myself when she smirks naughtily and then extends her other leg above her head. Her scrumptious pussy is right under my chin. I suck on her clit through the lace. She’s wriggling and gasping with her legs above her head. My dick is hard and tight. Enough of the lace. I tug the wet material to expose her pussy and suck her clit. She loses composure and her legs fling forward, but I push her knees out to the side as I run my tongue along the side of the tender but hard knot. I look up at her face. I want to see her climax so hard that even her ankles shiver. Her stomach muscles are contracting. Her nipples are firm. Her lips are parted, and she’s whispering my name. I grab her ass to keep her from squirming away from my mouth. She screams and creams on my chin. Since I want to devour every single cell of her body, I lick her dry. It’s time. My dick is aching for her snug walls. I unbutton, unzip, pull, and push.

  “Fuck…” Sensations surge through my groin on first thrust. I must go slow and deep to make this last.

  “You want to taste yourself?” I ask her.

  She nods, and I press my lips on hers and swirl my tongue around hers. Shit, I’m going to come. Don’t come. Her hips are riding with mine. I clamp down on them to keep her still. I don’t need the help.

  “Baby, your pussy is so tight and wet.”

  “And your dick is hard and smart.” Even she has to smile at that.

  “Smart?” Shit, don’t come.

  “You know how to use it,” she whispers.

  I take her nipple between my teeth and bite gently. The walls of her pussy flex when I do that. “I love a lively pussy,” I say. She laughs. “I’m trying not to come, but you’re slaying me.”

  “Then just keep still for a moment,” she says.

  I nod and roll her on top of me. I cup her ass to keep her from moving.

  “Better,” I say with a sig
h. “I want it to last.”

  “We can always do it again.” She chuckles, and her pussy vibrates around my dick.

  “Don’t laugh.”

  “Oh, come on, Charlie.”

  “You’re tight as fuck. I think I’ve reached pussy nirvana.”

  She laughs again, and I use my grip on her ass to bounce her pussy against my dick. I do it hard and fast, panting like an animal. “Goddamn it,” I grunt. I try to hold on. I want to come just as hard as she came. She’s singing a sex song in my ear. The faster I go, the higher her notes go. But shit, I can’t hold off any longer. My body jerks as I grab her and let loose inside of that utopic pussy of hers.

  We’re both breathing heavily. It’s still hard to believe that she’s this close. Blades of grass pinch my backside. It’s uncomfortable as hell. But Angelina’s warm, hard-yet-soft body on my front side soothes the discomfort.

  “I wanted you from the moment I saw you in the trailer,” I say.

  “You did?” She breathes deliberately, carefully, obviously still trying to steady herself.

  “You couldn’t tell?”

  “No, because you brought a girl with you. The actress.”

  “Oh, Lily or Amy or something.”

  “I think she said her name was Lilac, like the flower. I remember thinking how much she looked like Pocahontas.”

  “That’s what I thought too.”

  “I also thought that you two looked good together.”

  I kiss multiple spots on the side of her face. “I think you and I look better together.”

  She chuckles. “You’re just as charming as my mother. You charmed the hell out of her earlier. I hope I thanked you properly for that.”

  “Oh, you did,” I assure her.

  We laugh and adjust our bodies, making ourselves more comfortable. We’re going to stay like this for a while, especially since the climate is perfect—the air is thick but peaceful and serene.

  “So what the hell are you?” I ask.

  “I’m a human being. And you?”

  I snort. She’s cute. “I know you’re a human being. You write scripts and you dance. And your mother thinks you’re in medical school. What’s your real job?”

  She takes a long, deep breath. “I am nothing, and I am everything and anything I want to be.”

  I study her face. “And you’ve made peace with that?”

  She rolls her eyes and sighs. “No, but I will one day. Maybe you should too.”

  We gaze into each other’s eyes. It’s as if my life story has been implanted into her brain. “I want to be something, though,” I whisper.

  She kisses my lips gently. “What do you want to be, Charlie?”

  “I don’t know yet, but it sure as hell isn’t a moviemaker. That’s why I dropped out of film school. Movies don’t excite me.”

  Angelina rubs her pubic bone against my dick. I moan because it feels so good. “You love Betty,” she says.

  I knead her sweet ass. “That I do.”

  “You play her like you play me—expertly.”

  “Who’s doing the playing now?”

  I smash my lips against hers. My dick has grown enough to slip it back inside of her. We make slow sweet love, kissing and gazing into each other’s eyes. I now understand the meaning of Jacques’ warning. She is so close. Why does it feel as though she’s a million miles away?

  Angelina’s pussy has pulsated around my dick three times since we started. I finally come myself. My goal was to hold out until it was time to head back to the house and get ready for this party I’m anxious to see. And shit, I did. It wasn’t easy.

  We hold hands on the way back. After yesterday and today, I think we’re a couple. If not, then I’m this close to making her mine.

  “Hey, you never gave me a solid answer. Why don’t you come back to L.A. and be my production consultant?”

  “But I’m not a production consultant.”

  “But you rewrote the script. You’ll be around just in case we need to make another change.”

  “The more nonessential people that hang around the set, the more pissed off the crew gets. A pissed-off crew makes for a bad movie.”

  “They won’t be pissed with you around. They’ll welcome the eye candy.”

  “I doubt it.”

  I lay a sensual kiss on her. Her body feels so damn good against mine and in my hands. I want to lay her down somewhere and taste her skin and those fucking nipples of hers.

  Angelina grabs the crotch of my pants and chuckles. “Are you hard again?”

  “You make me insatiable.”

  She releases my package to spread her hand over my heart and closes her eyes.

  “What?” I ask, wondering what the hell she’s doing.

  “Your heartbeat is accelerated.”

  “Are you testing the vitality of my hard-on? Is that something they taught you in medical school?”

  She laughs. “You’re a funny guy. Come on,” she says and clings to my arm. “Did you know you have grass stains on the back of your shirt?”

  “You want to go back to the pond and put more stains on it?”

  “You’re wearing me out, Charlie,” she says as she climbs the patio steps. “And now I’m itchy.”

  I catch her from behind before she enters the house. “Come on, let’s go back.” My dick is grinding against her ass, and I’m massaging her tits.

  “All right, Charlie, one more time upstairs.” She giggles as she opens the door and we stumble inside.

  Someone clears her throat. Angelina and I turn at the same time.

  “Madame Beauchamp would like to see you,” Dorothy says. She’s glaring at my hands. I remove them promptly from Angelina’s breasts. I feel as though I’ve been caught fondling the boss’s daughter.

  Angelina and I part ways. It’s still difficult for me to grasp the magnitude of my recent prosperity. I’ve been making love to a woman who takes me to cloud nine. Do I love her? I don’t know. I can’t say that I don’t, and I can’t say that I do. Do I want more of her? Absolutely. Can I see that changing any time soon? Nope.

  As soon as I’m back in my hideaway room on the third floor, I check my voice messages. The first one is from Pearl.

  “Charlie? I was just fired by Monroe. Can you get your ass back here please?” That’s the end of the message.

  Next call.

  “Charlie, I fired your bitch. I hired new people, including one very interesting person. We’re in production starting Tuesday. Mandy’s our lead actress. If you’re out then you’re in the right place.” She ends the call.

  “Shit.” I sit on the edge of the bed and contemplate whether or not I should go back and fix everything. I can already hear Maggie say, “I told you so,” and then look at me as though I’m a failure. “Shit,” I mutter and then call my flight service to book a flight back to L.A. for later tonight. The plane will have to fly in from Santa Monica.

  I put on a pair of black slacks and a black silk button-front shirt. I slip into my shoes, sling Betty across my back, and go downstairs to the back patio to wait for Angelina. This seems to be everyone’s favorite spot. I’m craving another cigarette. The fact that I have to leave sooner than I wanted has put me in a somber mood. I look off in the direction of Karina’s house. Someone is playing a saxophone. It’s not a full song, just a group of melodies. It sounds like a warm-up.

  “Hey, you,” Angelina says.

  I spin around.

  She’s wearing a slinky, strappy black dress. The material rests against her succulent curves. Yet not even her sexy body can outshine her smile.

  “Hey,” I say past the catch in my throat.

  “I went to your room. You weren’t there.”

  I smirk. “Were you going to let me peel you out of that dress?” As soon as she’s close enough I reach out and pull her against me.

  “I would,” she says.

  “Then let’s go!”

  “But Madame has informed me that she doesn’t want to hear
me ‘cry out in the throes of passion’ again for the rest of her life, which she says is going to end soon. I hate when she does that death talk shit.”

  I’m taken aback by the first part of that. “She heard us last night?”

  “And by the lake.”

  “How?” But then I remember what Jacques said about the acoustics. “Shit. Our sounds carried?”

  “I was mortified.”

  I push my dick up against her soft ass. “We can be quiet.”

  “No, we can’t. At least I can’t, and frankly you can’t either. She heard you too.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  “Yeah. Shit.”

  “What about your dad?”

  “I’m sure he heard us, but he’s different.”

  “What do you mean by different?”

  “My father has met past lovers of mine.”

  Hearing that is equivalent to being socked in the gut. I’m glad that she lets silence prevail. I don’t want to continue this conversation or picture her fucking some other guy.

  The mild notes of a saxophone slip through the air. Drums rattle in tune with it. The melody of a piano joins in. I sweep Angelina’s hair to one side of her shoulder and kiss and suck on her neck. I cup her tits, massage them, and pinch her nipples. I want to make her horny. She rests the back of her head against my shoulder and bites her bottom lip. My dick tingles. Just touching her and dry humping her ass is making me want to blow.

  “Let’s go back inside. We’ll be quiet.”

  She releases a long breath. “Can’t you hear that?”

  “Hear what?”

  “Everyone’s there already.”

  “Just real quick. It’ll be like a long quickie.”

  She chuckles. “You are insatiable.”

  I graze my teeth on the skin of her neck and suck the softness into my mouth. I want to leave my mark. Her body quivers, and she gasps gently.

  “You make me insatiable. And I have to leave before the party’s over.”

  She flings her body forward. All the work I’ve done to make her horny goes down the drain. “Really? But why? I had a more private place in mind for us to go later tonight.”

  I sigh regretfully. “All hell’s broke loose back in L.A. Monroe fired Pearl.”


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